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PiyoPiyo File Format

Apr 12, 2015 at 3:48 PM
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(Note: This probably won't be updated further, if you need a decent reference see PiyoPiyoJ's gabien.music package)
I've worked out most of the PiyoPiyo file format.
Enough that a player can be written, at least.
So I figured I should post it here, since it's useful for those that want to use PiyoPiyo outside Ikachan.
Note that "int32-le" is a 32-bit Little Endian integer.
First 4 bytes are "PMD" followed by 0x80(q3hardcore says that the 0x80 byte is a "writable" flag).
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for position in file of Track 1 data.
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the "music wait"(milliseconds per frame)
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the "loop start".
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the "loop end".
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the amount of 4-byte records per track.
Track Header Data(20 bytes followed by 256 bytes, then 64 bytes):
The first byte is the "Octave" field
The second byte is the "Icon" field.
The next 2 bytes are unknown.
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the "Length" field(time envelope is spread over, assume to be 11025==1 second)
The next 4 bytes are an int32-le for the "Volume" field.
The next 8 bytes are unknown.
The next 0x100 bytes are the waveform(8-bit, signed. The sample rate is handled, for me at least, by changing the sample rate entered into the calculation below.)
The next 0x40 bytes are the envelope(also 8-bit, also apparently unsigned)
(This repeats 3 times, track P doesn't have this data)
Finally, there's an int32-le for Track P's volume.
That's the end of the header.
Then, at the offset mentioned, the track data begins.
The track data is not interleaved-it's Track 1 followed by Track 2 followed by Track 3 followed by Track P.
All the tracks are made of 4-byte records.
The 4-byte records are:
First 3 bytes are a bitfield(lowest bit/first byte is lowest pitch),
last byte is the Pan.(0 for no change, else 1 to 7)
The amount of these records per track is in the header.
The calculation you need to turn the note position and octave into the relative pitch is:
First, pos must be 0-based, with higher pitches being higher values.
Then add the octave * 12 to pos.
Run it through this:
double relativePitch=8363d*Math.pow(2.0d,pos/12.0d)/sample_rate;
And you have the relative pitch(where 1.0d is to play at normal speed,2.0d is to play at double speed,0.5d is to play at half speed, you get the idea)!
(Thanks to liborganya, which is where I got that calculation from)
As for the volume, it's weird, and I only have guesswork for now.
If you want more detail, just look in the last thing I uploaded with a PiyoPiyo decoder in it.
You'll probably see these put to use later today done.
Apr 12, 2015 at 3:54 PM
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I clap for you, sir. This is amazing.
Apr 12, 2015 at 8:58 PM
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Okay, the latest IkachanMapEdit, V15 (EDIT2: V15.1, which lowers CPU usage and fixes Pan), has a (hopefully, I've tested it) fully working PiyoPiyo player in it.
So if you need source for a Java PiyoPiyo player, you should find it in (EDIT2: The gabien.music package, but you'll need the rest of gabien for it to play to)
For future reference(EDIT:for when people start looking at other parts of Ikachan Map Editor for whatever reason): I *know* that the code around MainGame and ChatMinorState is messy.
(EDIT2: I just fixed Pan, use V15.1)
Apr 13, 2015 at 12:31 AM
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Thanks for this. If any of the unknown values are always 00, they might just be padding.

EDIT: the byte that is normally 0x80, I think if it's any other value, the file is treated as being read-only.
May 1, 2015 at 6:59 PM
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And now, an editor!

This is version 6.1 (the .1 is a return to x1 scale by default). Now it exports XM (FastTracker II, MilkyTracker) files, complete with converting PiyoPiyo instruments to XM instruments.
If anyone actually notices this release, I imagine these will end up uploaded in due time.

Note that if piyoDrums.bin is missing, drums will be silent.
Also, it will warn you if this occurs.
(old notes from v1 or so, kept for context:
Still not sure how good playback is. Volume *seems* to be mostly the same, pan is untested, but speed seems fine.
Again, all experimental.)

Additional Credits Go To:
Jazz Jackalope for the piano-keys text patch and testing
zxin for testing
Studio Pixel indirectly for piyoDrums.bin (it's extracted out of PiyoPiyo).
(Please don't sue me?)

Regarding the following - it seems to just be a standard musical formula.
// Thank you liborganya, as it's where I got this from.
double freq = 8363d * Math.pow(2.0d, pos / 12.0d) / 22050d;


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May 6, 2015 at 1:04 AM
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Hell YES. Even using the program that forces PiyoPiyo to be windowed, I could never get the cursor to align properly. A new editor is a boon. Thank you!
edit: Using the auto double post combiner like a bawss.

Okay, after an initial fiddling, I have some thoughts.

Firstly, the music playback is identical to Piyo Piyo/PPPlayer, and this is great. Playback was unfortunately a bit slower than it should be, but I'm sure that's easily fixed.

