metalsonic71 said:
I'm terrible at modding in case you don't know that.
guess how long it toke me to do this without reading the red line below.
Hidden text highlight (or click) to view:
2 hours.
well, err..
It's not that bad....but uhh..
Good things:
The tileset of the shack is neat.
Bad Things:
it seems that the character is out of proportion when pressing down to observe things.
the colors are honestly bad. (Next time just use the original tiles.)
in the spawn area you used <TRA's and <FAO's/<FAI's when you should have used <MOV's instead.
If I had to guess, it took you 30 minutes to make the mod.
@_@ it took two hours to do that...?
The best thing I can say is try again:
Use the
original Cave Story game, and use the default tile-sets, and make a decently sized cave.
Make to objective to get to the end and use a small cut-scene at the beginning (using <FON's) to show where the player is suppose to go.
You have much skill, you just need to harness it the right way to make great mods.