Sep 6, 2007 at 12:13 AM
Join Date: Jul 15, 2007
Location: Australia
Posts: 6241
Age: 39
Pronouns: he/him
Tell us when you upload it. No-one put new news posts in the cs movie site till it is uploaded.Atravir said:I'll check it out. Oh, and I'll change it to index.
I always pronounced XristosX as xerox, I don't know why.
Atravir is actually Latin for 'Dark Hero'.
A good way to pronounce XristosX that fits with the English language is zris-tosk, but I pronounce it as zris-tocs which makes it sound more like XristoX (second s missing).
Because xerox is a paper brand (either that or a printer brand) and you probably watch too many ads.
Say "Atravir's Avatar" really fast 10 times.
My username:
I put in ignis as my username while registering at some forum and it sent me to a page where it said "This username has already been used, please specify a different one." or something like that, so I used the back button and asked the question "And why is it?" or "andwhyisit" as a reply in the username box.
Guess what happened then.