Lunar Shadow Project

Jan 16, 2015 at 11:38 PM
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This thread used to be just for Lunar Shadow, but I figured, I may as well have its related works (like Selenic Shadow) in this thread as well.

One might say the whole thing's inspired by the Castlevania games, as well as a mod my ex-boyfriend made in 2012, Shadow of the Stars (hence the name being Lunar Shadow).
STORY (Lunar Shadow):
On 15 January 2013, a masked man decreed that everyone on Newerth would die in exactly two years. He went on to claim that those who dared to try and stop the calamity would be doomed to die before they could get near his castle. And he was right; many people who attempted to reach his castle did die. And those who managed to make it there died in a horrible, painful manner. A year ago, people began to talk as though he controlled destiny itself.

It is 13 January 2015, and a young girl named Serenity Horton plans to challenge the castle, to bring an end to the plans of this masked man before it's too late.
Lunar Shadow: almost complete!
Selenic Shadow: no idea?

Both are, however, on an indefinite hiatus, due to various reasons.
I believe these are mandatory?

(Lunar Shadow)


(Selenic Shadow)

  • (LS) Complete the probably-not-so-secret area and boss fights
  • (LS) Fix as many bugs as possible
  • (LS) Fix as many Azehr-related bugs as possible (I swear Azehr is the most bugged boss in the entire mod)

Saves aren't fully compatible with different versions. Playing with a save from version 3a might cause a lot of bugs in version 4a (such as several new Life Capsules appearing in 3HP mode).

Lunar Shadow v4a (7z)
Lunar Shadow v4a (zip)
The fifth release of Lunar Shadow.
Size: 1.19 MB (7z), 1.86 MB (zip), 27.3 MB (unzipped)
Most areas can be accessed, with one notable exception (though, mentioning it would probably border on spoilers). So, this is almost complete. Maximum HP attainable is about 144 or 150 (non-canon). Also contains a lot of text.

Selenic Shadow
The second release of Selenic Shadow. Having lost my memory around 17 June, a friend of mine continued work on it.
Size: 1.13 MB (zip)
I know little about it, but Ariana (aforementioned friend) says the demo ends in "Grié'dýr: Death", and that Selenic Shadow is not canon.

Older versions:
Selenic Shadow
The first release of Selenic Shadow.
Size: 1.05 MB (zip)
Maximum HP attainable is more than 21 (so maybe 25). Demo ends after the third boss, in "Grié'dýr: Disaster". While it takes place in the Lunar Shadow world, it is considered non-canon.
Lunar Shadow v3a
The fourth release.
Size: 1.46 MB (zipped), 18.6 MB (unzipped)
You can access most of the Entrance areas, the entire Laboratory area, the entire Reservoir, the West and East parts of the Tower area, and most of the Servant Quarters (if not all of it).

Lunar Shadow v2a
The third release.
Size: 1014.38 KB (zipped), 7.72 MB (unzipped)
All of the Entrance and Laboratory maps are accessible. Some of the areas inside those maps, however, aren't necessarily accessible. It's impossible to go to the Servant Quarters or Reservoir or Tainted Garden.

Lunar Shadow v1b
The second version's second release.
Size: 947.61 KB (zipped), 5.42 MB (unzipped)
Most of the Entrance area is accessible, with the exception of two rooms. Fastest update of the mod yet. There's slightly more text, now. The other areas are inaccessible, so it's currently not possible to go to the Laboratory or the Servant's Quarters. Also fixes a bug in the first release of version 1 where it's impossible to leave the area.

Lunar Shadow v0a
The most basic demo. It bears the mark of Kim.
Size: 895.77 KB (zipped), 4.41 MB (unzipped)
Playable up to the boss room of the Entrance area, though the current boss is not the intended one. Made in two days (rushing things is not a good idea, of course); barely any text boxes in-game.

