Jul 21, 2010 at 9:20 PM
Join Date: Feb 13, 2010
Location: undead parish
Posts: 625
Add stars to bottom of ship to fly. Take excess stars.
sixtyseconds said:Add stars to bottom of ship to fly. Take excess stars.
Wedge of Cheese said:Take the boat and the body of water you're on.
Combine them to make a super powerful drilling-into-the-earth machine.
Drill into the earth until you find a vast mysterious underground cavern, thus continuing the tradition of BDAs ending up in vast mysterious underground caverns.
sixtyseconds said:Use protons to cause a reaction that will somehow stabilize the ocean.
adark said:After that, sail back to the shore and retrieve the Duplex-y thing.
Metruler1990 said:use stars as a light source
WoodenRat said:Call your rat of wood on the ship for help, and use it as a horse.
sixtyseconds said:You want him to ride a WoodenRat? :0
Gladly.Mr. Fist said:Bend the spikes to make a surface that you can walk on without dying a slow, painful, and violent death.
No, no psuedo-black.adark said:@DB, maybe use a pseudo-black like in CS?
Instead of bending the spikes, maybe take them?
WoodenRat said:Call your rat of wood on the ship for help, and use it as a horse.