Low HP hellruns?

Apr 30, 2006 at 4:42 AM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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I was wondering if there was anybody else actually trying to run hell with 3HP and what the best times and stuff they got, because I finally got through Hell alive with 3HP and my time wasn't horrid..(it was actually better than my first time getting through with 55HP..)

I uploaded my low hp run of hell to youtube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBZ11OhTGzw

I'm now trying to get through the game with minimal items and stuff..just trying to get more fun out of this awesome game =P
Apr 30, 2006 at 6:14 AM
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Geeze, you're faster at 3 HP than I am at 55 HP & Life Pot.

I'm sure if you clean up some of the spots (getting the opening room done more crisply, maybe not lingering around some of the bute chutes so much) you could break the 5 minute barrier, but that's already insanely impressive (just finishing the 3 HP, much less with that time).
Apr 30, 2006 at 6:40 AM
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Chaddykins said:
I'm now trying to get through the game with minimal items and stuff..just trying to get more fun out of this awesome game =P
I know how you feel. Recording it and letting everyone see brings more enjoyment to others aswell. It also spreads knowlege (how u shot down lvl 2 spur and killed the column or archers I didn't know that was possible!).

Very impressive vid, congratulations on doing it. If you keep it up, you'll definaltly be able to get under 5 minutes.

Out of curiousity: Where do you die the most often when doing this? I stoped my 3hp run at undead core (playing conservative gets frustrating), and I figured that doing hell 2 would just be soooooooo annoying.

Out of laziness: Do the innocent demons durring ballos's 2nd form do 3 or more dmg? I was supprised when you didn't jump on his eye and bust out blade.
Apr 30, 2006 at 8:39 AM
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that was absolutely amazing! although i also am wondering why you didnt use the blade?
Apr 30, 2006 at 8:50 AM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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"I'm sure if you clean up some of the spots (getting the opening room done more crisply, maybe not lingering around some of the bute chutes so much)"

Yeah I screwed up the opening room..usually I don't screw up on it (considering I did it at least over 200 times in a row trying to even beat Hell..) but the one I actually got recorded had those mistakes..

I stayed around the bute chutes because in before attempts they were becomming horrid pests that came literally out of nowhere and murdered me so I thought taking them out before they became a problem was a decent idea.

"Out of curiousity: Where do you die the most often when doing this? I stoped my 3hp run at undead core (playing conservative gets frustrating), and I figured that doing hell 2 would just be soooooooo annoying."

I died a loooot at the undead core as well...It is very annoying and frustrating to get all the way to it and die after fighting through the 3 previous bosses...but as hard as the undead core was, Hell was at least 10x harder and more frustrating. I swear I died in every imaginable way in hell at least 10 times...but mostly in the second room with all the blocks falling and butes flying every which way...

"Out of laziness: Do the innocent demons durring ballos's 2nd form do 3 or more dmg? I was supprised when you didn't jump on his eye and bust out blade."

The bat things that fly around? They do 3 damage which is death x_x...just pegging him with a charged spur blast left and right is the safest way I found to do damage to him without dying since everything is death during Ballos, cept for the spikes that he puts up during the final form. I didn't think to use the blade really..but I didn't want to hang around in his eye too long and get carried up to a swift death..x_X

I dunno if I want to go through all the trouble again just to get a better time...I had beaten it once before the recorded one at school and got 6 mins, and it took me a few more days to beat it again and get it recorded, and I was really suprised with my time. I'm sure anyone can do this if they really tried hard enough and could beat my time =D
Apr 30, 2006 at 3:37 PM
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The Core is way way harder than the Undead Core on a 3HP run IMO, mainly because when you get to the Undead Core you have the Booster and the Spur and you don't have you dodge projectiles with the horribly slow underwater physics. I battled the Core so many times that I actually learned how to influence his pattern so he would do the same thing every time, and then I memorized his movements. I gave up on Hell 2, because I could do the rest of the level without much trouble but 2 was just extremely annoying, and I only ever got past it once when practicing each room with debug saves.