Lunar Shadow:
  • 0: initial release on 16 January 2015; ended at the boss room of the Entrance area.
  • 1a: released on 17 January 2015; had fifteen rooms in the Entrance area (out of seventeen) and has a different boss.
  • 1b: released on 17 January 2015; fixed a major bug that prevented one from going back to the top of the starting point area
  • 2: released on 19 January 2015; had all the Entrance and Laboratory rooms
  • 3a: released on 19 February 2015; had Entrance, Laboratory, Reservoir, Tower and Servant Quarters area
  • 4a: released on 29 December 2015; almost 100% finished; has a map with 18,492 characters, instead of 17,999 characters; allows for a maximum HP of 144 (or 150)
Selenic Shadow:
  • first official release on 13 June 2016; ends at the "Grié'dýr: Disaster" map
  • released on 12 July 2016; apparently ends at "Grié'dýr: Death"

Pixel: for making Cave Story and Ikachan.
Wistil: for making Cave Editor.
Noxid: for making Booster's Lab.
Polaris: for allowing me to use Gardevoir sprites
andwhyisit: for one of the "bkEntrance" backgrounds
DoubleThink: the idea for Rainbow Ikachan as an enemy
Randolf/Hina: two ORGs, the swimming hack and the pre-made Polar Star hacks
Tpcool: ORG transcriptions
SuperJaws100: ORG transcriptions and permissions to use ORGs
knuckles5577: for allowing me to use skeletal bat sprites from his Curly's Story mod
alfasketer: beta testing and a sprite; naming Selenic Shadow?
X-Calibar: beta testing
Ariana: not a member (so far I know), but she helped with the mod after I got amnesia (as in, memory loss, in case it wasn't clear)
Others: those who aren't members of these forums.
People I may have forgotten to mention here (so probably everyone)

Sidenote: there are loads of references to a lot of things. Including Castlevania, as mentioned a few times.

Also, the IPA for "Grié'dýr" is something like /xrɪˈeɪtiːr/. (If that helps with its pronunciation.)

Just to keep track of polls. Not going to add who voted for what, though the amount of votes from members of this forum will be added.
Poll #1: what should the protagonist's name be?
Mio: 0 votes
Yui: 0 votes
Irma: 0 votes
Luna: 4 votes
Azusa: 0 votes
Ritsu: 1 vote
Ariana: 1 vote
Marion: 0 votes
Tsumugi: 0 votes
Natsumi: 4 votes
Serenity: 10 votes
Meredith: 1 vote
Shinica: 2 votes
Danielle: 1 vote
Valerie: 3 votes
Elizabeth: 0 votes
Other names: 2 votes
Last edited:
Jan 17, 2015 at 2:48 AM
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Well this looks really awesome! Hell of a lot more impressive than my mod announcement. Anyway, it's time to fire this thing up and give it a proper review! By the way, I can tell just from the screenshot that your castle background needs improvement. It's not bad, it's just a bit weird having it the same as all the terrain.

EDIT: So! I played the game, and it's pretty good! I like the thing where you can just leave by going left at the first screen. The transition from room to room is a bit jittery, but it's a nice change of pace from the constant FAOs and FAIs. It also makes the rooms feel more connected, like they're really all just one big room. I like it. Also, if you didn't know, you can make the boss fight a boss fight by doing <BSLXXXX, with XXXX being the event number of the boss with which you wish to fight.
Jan 17, 2015 at 6:04 AM
Um... Chosen One? Yeah that'll work. : P
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This looks very very good, but I'm not sure about the main character's colour scheme being the same as the background. I can imagine that'll make indoor sections very tricky.
Jan 17, 2015 at 6:41 AM
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It really reminds me of Castlevania. The entering of the Castle, The platforms, Staircases reminds me of level 1 and the boss at the end of the level. Looks awesome. Can't Wait to play the full version.

Edit: OK. Here some things i have to say.
+Castlevania feel.
+Dedicated Save Rooms (I guess reference to SotN)
+Nvidia is a nice version/improvement over nemesis with the fact that is harder to level up.
+ The boss don't have a health meter. Just red the bug list.
- The entrance to Igor Don't close resulting in me leaving the boss battle while trying to dodge. :/
Overall really neat mod for 2 days. Keep Working on it. It will turn great.
Jan 17, 2015 at 7:47 AM
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Jan 17, 2015 at 9:53 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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ThatPortalGuy said:
Well this looks really awesome! Hell of a lot more impressive than my mod announcement. Anyway, it's time to fire this thing up and give it a proper review!
Thank you =)

ThatPortalGuy said:
By the way, I can tell just from the screenshot that your castle background needs improvement. It's not bad, it's just a bit weird having it the same as all the terrain.
Yeah, the castle background will be changed, along with a few tiles; in fact, I've actually worked on it earlier this morning (though it'll probably be used in a different area than the Entrance).

