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Let's Play Dangan Ronpa!

May 1, 2013 at 10:30 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Sorry for the delays, here's the next part:

Chapter 1 Part 04

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Alright, everyone's gathered! Then, I think we should start this meeting immediately!!

Together, we will show the results of our investigations, and we should share that information!!

As soon as possible, so that we can get out of here!!


Enoshima Junko:

Ah, wait a second...!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

What is it!?


Enoshima Junko:

Uhhh, well... what was it? That silver haired girl...


Ah, right right, Kirigiri Kyouko...?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

...what about her?


Enoshima Junko:

She's not here...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

What did you say!?

I looked around the cafeteria.

...surely enough Kirigiri wasn't there.


Asahina Aoi:

Kirigiri... where did you go off to. Didn't anyone see her?

But, everyone only shook their heads...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Huh...? Nobody... has seen Kirigiri?

By any chance... she's...!
Note: This next scene is a flashback.


Striking, stabbing, beating, beheading, burning, crushing, strangling, slaughtering, cursing… I don’t care how it’s done.

"Only the student who kills someone else will be able to leave from here", that alone is the simple rule.


By the worst means you can be lead to the best results, so please give it your all.

No way... could it be that...

No, I'm worrying too much...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Damn you, Kirigiri... late from the first day....

In spite of being late you didn't even tell us you were going to be late, you don't have the guts of a latecomer...


Enoshima Junko:

What you're saying is unreasonable, do you get that?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

But, we have a schedule to keep. It can't be helped.


I declare the commencement of the first Hope Peak Academy information meeting!


Maizono Sayaka.

...Naegi. Well, first...

We should listen to the information from everyone who split up and investigated the school.

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, we should.


Maizono Sayaka:

Ehehe, somehow...

Naegi Makoto:

Huh, what?


Maizono Sayaka:

Right now, didn't I really seem like your assistant?


I'm not a reliable assistant but, I'll be giving it my all, so please treat me well.

No... even without doing more than this you're a reassuring assistant... Maizono...


At this point we can either talk to everyone in the room, or we can talk to Maizono to make our lives easier. How she does that will be apparent in a moment.

Maizono Sayaka:

Well then, since you don't understand the situation, I'll explain things simply for you.

Everyone split up and investigated this building's interior...


Togami and Ishimaru went alone. After that, Kirigiri also did too...

Kuwata, Hagakure, Enoshima, and Fujisaki went together it seems.

After that Asahina, Oogami and Oowada went together, and the remaining Celes, Fukawa, and Yamada also went together.
So this is another reaction talk event. Via reaction talk, we can talk to the groups that went together as a whole, instead of having to guess who went with who and possibly hearing the same stories over and over again. Maizono is being a pretty good assistant here. So first let's see about...


Togami Byakuya:

What I investigated was clues about the criminal who has locked us up.

But, I didn't discover anything. That is all...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Th, that's it?


Togami Byakuya:

If I had discovered anything I planned to share it but, since I didn't find anything there's no helping it?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

R, right... understood...
Alright, so once you've talked to Togami, you can talk to Maizono again and she'll give you the same conversation, allowing you to pick the other choices. So next is...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I investigated the school dormitory area...


There I made the discovery of the century!! In the dormitory there exists private rooms for everyone!!


Asahina Aoi:

We knew that... it's the first thing we confirmed...


Enoshima Junko:

There are name plates put on the doors, so every room is assigned to someone.


Oogami Sakura:

They even politely provided keys with name tags.

...with that, the room I was in before was definitely my room.


Enoshima Junko:

And, those rooms seem to be completely soundproof. Fujisaki and I confirmed that...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Even when shouting in the neighboring room, you couldn't hear anything...



However, there were also clean bathrooms. They even had locks.


Enoshima Junko:

The ones that lock appear to be only the ones in the girls' rooms though.

Huh...? When I investigated earlier, my room's bathroom appeared to be locked...

Weird... later I'll check it again.


Oowada Mondo:

Rather, willfully preparing something like these private rooms, what are they doing by making us stay here...!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Isn't it better than nothing!? Thanks to it we don't have to worry about being forced to rough it.


Fukawa Touko:

S, so... that's all you have to report? I wasn't expecting that... from an honor's student...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:



I'm done reporting! Let's move on to the next person!
Yes, Ishimaru, let's. We didn't learn much new from him, but we have other people to talk to.
>Kuwata, Hagakure, Enoshima and Fujisaki


Enoshima Junko:

As for us, we went around and investigated every single iron plate on the windows in the hallways and the classrooms.

Somewhere one of them might come off we thought...

And, the result was...


Kuwata Leon:

Failure, total failure... None of the iron plates would give an inch.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

There's no... way out of here anywhere...!

This school... we're really locked in here...!


Enoshima Junko:



Shitshitshitshitshit... this is really bad... what are we gonna do, everyone...!


Kuwata Leon:

Hey hey, calm down...! Even I'm gonna get freaked out...
So while they're freaking out we can talk to Maizono again to speak to the next group.
>Asahina, Oogami and Oowada


Asahina Aoi:

We were investigating the school area. Somewhere, there might be a way to contact the outside world!


But, we didn't find anything... sorry...


Oowada Mondo:

We returned to the entrance hall, and we tried to see if we couldn't do anything about that hunk of iron on the entrance.


Even with Oogami and I working together we weren't able to put a dent in it. No matter how many desks or chairs we beat it with, it was useless.


It was as if it was as strong as iron...



Right, because it was iron.


Oowada Mondo:

...anyways, it doesn't look like we'll be able to break that hunk of iron by attacking it directly.


Asahina Aoi:

Somehow... I feel like crying... but if I don't endure it... I won't be preserving my water...


Oogami Sakura:

Next, I'll be talking...

This isn't related to finding a way to contact the outside world but, I found something a bit curious...

In the hallways of the dormitory and the school, there are stairs that continue to the second floor.


Asahina Aoi:

However, there are shutters blocking them so we can't go in. No matter where we searched, we couldn't find a switch or anything for them...


Oogami Sakura:

In other words, with the current state, we can only investigate the first floor of this building...


Be as it may, even though currently we can't go to the second floor, that still leaves a possibility.

The possibility that there's an exit...
This part is getting long, so we'll have to talk to the other students next time.
May 4, 2013 at 6:05 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
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Age: 32
Let’s talk to some more classmates!

Chapter 1 Part 05
So last time we were talking to everyone after they had investigated the school in groups, but there's still one last group to talk to (via Reaction Talk through Maizono)
>Celes, Fukawa, and Yamada



Strictly speaking, we didn't "go searching together"...

Rather, we "didn't do anything together". We stayed in the gymnasium the whole time.


Because, running around and investigating the school's interior, it doesn't fit my image...


Enoshima Junko:

Staying in the gym and doing nothing, what were you guys thinking?


Fukawa Touko:

Because... no one invited me... nobody said "let's go together"...!

To ignore me is... unacceptable... that's unacceptable...!


Enoshima Junko:

What, if you wanted to come along, you should have said something yourself!!


Fukawa Touko:

Hmph... I, I'll have to decline that offer... someone like you... to go with a filthy Gal like you...


Enoshima Junko:

A filthy Gal...?


Fukawa Touko:

I... to go with a girl like you who's loose in body and mind... instinctively... I feel like I might puke...


Enoshima Junko:

That's surprising, it amazes me... that you can insult someone that much when you first meet them...


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

You two, let's talk calmly, yeah. Arguing like this is bad for your skin. Right?


Maizono Sayaka:

Right! Are you two good enough friends that you can fight? Is that it?

Maizono... I think that's a bit different...


Maizono Sayaka:

With that, we've heard from everyone.

So, the only one who hasn't reported is me...
As Maizono said, we've heard from everyone but her at this point. And there's not much to do but to talk to her I think, so let's do that.

Maizono Sayaka:

As for me, I investigated this cafeteria...

Inside the fridge in the kitchen, it's packed with ingredients.


Maizono Sayaka:

It looks like we won't have to worry about food.


Yamada Hifumi:

No matter how much there is, with 15 people how many days can we hold out...


Fukawa Touko:

Y, you... should eat seeds or something.


Yamada Hifumi:

Eh? Am I a bird?


Maizono Sayaka:

You don't need to worry. The refrigerator will be automatically restocked with food everyday.


...that's what Monobear said.


Enoshima Junko:

...you met him!?


Maizono Sayaka:

When I was investigating the refrigerator he popped out, said just that, and went off somewhere again.

He didn't seem like he was radio controlled, with his speed.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

A weaponized stuffed animal that moves elusively... is it scary or is it not, it's hard to tell...
Note: What Fujisaki actually says in the second lines is more along the lines of "it's a scary or not scary delicate setting...", but that doesn't really make much sense in English and doesn't quite convey what she's really saying.

Asahina Aoi:

But, were you ok? It didn't seem like you were going to be eaten up by that bear?


Yamada Hifumi:

Ea, eaten up...?


Yamada Hifumi:

Hey hey, what do you mean by that? When you say eaten up, what kind of "eaten up"?
Note: In case it isn't obvious here, the "eaten up" used here can have sexual connotations.

Asahina Aoi:

H, hey...!


Kuwata Leon:

Hey, you pig! That's too aggressive!! Are you a nasty drunkard!


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Well, it's not like there are good drunkards or anything, yeah.


Enoshima Junko:

Hey! You guys, quit messing around!

Are you half asleep? Aren't we confined in here? We could be killed whenever, that's not funny!


Oowada Mondo:

It's just as that girl says... this isn't the time to screw around. If we really don't do something...

And, interrupting what Oowada had starting saying, that voice spoke up.


You guys really are noisy...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

Do you have the time? Or have you just not accepted reality...?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Kirigiri! What have you been doing up till now!! The meeting has already been started!


And, without saying anything, she threw a single piece of paper onto the table.


Naegi Makoto:

Huh...? This is...?

Kirigiri Kyouko:

It seems like a guide map of Hope Peak Academy...

Naegi Makoto:

A guide map... of Hope Peak Academy...?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Wait... where did... you get this...?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...it doesn't matter where.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Isn't this good! Doesn't it make you intensely curious!!


Enoshima Junko:

...more than that, what meaning does that paper hold?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

From looking at this sketch...

Right now, the building we're in, it looks like it has the exact same structure as Hope Peak Academy.

Naegi Makoto:

In other words, this place is the real... Hope Peak Academy?

Kirigiri Kyouko:

...just the structure.

But, it looks like various strange reconstructions have been put in as well...

Naegi Makoto:



Kirigiri Kyouko:

I don't know all the details. This sketch I obtained, it's only of the first floor...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

But, if this was really Hope Peak Academy... then that means we haven't been taken to some other place...


Oowada Mondo:

...but that's stupid. This place, is this the academy that raises the elite who bear the country's future?


Asahina Aoi:

But, if this is Hope Peak Academy, why are there no other students?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Cut it out already... talking only about this gloomy stuff...

Naegi Makoto:

But, you aren't worried? About our... current situation?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Worried...? Worried about what?

After all, isn't this the shocking event planned by Hope Peak Academy?