Now, the UI... Very utilitarian. A bit too much so. You don't necessarily need the fancy icons and note shapes of the Chinese puzzle box that is PP (and the hostile spirit inside it), but some things would improve it greatly:

-A lettered keyboard in view at all times. This is too invaluable for any music program.
-Use of the arrow keys for going right/left in the song. Or that thing with the mouse at the edges moving from measure to measure. Setting the playback postion. Something. Anything.

Jumping to the end or start of the song is a great feature. And this is still loads preferable to PP just for the fact I can freely bring up sheet music to look at.
May 19, 2015 at 7:19 PM
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Jazz Jackalope said:
Hell YES. Even using the program that forces PiyoPiyo to be windowed, I could never get the cursor to align properly. A new editor is a boon. Thank you!
edit: Using the auto double post combiner like a bawss.

Okay, after an initial fiddling, I have some thoughts.

Firstly, the music playback is identical to Piyo Piyo/PPPlayer, and this is great. Playback was unfortunately a bit slower than it should be, but I'm sure that's easily fixed.

Now, the UI... Very utilitarian. A bit too much so. You don't necessarily need the fancy icons and note shapes of the Chinese puzzle box that is PP (and the hostile spirit inside it), but some things would improve it greatly:

-A lettered keyboard in view at all times. This is too invaluable for any music program.
-Use of the arrow keys for going right/left in the song. Or that thing with the mouse at the edges moving from measure to measure. Setting the playback postion. Something. Anything.

Jumping to the end or start of the song is a great feature. And this is still loads preferable to PP just for the fact I can freely bring up sheet music to look at.
The speed of the music playback...I *still* haven't worked out what's going on with that. If anyone could find the exact way that works, do tell me. At first I assumed the delay was in milliseconds, but now it seems it's Pixel Mystery Timing Units. I'll probably use CE to find the timing code, so I can work out what on earth is going on.(EDIT1: As it turns out, the delay is SUPPOSED to be milliseconds, but when I tested official PiyoPiyo against PiyoPiyoJ by recording the output of both, PiyoPiyoJ was running too fast, so I slowed it down. The next version will use strictly 1000ms, for better or worse.)

The UI was written with the approach of "The less stuff there is on it, the less code I need to write". I'll add the arrow keys and the lettered keyboard - I didn't know how useful they were.

I'll probably also add the ability to control looping(even though all PiyoPiyo stuff I know of apart from Pixel's editor uses looping, it's easier to write music when the loop boundaries aren't around),
and make the program optimize the file size upon saving(I should have done this ages ago TBH).

Sorry about the late response, I didn't see someone had replied to this thread...

I'll leave an EDIT here when I'm done.
(EDIT2: Done!)
May 19, 2015 at 11:55 PM
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S'aight, s'aight. Much better! The speed is just a bit fast now, but considering this is such a fiddly thing I think it's suitable for production purposes as is. Only a few notes end up quick, and it could honestly just be my computer chocking on it and a memory-hog browser at the same time.

The UI additions are a great help, sir, not regrettable in the least. Especially when moving the loop points around. I think all the waist-high usage issues are fixed now. Thanks a bunch!
Jun 12, 2015 at 11:20 PM
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This is really cool!

Also, Jazz, how did you make PiyoPiyo windowed?
Jun 12, 2015 at 11:37 PM
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ShinigamiMachine said:
This is really cool!

Also, Jazz, how did you make PiyoPiyo windowed?
You could use anything that supports running old DirectX apps as windowed..
This would likely work: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/

But PiyoPiyo really doesn't work properly when running in a window.
Jun 13, 2015 at 12:15 AM
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q3hardcore said:
You could use anything that supports running old DirectX apps as windowed..
This would likely work: http://sourceforge.net/projects/dxwnd/

But PiyoPiyo really doesn't work properly when running in a window.
Oh alright, thanks anyway! PiyoPiyo runs really choppy and at varying speeds in fullscreen on my computer.
Jul 7, 2015 at 2:44 AM
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Well... I've kind of got an awkward thing to share.

The latest version of DXWnd can run PiyoPiyo *perfectly*. No funky colors, cursor goes in the right position... Though I didn't get it to let other windows be on top of it yet.

But! I don't think this project was a waste of time. Sure, PP is far more delightful to look at, but some of its functions just get obscured in its cleverness. I mean, look at this:


What the hell do those things do? As far as I can tell, the Mac-like windows prevent editing, and the burst... puts you back on the note placement tool. I don't understand.

Plus there's the annoying fact that you can only work on one song for the entire session, which blows all the minor demons in the seventh circle of hell. That alone is worth the separate program. PP also doesn't seem to let you click on the piano keys to test the note, unlike OrgMaker.

So, the warts can be smoothed out. Speaking of, playback is still a little funky... But I really have no idea how to fix that. To make up for that, I made myself useful and added letters to the note keys. Here's an updated jar with the changed source file. Additions are added under the same license as the source.