ThatPortalGuy said:
EDIT: So! I played the game, and it's pretty good!
Thank you =)
ThatPortalGuy said:
I like the thing where you can just leave by going left at the first screen.
Thanks =)
ThatPortalGuy said:
The transition from room to room is a bit jittery, but it's a nice change of pace from the constant FAOs and FAIs. It also makes the rooms feel more connected, like they're really all just one big room. I like it.
Thanks =)
The transition to other areas (for instance, from the Entrance to the Laboratory area) will have the FAOs and FAIs, though.
ThatPortalGuy said:
Also, if you didn't know, you can make the boss fight a boss fight by doing ,>
I'm aware of that, though I chose not to do that with Igor since it's not the intended boss.
Once there's an actual boss for the Entrance area, it'll be a proper boss fight without any escapes.

Reddeh Le Steddeh said:
This looks very very good, but I'm not sure about the main character's colour scheme being the same as the background. I can imagine that'll make indoor sections very tricky.
Yeah, I might have to change her hair color to something other than grey; that seems to be the main problem.

alfasketer said:
It really reminds me of Castlevania. The entering of the Castle, The platforms, Staircases reminds me of level 1 and the boss at the end of the level. Looks awesome. Can't Wait to play the full version.
Cool =D
It's the intention to remind one of the Castlevania games.

alfasketer said:
Edit: OK. Here some things i have to say.
+Castlevania feel.
+Dedicated Save Rooms (I guess reference to SotN)
+Nvidia is a nice version/improvement over nemesis with the fact that is harder to level up.
+ The boss don't have a health meter. Just red the bug list.
- The entrance to Igor Don't close resulting in me leaving the boss battle while trying to dodge. :/
Overall really neat mod for 2 days. Keep Working on it. It will turn great.
+ The intention =)
+ I haven't played Symphony of the Night, though I have played the GBA and DS Castlevania games, which is where the reference comes from.
+ Thanks =)
+ Yeah, Igor's just a normal enemy at the moment.
- That's intentional; if it was the actual boss, it would be impossible to escape. Though, the level 3 Invidia will most likely make quick work of Igor.
Thank you, and I will do my best! =D

andwhyisit said:
Your blocky background isn't easy on the eyes. Mind using this instead:
Thank you =)

Sorry for the double post; there's a new version released with slightly more stuff than before (including the proper boss). Grab it here~
Don't worry, the next version won't be released as quickly =P

I have yet to decide on a tileset for the Laboratory area, along with the enemies there.
And then I have to work on the boss enemy's sprites to fit with the area.

Anyway, for the curious, here's a full map of the planned castle; this will list the areas in order of them being worked on.

Area 1: Entrance (almost finished; has four Life Capsules for a total of ~15 max HP). 17 maps.
Area 2: Laboratory (not started yet). 10 maps.
Area 3: Reservoir (not started yet; will have lots of water). 16 maps.
Area 4: Tower (not started yet; the main boss fight in this area will span four maps). 16 maps.
Area 5: Servant's Quarters (not started yet; there might be a puzzle here as a reference to Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrows - hence, why some of the area doesn't seem to make sense). 23 maps.
Area 6: Top Floor (not started yet; the final boss will be battled here). 15 maps.
Area 7: Grim Path (not started yet; the map's existence depends on the previous areas, if there's too many maps used, it might be removed; planned to be unrelated to the story at this point). 13 maps.
Area 8: Tainted Garden (not started yet; if too many maps are used, it might be removed; planned to be unrelated to the story at this point). 10 maps.