In fact, if we keep getting perturbed like this, ectoplasm will start coming from our mouths, yeah!


All things come to those who wait... the key is to restfully wait for this event to end...





Fukawa Touko:

You... what are you laughing at...!



It's good. The results of everyone splitting up and searching.


Fukawa Touko:

H, have you been listening? W, where has there been meaning in our investigation...!

We didn't find any way out... and the true colors of our captor... are still unknown...



Oh, but thanks to our search haven't we proven something?


We've been locked in a secret place with no escape, it's a fact you can't deny.
This part is getting to be pretty long now, so I'll cut it here.
May 6, 2013 at 9:22 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Age: 32
Let's wrap up this meeting!

Chapter 1 Part 06:

We've been locked in a secret place with no escape, it's a fact you can't deny...

With those words of her's... we had no choice but to fall silent.

The reality we didn't want to admit to... but, that's just the reality that was before our eyes.


Fukawa Touko:

D, don't say it... I was trying to forget it...

In a place with no exit... locked up here... what do I do...


Togami Byakuya:

It's simple. If you want to leave here you should kill...


Enoshima Junko:

Quit joking around!!


Maizono Sayaka:

Everyone please calm down...!

More calmly... let's talk about what we should do from here.


Kuwata Leon:

It doesn't... seem like there's anything we can do...



Adaptation... we should adapt to life here.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Living here... are you saying we should accept that...?



A lack of adaptation is... a lack of life...

The people who survive won't be the strong or the clever. Only those who are able to change will.



...based on that, I have a proposal for everyone.


Oowada Mondo:

Aah? A proposal?



As long as we're locked up in here, we'll have to spend the night in this place...

Everyone, the rules concerning night time, you remember them, right?


2: From 10pm to 7am is “Night time”. During night time there are areas that are off limits so be aware of that.


3: You may go to sleep in the private room made for you in the school dormitory. If you intentionally sleep in another room you will be punished.



In regards to this "Night Time"... wouldn't be best if we added another rule?

Naegi Makoto:

Added another rule...?



"Going out at night time is forbidden"... that's all.

The school regulations don't prohibit going out at night time but, we'll establish a restriction on this.


Fukawa Touko:

W, why?



As it is, every time it turns to night, we'll all wind up frightened.


"Isn't someone coming to kill me?", you'll think...


Maizono Sayaka:




If these nights where we continue to hold these suspicions repeatedly occur, then soon we'll be completely worn out.


Oogami Sakura:

...and as a preventive measure, we'll put a restriction on night time behavior, is what you're saying.



Correct, you aren't compelled to follow it like you are the school regulations. It will depend on everyone's cooperation...


Enoshima Junko:

But... I think I might agree with this...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

On behalf of the boys I also think we should accept this!


Kuwata Leon:

You just decided to represent us on your own!?



Everyone, it seems like we all agree? That's good.



...well then, I'll have to ask to be excused here.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

...huh? Where are you going...?



It's going to become night time soon. Before that I thought that I would have a shower.


Well then, farewell...

With an elegant walk, Celes left the cafeteria...

Without even giving the others a chance to stop her, she walked out very naturally.


Yamada Hifumi:

W, what an incredible way of coming to a decision... She doesn't seem to have any problem staying at this place...


Oogami Sakura:

Adaptation... huh...


Enoshima Junko:

What do we do, chairman? One person has left...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Y, yeah...

Well, well then... we'll end today's meeting here...


Because, it will be night time soon! We should also get ready for tomorrow!


Fujisaki Chihiro:

We really... have no choice but to... spend the night here...


Enoshima Junko:

It can't be helped. If we don't sleep it'll just wear on our strength...


Oowada Mondo:

So for today... we have to give up...


Fukawa Touko:

Even if this is good for today... tomorrow... w, what are we going to do...?


Oogami Sakura:

Like today, there's nothing to do but to split up and continue our investigation. If we discover something we should share it with each other.


Asahina Aoi:

...right. Let's do that.


Enoshima Junko:

Well, I guess we're breaking up then... I'm also tired...

With heavy footsteps, everyone headed to their rooms...


Maizono Sayaka:

Naegi... we should also get going.

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, right...
And so the meeting is over. Next time we'll be going back to Naegi's room.
May 12, 2013 at 10:37 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's spend the night at Hope Peak Academy!

Chapter 1 Part 07:


I'm really going to stay the night in this room...

Oh right... before I sleep, I should check my bathroom again...

Only the girls' rooms' bathrooms lock... right?
So we're in Naegi's room again. You can check everything but they all have pretty much the same description as before, so let's check that bathroom's door.

Alright, let's try opening it...


Naegi Makoto:

No good, as I thought it's locked...



Pupu~! It's not locked!

Naegi Makoto:



Your reaction was over the top. It's as if you've mistaken a person for a ghost...


No... in this case, "a bear for a ghost" would be correct?

Naegi Makoto:

Wh, what did you come here for!



Naegi, that's really terrible! Magically terrible!

Ultra Magical! A terrible terrible attack!


To be honest, your washroom is the only washroom that has a defective door!!

Naegi Makoto:

So the reason the door won't open isn't because it's locked, but because it's defective...?



Didn't you read the notice? Can you not read?

The boys' bathrooms don't lock!


Because, even if you could lock the boys' bathrooms, there would no point!


No, well I guess there would but... I... don't really know much about Bara or Yuri...
Bara and Yuri are basically referring to male and female homosexuality respectively. For more information on these terms here are some links: Bara Yuri


Anyways, to open this defective door, there's a little trick you need to know...

And I came to teach you it.

Alright? While turning the doorknob, if you lift it up while doing that, it will open.


Here, try it?

Naegi Makoto:

While turning the doorknob... lift it up...

And by doing that... the door was easily able to open and close.



Upupupu... it opened...

But, doesn't it make you laugh? That only your room's bathroom has a defective door...


Because, you're the Super High School Level Good Luck student, right? And yet this isn't lucky at all!


Well, I suddenly feel like I should go back now!

Naegi Makoto:

H, hey!! Wait!!







Uh, this is a school broadcast. It is now 10 pm.

From now on it's "Night Time".

Soon the cafeteria's doors will lock, so you won't be able to enter them~.

Well then, sweet dreams. And good night...


Night time... I promised not to go outside...

Naegi Makoto:

Today is already... I guess there's nothing to do but sleep obediently...

While muttering those words to myself, I flopped onto the bed.

And at the same time I closed my eyes.

I wasn't sleepy but, I was just extremely exhausted.

It's like if I was shown a movie for an entire day, that kind of exhaustion...

An illusion where I was thrown into a fictional world...

Naegi Makoto:

...of course.

Suddenly being dragged into this situation, it's not like I can easily accept it...


Thus the curtains came to a close on my first day at Hope Peak Academy.

I slept like this...

When I woke up it would all be a dream... how about punchline like that?

As a punchline it would be the worst, but the best. That would be the best.






I am the orderly device, the gentle-looking teacher, Monobear. With that, the days to come have already begun...

I can't help but to be very proud and happy.

Today for the new students I held a wonderful entrance ceremony like this, and I am truly grateful for that.

The Hope Peak Academy's students lost conciousness without incident, and each of them are aiming for my new dream...

I vow that they'll strive for tomorrow!





Good morning you guys! It's morning, 7am!

Well, let's go forward with high spirits again today!


It's morning... it seems... since there's no windows it's hard to be sure...

Anyways... what should I do today...


For now, I should call Maizono over... maybe I should try consulting with her...

She's my assistant after all... she did say that...

Naegi Makoto:

Alright, I've made up my mind, I'll try going to her room!

With my determination built up, I left my own room.


So now the game wants us to go talk to Maizono, which means that doing so will probably advance the plot. Therefore we should go and do everything except talk to Maizono, to see if other people have anything interesting to say. From here we can see Ishimaru, so let's go say hi to him.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Good morning, Naegi!

Naegi Makoto:

M, morning...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Yeah, morning salutations sure are great! They're honestly a refreshing feeling!


Well then, today let's also do our best!

Naegi Makoto:

R, right...

I guess Ishimaru is always like this...
The game will also let us explore a few new areas now, so we'll be doing that. First let's go to the washroom.

This is the girl's bathroom... Of course, I can't go in here...
Well it was worth a shot Naegi, but let's go into the boy's washroom this time.

The only thing to investigate here is that fish tank in the back.

A fish tank... small fish are swimming...

Monobear Medal get!


This is the furnace room, which is also available to us now. There's a few things to investigate in here.

Metal bars are blocking the way so you can't go in...


There's a panel on the floor...

Rattle Rattle!

It won't open... looks like it's locked...

Monobear Medal get!


A switch... it looks like...

But a switch for what?

Monobear Medal get!
That's all we can do here, so let's go check out the laundry room.

There's quite a few things to look at here, and Hagakure is here too. We'll talk to him after looking around.

A swimsuit has been hung to dry...

But whose is it...?

Monobear Medal get!


A vending machine... I guess we're supposed to use it while we do our laundry...


A washing machine... this is a laundry room, so of course it's here...

Monobear Medal get!
There are actually 6 individual machines here to investigate. They all say the same thing, but 2 of them give Monobear Medals.

A magazine has been placed here... I guess it's here to pass time while you do your laundry?
And now we've looked at everything in this room, so let's talk to Hagakure.

Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Nnn... it's Naegi, huh...

Naegi Makoto:

Good morning, what're you doing?

Hagakure Yasuhito:

That's, laundry, yeah... we're in the laundry room after all...

Naegi Makoto:

...Hagakure, are you feeling well? Somehow your expression seems troubled...


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

No, I'm just a little sleepy, yeah...

Probably, as my spiritual teacher said... something in my body has awoken or I should try to listen...


I've pushed myself to my limits yeah... but, I've failed so far...


As you'd expect of the "Super High School Level Fortune Teller"... he already can't do without fortune telling...

And that's all we get to hear from him. Next time we'll see where else we can go before talking to Maizono.
May 12, 2013 at 2:57 PM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Location: Somewhere quiet with many birds
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So now the game wants us to go talk to Maizono, which means that doing so will probably advance the plot. Therefore we should go and do everything except talk to Maizono, to see if other people have anything interesting to say.
Spoken like a true adventurer. This might as well be one of the Grand Rules of Videogames, I do it all the time :p

Oh, and I've been meaning to ask this for a while, but what is "LDLP"? An account you made? It appears before you everytime this thread is updated in my notifications.
May 12, 2013 at 11:21 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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LDLP is the account that posts between my posts. How I double post is that first LDLP posts, then I post after LDLP, and I merge LDLP's post with my old post.

Without double posting this thread wouldn't work since there's a 32 image per post limit.
May 13, 2013 at 2:10 AM
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"What're YOU lookin' at?"
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Location: Somewhere quiet with many birds
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Ah, I see! That's actually pretty clever. Good work! :)
May 24, 2013 at 4:34 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Oh woops I forgot to post the next part here.

Chapter 1 Part 08:

The last thing we can do before going back and talking to Maizono is go to the cafeteria. There's a few students here, and we can look at the kitchen now. But first let's talk to the students.

Fujisaki Chihiro:

Ah, Naegi. Good morning.

