Mixing A and B was alot more painful then i expected. I had alot of fun stuff done, then i realized that when you run left on the depth part of the wall you really hit the front part, and it looked.... very bad. To fix it I had to redo everything but 2 pixels to the left, now when you run left into one of my walls your face goes into it from the depth where you would expect. Doing so still looks a lil ugly because of how flat you feel when you go into it, but there is nothing I can do about that. In regular cave story when you run into walls it dosn't look as wierd for 2 reasons. One you only go two pixels in (one is your hat, the other your nose), and because there are often some foreground tiles to get in your way. Such as pebbles sticking out of a wall.
So, my left walls are foreground, and my right walls are background. It's as simple as that.
Thank you Upthorn for the idea, I'm still not even sure if this is what you while helping me, but thanks to you I didn't give up on mixing A + B, so you deserve credit regardless.
I hope no one hates the flowers because I put them there out of necessity. With out them the square where the left wall meets the ground would either be all in front of you. Problematic because the bottom half is grass that is normaly behind you. Or it would all be behind you. Good for the grass, but bad for the two pixels of the wall, your face would go in front, when you expect it to be behind.
Don't worry the other colors and big sexy mushrooms are coming back, and hopefully if i keep having free time *crosses fingers* then I'll have a demo ready as soon as possible. I want it to be level based like mario 1, so expect level names like "Zone 1-C" and so on.
Sprite editing <3 should have got into this forever ago.