Names and such may change; it's not definite but the maps are (unless I have to modify them unexpectedly, or remove areas 7 and 8 to have less than 120 planned maps).
Jan 17, 2015 at 10:06 PM
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Oops, wrong picture

Can't go up
The door makes me come back to it
It's dark magic

More bug

Invisible NPC dealing 10 damage
Dark magic
Jan 17, 2015 at 10:25 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Randolf said:

Oops, wrong picture

Can't go up
The door makes me come back to it
It's dark magic
Ooh, thanks for noticing it; hopefully version 1b will fix it.
It looks like I accidentally forgot to set that door's script to move the player to the top door...

Randolf said:
More bug

Invisible NPC dealing 10 damage
Dark magic
Looks like I forgot to add sprites for Gravekeeper in the NpcCemetDay sprite sheet. =/
Perhaps a blonde witch in blue did it.

Just delete the original NpcCemetDay.bmp, copy-paste NpcCemet.bmp and rename it to NpcCemetDay.bmp again as a temporary fix; it'll definitely be repaired in the next version.
Again, thank you for noticing the bug.
Jan 18, 2015 at 8:37 AM
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So I have to say.
Gotta love those moving platforms.

The amount of rooms is great. It really feels like a castle where you can get yourself lost.

That's really forgiving.
Also the invisible gravekeeper can serve as a tough miniboss later in the game. He will block the shots coming in his face and you could indicate him by the spot where the shot is blocked. Just give him more health and make them two in a room for a bigger challenge :D. Of course that's just an idea. The only complain i had was the choppy transactions between rooms especially between 2 room where one is above the other. I guess you're working on it though.

Poor Igor. T_T You will be missed.
Jan 19, 2015 at 12:52 AM
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Looks cool so far. Haven't tried your demo yet, but I might later. I think you should name her Serenity. Also, I noticed that "map" picture is made of metroid map pieces.
Jan 19, 2015 at 1:03 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Minor progress report: currently in the process of going through version 2(a); it seems to be going okay. The maps are added for all the Entrance and Laboratory areas.
I have yet to work on the sprites of the second boss (also a major boss, this one's named Sycor) and the Laboratory area's enemy sprites, and add shortcuts to various areas so that it's not a long walk back.

alfasketer said:
So I have to say.
View attachment 519
Gotta love those moving platforms.
There'll be two more of them in an inaccessible (in versions 0 and 1) area of the Entrance, and some more in the Laboratory.

alfasketer said:
The amount of rooms is great. It really feels like a castle where you can get yourself lost.
I got myself lost there, actually =o
In any event, there are currently plans to have the Map System thing obtainable after the third boss, which would most likely be in either the Reservoir or the Tower areas (and thus not in version 2). Though, the map won't work like in some Castlevania games, sadly.

alfasketer said:
View attachment 520
That's really forgiving.
There'll be a few more forgiving updates to some of the areas; this will include being able to go from the screen with the two elevators back to the screen which had the invisible gravekeeper.

alfasketer said:
Also the invisible gravekeeper can serve as a tough miniboss later in the game. He will block the shots coming in his face and you could indicate him by the spot where the shot is blocked. Just give him more health and make them two in a room for a bigger challenge :D.
An invisible miniboss might be an interesting idea. I'll consider it for one of the rooms which will have an item that can be obtained.

alfasketer said:
Of course that's just an idea. The only complain i had was the choppy transactions between rooms especially between 2 room where one is above the other. I guess you're working on it though.
Assuming you mean the "wait until landing on ground" thing, that'll be fixed for all current room transitions. Future room transitions will not have the wait until standing thing.

alfasketer said:
View attachment 521
Poor Igor. T_T You will be missed.
For now, he'll just remain there until a dual boss later on, though said dual boss has yet to be implemented and it's close to endgame anyway.

knuckles5577 said:
Looks cool so far. Haven't tried your demo yet, but I might later.
Thank you. :)

knuckles5577 said:
I think you should name her Serenity.
It seems most people do; I'll just let the poll run until the release of version 3 and use the names with the second, third, etc. most votes for the other NPCs, like the witches and other key NPCs. (Except the master of the castle; his name is already decided.)

knuckles5577 said:
Also, I noticed that "map" picture is made of metroid map pieces.
I wouldn't know about Metroid, having never played any games from those; the map was inspired by the GBA and DS Castlevania games.
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Jan 19, 2015 at 2:40 PM
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Nice stage design :) It was pleasant to roam around, though I felt a little aimless till I reached the boss~ Will like to see how this shapes up!
Jan 19, 2015 at 6:27 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Version 2 has been released! Grab it here~
Maximum life that can be obtained as of this version: 34
(And it will most likely be very required for the second boss, and the room after that.)