Naegi Makoto:

Good morning, Fujisaki.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Even if we greet each other like this...

We can't see outside the windows... so we don't really know if it's morning...

Naegi Makoto:

Y, yeah...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Ah, sorry...! I was saying something weird...

Naegi Makoto:

That's... not something you need to apologize for...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

I'm really sorry...

She's really downhearted... somehow, I feel like I did something wrong...


Naegi Makoto:

Kirigiri, good morning.

Kirigiri Kyouko:

...Good morning.

Naegi Makoto:



Kirigiri Kyouko:


The, the conversation... isn't continuing...

Naegi Makoto:



Kirigiri Kyouko:

...what is it?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, no. Nothing in particular...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

I see...

She left...

Kirigiri... she's untalkative... a cool person.


Naegi Makoto:

Good morning, Togami.


Huh? Did he not hear me?

Naegi Makoto:

Togami! Good morning!


Togami Byakuya:

You only have to say it once.

Naegi Makoto:



Togami Byakuya:

I'm here for breakfast... I don't need to talk to you. Go away.


Even after hearing me... he didn't reply...
So now that we've talked to those 3 (and had one run off on us), let's check out that kitchen.

There's a few things to investigate in here.

It's a showcase... inside, ingredients are lined up...

Even in these circumstances, when I see meat, it raises my spirits...

Monobear Medal Get!


Vegetables are piled high here...

There's also a lot of variety... And a lot of nutrition... But, I prefer sweets.

Monobear Medal Get!


A knife rack...

There's various types of knives. For cooking, I guess you use knifes like these.
And that's all that's in the kitchen, for now anyways. I'm pretty sure we have nothing left to do but to talk to Maizono now, so let's go get her finally.

Should I push the intercom beside the door?

Ding Dong



Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

...good morning, Maizono.


Maizono Sayaka:

Ah, Naegi. Good timing!

Naegi Makoto:

...good timing?


Maizono Sayaka:

Well, uh... I have a little favor to ask...
Another Reaction Talk event. I was actually confused to what happened here at first (Maizono's sprite moves to the right, off screen) so I tried to talk to her door to talk to her but...

Maizono Sayaka:

Hey, Naegi. Why are you trying to go into my room?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, uhhh, that's...
Whoops. Anyways let's get on with that Reaction Talk now.


Naegi Makoto:

A favor...?


Maizono Sayaka:

I too was thinking that we should get out from here. If it's ok would you accompany me somewhere...?

Naegi Makoto:

It's fine but... where are we going?


Maizono Sayaka:

Errr... that's...

Somewhere, I think there should be a weapon for self defense...

Naegi Makoto:

For, for self defense...!?


Maizono Sayaka:

Because, the person who locked us up in here, we don't know when he'll come and attack us...

The person who locked us up in here...

The person who presented to us that rule about killing each other...

That asshole who manufactured this unreasonable situation... certainly, we don't know when he'll come and attack us.

Maizono Sayaka:

Therefore, if anything happens, I think I should do what I can to at least protect my body...

So with that... a weapon for self defense...

If that's the case, in the trophy case in the hall before the gymasium, there was something that looked like it could be used...


Maizono Sayaka:

So the hall before the gymnasium. Let's go!

Naegi Makoto:

A, again...?


Maizono Sayaka:

Because I'm an esper.


Just kidding. It's just my intuition.

Are my thoughts that simplistic?

Anyways... together with Maizono, let's go to the hall before the gymnasium.

For everyone who finds moving throughout the school to be a bother, we have good news.

From the ID card's menu's "Map"... it is possible to use "Instant Movement".

Open the "Map menu", and it's as simple as just selecting where you want to go.

However, the hallways where you can use Instant Movement are limited to "Map points".

Also, places you haven't been to and places that are blocked off, you can't go to these places with Instant Movement.

Furthermore, due to the storyline's effects, there will also be times where you cannot use Instant Movement.

In order to avoid the dangers of getting lost within the school's walls while moving through them, please note this.

That's all, so please check it, and thank you.
I'm not sure if I'll be using this feature too much, but it seems pretty useful nonetheless. Now that we have Maizono with us, Naegi is allowed to go into the main part of the school, but if Naegi tries to go through a door Maizono isn't fond of, the following happens...

Maizono Sayaka:

Uh, Naegi.

This isn't the door that goes to the hall before the gymnasium, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, aah, right. Sorry.
So yeah, we can't go everywhere. But there are some rooms we can go to, the first one being a new room.

This is the shop room. Why it exists will be explained shortly by the game, but first let's look at some points of interest.

A vending machine...

One could say this area is like a store...


This place looks like a store...

But, like a mix between western and Japanese styles... more like an antique shop than a store, really.

Monobear Medal Get!


This is... what?

Ah...! Perhaps, if I turn the handle a prize will come out, that kind of thing?


Will you challenge the Mono Mono Machine?

Don't Challenge
View the Explanation

So this is what Monobear Medals are for (or one of their uses, but I consider this the main one atm). Before we try it out let's read on how to use it though.
>View the Explanation

You, while in various places in the school, have obtained small medals, right?

This is that which is rumored to have been collected by a king of a distant land, the "Monobear Medals".

You can check how many Monobear Medals you've collected via the "ID card Menu".

This machine here, you can use those Monobear Medals in it to acquire prizes.

If you invest a lot of Monobear Medals, the chances of a prize you don't already have coming out will increase.

The prizes you have acquired can be checked in the ID Card's "Present" menu.
Seems simple enough. Too bad we still don't know what the presents do, but now we know where they come from. Let's give it a shot.

Naegi Makoto:

Alright, let's try challenging it.


The top left number is the number of medals you've put in, the bottom left number is how many medals you currently have, and the bottom right number is the percent chance of getting an item you already have. The more coins you put in the lower that item gets.

We don't have any items yet though, so we're safe just putting one in, and what do we get?


A thin membrane made from starch. When drinking bitter medicine or speak ill of others it is useful.
...yeah, we got the Oblaat. I didn't even know what this was at first (there's a wikipedia article on it here). The only unexplained thing on the wikipedia article is the "speaking ill of others" use. From what I read elsewhere, the idea is that if you put the oblaat in your mouth and then say something really bad, it doesn't sound bad anymore because the oblaat is in your mouth preventing proper pronounciation.

Enoshima has been standing there probably wondering why we're ignoring her, so let's say hi to her.

Enoshima Junko:


And what, with Maizono? Is this a date? A date?

Naegi Makoto:

Wh, what!?

Enoshima Junko:

Naegi has a gentle face but he's quick with the ladies, huh?


Maizono Sayaka:

You're mistaken. I'm Naegi's assistant, you see.

For her to so easily deny it is... somehow it's... ugh...


Enoshima Junko:

Huh? His assistant? What's that? Some new kink?


Well, it's my policy to not interfere with other people's hobbies~.

So, take it easy!


Naegi Makoto:


...q, quickly, let's go to the hall before the gynasium!


Maizono Sayaka:

Yes, let's.
Oh, Naegi.

There's a few students hanging out in the hallway outside of this room (specifically, Fukawa, Asahina, and Oogami). Let's talk to them.

Fukawa and these 2 being together... somehow, it's an amazing combination...

Fukawa Touko:



W, what... you're looking at me as if you want to say something...

Naegi Makoto:

No... I was just thinking it's a rare sight... to see you and Asahina and Oogami together...


Fukawa Touko:

I, I'm just going to say this but...!

I'm... with this muscle headed bunch... unwillingly...!


Asahina Aoi:

Wow, how rude!


Yesterday, you looked like you wanted to be invited, so I went to your room and called you, right!?


Fukawa Touko:

I, I didn't ask for this...!

H, here, this is the end... I won't be dragged into the world of muscle!


Asahina Aoi:

Ah, she left... should I chase after her?


Oogami Sakura:

Let's quit pressuring her further than this...


Asahina Aoi:

Hmmm, I guess we should...

In the first place, you guys were like water and oil... it's impossible for you to be together...
So now Fukawa's gone, but we can still talk to the other two.

Asahina Aoi:

Ah, Naegi and Maizono! Hey!

Naegi Makoto:

Asahina, what are you guys doing?


Asahina Aoi:

Continuing yesterday's search! We might be able to discover something!

If we find any results, I'll go and tell everyone else!


Oogami Sakura:

Clues that will get us out of here... no matter what it takes, we need to find them.


Maizono Sayaka:

So because of that... you were with Asahina and Fukawa...


Oogami Sakura:

The one who invited Fukawa along was Asahina. If it's just me, I flat-out can't even talk to her...

Well, that seems about right...
We'll end this part here. Next time we'll continue to slowly make our way to the hall before the gymnasium.
May 24, 2013 at 8:17 PM
Lvl 1
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Let's talk about our dreams.

Chapter 1 Part 09:

This is the last area Maizono will let us go to before we head off to the hall before the gymnasium. Let's see if these 2 have anything to say.

Kuwata Leon:

Man, this hunk of iron. Ugh, it's really firmly blocking the entrance!

Jeez, there isn't anything to do in this place, I might die of boredom...


Besides, here I can't chase my dreams, right?


Maizono Sayaka:

That... dream is...?


Kuwata Leon:

Right! To be a musician! I have the aura of this century's best vocalist, can you see it?


Wow, saying that in front of this national idol, I'm awesome!


Maizono Sayaka:



Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

No, it's nothing. Let's go...


Naegi Makoto:

Oowada? What are you doing?


Oowada Mondo:

Is there no way to get out of here... thinking that, I came here to look once more.


Somehow... I can't think of a way to break down this hunk of iron...


Well, I'll leave that to you guys. I'm not good at thinking, you see!


In exchange, when it comes time to sentence that guy, leave it to me! I'll show him who's the man!

Naegi Makoto:

Th, that's reassuring...
In the letter box that was here before, there's a Monobear Medal, but that's it for this room.

So let's head to the hall before the gymnasium.

Investigating the TV will give us another medal, but other than that there's not much to do in here besides talk to Maizono, so let's check the gymnasium.

Maizono Sayaka:

Naegi... do you need to go into the gymnasium?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, ahh... right, I don't.
...or not. I love how those little scenes play out, since you can either view it as Maizono being very controlling of Naegi, or as Naegi being very slow for not just getting things done.

Since we're here now, I guess we'll talk to Maizono.

Maizono Sayaka:

It's here. The place where there should be a weapon for self defense.


Certainly, there appears to be something placed in that trophy case.


There's a few items here to check out. We'll be looking at the one that advances the plot last (I wonder which that could be...)

Even on the upper shelves, a lot of things have been placed...


It's a Haniwa...

This isn't something that should be decorating the hall before the gymnasium...

Monobear Medal Get!
A Haniwa is a clay figure that was buried with the dead a thousand or so years ago. More info on them here.

A golden... Buddha statue...

Why is this item placed here...


A plaque...

Looks like it's to commemorate a victory at some tournament...


There's a helmet...

Why is this item placed here...

Monobear Medal Get!


This is... a sword? No, it looks like a fake sword.

Even so, it's got great style. Gold leaf has been coated on its entire body.

And yet...

Naegi Makoto:

Woah...! Just from touching it a bit, my hands are sticky with the gold leaf...