Also, how did you do the eye trick on the final form of Ballos? I always thought it was impossible on a 3HP run, because after I get hurt by the 2 damage spikes and fly up onto his eye I just get killed by the mini-eyes when he becomes damageable. You seemed to be using a turbo controller, but does that really kill him fast enough to avoid damage or is there something I'm missing?
Apr 30, 2006 at 7:15 PM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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"The Core is way way harder than the Undead Core on a 3HP run IMO, mainly because when you get to the Undead Core you have the Booster and the Spur and you don't have you dodge projectiles with the horribly slow underwater physics. I battled the Core so many times that I actually learned how to influence his pattern so he would do the same thing every time, and then I memorized his movements."

Jeez o_o...I didn't know you could influence his pattern. The core was a hard boss to beat for me but it didn't take me as long as the undead core really..I guess I got lucky.

"I gave up on Hell 2, because I could do the rest of the level without much trouble but 2 was just extremely annoying, and I only ever got past it once when practicing each room with debug saves."

If you're talking about the second room in Hell with the falling blocks and stuff, yeah it is incredibly annoying and it's really hard to get by without some luck so that the blocks don't fall in bad places..I swear there were times where the blocks were literally blocking my path or out to get me with vengence.

"Also, how did you do the eye trick on the final form of Ballos? I always thought it was impossible on a 3HP run, because after I get hurt by the 2 damage spikes and fly up onto his eye I just get killed by the mini-eyes when he becomes damageable. You seemed to be using a turbo controller, but does that really kill him fast enough to avoid damage or is there something I'm missing?"

I wasn't using a turbo controller, just my regular PS2 controller that I have, I was mashing it like no tomorrow though cause after all that trouble to even get to there I was wanting him dead as fast as humanly possible. About dying on his eye though...I dunno, perhaps you were too far out of his eye and one of the floating eyes hit you or maybe the invinciblity from getting hit wore off too soon or something.
Jun 19, 2006 at 6:34 AM
The Bartender
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I just beat Hell on a low HP run (not 3 hp though; more like a dozen for now) for the first time. Whew. My hat goes off to everyone who can pull off a 3 hp run.

The second part with the falling blocks was real easy for me - I love that part and I can get through it without taking any hits most of the time. The trick is to stay afloat as much as possible so you can quickly double back if a block starts to fall on you (or shoot straight up and over it if it's far enough ahead.) The butes aren't too troublesome since a single hit kills them and they often overshoot you quite badly.

The third part meant really slow and cautious progress. I think the only hit I took was a misstep that caused me to land in one of those -10 hp spikes, leaving me with a shred of life (which was easily recovered; lots of health powerups in that area.) All of that leading up to the miniboss (which is easy so long as you don't get careless and keep an eye on the rolling things.)

Then Ballos. The first form's easy enough. So is the second form, so long as you keep alternating directions every once in a while. The third form with the eyes always gave me a hard time, but I beat it without taking a hit this time around. Which only leaves the last form... A few charged spur shots drains his health really fast, and the 2 damage spikes are REALLY useful when you need temporary invulnerability (especially once the butes get involved.) I never could get Quote to land on his eye like in most videos, though, so a lot of dodging was involved.

Final time? A lowly 14:38:xx. ;)
Jun 19, 2006 at 11:33 PM
"Big Joe Tire and Battery Restaurant! Opening Soon! Eat at Big Joes!"
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Heh >_>, my best time was like 4:57:xx
Jun 24, 2006 at 7:04 AM
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low hp runs my best is 6:26
Jun 24, 2006 at 11:02 AM
The Bartender
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My best is now 8:16. Quite an improvement, I guess.

Useless trivia: the code is set to stop the Nikumaru counter after it hits 300,000 units of time. This is 50 minutes, I believe.