4. Hm, where exactly, if I might ask?
5. Thanks =)
There's more to the Ankh Pendant than meets the eye, though. (I hope.)
6. I take it "Grié'dýr: Star" is one such area with the hard-to-see platforms?
4. I had to replay to get the name... It was Grié'dýr: Earth. Not a particularly troubling spot, but it was the death of me lol. What happened was after the moving elevator blocks, at the next section with the spikes and disabled fan... I just slipped off the single block and took double spike damage because of the scripted event with the girl walking away.
Other than that section I think I fell a few times on the first Sun area. Didn't die though! I was just out of practice I think~
On my replay the only place I died was... during Star, at the bottom with the one square opening jump. Have to make sure you are fully pressing forward... or else you will fall to your doom!
5. On my replay I didn't pick up the ankh.. and noticed that I could sleep in the bed with the ankh symbol this time! Hmm.... Pretty sure I couldn't before...
6. Yep, Star and Sun I believe. The pattern of those certain background platforms add some visual difficulty... And Star with the same pattern but much closer dark colors. Though it didn't cause any difficulty on replay!