Maizono Sayaka:

It's true, your hands have gotten dirty.

Even if it's for self defense... this is a bit...

Naegi Makoto:

Right... I think it's better than nothing though...


Maizono Sayaka:

Then, how about if you take it, Naegi? It might work well as an unusual interior decoration.

Naegi Makoto:

As an... interior decoration?


Maizono Sayaka:

But, please be careful when taking it back. It might be best to wrap it in newspaper or something.

It's already been decided... that I'm taking it back...


Maizono Sayaka:

As for here... there isn't anything else that could be used for self defense...

Naegi Makoto:

B, but... you don't need to worry, since you don't need it right now...

Besides... if something like that were to happen...

At that time... I'd protect you...


Maizono Sayaka:

Naegi would... protect me?


Thank... you...

With you by my side, well... I don't think I need a weapon or anything for self defense anymore.

Maizono said that and smiled.

Her wondrous smile...

It was a smile that put your heart at ease...

Looking at that smile... really made me feel like I could do anything...


Maizono Sayaka:

Then, let's quit looking for weapons... since we took the time to come here, let's talk a little bit more.
Thus ends our search for weapons. There's really nothing to do here except start another conversation with her, so let's just get to it.

Maizono Sayaka:




I said that we should talk, but now that it comes to it, I don't know what we should talk about...


I'm sorry... even though I invited you...

Naegi Makoto:

No, it's... it's cool...

...maybe, since we don't have anything to talk about, we could just be silent.


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

Without trying too hard to talk, just the two of us sitting here doing nothing... is good, isn't it?


Maizono Sayaka:

Just doing nothing, you say...?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, but... you must be bored! To not be doing anything...


Maizono Sayaka:

No, it's not that's I'd get bored or anything. It's just...


I, I'm not used to it. That... "doing nothing"...

Naegi Makoto:

Oh, right...

Maizono, you're different from a normal high school student like me, with every day being busy...


Maizono Sayaka:


Um, this is sudden but...

Naegi, do you have a "dream"?

Naegi Makoto:

Huh...? A dream...?

No... I'm still searching for it... I guess?


Maizono Sayaka:

...right. It would be good if you found it. Your dream.

Naegi Makoto:

Y, yeah...

Why, Maizono...

Why are you suddenly... asking about dreams...
Looks like we have another reaction talk event. I was worried about skipping past it the first time, but it appears there's no penalty to doing so. So let's ask her about this "dream" business.


Naegi Makoto:

...then, what's your dream Maizono?

I also want to hear about your dream.


Maizono Sayaka:

I... my dream is...

From a very young age, I've always admired Idols.

...at my house, you see, I didn't have a mother.

And my father would work late every night... so I was always watching the house by myself.

I was still just a child... it was a bit lonely...

But, what helped distract me from that loneliness I had were the idols that appeared on TV.

They were cute like princesses, they were good at singing, and they were even good dancers...

And more than anything else... those smiles...

When I looked at those smiles, before I knew it my loneliness would be blown away...

That's why... I've always wanted to be like those idols who instill courage in everyone...


...that was how I felt.

Naegi Makoto:

But, that's amazing. The dream you had since you were a child has really come true!

That's really... amazing...


Maizono Sayaka:


To make my dreams come true, up till now I've had to be willing to do anything...

Even horrible things... I've really had to...

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

If I continue to chase my dreams, someday they'll come true... that's what I also thought...

But, for that, I would always have to continue looking towards my dream...

That's a nightmare... even if you're awake or if you're asleep...

To make your dreams come true, you must always continue looking towards them...


In that world, if you relax even a little bit, you'll soon be left behind...

Without any moments to breathe, you must continue to swim underwater with all your might...

It really feels like that kind of world.

Naegi Makoto:

It, it's that tough...

So... then it isn't fun...?



...no, that's not true. It's fun, a lot of fun!


But... that's why it's scary...

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

Right now... every day is really, really fun.

Everyone in my group are really great friends... they're good friends, and good rivals...

They're the one's I've been doing it with since long ago, my "dear friends".

If they weren't there... I might have given up on my dreams long ago...

Together with them I've achieved my dreams, and we can all work together... right now I'm really happy.


But... that's why... sometimes it gets scary.

When the world gets bored of us... when that happens... what will happen to us...

We'd lose our dreams, and the fun days would also end... everyone... might drift apart....

Ma, Maizono...

Is she shaking...?

I see... Maizono is afraid...

It's the dream that she went through so much trouble to achieve, so losing that makes Maizono scared.

Maizono Sayaka:

Why I entered Hope Peak Academy, it was also for that reason.

Naegi Makoto:

Huh...? What do you mean?

Maizono Sayaka:

Because... if you can graduate from here... without a doubt you'll be successful, right?

So if I did that... then me and my friends from my group, we would be able to continue working together forever...

I thought that... but...

Even though... I thought that...

W, we've been locked up here... we can't get out...

Surely... my friends are waiting for me...


Even while we're talking... the world might already be forgetting about me...

And steadily... we would... begin to disappear...

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

I don't have time to be doing this!!

That was the first time I heard it, a scream from her heart...

Her anger...

But... even in that anger, she might be justified.

Because, thanks to her being trapped in here, she's losing her and her friends' dream that she spent great effort getting...

No, "great effort" alone doesn't do it justice.

The weight of what she did... to someone like me it's unfathomable...


Maizono Sayaka:

Ah... sorry... for telling you about my idle complaints...


You're... offended, right?

Naegi Makoto:

N, no... I'm not.


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:


Well, uh... Maizono...

...by the way, aren't you hungry?

Before we head back to our rooms, maybe we should go and eat a meal in the cafeteria, how about it?

Maizono Sayaka:



If so, then how about I make it? Even though I look like this, I'm pretty good at it!

Naegi Makoto:

Really? What's your specialty?


Maizono Sayaka:

Chile oil.

Naegi Makoto:

...the condiment!?


Maizono Sayaka:

Ehehe, just kidding.

Maizono said that, and smiled.

The emotional expression she had on her face earlier was gone, and in its place was her usual cheerful face.

But... why?

It was like a mask, an expression like she was going out somewhere I thought...
This part is getting long, and this seems like a good place to start. Next time we'll have some food with Maizono and then head back to our rooms.

Also I'm holding a poll on who to spend a few "free-time" events with in upcoming parts, you can vote in it here.
Jun 7, 2013 at 8:24 PM
Lvl 1
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Let's have some "Free Time".

Chapter 1 Part 10:

After that, I had a meal in the cafeteria together with Maizono...

And then, we returned to our rooms.


In this room with a simple atmosphere... this golden sword was...

There couldn't be anything else that would have been more out of place...


Anyways, I still have some time left today...

I don't feel like sitting still. Maybe I shoud try going somewhere...


From here, "Free Activity Time" begins. Do you want to hear the explanation about it?

-I don't want to hear
-Please tell me

>Please tell me

In the breaks in your Academy life, there is a timeslot called "Free Activity Time".

Free Activity Time is when, with the other students, you spend time together and you're able to "deepen your friendship" with them.

Also, if you give a "Present" afterwards, it's possible that you'll even give a good impression.

As for presents, they can be obtained from the "Store's Mono Mono Machine"... so be sure to check it out.

Once you and your partner's friendship has deepened, a "Friendship Event" will occur, and "Information will be recorded in their Report Card".

If that happens, then your partner will also teach you a "Skill" that's useful to gameplay.

So, please deepen your friendship with a lot of students.

In addition, when you spend time together with someone, "Time" will pass...

And then you will be returned to your room.

After you pass some time a few times, "Free Activity Time will end", and the story will advance.

By the way... if you rest in "Your room's bed", you will be able to "Skip Free Activity Time".

We don't really recommend this, but... if you want the story to quickly advance, please use it.

For starters... how about spending time with "Maizono Sayaka"?

As your first partner, she leaves nothing to be desired...


Free Time Start

So now begins our first session of "Free Time", except it isn't really free time at all, since we have to spend it with Maizono. But we can talk to some other students on the way there, maybe.

Yamada Hifumi:

Hey! It is I, Yamada Hifumi!

All the other students seem to just have boring one-liners right now. So I guess we'll just head on over to Maizono's room.

Let's try pressing the intercom...



Maizono Sayaka:

Na, Naegi...

I'm... feeling anxious... as I thought... I'm scared...


...what do I do? Should I invite Maizono to spend time together with me?

-Spend time with her
-Go somewhere else

There's no point in not spending time with her, but the game is just demonstrating the Free Time system, so let's play along.
>Spend time with her


Maizono Sayaka:

Are you... trying to cheer me up...?


Sorry... for taking your... spare time...


With all my might, I comforted Maizono.


It seems that I've become slightly closer to Maizono...


Will you give her a present?

-Don't give



Please select the present you're going to give.

I sure hope she likes Oblaat, because that's all we have right now.

Maizono Sayaka:

Huh? You're giving a present to me?


Thank you. I'll cherish it.

She seemed like she enjoyed it a little bit, I think...?


Maizono Sayaka:

Uh, Naegi...

Just for a little bit, can I ask you to listen to me?

Naegi Makoto:

Wh, what's wrong...? You suddenly changed the topic...


Maizono Sayaka:

Well you see... even if you say this is suddenly changing the topic...

I've, well, been relying on you, Naegi.

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

You being here is really reassuring.


If Naegi wasn't here, oh how helpless I would have been...


Being dragged into this calamity is frightening, but if Naegi is here, somehow I feel relieved.

Naegi Makoto:


I turned to face Maizono, and said this to her...

I was happy but... of course, I was bashful...

Naegi Makoto:

I also feel the same way... that you being here has saved me...


Maizono Sayaka:


Ehehe, thanks for the compliment...

Maizono's smile...

Her mysterious smile that calms my heart...

That wasn't a compliment. Thanks to that smile I've been saved.


Maizono Sayaka:

...but, it's a bit strange.

By no means did I think that I'd be able to talk this intimately with Naegi...

In middle school, we never talked, and you never really even ever looked me in the eyes, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Because, you were a celebrity... it isn't like I could stare at you and...

...wait, what? How did you know that? That I never looked you in the eyes...


Maizono Sayaka:

Every now and then I would watch you, Naegi.

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

Always, I've been waiting for a "chance to talk to you".

Naegi Makoto:

A chance to... talk to me...?


Maizono Sayaka:

But, thanks to there always being people around me, in the end, I graduated without talking to you...

I regretted that.

Naegi Makoto:

But... why me...?


Maizono Sayaka:

In our first year of middle school... a big bird came and strayed into the school's pond, right?

Now that you say it, it might've happened... that...


Maizono Sayaka:

It often appears in Japanese folklore, and it's "something one thousand years, the turtle ten thousand years"... that kind of bird.

Maizono is referring to this old Japanese saying.
In the first year of middle school... the big bird that strayed into the school's pond...


Certainly, that was a...


If you clicked the link about the saying Maizono was referring to, the answer should be pretty obvious at this point.

Naegi Makoto:

...it was a crane. A crane strayed into the school's pond.


Maizono Sayaka:

It was amazing. Because it was a crane.

