Feb 15, 2019 at 12:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 20, 2006
Posts: 2863
Age: 34
Pronouns: he/him
Alright I'm going to try to make this as simple as possible
At this link you will find a full list of all mods (minus a few months), which is also kept in my sig. Anything greyed out in the "Avaliable?" column is either presumed gone forever or currently not uploaded. Some other older links may have also died since I first went through them all. I am not going to upload something every time someone wants it, so until then you're going to have to sate yourself on the hundreds of mod threads that do have working links. I don't want to see you keep asking for links every time you find something that isn't.
At this link you will find a full list of all mods (minus a few months), which is also kept in my sig. Anything greyed out in the "Avaliable?" column is either presumed gone forever or currently not uploaded. Some other older links may have also died since I first went through them all. I am not going to upload something every time someone wants it, so until then you're going to have to sate yourself on the hundreds of mod threads that do have working links. I don't want to see you keep asking for links every time you find something that isn't.