Feb 16, 2018 at 4:55 AM
Join Date: Oct 20, 2013
Location: Florida
Posts: 608
Pronouns: he/him
Same things apply here.
Let the games, begin.
This forum game is, like all others, stolen from somewhere else and entirely unoriginal
dib first before adding an edit.
You have 30 minutes to finish the edit.
One square at a time.
Edit the post you made a dib in and post your picture
at least TRY to make whatever you make reach the edges
the 1 pixel border around the square you chose is your territory. (this means you fill that in too)
Try not to mess up the quality too much. That means: No saving in jpeg.
Your edit should at least show some effort.
Your square doesn't have to touch any previously made square, but if it does please make an effort to make the picture flow together
We're going to try a slightly smaller image because I think even 400 posts might be tough to keep this up for.
p.s. I made up another rule called "Don't be a tool". This applies to every post.
The current hypothesis is that certain image hosting sites will try to optimize / compress the image and this can result in loss. Imgur is currently suspected to do this, so perhaps try imageshack as an alternative, or use your own hosting if you've got it (wordpress blog anybody?)
this has been an issue. I pray this works...

Let the games, begin.