Have you read GM's latest diary entry?
The bots do, in fact, have completely new AI, and are not merely altered monsters. They *are* made from scratch, and are just a sample, hopefully the first of many new sprites. You mention wanting to know about the process involved, so I will say it was very slow and tedious, and involves a great deal of ASM knowledge and
patience. Like GM said, getting even this far has taken me over a year.
At this point, what originally looked like a twisted, knotted, horrible mess of code now is commented, alterable, (copyable), and reusable in various situations. For the most part, I know what code I need to change/write/remove to achieve a desired effect. I'm also able to add new code (new AI routines, for example) to the existing code safely, without worrying about crashing the game.
I have to thank MathOnNapkins for sharing his RAM map, disassembly of the game, and other various documents with me. Although I commented and mapped out the vast majority of uncommented sprite routines for myself, by myself, I wouldn't have had the resources to do so in the first place (at least this quickly) without MON's documents to work off of.
But it's still a work in progress -- newsprites.asm is constantly evolving and becoming easier to use, when I actually have time to work on it. This weekend is fall break, maybe I'll do some more hacking, after I catch up on sleep and schoolwork. Maybe...