f-ram.net said:released a new version. edited some text mistakes.
Fixed dialouge in Egg 0. "Those words on your cap..."
In Grasstown. "You look like a nice man.."
In Arthur's House. "Who is he?"
This keeps happening to me!linkruler said:I know this is a new post after a long time, but I want the patch, and the f-ram.net is stuck under maintenence mode, and moonfriut is not found and leads me to a website creating website. How do I get the patch?
f-ram.net said:
I made a Play As Curly Brace Patch.
It basicaly replaces Quote with Curly and Curly with Quote. It also edits the text in the game respectfully. So like instead of the doctor saying "She will be up and about in no time." he says "he." Also I changed Curly’s face shot to a shot of Quote. The only thing I regret not being able to do is change the images at the end from Quote to Curly. But I couldn’t match Pixels style. Alas. Maybe one day I’ll release an update.
Go here to download it: