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New Sprites Discussion

Jan 8, 2008 at 8:50 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Speaking of sprites assisting Link; I recall in the Zelda cartoon from the 80s, Princess Zelda would follow Link around every now and again with the bow in hand and she was mighty handy with that thing. She could simply (simply in theory mind you) be tailing from behind shooting silver arrows at enemies that line up. Everyone would be BLOWN away by that kind of coolness. And she doesn't need to die after a certain number of hits, Link alone is moral enough for the realism factor.

Imagine the final boss fight with Gannon... And you have Zelda on arrows. How epic would that be. I know it'd make it easier for sure but you could compensate with other obstacles in the battle (IE falling stones) :D

Your Cameo sprite idea sounds Genius. There is such a lack of characters in the game as it is. I think it's important to grab the player's attention in any way you can, that's a prefect way to do so.
Jan 9, 2008 at 2:02 AM
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Ozone said:
Speaking of sprites assisting Link; I recall in the Zelda cartoon from the 80s, Princess Zelda would follow Link around every now and again with the bow in hand and she was mighty handy with that thing. She could simply (simply in theory mind you) be tailing from behind shooting silver arrows at enemies that line up. Everyone would be BLOWN away by that kind of coolness. And she doesn't need to die after a certain number of hits, Link alone is moral enough for the realism factor.

Imagine the final boss fight with Gannon... And you have Zelda on arrows. How epic would that be. I know it'd make it easier for sure but you could compensate with other obstacles in the battle (IE falling stones) :D

Your Cameo sprite idea sounds Genius. There is such a lack of characters in the game as it is. I think it's important to grab the player's attention in any way you can, that's a prefect way to do so.
No. If zelda is at long range it would make it easy for the player to just stay out of range and let zelda do the work.

You need a somewhat close range attack for zelda so that link has to move in close range for zelda to attack. You could also just have zelda close to link always and assign a button for zelda's weapon which would make battles hectic and a little more interesting.
Jan 10, 2008 at 1:20 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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andwhyisit said:
No. If zelda is at long range it would make it easy for the player to just stay out of range and let zelda do the work.

You need a somewhat close range attack for zelda so that link has to move in close range for zelda to attack. You could also just have zelda close to link always and assign a button for zelda's weapon which would make battles hectic and a little more interesting.

that's why i said final battle. :D late in the game that wouldn't even matter, you'd had your fill with the rest of the enemies already.
Jan 10, 2008 at 6:10 AM
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Ozone said:
that's why i said final battle. :D late in the game that wouldn't even matter, you'd had your fill with the rest of the enemies already.
But... I like my idea. :(
Jan 11, 2008 at 4:28 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Now that I went back and read that idea I really really like it.
Jan 12, 2008 at 11:32 AM
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Ozone said:
Now that I went back and read that idea I really really like it.
Wahoo! Go me. :D
Jan 14, 2008 at 12:11 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
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This is a great idea. :) In fact, it could be used in other parts of the game, when Zelda is following you temporarily. She would need to stay close behind Link and not change positions -- too much AI required -- but she could automatically fire at nearby enemies. I don't think her firing the arrow should be assigned to the controller because (a) it wouldn't be much different from Link shooting arrows himself, and (b) we actually have alternate plans for the available buttons. (Very *secret* plans, lol)

This conversation has inspired me to create a whole list of characters that could do more than just follow you around. This list is a surprise and subject to change. Ideas include a sprite that can occasionally heal you, one that automatically attacks any monsters that come near, and one who routinely provides hints when you enter certain rooms.

I know this will spark some brainstorming about Zelda characters that should make cameo appearances. I've received emails along these lines before, so let me stress that no one from Zelda OoT can be included! Like most Zelda games, these characters exist in a separate time period from Link & Zelda of the NES days. Characters are therefore limited to Zelda 1, Zelda 2, the old cartoon show, and the Zelda comics by Valiant. With such strict limitations, you likely won't think of someone I haven't already considered. (Sorry.) Ideas for original characters using any of the zillion Zelda races are welcome. :)

Edit: Oh, and I've updated the diary again. ;)
Jan 14, 2008 at 2:53 AM
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An idea:
Following characters can be used to advance the plot or a subquest.

I can see this being one hell of a zelda game. I wish you the best, good luck. :)
Jan 15, 2008 at 4:43 AM
Lurking in the Shadows
"No! Don't OPEN that DOOR!"
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Thanks for consideration.

Not to push my buck here but I had another idea that regards editing the main character and upgraded tunic levels. An Idea to add depth to the story if it's possible:

You know how Link changes his clothes a few times? What if he was someone else to start the game, then instead of updating his tunic you changed the main character of the game to give the game more main characters, let Link die or possibly have Link freed from a certain type of dungeon by another main character who then splits off from the story to regain ganon's triforce of power.

Or instead of the blue tunic it could be the Hyrule Noble/Kinght's Ring: giving Link a new sprite sheet where he has blue iron armor. A helmetless version of Link in the evil Knight's armor. Link being Knighted seems like a great story addition and it brings back the old school blue ring.

Possibilities are endless, I'm really just cooking some food for thought here.
Jan 27, 2008 at 5:02 PM
Lurking in the Shadows
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Great brainstorming! At first I was going to write that the story doesn't have a natural point where another character could be controllable -- but I just realized that it does. I can't reveal this idea, but I've typed a full page on how everything should work. I'll announce whether or not it becomes possible, later on.

As for the blue ring, I'll go ahead and reveal that I've changed the tunic's graphics to reflect this. The goal is to have as many old school references as possible...
Feb 8, 2008 at 1:39 AM
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Is it possible to have link talk instead of being a silent protagonist? It would be a nice feature if it is possible. :)
Apr 24, 2008 at 12:25 AM
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Also adding Roc's Feather might be a good idea too.