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New editor in development

Feb 1, 2006 at 7:55 PM
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So I right click my map go to settings, choose to have 2 sprite sets (weed, and egg2) and there is still the sprite bug. My sky dragons are made up of power critters...
Feb 1, 2006 at 8:34 PM
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Well I guess the second spriteset indeed does apply to maps with ennemies and bosses only. Last ditch effort would be to edit the spritesheets. Until Chuchino comes back and teaches us, I'll go look around for that right now ^^
Feb 4, 2006 at 3:24 PM
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Hi, I'm new to these forums, saw this and since I'm a Cave Story fan, decided to try it out.

It's alot better than Miza, but I'd love to be able to import our own custom graphics for map making, character sprites. Also, I'd like to see an ability to import Org. Sounds, aswell as an ability to edit enemy, weapon/item and character stats.
Feb 8, 2006 at 10:17 PM
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Okay, I can't figure something out and I need help.

When you open a treasure chest what in the script makes it vanish and the open chest spawn. I tried making my own treasure chests from scratch and everything works out great, then the event ends, and the chest just stays there letting me pick it up again. I have the event add a flag which should turn the event invisable, the problem is that this dosn't happen untill you leave the room. So I had the end of the room send you to where you start with no whipe effects. This would work perfectly except for the fact that if used in a zone with enemys they will all respawn. How do I make this work?
Feb 8, 2006 at 10:59 PM
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The specific code that makes the chest change to the open chest is <CNPxxxx:0021:xxxx, where the first number is whatever your TSC number for the closed chest is and 0021 is the entity number for the open chest (not sure about the third number, just use 0000 and you should be fine). You also need to set a flag and have a flag jump event before the CNP: <FLJxxxx:xxxx<FL+xxxx
The first number in FLJ and FL+ should be the FlagID of both the open and closed chest, and the second in FLJ should be the TSC number of the open chest and should jump to an "Empty." event. Also, FLJ must be before FL+ in the code.

I would recommend just exactly copying chests already in the game, or modifying them. There are a lot of things that have to be exactly right or the chest will not work. If your chest still does not work, compare it to a working chest (make sure you have the same flags) and make sure your flagIDs and TSC numbers correspond with the ones in the code.
Feb 9, 2006 at 1:16 AM
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Well, I suppose I shouldn't have focused my question about chests. Anyway, this is what I did, and I'm starting to think that the flag number I used is the problem.

<KEY<MSGA glowing white gem illuminates
the shallow murkey water.<NOD<CLR
Pick it up?<YNJ0102<FL+9000<CMU0000<AM+0005:0004<AM+0013:0009<CLRAs you bring the stone above water
it melts away into smoke.<NOD
The white smoke is then absorbed byyour weaponry.<NOD<CLR<CMU0010
=Weapon capacity increased!=<WAI0160

Thats all the stuff I added, sorry about it being hard to read (and cheesy). Anyway this is placed on a sparkle effect (like the tow rope) with "call event on action" and "NPC is invisable if >FlagID< is set" the flag Id is 9000. Anyway, this works, you get the powerup, then the sparkle disapears. Good right? No... If you turn the game off it comes back. Esc f2 dosn't respawn it, but turning cave story all the way off then back on, and bamf... get the power up all over again.

I've changed the flag id and fl+ to 9000, 8000, and 7000... The first 2 share this problem, but 7000 seems to be magic, and the power up does not come back in this manner (or any other manner I've tried). I don't understand why this could be... but, it would be super sexy if someone went through all the script and noted every used flag id. If I knew what flag's were already used in this manner I wouldn't have to just shoot super high, I was hoping I could just use 90XX for everything. Finding these would be a pain in the ass, but I may start working on it soon.

Now, about using the CNP command, how would I use it with something other then a chest, the 0021 is the sprite number for the empty chest, could I replace that with a 0000 flag, so that when you get it, it becomes invisable (I guess I should look for examples with other sparkles before asking, so take your time getting to this question). I recall seeing lots of unused NPC's that are just 0000 all over, maybe this is why those are floating around seemingly randomly.

Thanks alot for the help.

Edit: Can I use DNP9000, after you choose yes, and then it'll disapear if the flag id = 9000?
Feb 9, 2006 at 9:18 PM
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I think the problem is that the entity is not destroyed. The code should look like this:
<KEY<MSGA glowing white gem illuminates
the shallow murky water.<NOD<CLR
Pick it up?<YNJ0102<DNP0101<CMU0000<AM+0005:0004<AM+0013:0009<CLRAs you bring the stone above water
it melts away into smoke.<NOD
The white smoke is then absorbed by your weaponry.<NOD<CLR<CMU0010
=Weapon capacity increased!=<WAI0160

Setting the FlagID with FL+ simply makes it invisible (in fact, you can probably pick up the invisible one again if you go to the right spot), so you can just get rid of that. You need to destroy the entity completely with DNP (which uses the TSC number, not the flag, so it is <DNP0101). I don't know why it reappeared when you exited though. FL+ is supposed to be permanent unless you use FL- on the same flag.
Feb 9, 2006 at 10:44 PM
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Chuchino said:
in fact, you can probably pick up the invisible one again if you go to the right spot
I thought that might happen too, but it dosn't.

The wierdest thing imo is that with some ID #s it works great, with others it dosn't.

Thanks alot for the help tho, DNP looks like the way to go with this sort of thing.

