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Original Cave Story Best Ending

Mar 1, 2021 at 11:56 PM
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So, as you're all probably aware, Blood Stained Sanctuary was a last minute rewrite added by Studio Pixel after friends/play testers were unhappy with the original ending Pixel had gone for. After digging threw some the 2004 BBS log, and some help by majikman and a translation by MechanoPixel, here is what we could off gotten. The post it comes from was from early June, 2004, roughly 6 1/2 months before Cave Story finished production. Enjoy!
[Note: Hashimoto should be Sakamoto]

■ About the ending
After the Doctor is defeated, you'll have a battle with the more-powerful Core, and when you defeat it: If you're still alive, Curly will come out and stop you, saying "That's enough!" If you're no longer alive, Hashimoto will come out and say "You did it, so now let's finish him off!" and, if either of them attack even once, the island will collapse with an explosion. Everyone falls randomly, but Kazuma saves them. However Sue and the rest of the Mimigas are falling randomly everywhere. (It may be more fun if in this part you could move the dragon yourself and catch them.) Finally, the member who survived reach the ground, with endless words of regret or repentance. The End.
However, if you don't attack for about 10 seconds and just wait there, If Curly, she will say, "But, what can we do...", if Hashimoto, he will say, "What are you doing? Hurry up!". If you wait another 10 seconds or so, Sue and Jenka will warp in. Then, there will be a dialog about how magic might be able to calm the core down, and Jenka will try her best. However, her magic is too weak to do anything about it, and while she's in trouble Misery will appear. After being persuaded by Jenka and seeing the Doctor's end, she decides to help. Then, just as Misery started to help, the Core suddenly moves and tries to crush everyone. At this point you are able to move again, however if you fire even one shot the island will collapse. Everyone pushes against it and right at the moment when everyone is about to be crushed, Balrog will appear. He says "Aaa, I'm always the one doing this!" while desperately pushing the Core back. Finally, Misery is able to calm the Core down with her magic. Afterwards the rest of the story moves on, perhaps to Naoku's suggestion of 'the rebuilding of the island'. The End. It's not that great. Sorry. It may be better if more sub-characters will appear.
Mar 2, 2021 at 12:15 AM
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this is very interesting and all (and definitely feels more fitting than what we got, though i still do like ballos) but the mental image of trying to catch falling mimiga on a dragon like one of those egg catching minigames is hilarious, i'm disappointed we didn't get it
Mar 2, 2021 at 12:24 AM
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this is very interesting and all (and definitely feels more fitting than what we got, though i still do like ballos) but the mental image of trying to catch falling mimiga on a dragon like one of those egg catching minigames is hilarious, i'm disappointed we didn't get it
Yeah, it was probably just a causality of Pixel's son being born and limiting even more of the already tight production schedule. And who knows, maybe that would of given us a resolution to our favorite 2nd in command...
Mar 2, 2021 at 3:46 AM
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Well, I guess I was way off with my 4th ending mod.

I found that post a bit confusing and will probably need to re-read it a few times before I quite get it, but it sounds like it would give a more satisfying conclusion to the whole deal with the core, the island, and Curly. Interesting, I'm surprised this wasn't talked about sooner.

I agree with Eli that the minigame of catching falling Mimigas seems a bit awkward in concept.
Mar 2, 2021 at 4:07 AM
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I knew there was a basis for an entirely separate ending throughout most of the steps for the Third Ending. I am a bit curious though, who's Hashimoto?
Mar 2, 2021 at 4:16 AM
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I knew there was a basis for an entirely separate ending throughout most of the steps for the Third Ending. I am a bit curious though, who's Hashimoto?
Hashimoto should be Sakamoto, that's what the person who sent it to me made sure to note.
Mar 4, 2021 at 3:30 PM
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Mar 20, 2021 at 6:31 AM
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Oh wow this is amazing! Great job digging this up and translating.

I kind of wish I could see this in some au now. I like the idea of everything going alright aside from everyone just needing to working together to rebuild. That's kind of nice. I can kind of imagine it with the credits music.

This is also interesting seeing Misery being so helpful and protecting the island along with her mom. Kinda fits with what she did after Quote goes to hell but still a nice lil bit of character from the resident grumpy asshole of CS.

I'm not sure I get how Pixels son being born would get in the way of doing this when if I understand correctly he created the Bloodstained Santuary instead right? Either way its a lot of work.

I also agree with Eli that dragon mini game sound fun and hilarious and I want to play it. Worst thing lost in change.
Mar 20, 2021 at 7:37 AM
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I'm not sure I get how Pixels son being born would get in the way of doing this when if I understand correctly he created the Bloodstained Santuary instead right? Either way its a lot of work.
As what one of the books in the Waterway Cabin state, Pixel's son was born on August 8, 2004, which was over four months away from the game's initial release. Given it took Pixel 5 years to work on Cave Story, and over two years of development on the revision after he canned the Beta version, he really had to cram in so much work in such little time. Debug Cat's message in the Outer Wall confirms it with Pixel saying he was wondering how much he could get done within two months (unfortunately, it is unknown when this was originally typed in, as the Oside.tsc file in the original Japanese download was last modified on June 2005, well after the game's initial release).

Also wasn't the Sacred Grounds created in December 2004?
Sep 4, 2021 at 9:06 AM
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Hate to necromance this thread with the bad news but I came to realize this less than an hour ago, when it's already several months too late:

1. Click this link to go to the BBS Source.

2. CTRL+F Search:
くろいひと (2004/06/04-01:49
to jump to the post in question.

3. Use DeepL or whatever to machine translate.

4. Read the username and post, than read the username of the post above it.

Turns out PIXEL NEVER EVEN SAID THIS :balrog:. It was a pitch by one of the playtester buddies of his when Pixel knew he wanted an extra ending but hadn't figured it out yet. Pixel didn't even respond to this ending idea.

Why is this fandom cursed with an unending amount of misconceptions and false info.
Sep 4, 2021 at 6:33 PM
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Ah, so that's why this wasn't talked about much earlier; because it was never a thing. Well, thanks for pointing that out, EO.

Apart from not being cannon, I guess my 4th ending isn't quite as thoroughly nullified as I thought earlier.