The Laboratory is fully added, as is the Entrance.
The Reservoir area is next, though it will have a lot of water...
Might have to figure out if there's a way to make it possible to "swim" in the mod, and get rid of the slowdown that occurs underwater.

X-Calibar said:
Nice stage design :)
Thank you. :)
X-Calibar said:
It was pleasant to roam around, though I felt a little aimless till I reached the boss~ Will like to see how this shapes up!
Not sure how exactly to make it less aimless-feeling... ^^;

Some notes on the second version; those who wish not to be spoiled, ignore it.
  • The two save rooms closest to the bosses have doorways which are shortcuts to the starting point. This should also unlock a shortcut back if you were to go down underground and back.
  • There is a second weapon obtainable in the demo, though it's weaker than Invidia. For the Reservoir, though... it's going to be required. Why? I don't know yet, I'm working on that.
  • A treasury. Currently, defeating Xyz lets you obtain a Life Pot in the starting room, underground, but you have to have been to the Laboratory as well (seeing the cutscene with the two witches). Defeating Sycor and the third boss (not in this version) will allow you to obtain the Map System.
  • Speaking of the cutscene with the two witches, it changes slightly depending on whether or not Xyz has fallen.
  • There are two Life Capsules that may seem unobtainable, but in fact they can be obtained. Obtaining them is deliberately puzzling, though a third Life Capsule will later on appear in the same way. If enough people ask, I'll probably just say how the capsules can be obtained.
  • Yes, there is an Experience Capsule in the Laboratory save room, and shooting it has no effect. It's there mainly as a test, at the moment; I might remove it in the next version, or have it actually be shootable and give XP.
  • Regarding the second boss: You know those shockwaves in Ballos' boss fight in the original? Well, the Sycor boss starts with two of those coming towards the protagonist; the bones give 1 XP and such. Also, the level 3 Invidia is useful against it, dealing up to 56 points of damage if spammed at the boss. After defeating it, you can still move around, too; so if you're directly above the exit to the previous room, you might want to move away before the boss is completely gone...
  • After the boss: the room after that has several energy blasts of Sycor; it's sort-of retaliation. If you go deeper, then it will permanently be disabled on future entries; I probably ought to make it so that it occurs only once instead of every time you enter and immediately retreat back into the previous room. If it proves too difficult to avoid, I'll probably have to lessen the amount by half.
  • The last room has invisible floors, so don't worry about getting skewered by the deathtraps. Though, be careful of that roach and the energy blasts.
  • There's now a slight intro scene... spoken by the protagonist.

Apologies for some of the screenshots in the first post being outdated; I'll eventually get to updating those.
Jan 19, 2015 at 7:40 PM
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+ Nice Touches on the HUD (The Level Meter's color is kinda hard to see the amount of XP collected which is good for balancing of the weapon Which is kinda Overpowered since it's hard to level up.)
+ Backstory in the stile of the open world Castlevanias
+ For some reason the save room in the upper castle has a door leading to the start of the level. I guess that is just a reference to Aria of Sorrow or the later NDS titles.
This really feels like a Metroidvania game. Signs make it really easier to know when to come back for the item.


Well Isn't that Cheating. I wanted to Kill all of you one by one :D.

Also I just saw that by picking up Health Capsules your health gets replenished. Which is nice.
That's only the first part.
I'll write fore the further I play.

+ New gun.

I use it for a XP absorbator. Sadly even at level 3 is weaker than the Nvidia.


It was time for a quoting reference.


Holy crap that's Epic. I died. Let's try again.


2nd time. My god it was tough.Let's continue.