It wasn't very big, so even the teacher was surprised, and he couldn't do anything...


...you set it free, right? You let that crane go into the forest behind the school...

It was thanks to me being a member of the breeding club... it was only because I was forced to do it though...


Maizono Sayaka:

As thanks for that time... will you let me say it now?

Naegi Makoto:

...as thanks?


Maizono Sayaka:

I am that crane. I came to return the favor. Please let me weave some cloth...

Maizono is making another reference here, this time to a folktale. More info on that here.

...hah, I'm joking.

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah... I got that...


Maizono Sayaka:

But, the fact that I admired you is real.

Because, with that Naegi, I've always wanted to talk with him once.


But, I didn't think that it would ever happen in this situation...

If this were to happen downtown, this might be a dramatic reunion, but...

But, in this setting... in this mysterious academy...


Maizono Sayaka:

...but, this is what I think.

That you'll definitely rescue me, just like you did that crane.


It might just be my intuition but, somehow, that's how I feel.

I will... rescue Maizono...?

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, I'll do my best. So that it won't end with it just being your intuition...

If there's anything I can do, I'll do anything for you.


Maizono Sayaka:

And I believe you, of course. After all, my intuition is incredibly accurate.


...because I'm an esper.


Ehehe, just kidding.

Saying that, Maizono smiled again.

The closer the gap between us comes, the more that smile will empower me...

...that's how I felt.

The information received just now has been added to Maizono Sayaka's Report Card.

Congratulations! You've acquired the skill "Beautiful Voice".


After I parted ways with Maizono, for the moment, I returned to my room.





Uhh, this is a school broadcast. It is now 10 pm.

From now on it’s “Night Time”.

Soon the cafeteria’s doors will lock, so you won’t be able to enter them~.

Well then, sweet dreams. And good night…


Today is... also over...

But, tomorrow... we'll definitely get our hands on some clues!



As I closed my eyes...

In my head, I replayed the conversation I had with Maizono this morning many times...

Perhaps... I was regretful...

As for me, even if I could understand her anger, it's not something I could share with her...

The responsibilities that a normal high school student like me carries are different from hers...

She didn't come to this academy with the feelings a normal high school student like me has.

That's why... I can't share her anger...

I... and her... and everyone else...

...we're definitely different.

Perhaps... I regretted that.





Uhh, to everyone watching... the "Killing each other" academy life has already begun, but...

It really... makes me laugh...

All of these students that are overflowing with hope, they still seem to think that they'll be able to escape!!

Upupu... when will it begin, right?

These "Hopes" killing each other, that is...

Not yet... not quite yet...

It makes my heart tremble and thud in excitement!





You guys, good morning! It's morning, 7am! Time to get up~!

Well, let's go forward with high spirits again today!



Today... what should I do?


Free Time Start

And now begins our actual "Free Time". You guys voted, so we'll be talking to Kirigiri and Ishimaru next time. See you then.
Jun 7, 2013 at 8:45 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's have some real Free Time.

Chapter 1 Part 11:
First off, we should take a look at that new skill we learned from Maizono, and also the information that was added to her report card.

Acquired Information:

In middle school, she saw and admired Naegi when he set free a crane that strayed into the school's pond. Since then, she's been waiting for her chance to talk to Naegi.

Acquired Skill:

Beautiful Voice: "Can be used in School Trials. Increases attack power using "MTB".
So yeah not entirely sure what that does yet, but we'll get a chance to test it out at a School Trial.

Now we need to find Kirigiri. She was hiding in one of the 2 classrooms on the main floor, I forget which one though (they're right next to each other). Took me a little while to find her.

Kirigiri Kyouko:

Whose actions were these...? Why were we chosen....?

...it's a mystery.


...what should I do? Should I invite Kirigiri to spend time together with me?

-Spend time with her
-Go somewhere else

>Spend time with her


Kirigiri Kyouko:

I don't have the right to go so far as to deny your actions... so do as you like...?

Since I'll be, by myself, investigating this academy...


Without talking, I accompanied Kirigiri on her search of the Academy.


It seems that I've become slightly closer to Kirigiri...


Give her a present?

-Don't give


And I have just the right present for her (a friend gave me a chart that told me which students like which items, and I played the Mono Mono machine until I got the right items). What we have for Kirigiri is...

Bojobo Dolls:

A pair of male and female dolls made with pieces of vine and coconut fibres to be used for prayer. You express your wish by how you cross the arms and legs.

Here's a link for more information on the Bojobo dolls.

Kirigiri Kyouko:

How did you know? That I wanted this...


Naegi, you're a mysterious person...

If she's this pleased with it, it'll make me happy too...!


Kirigiri Kyouko:


Naegi... are you scared?

Naegi Makoto:



Kirigiri Kyouko:

Of being locked up in here...

Naegi Makoto:

Th, that's... obvious...

Of course I'd be scared. Because I'm locked up in this place that makes no sense...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

I see... that's good.

Naegi Makoto:

That's good... what?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

Feeling scared is evidence that your imagination is working...

That is a much better state to be in, than to not feel fear.


If your imagination isn't working, then we won't know what kind of actions you'll pursue...

Naegi Makoto:

But, even though you're saying that, you don't seem scared at all...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

Oh if it's me, I'm scared...

However, I'm just trying not to show it. Even if other people knew it would be of no advantage to me...

Naegi Makoto:

You're... hiding it?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...I'm not stupidly honest like you.

Stupidly honest...

Kirigiri Kyouko:

But, the fear that I feel, it might be a bit different from the fear you guys feel...

Naegi Makoto:

Huh? What do you mean...?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

What you guys are feeling is the fear that you'll "lose your lives". But, what I fear is...


That I've "lost my life".

Note: What Kirigiri actually says here is the fear that they'll "lose" something. But she leaves out what the something is (and doesn't actually say "something", it's implied). The verb can be used in the context of losing a job, losing your consciousness, and losing your life, among other things (depends on the noun it's used with). So I just chose "life" since that seems the most likely choice in the given situation.
Naegi Makoto:

I don't... get what you're saying...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...of course you don't.


Without even replying to my question, she quietly turned her back to me...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...see ya.

And then, she walked away like that...

Naegi Makoto:

Even though we were in the middle of a conversation... rather, it's more like we didn't even start anything like a conversation...

Kirigiri... you really are full of mystery...

The information received just now has been added to Kirigiri Kyouko’s Report Card.

Congratulations. Your "Skill Points" went up.


After I parted ways with Kirigiri, for the moment, I returned to my room.


I still have some time...

I don't feel like sitting still. Maybe I shoud try going somewhere...

So that's it for Kirigiri's Free Time event, for now anyways. I like how the game gives us Skills and Skill Points when we don't even know what they are yet.

Ishimaru was a bit easier to find than Kirigiri. He's just hanging out in the cafeteria.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

The situation surrounding us, by no means could you call it good. However...


In these times, "naked association" is important I think! We should all wash our backs together!

"Naked Association" here is referring to bathing together naked. It's sort of a Japanese thing?
Naked association will be the first step in building our trusting relationship!


...what do I do? Should I spend time together with Ishimaru?

-Spend time with him
-Go somewhere else

>Spend time with him


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Alright! Naked association! You too, undress without restraint!!


I entered the bath with Ishimaru.


It seems I've become a bit closer with Ishimaru...


Give him a present?

-Don't Give


So let's see what we have for Ishimaru. He's actually a pretty easy guy to please with most items, but he has fewer favorites I think.

Treasured Reaction Comedy Collection:

A DVD collection of only "Reaction" comedy.

As far as I can tell, this is actually referring to a specific band of comedians, at least from a google search. But I'm not sure. This is what I found. I'm not sure if it's a genre of comedy, or just these guys though.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Is, is it ok!? For you to give me this wonderful item!


Thank you! Naegi!!

If he's this pleased with it, it'll make me happy too...!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Naegi! Since we're already here, why don't we talk a bit more!?

Naegi Makoto:

Uh... sure, ok.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Alright, well then...


Let's discuss! We should exchange ideas without sparing each other's opinions!

So, what should we debate? Social Institutions? The economy? The state of the world overseas!?

Naegi Makoto:

No, debate is a bit...

Would it be no good to have a normal conversation? With that we could learn more about each other I think...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

What's a normal conversation...?

Naegi Makoto:

Uh... for example...

Ishimaru, what do you usually do...?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I study of course! I'm a student after all! Students should be studying pros!

And, I'm also busy as a morals committee member! Since I'm the chairman!!


To create an environment where everyone can concentrate on their studies, that is my duty!!

Naegi Makoto:

Errr... but other than that...

When you're at home and you have free time? During that time what do you do?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I study to kill time!

Naegi Makoto:

I... see...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Ha ha ha! Well then next it's my turn! Naegi, what do you do in your free time!?

Naegi Makoto:

Uh, just normal things. I watch TV, I play video games...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Ohh... what studies are those for?

Naegi Makoto:

N, no... they're not for studies... they're just for fun...


If it's just for fun then it's useless! Surely there must be some other reason!

Right!? Because you're using precious time, right!?

Even if you were to say there were some other reason... that...

...wait, there might be one. So that you can get excited with everyone else on that topic the next day...


Umm, in other words...

-I guess it is for study
-There's no other reason besides fun
-To talk with friends

This one's pretty obvious. Also I went back to check out the incorrect choices, and if you pick one of them Ishimaru will just says a few lines before directing you back to the question so you can pick the right one. As far as I can tell, there's no penalty for picking the wrong ones, but I'm not 100% sure of that.
>To talk with friends

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, if you're talking about usefulness then it has some. See, it's good material for talking with your friends!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

...talking with friends?

Naegi Makoto:

Getting pumped up about the story that was on TV the other day, or talking to each other about the games you like...

Starting with that you get closer with them... that sort of thing happens, right?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Wha, wha...




Naegi Makoto:

Wha, what's wrong!?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I, I... for many years my troubles have continued...

Even when talking to my classmates... no matter what I did I was never able to have a long-lasting conversation...

Th, the reason why... I finally found it...


In other words, when it comes to TV and video games, I've had insufficient study in them!!

Naegi Makoto:

"Insufficient study" you say...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

It's embarrassing! I'm embarrassed of myself!! I feel like crawling into a hole!!

I didn't even realize I had insufficient study in those topics... so my troubles continued... and I was wasting my time...

I'm such an embarrassing person! I should be disqualified as a morals committee member!!

Naegi Makoto:

N, no... I don't think you should go so far as to disqualify yourself from the morals committee...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Thank you! Naegi-sensei!!

Note: "sensei" is a suffix used when addressing teachers or doctors. I'm leaving this suffix in because its use is somewhat common/known outside of Japan. I debated translating it as "Dr. Naegi" though.
Naegi Makoto:

Se, sensei!?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Thanks to you, I became one bit smarter. So with respect, let me call you Naegi-sensei!

Naegi Makoto:

That bothers me! Even if you say it like that!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Ha ha ha! There's no need for humility, Naegi-sensei!

Please teach me again sometime! Until then, I'll put my efforts into self-study!!


Well then, Naegi-sensei! Please excuse me!!

