on Men and Crying

Oct 5, 2011 at 10:10 PM
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Perhaps the peak moment of my "manliness" (if there is such a thing) is when I broke my arm/got massive abrasions biking to work (at a camp), proceeded to bike the rest of the way to work, and, upon arrival, worked the whole day (including, of course, playing tag/other running around games).
After camp was over (about 6 hours later), I biked back home and then cleaned out my own wounds with rubbing alcohol before fainting from pain on my bed.

Shortly afterwards, I realized that that is a stupid thing to do.
Ergh parenthesis overload. Hopefully still readable.
Oct 5, 2011 at 10:18 PM
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Last time I cried was during the summer for unspecified reasons. But, I cried alone, and tried to keep the crying at a low volume.
There are some times when I just have to cry. I keep my feelings of sorrow compressed in my body so long that I just have to let it loose. I fear that I might be called a loser when I do so, so I only cry when I'm alone in my room. Men should be allowed to express their emotions without being called "losers" or when they are trying to keep their "tough guise" look or character. They should just be allowed to let it out, with many understanding and caring people around them.

Also, offtopic to Wedge of Cheese's Jersey Shore comment:

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As a person who has never watched the Jersey Shore, that is possibly the most ridiculous anything I have ever heard. I just had to laugh too.:)

Oct 5, 2011 at 10:25 PM
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I do not cry often at all, but when I do, it's usually moderately hard.
I cried during this summer, for reasons I won't state, and I cried a few days ago from thinking about that unspecified thing too much.
Other than that, I never cry, really.
And, people should be able to cry no matter what gender.
Oct 5, 2011 at 10:27 PM
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Ollie said:
I do not cry often at all, but when I do, it's usually moderately hard.

The most interesting man in th-*shot*
Oct 5, 2011 at 10:57 PM
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Wedge of Cheese said:
The most interesting man in th-*shot*

I knew someone was going to mention that..
Oct 5, 2011 at 11:56 PM
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We were all thinking it.
Anyway, in no particular order:

I made this in the SPOT because I was not expecting such a... well adjusted series of posts. If a mod wants to move the thread, I don't think I'll lose any sleep over it.
I rarely cry when I'm in pain, mostly because situations that would cause crying send me into shock before I can react properly. The only situations you'll catch me crying would be during a rather sad part in a movie/book/MLP fanfiction, and it usually takes something pretty powerful at that (yes that last one was a joke -_-").
I dunno, I usually don't do much more than well up a bit in those situations.

Desu, what Fab said. My first reaction to most situations that induce tears is rarely that. In pain? Bite down and deal with it, it was probably my fault anyway. Jarring/serious news or serious injury usually renders me top shocke to react. There's something of a sweet spot on the scale of emotions, a mix of upsetting and sad, but not too intense.
Those just don't happen very often.
Oct 6, 2011 at 12:21 AM
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cultr1 said:
In pain? Bite down and deal with it, it was probably my fault anyway.
If pain is my fault, my first reaction is normally to laugh. If it REALLY HURTS then yeah I generally bite my teeth or something.
Oct 6, 2011 at 5:57 AM
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“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis

I dunno, I thought it was fitting.
Oct 6, 2011 at 6:12 AM
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I find it kind of odd that crying when angry hasn't been mentioned more. Not that I exactly cry often, but I get emotional in any direction very easily, and when I head down the unhappy path I'm not very good at controlling it. Nor do I enjoy the feeling. It burns in my chest and makes my mind ache with horrible adjectives and cynicisms. As a result I usually end up crying whenever I have a heated argument with someone including my own imagination. I think the proper term might be 'passionate' but that seems to be applied more often to abrasive pricks who don't have trouble with self-control so much as they just don't care about it :critter:

Regarding pain: I think I've gotten better at dealing with this as I've gotten older. I bawled like a babby when I fractured my wrist in grade 9, but for less-serious things I tend to get angry (again) at the indignity of feeling pain when I already know I'm hurt, which makes me upset, which makes me tear up. I don't need to suffer more when I can plainly see I'm bleeding, and I'm sure my grandmother is really helped by the constant fucking reminder that she doesn't have any cartilage left in her spine oh dear there I go again :(

As for sad/nostalgic/etc things, I am really awful about crying at these because I often don't start getting properly sad until I have applied the situation to another situation inside my head that is nowhere near as important but makes me feel insecure. I lack imaginary self-control! But how am I meant to control something that's imaginary aaaaaaaaaahhh :sue:
Also this:
Lace said:
Generally my imagine construes much more horrible situations then life ever does, so generally when I cry it's because I am lying awake at night imagining all my loved ones dying in fiery blazes.