GOD DAMN IT.Happy third time for me.

Nice update. Keep working. It's shaping perfect.

Edit 2:

My god.I got stressed there.

And I beated the second boss with 10 atempts and 22 health. :momo:
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Jan 20, 2015 at 9:42 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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alfasketer said:
+ Nice Touches on the HUD (The Level Meter's color is kinda hard to see the amount of XP collected which is good for balancing of the weapon Which is kinda Overpowered since it's hard to level up.)
Hm, I ought to make it easier to see, then.

alfasketer said:
+ Backstory in the stile of the open world Castlevanias
Yeah, I'll probably update it a bit when I'm about ready to release version 3 (with the protagonist's name). Until the Reservoir area is added, though, the intro will be unchanged.

alfasketer said:
+ For some reason the save room in the upper castle has a door leading to the start of the level. I guess that is just a reference to Aria of Sorrow or the later NDS titles.
The shortcuts are indeed a reference to those games, and are there to make backtracking less of an issue.
(Who would want to travel about nine+ maps just to obtain a treasure that they unlocked?)

alfasketer said:
View attachment 522
This really feels like a Metroidvania game. Signs make it really easier to know when to come back for the item.

Well Isn't that Cheating. I wanted to Kill all of you one by one :D.
Evidently, I remembered to add one sign, but forgot to add another. =o

alfasketer said:
Also I just saw that by picking up Health Capsules your health gets replenished. Which is nice.
Most of them should, though I may have forgotten some. =o

alfasketer said:
+ New gun.

I use it for a XP absorbator. Sadly even at level 3 is weaker than the Nvidia.
The Crescent Moon being weaker than the Invidia is intentional.
Invidia is planned to be stolen in the Reservoir area by the younger witch, above water. The enemy realizes how powerful it can be, and they won't let that weapon ruin their lives further.
Though, there will be a new weapon obtainable within the Reservoir, which will probably help against the two major bosses of the area.

alfasketer said:

It was time for a quoting reference.
And there may be more in the future. ;)

alfasketer said:

Holy crap that's Epic. I died. Let's try again.

2nd time. My god it was tough.Let's continue.
That'll be the toughest boss for some time, at least for now. =)

alfasketer said:

GOD DAMN IT.Happy third time for me.
For now, it's going to be the only planned post-boss-fight trap in the mod; the next few bosses won't have those. =)

alfasketer said:
Nice update. Keep working. It's shaping perfect.
Thanks; I'll keep working on it, though for now I'll just work on the sprites of the Reservoir entities and background and such. I'll post those eventually, if only to get opinions on things like the background and such.

alfasketer said:
Edit 2:

My god.I got stressed there.
Coulda sworn I added a signpost there =o
Another thing to fix~

alfasketer said:
And I beated the second boss with 10 atempts and 22 health. :momo:
Would that be maximum health, or remaining health?

Due to some demand (not of members at this forum, yet), I decided to post a list of all the Life Capsules. Contains spoilers, since it may contain plans for future releases of Lunar Shadow.
Each map has the areas marked with green. Red areas are save points, orange areas are boss rooms, turquoise areas are weapon rooms, and green rooms are Life Capsule rooms. Blue rooms have nothing special about them. Usually.
Life Capsule locations are ordered from left to right.
  • p192765-7-2820011521112210172371.png
    +3 (starting HP, technically not a Life Capsule)
  • +3 (invisible; interact with background wall above the door, on the left side to uncover it)
  • +3 (a lot of jumping and enemies, including a Deleet)
  • +4 (requires either flight or the use of an exploit - if you can't fly yet, this exploit will set a special flag. If you can fly, however, the special flag won't be set. A hint: reaching it will involve taking damage)
  • +4 (out in the open, guarded by a few monsters)
  • +5 (guarded by two visible Gravekeepers and an evil moving block)

  • +3 (to the left, possibly obscured by the status bars)
  • +5 (requires either flight or the use of another exploit - if you can't fly yet, this exploit sets another special flag, though if you can fly, the flag won't be set. A hint: do not destroy the capsules. They serve a different purpose than shooting at it.)
  • +4 (out in the open with some eggs)