After talking on and on one-sidedly, Ishimaru departed in a stately manner.

Naegi Makoto:

Naegi-sensei... huh...

But somehow... it didn't feel bad... maybe...

The information received just now has been added to Ishimaru Kiyotaka's Report Card.

Congratulations! You've acquired the skill "Influential voice of attentiveness".

And that's it for free time I think. Next time we'll continue on with the main story.
Jun 24, 2013 at 7:04 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's get back to the main game.

Chapter 1 Part 12:
Let's start out by taking a look at what was added to the report cards of the students we spent our free time with.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka

Acquired Information:

Believes that "Students should be studying pros!". He just needs to study more about having everyday conversations with his fellow classmates, he thinks.

Acquired Skill:

"Influential voice of Attentiveness": Can be used in school trials. Increases the maximum value of your Influence by 2.


Kirigiri Kyouko

Acquired Information:

The fear that everyone is feeling is the concern that they might "lose their lives". But for her, she fears that she might have already "lost her life".

Acquired Skill:

SP Max +1: Your maximum skill points have increased by one.

And now, back to the game.




Uhh, this is a school broadcast. It is now 10 pm.

From now on it's "Night Time".

Soon the cafeteria's doors will lock, so you won't be able to enter them~.

Well then, sweet dreams. And good night~


It's... already the end of the 3rd day...

I... we...

When are we going to be able to leave from here...?


As I laid sprawled in bed, I absentmindedly stared at the ceiling...

...and before I knew it, I had fallen into a shallow sleep.




A quick and urgent support is needed.

A support plan that's lacking speed, it will leave you with regrets later.

That which rules this world, don't you think it's speed?

After all, F1 drivers are well liked.

If it's slow work, even an idiot or trash or anyone could do it.

If it took their whole life, even a worthless human could make a masterpiece!

Doing it fast is both smart and great!

The crawl is better than the breaststroke or the backstroke. A straight pitch is better than a curved or a forked one.

Fast food is better than going to a banquet. A weekly manga author is smarter than a monthly manga author.

In other words, the world values speed.

Therefore, I argue that we need some urgent support.

(This interval was 0.000002 seconds long)





You guys, good morning! It's morning, 7am! Time to get up~!

Well, let's go forward with high spirits again today!


Being woken up by Monobear's discomforting voice, I slowly got out of bed.

Naegi Makoto:


Once again I didn't get much sleep... somehow, it seems like my fatigue is increasing day by day...


The sound of the visitor intercom reverberated in the room.

The doorbell rang, so we have to go check it now. Who could it be?

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

"Good Morning", Naegi!

Note: He says good morning in english here, hence the quotes.
Naegi Makoto:

I, Ishimaru...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Well then, excuse me!

Without even waiting for my reply, Ishimaru barged into my room...


And yes he is just standing in the middle of our room. I was kind of confused when this was happening to be honest. Let's see why he's here.

Naegi Makoto:

...what's up, Ishimaru?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

No matter how many stormy seas trouble you, if you land firmly with both feet you won't collapse.

...you think so too, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Uh, uhh... what do you mean...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

If riding out these storms alone is difficult, then it would be best if we supported each other.


If we do that we'll be able to surmount this storm!

Naegi Makoto:



Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Naegi. Ever since last night I've been thinking. We should collaborate more strictly.

With that...

From now on, every morning after we get up, we should all eat breakfast together I think.


And, we should make today the first day that should be remembered! Therefore, come to the cafeteria immediately!


Well then, please excuse me here! I have to go and tell the others!

Again, without waiting for my reply, Ishimaru left at a quick pace...

Naegi Makoto:

Um... anyways I guess I should go to the cafeteria...

There's not much to do besides head there straight away, but there are a few stragglers wandering around in the hallways, so let's talk to them before we head off to breakfast.

Enoshima Junko:

Naegi! Hey, can't you read the mood too?!

Naegi Makoto:



Enoshima Junko:

Today, my mascara's curve is all wrong!

So I don't want to go out in public, and Ishimaru came and woke me up, he's really the worst!

Naegi Makoto:

To me, you look the same as you did yesterday though...


Enoshima Junko:

Not at all! It's different!

Naegi Makoto:

S, sorry...


Enoshima Junko:

Ahhh, I want to change my mascara, but no matter what I do I don't have any here...


Maybe if Celes has some I'll try borrowing some from her...

Naegi Makoto:

...she left.

Even though we're locked up in here, she still fusses over this...


Kuwata Leon:

Ah, I'm sleepy...


What's up with that committee dude... being loud in the morning, and making me get up...

You were also woken up by him, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, that's right. He's really going around and waking everyone up.


Kuwata Leon:

That's really annoying...


Naegi, I'm going to go back to my room and sleep, so please tell the others that when you go.

Naegi Makoto:

I think that's pointless... since Ishimaru will surely go and call on you.


Kuwata Leon:

Ugh, that's true.

See ya then, I'm going...

Naegi Makoto:

...he left.

I'm not sure why Naegi is so intent on verbalizing when people leave, but he is. Makes it easier for me.

Fukawa Touko:


Naegi Makoto:

Uh, Fukawa?


Fukawa Touko:

...wh, what...

Naegi Makoto:

No, I was wondering why you are here. Going to the cafeteria quickly would be...


Fukawa Touko:

I-I, I understand that... I need to prepare my heart...

Prepare her heart? Why?


Fukawa Touko:

Hah... I'm nervous...

...why is she nervous?

So now there's no one left to talk to in the hallways, so we should head over to the cafeteria.

There's a lot of people in this room, but since Fukawa's on the far left, let's talk to her first.

Fukawa Touko:

Talking to me... what are you doing...

Ishimaru's the one who called us out here... so shouldn't you talk to him?

Talking to anyone but Ishimaru right now seems to lead to a conversation where they tell us we should talk to Ishimaru, so let's talk to him.

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Alright, everyone's here! Well then, let's start this breakfast meeting at once!


Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for going out of your way to gather here!

Kuwata Leon:

I refused, but you forcibly brought me along anyways...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I think we've already talked about this before but...

In order to escape from here, it is essential that we cooperate with each other much more!

As a first step, we will be holding this breakfast meeting in order to build up trust with our comrades!

So from now on, after the school broadcast announcing that it's time to get up, I ask that you gather in this cafeteria!!

Well then, we should eat breakfast at once!


Fukawa Touko:

Eating breakfast with others...? I, I'm nervous... It's my first time...


Kuwata Leon:

It hasn't even been that long since we last had a meeting...


Enoshima Junko:

Hey, more than that... has anyone managed to find any clues yet?

Throughout the cafeteria, silence reverberated.


Enoshima Junko:

Really!? There hasn't been any progress!?


About the culprit, or even about an escape route, no one's found anything!?



...you'll die.


Enoshima Junko:




If you show weakness in front of others...

You will die...


Enoshima Junko:

Wh, what are you saying!? That I'll die... don't screw around!!



I said it before, right? "Adaptation is life"...

You should grow accustomed to living here.


Enoshima Junko:

You... aren't you funny in the head? To grow accustomed to living here... what are you saying...?


Oowada Mondo:

It seems like that girl wants to live here, right? If so then let her do what she wants.



I'm sorry! I'm definitely leaving...!



Ehehe, well then, do as you please.


Kuwata Leon:

So... we really don't have any clues?


Asahina Aoi:

If it's about the culprit then this much is obvious. They're a very strange and bizarre fellow.

If they weren't, then they wouldn't have locked us up here...


Kuwata Leon:

That strange stuff doesn't really matter so, as for practical clues, we have...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Uh... Umm......


Kuwata Leon:

...hm? What?


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Speaking of strange and bizarre criminals... I have a thought...

Perhaps, the culprit is... the one who commited Those brutal murders...

So if you don't respond to the reaction talk event here, then the conversation just ends until you talk to Fujisaki again. We'll ask her about "Those brutal murders" next time.
Jul 7, 2013 at 9:01 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Age: 32
Let's talk about those "brutal murders".

Chapter 1 Part 13:
>Those Brutal Murders


Naegi Makoto:

Those brutal murders... Fujisaki, do you happen to know the culprit?


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Do I happen to know of... perhaps I do, but only to some degree...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

In this case, how much you know isn't a problem! I permit you to speak!


Fujisaki Chihiro:

R, right... well...

Does everyone... know of "Genocider Syo"?

Naegi Makoto:

That's...! The serial killer who's become the talk of both the net and TV!?


Togami Byakuya:

Repeated commiting murders using bizarre and cruel methods, that atrocious murderer...

Always leaving behind the words "Bloodstain Fever" at the scene of the crime, written in the victim's own blood.

Because the crimes are all sudden and random without discrimination, even the police haven't been able to get a lead...


That's Genocider Syo... right?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Rumor has it that the number of victims has reached the thousands, yeah.


Enoshima Junko:

Isn't that an urban legend? To have killed thousands of people... even that's strange.


Fukawa Touko:



Fujisaki Chihiro:

Anyways... they seem like an atypical murderer, but...


Oowada Mondo:

If they're a super dreadnought class of a perverted murderer then... it's no wonder that they devised this...

Note: He literally says "super dreadnaught" here.

Fujisaki Chihiro:

But, I don't have any proof... it's just an inference...


Kuwata Leon:

So you're saying, if that bastard's the culprit then... isn't this a huge criminal problem?


Asahina Aoi:

We'll be alright! Absolutely, without a doubt, we'll be alright!

Because, soon help will be coming!


Fukawa Touko:

Wha? Help...?


Asahina Aoi:

After all, since we've been locked up in here, a few days have already passed...

People would quickly get worried after not being able to get in touch with us, so isn't it about time for the police to make their move?






The police, you say...! Are you counting on the police?


Oogami Sakura:

He's appeared...!



You guys... do you know what kind of role the police play?

They're there to make us look good. Evil organizations, Villains, and Dark Heroes, all of us.

With what's done to them, the bad guys are made to look good.


To rely on the police who only play such a cheap role, even if you said it was a promise, I wouldn't be so sure of that.


...or rather, if you want to get out of here that badly, then wouldn't killing someone be good!


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Ah ha ha ha!!


Kuwata Leon:

Is this a time to laugh?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

I'm admiring this thoroughly thought out play.


Enoshima Junko:

...you, are you still saying that?


Oowada Mondo:

But what are you planning!? Mr. Serial Killer!



..."Serial Killer"? What a strange name! Is it German?


Oowada Mondo:

We know your true form...!



*ignore ignore*...


Oowada Mondo:

Don't ignore me, you asshole!!



Right right, then returning to the conversation...

A few days have passed since you've begun your campus life, yet no one's come forth and killed anyone else yet!


You guys, in comparison to the lenient world, you have guts... but, I'm finding this a bit boring~!

Naegi Makoto:

Wha, what are you saying to us... for us to... kill each other....



Ah, he got it! Ding, you're right on target!


The place, the people, the circumstances, I've gathered all the mystery elements but, why hasn't there been a murder yet is what I was thinking...

Right, there's one more thing we need!

Naegi Makoto:

O-one more thing we need, what...



...it's undoubtedly a "Motive"!


Upupu, if that's it then it's simple! I should just give everyone a "motive"!