I might see if I can help make more UI improvements later, as time allows.
Jul 8, 2015 at 1:23 AM
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Jazz Jackalope said:
The latest version of DXWnd can run PiyoPiyo *perfectly*. No funky colors, cursor goes in the right position...
The funky colours go away if you change your computer's display settings from 32-bit to 24-bit. I've had that written on the site for a number of years now.
Jul 8, 2015 at 1:54 AM
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Jazz Jackalope said:

What the hell do those things do?
These buttons are Duplicate and Clear.

To Duplicate:
1. Click the Pencil button, then drag in the selection bar to select a range.
2. Click the Duplicate button, then click at a point in the piano roll to paste a copy of the selected range.

To Clear:
1. Click the Pencil button, then drag in the selection bar to select a range.
2. Click the Clear button to clear the selected range.

Here are some brief guides to PiyoPiyo:
Go to Ikachan Modding Guide, open the spolier section, and read section 2 "Editing Music".
Re: PiyoPiyo Tutorial? -- Some other tips about things that might be unclear.
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Jul 8, 2015 at 4:38 AM
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andwhyisit said:
The funky colours go away if you change your computer's display settings from 32-bit to 24-bit. I've had that written on the site for a number of years now.
Oh, I... Oh. Sorry. I'm not entirely sure if the problems with older DXwnd versions was wrong settings, I just know it suddenly works well after being updated.

Bavi_H said:
These buttons are Duplicate and Clear.
To Duplicate:
1. Click the Pencil button, then drag in the selection bar to select a range.
2. Click the Duplicate button, then click at a point in the piano roll to paste a copy of the selected range.
To Clear:
1. Click the Pencil button, then drag in the selection bar to select a range.
2. Click the Clear button to clear the selected range.
Here are some brief guides to PiyoPiyo:
Go to Ikachan Modding Guide, open the spolier section, and read section 2 "Editing Music".Re: PiyoPiyo Tutorial? -- Some other tips about things that might be unclear.
Riiiiight.... That thing which I already kept. Ooops. Still, though, the UI remains a tad unnecessarily cryptic.

So, my object is weakened but I thank you two. For the J version it's still pretty great being able to switch songs within a session. (Of course I had to say "section", didn't I?)
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Jul 14, 2015 at 12:43 PM
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Jazz Jackalope said:
Well... I've kind of got an awkward thing to share.

The latest version of DXWnd can run PiyoPiyo *perfectly*. No funky colors, cursor goes in the right position... Though I didn't get it to let other windows be on top of it yet.

But! I don't think this project was a waste of time. Sure, PP is far more delightful to look at, but some of its functions just get obscured in its cleverness. I mean, look at this:


What the hell do those things do? As far as I can tell, the Mac-like windows prevent editing, and the burst... puts you back on the note placement tool. I don't understand.

Plus there's the annoying fact that you can only work on one song for the entire session, which blows all the minor demons in the seventh circle of hell. That alone is worth the separate program. PP also doesn't seem to let you click on the piano keys to test the note, unlike OrgMaker.

So, the warts can be smoothed out. Speaking of, playback is still a little funky... But I really have no idea how to fix that. To make up for that, I made myself useful and added letters to the note keys. Here's an updated jar with the changed source file. Additions are added under the same license as the source.

I might see if I can help make more UI improvements later, as time allows.
I'll integrate this now (with "sharp" letters added, and switching how it renders the text)
EDIT: Done.
May 25, 2022 at 3:19 PM
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Notification to whoever's still watching this thread.
PiyoPiyoJ v6 has been released.
It includes Kaitai Struct files for the PMD and piyoDrums.bin files, a scaling option for if the application's too small for your screen, a fullscreen mode, and some rearrangement of the editing UI to be a bit cleaner.

Oh, and it also includes XM file export (the same XM file format as seen in Jan "Řrřola" Kadlec, pachuco and Clownacy's ORG2XM).
May 25, 2022 at 5:32 PM
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Got an issue after opening and closing it the first time. I couldn't reach anything at the bottom of the window due to its large size (my monitor resolution is 1600x900), so i tried looking for an external config to reduce the window size. And without any luck, I tried opening the program again and got this error screen.

Idk what happened. I have piyoDrums.bin in the directory, but idk if it couldn't find it anymore, or if it somehow got corrupted.
May 25, 2022 at 8:51 PM
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PiyoPiyoJ looks for files in the "current directory" (which should be the directory it was run from, but perhaps not).
I'm not sure what's going on that would cause the behaviour to change, though.
The solution to the scale problem is to create a file called "X1" in the current directory.
I may end up releasing an update ~~tomorrow~~ (EDIT: https://forum.cavestory.org/attachments/piyopiyojv6-1-zip.8539/ ) which puts 1x scale as the default again.
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