This area has no Life Capsules yet, as the area has yet to be added. However, it's planned to have a third Life Capsule that requires either flight or an exploit. What this exploit is, I don't know yet. If you obtain these three Life Capsules, and go to the Entrance (starting point), then go to the house part and locate a girl with a scarf, she will give you another Life Capsule as a reward. Of course, this extra Life Capsule can be lost forever if you obtain flight before getting the Life Capsules.
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Jan 21, 2015 at 5:14 AM
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"Fly, Fly, Fly!"
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Kim Tyranto said:
Would that be maximum health, or remaining health?
22 was my maximum health and later i saw that there were more to be found. I hate myself :D

And thanks for the life capsule list.
The flight one is tricky. Really tricky. But you put some nice thought to it.

Also I like the direction you're going with the mod's story. For those who don't want to ruin their experience don't read.
Most of the games these days says: He're a bad guy. You have to stop him. Go, Go, Go. And at the end you're beating the bad guy because it was objective to beat the game. But other games makes you hate the bad guy for one or another reason. Cave Story is from these games. The characters mention the doctor so frequently that you feel you really want to see him and beat him up. And when you see the bad things he did and is doing you really Really want to defeat him. Other games coming to mind are Super Meat Boy, Half-Life 2, Portal 1& 2, Bayonetta and Banjo Kazooie

Your mod is going (most likely) in this direction too. The witches started to mention the master and how he "wanted to see how further she will get into." He is challenging the player to get to him through the castle. And that's brilliant. Almost everyone will accept the challenge because everyone loves a good challenge. At the end the completion of the challenge will be the defeat of the master. There is a reason inside of you that makes you finish the game. Great one.
Jan 21, 2015 at 10:23 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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alfasketer said:
22 was my maximum health and later i saw that there were more to be found. I hate myself :D
The future ones will hidden in all sorts of places, hopefully. =o

alfasketer said:
And thanks for the life capsule list.
The flight one is tricky. Really tricky. But you put some nice thought to it.
No problem~

alfasketer said:
Also I like the direction you're going with the mod's story. For those who don't want to ruin their experience don't read.
Most of the games these days says: He're a bad guy. You have to stop him. Go, Go, Go. And at the end you're beating the bad guy because it was objective to beat the game. But other games makes you hate the bad guy for one or another reason. Cave Story is from these games. The characters mention the doctor so frequently that you feel you really want to see him and beat him up. And when you see the bad things he did and is doing you really Really want to defeat him. Other games coming to mind are Super Meat Boy, Half-Life 2, Portal 1& 2, Bayonetta and Banjo Kazooie

Your mod is going (most likely) in this direction too. The witches started to mention the master and how he "wanted to see how further she will get into." He is challenging the player to get to him through the castle. And that's brilliant. Almost everyone will accept the challenge because everyone loves a good challenge. At the end the completion of the challenge will be the defeat of the master. There is a reason inside of you that makes you finish the game. Great one.
I'll try to keep the direction the same for future versions. =)

Thank you for your feedback. :D
Jan 21, 2015 at 6:30 PM
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I want to play newer version :)
I can't waaaaaait ;D
Jan 28, 2015 at 7:01 AM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Three screenshots of areas that won't appear in the mod; their sole purpose being the tilesets and backgrounds.
Could someone please tell me if the backgrounds are okay or not?

Servant Quarters

Uses the tileset of one of my friends' abandoned mods. Those are not the planned enemies, though.

That's the darkened version.
The shutters will only appear during the boss fight (which itself spans about four maps).
I have yet to work on the version which is lit.
(That tileset took me most of Friday to work on, mainly getting that eye recolored from the Balcony version, and having it fit in with the tiles of that area...)

The first screenshot's background is intended for use above water, while the second screenshot's background is intended for use underwater.
Jan 28, 2015 at 8:04 AM
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Those look okay to me.
By the way maybe you could do something like an item you get after you beat the boss/reach the end of that map that could teleport you to that area whenever you wanted. (Like you get a <YesNoJump, then if you said yes you would be <TRAnsported to whatever map that item is connected to?)