Oowada Mondo:

A motive...? What do you mean!!



By the way, I have something I want to show you guys!


Oowada Mondo:

Don't change the subject, you asshole!!



What I want to show you guys is just some images...


Ah, but don't get me wrong. They aren't 18+ or abnormal! Really, they aren't like that!!

They're "Images from outside the campus".

Naegi Makoto:

From outside the campus... images of what...



Hehe, even the boss is short-tempered! Are you not looking forward to looking at them?!


Whatever, if you go to "That place" in the school, you'll likely be able to look at those images!


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...then, we should try checking it out right away.

But, before that, will you let me ask this?


What are you? Why are you doing this?

What do you want to do to us?



What I want to... do to you guys?

Aah, well that's...


Despair... that's all...


If you want to know what comes after that, then you guys should find it on your own.


The enigma that lurks in this school... if you want know about it then do as you like. I won't stop you.


Because, even watching you guys frantically search for the truth will be an amusing spectacle!


Even I'm looking forward to it!


Maizono Sayaka:

He left...

Moreover once again... in the end, he didn't tell us anything...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

Is that so...? Didn't he tell us some good things?

We're free to pursue the truth. And he won't stop us... I see.


Oogami Sakura:

Even so... what are those images from outside the campus? They weigh on my mind...

Ok this is where this part will stop. Next time we'll learn more about those "images", I think.
Jul 15, 2013 at 10:53 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's go find those "images".

Chapter 1 Part 14:

Oowada Mondo:

Alright! Then, here is where we'll...!

Going in a circle, Oowada looked around the cafeteria and was thinking and...

His gaze, when it turned to me it stopped.


Oowada Mondo:

Hey, Naegi! Go and investigate that a bit!

Naegi Makoto:

Huh? Why me...!?


Oowada Mondo:

You're standing closest to the door. So of course it's you?

Naegi Makoto:

"Of course" you say...


Oowada Mondo:

Hey hey...

Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...




This is me asking you! You should be able to investigate that easily, right!?

Naegi Makoto:


U-understood... I'll be going then...


Oowada Mondo:

Hey, sorry! I'm indebted to you!


Maizono Sayaka:

...then, I'll be going too. Isn't it dangerous for him to go alone?


Oowada Mondo:

Right, understood. Then, I'll ask you both!

If anything happens, call for help. I'll come running right away if you do!


Maizono Sayaka:

I can't quite tell whether Oowada is a terrible person, or someone we can rely on...

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah... it's like he's... both?

He's not a bad person... I think, but...

He's not a good person, no doubt about it.


Maizono Sayaka:

So... "That place" that Monobear was talking about, where could it be?

It's probably a place where you could view images...

A place where you could view images... if you say that...

So now we have to go find this room in order to get those "images". And I have a suspicion as to where that might be...

Maizono Sayaka:

Naegi. In my room, we can't view images, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, right.

If it's images, then it'd be that place...

So apparently the room we're looking for is NOT Maizono's room. In fact it's in a room that I don't think we've taken a look at yet, inside the main school corridors, and that room is...

...the Audio Visual Room. Let's take a look around.

There's a monitor and a video machine. It seems like it might play things like DVDs...

But, there are no DVDs to be found.

With just the deck, there's no point... If I were to watch something it would probably be a nice diversion though.

Monobear Medal Get!


Hmm...? There's something inside this cardboard box...


Th, this is...!


Maizono Sayaka:

It looks like they're DVDs. Furthermore...

On the labels everyone's names are written...

Naegi Makoto:

These are undoubtedly "The Images" Monobear was talking about...

Note: the word used here for "images" can mean shots or clips, but it doesn't specifically refer to video, I think.

Maizono Sayaka:

I'll call everyone over here!!

Instantly, Maizono ran off...

I didn't follow after her, and I was left here alone...

Or rather, the DVDs that were before my eyes had stolen my senses, so I couldn't move from this spot...

Naegi Makoto:

What's on... these DVDs...?

In order to continue, we need to interact with the video deck again. I don't know why the game wouldn't just do this automatically, but let's try playing these DVDs.

There's a monitor and a video machine. I should be able to check those DVDs here.

Naegi Makoto:

Before everyone else comes... I wonder if I should check out mine...


From the cardboard box, I pull out the DVD that's labelled with my name...

And I put it into the dedicated video deck.

Settling down in front of the monitor, I continued to watch the screen for a bit in the dark...


Naegi Makoto:


I unconsciously let out a yelp. And at the same time, my heart began to hammer.

What was being projected onto the monitor I was staring at was...

...my family.

Naegi's Mom:

Makoto... you being chosen by Hope Peak Academy... it's like a dream. Do your best.

Naegi's Dad:

I feel pride in you, as my son. Well, but... don't try to push yourself too hard...

Naegi's Little Sister:

Big brother~! Are you watching~!? Good luck~!!

...just from watching this, I can tell it's a normal message of support.

Made to encourage me because I just entered Hope Peak Academy, it's a message of support from my family.

Now, if the circumstances I was placed in were that of a normal academy student's life, this would, without a doubt, both embarrass and make me happy.

Thanks to my family's support, I would undoubtedly swear to make great strides in this academy.

But... that's not how it is now...

The circumstances I find myself in, are not that of a normal academy student's life.

Therefore... this video, I don't expect it to end here...


And then, that unpleasant premonition I had...

...came completely true.


Naegi Makoto:


This time, I wasn't even able to make a sound.

I had simply lost my voice...

...where did everyone vanish to?

With the right timing to answer that question, a voice came out from the monitor...

I was familiar with it... that voice...


Naegi Makoto, you who have enrolled in Hope Peak Academy... everyone in your family who was supporting you.

It seems like... something has happened to this family, right?

Then, this is a problem! What has happened to this family, right!?


The answer will be announced after "Graduation"!


Naegi Makato:

Wh, what is this...

Why, is everyone...!?

I couldn't stop shaking.

Fear... anger... these emotions boiled over like magma...

Naegi Makoto:


After beating the desk with my fists I don't know how many times, next, what floated into my head was...

...naturally it was a natural thought.

Naegi Makoto:

I need to get out...

Right now, I need to get out of here! If I don't go to make sure that everyone's safe...!!




Maizono Sayaka:

What's wrong...? "To make sure that everyone's safe"...?

If I had noticed, what was before the audiovisual room's door was everyone, who had turned to me with a look of bewilderment.


Asahina Aoi:

H, has something... happened...?

Remaining silent, I pointed towards the cardboard box on the platform.


Kuwata Leon:

So what Monobear was talking about was... this?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

What's shown... on here...?

They all simultaneously swarmed the cardboard box, and plundered the DVDs from it...

And immediately they ran to the monitor.

Their expressions completely changed, but it didn't take any time at all.


Oowada Mondo:

Wh, what... is this...?


Asahina Aoi:

Th, this.. isn't real, right...? These are fake... right?


Kuwata Leon:

Th, there's no way they're real... haha... there's no way.


Fukawa Touko:

That's... it...


That's it! Get me out of hereeeee!!

Just from watching their response, I knew. Everyone... was shown images like the ones I saw...

No one... hid their fear or confusion.

But, among them, why was that girl remaining calm...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

I see... this is what he meant when he said a "motive"...

It would stir up our "feelings to want to leave", and would try to make us murder each other...



It's... the prisoner's dilemma.


Yamada Hifumi:




For example, let's think about it with military development instead.

Both country A and B wish to keep peace, so you'd think both would stop military development.

But, being betrayed by the other country, you wouldn't be able to stand the fear of them advancing their military development more...

So in the end, both countries would press forward with military development, and them both betraying each other is the conclusion they would meet.


In other words, the fear that you don't know if the other will betray you, that is the state of equilibrium's greatest enemy.


Fukawa Touko:

So, it's like... us right now...

While your mouth... says we should cooperate... in your heart... you're scared of someone turning on us...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

B, but, don't go causing strange thoughts. That's what who's pulling the string expects us to do!


Kuwata Leon:

...by saying that, you're thinking that you'll make everyone drop their guard...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Wh, what did you say!?


Oogami Sakura:

Us arguing like this, don't you understand that that's what the mastermind behind this is aiming for?


Fujisaki Chihiro:

R, right... if we don't regain our composure...


Enoshima Junko:

Then... first, how about we talk with each other?

About what kind of images we were each shown... surely talking about that would put us at ease...


Besides... aren't you a bit curious about it?

What kind of images... everyone was shown...?

Certainly... if I said I wasn't curious, I'd be lying, but...

Naegi Makoto:

Hey, Maizono...


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

Maizono... what kind of images were you shown?

Maizono Sayaka:



Fukawa Touko:

W, what's wrong... say something quickly...


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:


I gently go to put my hand on her shoulder...


Maizono Sayaka:

...stop it!!

As she shook off my hand, she ran off.


Asahina Aoi:



Togami Byakuya:

Let her go...

Naegi Makoto:

I, I'm not letting her go!

I'm, going to go look for her!!


Fukawa Touko:

Like a love comedy... this is disturbing... n, not that I would know...


Enoshima Junko:

You, you're really irresponsible!


Asahina Aoi:

I'm also... worried...



Well then, how about we do as we like? We don't all have to match everyone's pace, do we?


Since I'll also be doing as I please. Farewell...

Everyone... is splitting up...

But, this isn't the time to worry about that...

If I don't go and search for Maizono...!

And that's it for this part. Next time we'll go find Maizono, maybe.
Jul 27, 2013 at 9:29 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's go find Maizono!

Chapter 1 Part 15:

So Maizono just ran off, and the game has prompted us to go find her. But first we should talk to everyone here, to see what they have to say about what they were shown. I'll be going from left to right, starting with Hagakure.

Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Naegi! Those images were fabricated, yeah? That's right, yeah!?

Naegi Makoto:

I'd like to think that... but...


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

Wh, what are you saying, man!


That's nonsense, right! Hahahahaha......




Naegi Makoto:

Ishimaru... what kind of images were you shown?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Th, that's-!


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

S, sorry......! To speak of that, I need to... prepare my heart!


Naegi Makoto:

Yamada... what kind of images were you shown?


Yamada Hifumi:

Hm, hmmmmmm...


Before you ask someone else, isn't it common courtesy to say what you saw?

Naegi Makoto:

Well I saw...

...wait, why are you plugging your ears?


Yamada Hifumi:

If I don't hear it then I don't have to say what I saw!! This is, the "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" technique!

I think that's a bit different...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Everyone... is agitated...

They aren't... calming down...


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Why... do those images exist...? I don't get it, I just don't get it......

They might even... be able to do this... is it because they're a murderer... I wonder...


Naegi Makoto:

Oogami... what kind of images were you shown?

Oogami Sakura:



...images of my family.

But, that little thing doesn't disturb me.

If defeated with power then you have to accept death. That's the way of my household.


But... I didn't even think my family could be defeated so easily... they... how did they...?


Naegi Makoto:

Kirigiri... what kind of images were you shown?


Kirigiri Kyouko:



There's no need to talk about it.

And that's everyone we can talk to in this room, so let's see if we can find anyone else around the school. Maybe we'll even find Maizono.

