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N.E.T. Story (A Cave Story Mod) =Big Update Coming!=

Jan 31, 2015 at 7:19 AM
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Flamegeyser said:
A few spelling errors, such as "devistate" and "somewere"
okay so before anyone tells me why i didn't fix these originally: i was mainly looking for punctuation errors when i originally went through Zxin's code, and i payed little to no mind to spelling errors
so yeah whoops
now zxin knows what to fix tho so thanks
Jan 31, 2015 at 8:13 AM
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Flamegeyser said:
Finally, I would like to say that the endings should be easier to find out, the first time I took the test, I thought it was talking about Eggs in the Egg Corridor! I don't have the patience to find out what to do, and there are zero hints besides looking at the code, which I can't do. Thanks for your time.
(Continuing from this)
Even looking at the code (#disobeyzxin) doesn't help!
Since there are so many flag checks for each individual test, I don't even know where to BEGIN looking for flags I missed around the rest of the game.
But for the everyday player, since there's no hints of ANY sort to tell you what you did to get those test results it becomes a "Spam down near anything that might get me a score on the test" game, which more often than not results in you getting a bad ending becuase you picked up a red flower instead of something else.
My suggestion for the test is this...
Have it so that when you take the test it tells you either:
If you didn't get a number correct = a hint as to how to get said number.
If you did get a number correct = What you did to get that.

Or, If you want to be really tricky, you could do this...
If you get a number wrong = nothing
If you get a number right = give a hint as to how to get another number (The number next in sequence?)

Just having either of these two changes would make searching for random things to do or interact with SO much more player friendly. (Maybe Flamegeyser and I could actually get every ending! :o)

Thanks for the criticism and support, I'd like to make it very clear that this mod is meant to be very very hard.
That's still no excuse for having a difficulty cure that looks like this:
Easy (First Cave)
Normal (Sand Zone P1)
Normal-Hard (Sarah)
Hard-Normal (Sand Zone P2)
Xtra Easy (Egg corridor)
Normal-Low Hard (Outer wall)
N/A (Plantation)
Xtra Hard (Misery)
If you're going to make it hard, make it hard but FAIR. (Unless you're IWBTG. Sky's the limit if that's what you're going for...)
That difficulty curve should be lookng more like this. (X is time, Y is difficulty) http://2010.igem.org/wiki/images/c/c4/Reproduced_graph.png

And also the 2nd and 3rd endings are meant to be near impossible to get.
That... Just seems odd... Like I said before: Hard but fair. Having nearly impossible endings seems to be leaning towards the sheer luck side of hard...
Jan 31, 2015 at 4:15 PM
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zxin said:
I'll give you a hint (a real big one):

Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:

To get 2: Say 'Yes' to wanting to go to the Sand Zone to meet Sarah the first time.
To get 3: Do NOT get the Machine Gun
To get 6: Get the Arms Barrier from the (former) Clock Room. (In the Outer Wall)
And to get 9: Examine the bookshelf in Sarah's house.

Those are pretty much common knowledge. Most people figure the story progression goes "yes" to that question, most people think you might get the spur and thus don't want the machine gun at first, most people checked the clock room, and checking everything is just normally second nature. Somehow I didn't get 9 the first time, but I really should have. Thanks for trying though.

Here's a suggestion, maybe add more heart capsules so you don't get one or two shotted by common enemies. The first time you enter the Sand Zone in Cave Story you have like 16-20 health, meaning you can at least take one bite from a sand croc.
Jan 31, 2015 at 4:54 PM
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the point of NET story is to have it be a challenging mod
zxin told me explicitly that he wouldn't add in heart capsules because low health adds in to the challenge part
you just have to git gud and not be attacked by those sand crocs
Jan 31, 2015 at 5:02 PM
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Paths said:
the point of NET story is to have it be a challenging mod
zxin told me explicitly that he wouldn't add in heart capsules because low health adds in to the challenge part
you just have to git gud and not be attacked by those sand crocs
It didn't actually take that long to complete, and I can respect that you wanted to add challenge. Having arbitrary triggers to an ending that requires probably multiple playthroughs is not challenge, however.
Feb 1, 2015 at 6:04 AM
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zxin said:
They're not arbitrary!
If you mean it didn't take long to complete the first ending, then that's probably because it's only a quarter of the game.
I mean that it wasn't hard enough to take ages, I was admitting it wasn't as hard as I made it out to be.
Still, I probably don't have the patience to get any other ending.
Feb 1, 2015 at 5:34 PM
Brayconn Online
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Flamegeyser said:
...Still, I probably don't have the patience to get any other ending.
Unless you looked at the code/raw map or played through the game in a VERY specific way you would NEVER find number four on your own.
(Number one is such an odd choise you'd never know when you got it either...)
TL:DR You probably don't simply becuase of 1. and 2.
Jul 23, 2015 at 4:24 PM
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zxin said:
So! It's been, *cough*, some time since I last updated N.E.T. Story. And no, this isn't because there we're no more bugs to fix. (There were like 6, at least.)
So while working on N.E.T. Story two I went back and played trough N.E.T. Story (one) and noticed how rough and buggy it felt... I've seen much worse, and I think N.E.T. Story was actually quite something considering that it was my very first mod, but it's quality is rather inconstant. Like for instance the mod starts out with only minor edits and then eventually there are completely original rooms.
N.E.T. Story is supposed to take place quite a while before Cave Story, but it has so many plot-holes and problems that it can't fit into Cave Story's cannon properly.
Did these problems annoy the hell out of you like they did to me?
We're those bugs setting off your OCD?
Well then worry not, because I'm making one big update (and possibly a few more to follow) to fix all these plot issues and bugs.
So yeah that's coming soon, I'll update the main page when it's ready and stuff.
I may make a separate post just to list the full change-log.
So... Basically everything I wanted to point out in the video review... You figured out for yourself?
Well, It's a bit late to re-do it again for a new version... D'you mind if I continue the working on the review of version 1.1.10?
Jul 23, 2015 at 9:57 PM
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Are you also going to make the other endings easier to get? I have played the mod quite a few times and I just can't seem to get an other ending than 1/3.

Maybe just add some hint or something, I don't get how to get the others.
Jul 23, 2015 at 10:19 PM
Brayconn Online
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Miccs said:
Are you also going to make the other endings easier to get? I have played the mod quite a few times and I just can't seem to get an other ending than 1/3.

Maybe just add some hint or something, I don't get how to get the others.
I would assume so, considering that's one of the most glaring faults in the entire mod (imo).
If you can't wait though, I do have all the info on how to get the other two endings in a text doc.
Send me a PM if you want it.
Jul 23, 2015 at 10:34 PM
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I think I'll wait, if I check the endings now, I would have less reason to check out the update.
Aug 1, 2015 at 6:04 PM
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zxin said:
What do you think of the new Mimmiga village? The mod is set a while before Cave Story so the village hasn't been terrorized by the doctor yet.
I like it so far!
Only problems I saw were:
-King's facepic looks a bit off, with the smiley face and blushes. Take away the angry eyes maybe?
-Gravekeeper is a bit uh... clueless? Not threatening? Derpy? Word?
-That spot just above Mahin looks a bit off compared to everything else. I would suggest using rock instead of uh... metal wall thing.
(Or, if you insist on using metal, try darkening it a bit to match the "background tone" of the rock)
-And I still don't understand why the path to the balcony is one way... If I made it up there one way what's stopping me the other way?!

Other than those, it's looking good!