WD said:
Like, if something is bothering them they will speak up about it instead of bottling it in like the usual male stereotype.
Generally when I bottle things up it's because they're either petty or things I don't have the heart to try and explain properly only to be completely misunderstood again. I think women tend to bottle up the most important things too. It's a natural reaction taken to avoid potentially conflicting situations (not that it works terribly well).
Oct 6, 2011 at 6:29 AM
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Once I cried because I couldn't get to sleep.
That was during a time in my life that I'd rather not re-live.
Oct 6, 2011 at 6:42 AM
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True men aren't afraid to let their emotions show.
Insecure pussies founded the phrase "true men don't cry."
Oct 6, 2011 at 7:23 AM
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I cried recently because my friend was crying and it made me sad for them.
Oct 6, 2011 at 4:42 PM
graters gonna grate
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Lace said:
Perhaps the peak moment of my "manliness" (if there is such a thing) is when I broke my arm/got massive abrasions biking to work (at a camp), proceeded to bike the rest of the way to work, and, upon arrival, worked the whole day (including, of course, playing tag/other running around games).
After camp was over (about 6 hours later), I biked back home and then cleaned out my own wounds with rubbing alcohol before fainting from pain on my bed.

Reminds me of Teddy Roosevelt getting shot mid-speed, and refusing medical help until he finished his speech xD.
Oct 6, 2011 at 11:12 PM
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Oct 16, 2011 at 4:58 AM
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i cry all the time for just about any reason

something sad? i cry
something beautiful? i cry
something just really well-done or well-made? i cry
emotions happening in any form with people around me? i cry
read one piece? i cry
watch any show, movie, anime or even cartoon where something remotely emotional happens? i cry
aerith dies? i cry
general leo dies? i cry
galuf dies? i cry
nightmare moon was really a good pony all along? i cry

no, seriously, though, I think the concept of 'men being too tough to cry' or whatever is archaic and should be put out of our minds at the very same rate as the notion that girls can't be tough or like things "for boys". i'm a very sensitive male even without acting all "limp-wristed" or anything like that; i'd like to think that by the time i get out into the real world 10 years or so later than a normal person i'll seem for all intents and purposes like a normal guy (albeit more on the gentleman side than the generic american adult male side) but on the inside i know without a doubt i'm always going to be sensitive and have strong emotions. it's just who i am, and I like it like that. to ask me if i think it's okay for men to cry is like asking me if I think megaman's the best game ever
Oct 16, 2011 at 5:16 AM
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You seem to be low on newline characters so borrow some of mine.
Oct 16, 2011 at 10:30 PM
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I think I only cried once because of fictional stuff, but then it was raining tears for this:

The plot is basically that the white heared girl survived, while the viewers thought so far she bleeded to death after sacrificed herself for the boy.
Oct 16, 2011 at 10:55 PM
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Theres alot of honesty in this topic, so i'll be honest about this. I dont cry nearly enough. I still feel terrible sometimes, but i very very rarely cry. It makes difficult situations even harder to deal with, because there no relief.

My cat was with me all my life until a year or so ago where i found her dead on her side in the kitchen, already stiff and cold. I loved her so very much because she comforted me every day. I didnt cry on that day, when we buried her, or since. I want to, but i cant. I just try and focus on the good times we had.

The only times i cry is when i'm helplessly upset or something truelly beautifully tragic touches me. A good example of the latter would be the short story in V for Vendetta about the two girls who loved one another. It's a pretty emotionally charged film for me actually because it's about standing up for the right to be different in a dark oppresive world. Comes recommended.
Oct 17, 2011 at 12:23 AM
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Radioactive onions....
Oct 22, 2011 at 5:50 AM
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cultr1 said:
royaltyler's doppelgänger post on some worthless thread


The last time I cried is when I read My Little Dashie.