Does anyone know where I can find a list with all the flags used in the game with FL+ and FL-? Knowing what they do would also be helpful.
Feb 10, 2006 at 6:04 PM
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SeriousFace said:
Does anyone know where I can find a list with all the flags used in the game with FL+ and FL-? Knowing what they do would also be helpful.
A list is being made, but none is out at the moment. As far as I know, anyway.
Feb 11, 2006 at 2:04 AM
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Hey, I'm new.

Over the next several weeks, in my (limited) spare time, I intend to make a rudimentary editor for the image data (because it's easier than switching back and forth between Paint and a hex editor all the time). Would you be interested in the source code for this, if and when I finish, so you can implement it as a part of your editor?
Mar 8, 2006 at 4:12 PM
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Messing I was messing around with the editor today trying to find out how many entities can be on a single map at a time. Thru pure trial and error it seems that the maximum number of entities you want to have at a time is 343. Adding after that does some funny things. If you have between 344 - 363 the last 20 entities you ADD will not work in any form. These sprites don't show up, can't be used, interacted with, and if the script associated with them is ran, they will not work. Adding entities after that have the same problems, as well as the following. When you have between 364 - 373 exiting the game via clicking the X, or esc esc will get you a "cave story has encounted a problem and needs to close... Send error report?" message. Dont' know if this causes problems with anything else like saving or what have you, but since those entities dont' work, it dosn't really matter. Adding any more then that 374 and up will cause the same error when you enter said map.

Anyway, most of that is unneccisary information but its good to know that 343 seems to be the magic number. It should be good to keep this in mind if anyone plans on making giant maps.
Mar 9, 2006 at 4:40 PM
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Hey, I haven't spend alot of time on bosses, but can someone explain how to work bosses that use <BOAxxxx, it seems I can't get any of these bosses to work when I'm skiping right to them. Does anyone know what kinds of conditions there need to be for these to work? So far Im having problems with balfrog, omega, monster x, and the core.

Please help.
Mar 12, 2006 at 8:26 PM
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Yeah, i don't know how the Core works i only know IGOR...
Well, i'am going to make a Thread for my MOD, in a few Minutes...
Mar 15, 2006 at 6:33 PM
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SeriousFace said:
Hey, I haven't spend alot of time on bosses, but can someone explain how to work bosses that use <BOAxxxx, it seems I can't get any of these bosses to work when I'm skiping right to them. Does anyone know what kinds of conditions there need to be for these to work? So far Im having problems with balfrog, omega, monster x, and the core.

Please help.

I'm not sure what you mean by "skipping right to them". Balfrog works fine when I tell all the doors in first cave to "<TRA0028:0094:0006:0013"
(After putting a weapon in first cave, of course). If you're more explicit about what you're trying to do, I can try to help.
Mar 15, 2006 at 7:57 PM
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Wierd... thats exactally what I'm doing. Well for the other bosses skiping right to them means, go thru a door -> apear in a boss room -> boss fight. No talk, no filler. Just jumping straight to the boss.

When that didn't work, I tried triggering the boss normaly, random door, goes to the balfrog room. Then I'd get the gum, watch the diolog, and everything woud work fine except no boss. Balrog flashes but you don't see balfrog flashing with it (if you can recall the transformation animation). Anyway, it seems to be the same thing you'r doing with <TRA except it dosn't work.

Don't think I can explain it any further then this... I would be glad to share a copy of my game featureing this problem. Do you have AIM? I'm seriousfaceface.

Edit: You know what... NM on that. Im about to upload the latest version of my mod game. Balfrog has the same problem, so you can see it there. On top of that... *cry* This better not be something serious... There is no way I'm starting this over... it's already eaten up so much of my time...
Mar 17, 2006 at 2:17 AM
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Testing on my part has shown the following:
It is NOT due to any changes in head.tsc
It is NOT due to any changes in ArmsItem.tsc
It is NOT due to any changed flags that are saved in profile.dat

Bug report for Sue's Workshop. If you add any new maps, those bosses won't work.

Sent an e-mail to the address listed in Sue's Workshop's help->about info.
Mar 17, 2006 at 7:17 AM
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upthorn said:
Bug report for Sue's Workshop. If you add any new maps, those bosses won't work.

Thats the problem!?
If I add new maps, NONE of the following bosses will work?
Monster X
The Core
Iron Head
The Sisters
Undead Core
Heavy Press
and Ballos in all forms except the 1st.

Ohhhh snap... The boss fights in my edited game will be VERY boring untill this is resolved...
Mar 17, 2006 at 11:33 AM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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There's an ugly workaround.

Have the boss battles on their original maps.
Have the original EXE in the zip
Have an event on entering that tells people to use the other exe, and then saves.
Have an event on boss defeat that tells people to switch back, and then saves.

(I did say it was ugly)

I have only tested Balfrog, but when I hit "add map" gave it a blank one, and ran, Balfrog broke.
Balfrog stayed broken when i deleted the map, but worked when I copied the original exe from my unmodified game.
Mar 17, 2006 at 5:18 PM
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The simple solution is to just edit old maps instead of adding new ones, but if you really need over 92 (or however many it is) maps, then you're pretty much screwed.
Mar 17, 2006 at 8:19 PM
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"I, Ikachan. The Life and Documentary of the OrigiNAL SQuiD."
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I believe resizing existing maps also produces the error.