Maizono... where did you go?


Kuwata's all by himself here, let's see what he's doing.

Kuwata Leon:

I won't talk!

Naegi Makoto:



Kuwata Leon:

I won't talk! No matter what! I said I won't talk!


You were gonna try to get me to fess up like a good kid, right? As if I'd be fooled by that!


Damnit! That, where did they get that!?

I guess he doesn't want to talk about what he saw.

Enoshima is in the room before the gymnasium, by herself. Maybe she'll be more cooperative.

Enoshima Junko:

Naegi, aren't you also curious? About what the others saw...

Naegi Makoto:

It's not like... I'm not curious.


Enoshima Junko:

Right? That's why I said it!

Naegi Makoto:

But, do you feel like you'd also want to talk about your own?


Enoshima Junko:

Hmmm? Well, wouldn't that be based on how I felt?

She doesn't feel like talking about it, this is...

Seems people aren't very talkative right now. Also I ran past Asahina in the hallways by accident, but I ran into her again on the way back to the dormitory area, so let's talk to her.

Asahina Aoi:

Maizono... where did you go off to...

Also... earlier, those were some well made images... I thought they might've been the real thing...


...they're a hoax... right? It's definitely, fake... right?

Naegi Makoto:

That's what I'd like to think, but...

But what if they're real...?

And now we'll search the dormitories a bit. First person who's here is Celes.

Naegi Makoto:

Celes... what kind of images were you shown?



My, my...


Do you want to hear?

Th, that smile... it's contradictorily scary...


In this world, the cases where it's better to not know are unexpectedly abundant, right?

That wasn't very helpful. Further down the hallway we can find someone else.

Naegi Makoto:

Oowada... what kind of images were you shown?


Oowada Mondo:

Ah, Aahn!?


It, it wasn't... anything important...!


Those, they're obviously fakes made liberally by the mastermind!


That's right! Did you get that, Naegi!

Well I think that's everyone, besides Maizono. I couldn't find anyone else, so let's go find her.

Oh hey that pamphlet-thing is still there. Let's check that out.

It's the desk I was lying on, on the first day... On top of the desk, it's that cheap looking pamphlet...

This thing... who cares about it!

I guess Naegi is feeling a little tense. Let's finally go talk to Maizono, see if that will cheer him up.

She was in the corner of a classroom that nobody else was in...

Sitting on a chair, her gaze had absentmindedly fallen to her hands which were crossed on her lap.

She didn't look like she was crying; she didn't even look like she was angry. No...

...it's like she had no facial expression.

There was... nothing that could be called a facial expression.

She looked as if a mask had been chipped off her face...

Naegi Makoto:

M, maizono... are you alright...?

Maizono Sayaka:

Yes... I'm fine...

...as if I could be fine...

What's been... done to us...?

Why... would they do such terrible things?


Let me out! Let me out of here right now!!

Naegi Makoto:

...Maizono! Calm down!!

I grabbed both of Maizono's shoulders firmly, as she was outbursting.


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

I understand... how you feel... when I think about if something were to happen to my family...

But, right now we need to remain calm!

To take away our ability to make calm judgements, that's the what the person who's pulling the strings wants...

In general, those images... were definitely a hoax!

Because, if those things happened...


If those things came to be... then I would expect that about now, the police would be making an uproar...



Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

So... let's calm down?

If you don't calm down... then it's hopeless...

That... I was half telling myself those words.

In order to shake off the images from earlier that had been burned into my mind, I repeated those words.

Calm down.


Naegi Makoto:

Surely... if everyone works together, we should be able to find a way out.

Besides, perhaps, help might come before that...

Maizono Sayaka:

But... if there's no way out and help doesn't come, then...?

Naegi Makoto:

Th, then...

I'll get you out of here! No matter what it takes, I'll definitely get you out of here!!


And, there my words were interrupted.

In that instant, I didn't know what had awoken inside of me...


Naegi Makoto:


Maizono Sayaka:

Please... help me...

Her voice was... quietly shaking.

Maizono Sayaka:

Why... did this have to happen?

To kill, or to be killed... this... I can't take it anymore!!

Naegi Makoto:


Maizono Sayaka:



Then Maizono gradually lifter her head from my chest and...

...turned her big, damp eyes towards me.


Maizono Sayaka:

What you said eariler... can I believe it?

Naegi Makoto:


Maizono Sayaka:

When you said... that you'd get me out of here...

No matter what you had to do... you'd definitely...

Naegi Makoto:

Of, of course...!

Maizono Sayaka:

The only person I can trust... is you, Naegi. That's why... please...

If anything happens... would you alone... be on my side...

Naegi Makoto:


N, naturally...!

Even if something were to happen to me, we're allies! Because, you're...

...my assitant, are you not...?


Maizono Sayaka:



....Naegi, thank you.

When you say that... somehow I feel like keeping at it...


If I'm together with you... I feel like persevering.


Because, I'm you're assistant.

Then, the smile she always had that I had grown used to returned.

It was a bit of an awkward smile but...

Even so, it was much better than how she was before.



...it's been set!

This seems like a good place to stop. Next time we'll see why Monobear is interrupting this moment that we're having.
Aug 9, 2013 at 3:13 AM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's see why Monobear is interrupting us.

Chapter 1 Part 16:


...it's been set!


Maizono Sayaka:




Naegi...it's been set!

Naegi Makoto:

It's been set... what has?!



You should know without me having to say...


It's a flag!

He's referring to a game flag, like one that might be set when playing a Visual Novel/Dating Sim. These flags will normally determine if you win/get the girl at the end.
Naegi Makoto:

...go away!



No no!! Mix me up in this as well!!

Naegi Makoto:

Then, tell me! About those images we saw earlier...!



Ha, Ha... it's coming out...

It's gonna come out!! My pure, white...



My gooey stuffing!!

I aimed at Monobear, and then threw a punch with all my might.

And then, with all my might, I missed.

And then with all my might I rolled over, and hit my back.

Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

Are, are you alright!?



If I hadn't dodged that right now, that would have been a violation of the school rules. But...


You're slow slow slow slow slow slow slow slow!!


If this was a 10,000 yen dinner course then this would be as slow as licking the plate clean!!


You lack swiftness and speed and haste and surge and tragedy and boldness and nuisance and just about everything!

Note: Monobear leaves now
Naegi Makoto:



Maizono Sayaka:

What was that, just now...?

Naegi Makoto:

Just... his usual harassment...


Maizono Sayaka:

Well, for now... let's head back...

Naegi Makoto:

Yes, let's...


After having our good mood ruined by Monobear, I...

Together with Maizono, I returned to the school dormitory area.


Naegi Makoto:

Maizono... I think it would be best if you rested for a bit. Your complexion still looks a bit off...

Maizono Sayaka:

Sorry. For having you take care of me...


After I was left behind, I explained to everyone else that Maizono was safe, and then...

I decided to return to my room.

Thanks to seeing those strange images, I was having chaotic thoughts... I needed to calm down, even if only a little bit.


Good grief...

What's going on...

This is just full of problems...

But what's the... biggest problem?

Is it that we can't get out of here...?

Is it those images we were shown earlier...?

Is it Monobear...?

Is it the mastermind's intent...?

Or is it... ourselves...?



I want to get out of here...

But it's not like I can kill someone...

Does everyone else... think that too...?


That's the... biggest problem...





Naegi Makoto:



After I opened my eyes, first I looked up at the clock in my room.

Naegi Makoto:

It's almost 10... I must have been sleeping...

Soon it will be night time... but despite that...

Naegi Makoto:

...who's at the door?
So someone has rang Naegi's doorbell. Let's go see who it is (I'm not sure why the game doesn't take us to the door automatically, since there isn't much else you can do here).

Maizono Sayaka:

Sorry, for coming this late...



And there she is. I wonder what she wants this late at night. We should probably talk to her.

Naegi Makoto:

M, Maizono... what's the matter, to come at this time...?

And, then I noticed it.

Her body was... daintily shivering.

Naegi Makoto:

Did something... happen...?


Maizono Sayaka:

Sorry... something strange happened...

>something strange

Naegi Makoto:

Something strange...?

Maizono Sayaka:

Earlier... I was lying down in my room...

And suddenly... there was a rattling coming from the door...

She said that with a voice that sounded like the air was being squeezed out of her lungs...

As I was listening, I instinctively became nervous.

Maizono Sayaka:

It seemed like someone was... trying to force the door open.

I had locked it, so they weren't able to open it, but...

But, that noise just... got louder and louder...

I was scared, and I stayed fixed where I was...

Naegi Makoto:

A-and then what happened!?

Maizono Sayaka:

...after a while it settled down.

Afterwards, I timidly opened the door, to try and check it out but...


...no one was there.

Naegi Makoto:

Someone... tried to force the door open...?

But... would someone do that?


Maizono Sayaka:

It's not like I doubt everyone... but... I'm a little worried...

If this happened in the middle of the night, what would I do...

Naegi Makoto:

You, you'll be alright... because going out at nighttime is prohibited...

Maizono Sayaka:

But, that's just an unwritten rule, right? If someone were to break that promise...

Naegi Makoto:

Th, then...

What if you stay in my room tonight? If you do that you won't be scared, right?


Maizono Sayaka:


Naegi Makoto:

In the school rules, it's written that "You may sleep in the private rooms in the school dormitory", right?

As for whose private room it is, it isn't written...


Maizono Sayaka:

B, but... for just the two of us to stay in one room is...

Naegi Makoto:


S, sorry! I didn't think about that!

R, really! I just didn't think about that! I wasn't thinking of doing anything funny, by no means...


Maizono Sayaka:

No... it's not like... I'd hate that or anything but...



Um, if it's alright with you, would you exchange rooms with me for just one night?

Naegi Makoto:

Exchange... rooms...?

If, if that... would give you peace of mind, then I don't mind...

But... you entering my room aside...

Is it okay for me to go into your room?

There... wouldn't there be various problems with that...


Maizono Sayaka:

That's fine. Because I trust you...

Naegi Makoto:

Then that's fine, but...




Uh, this is a school broadcast. It is now 10 pm.

From now on it’s “Night Time".

Soon the cafeteria’s doors will lock, so you won’t be able to enter them~.

Well then, sweet dreams. And good night…


Maizono Sayaka:

Oh no... it's night time.

Naegi Makoto:

Then, I guess we'll exchange rooms then... so I'll be going to your room...

...and, if we're exchanging rooms, then we also have to exchange keys, or...


Maizono Sayaka:

...right. Let's exchange keys.

Naegi Makoto:

A... again!?


Maizono Sayaka:

Because I'm an esper.


Naegi Makoto:

...huh? Aren't you going to say "just kidding"?


Maizono Sayaka:

I wasn't... kidding.

On Maizono's face... something like a smile returned...

That's good... looks like she's calmed down a bit...

Naegi Makoto:

Then... let's exchange keys...


Maizono Sayaka:

Right, let's.

As we exchanged keys, once again my gaze came back to Maizono's face, and...


This time... she had a worried expression.

Maizono Sayaka:

...Naegi, please be careful. If by any chance, even if someone comes, you must not open the door.

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, I get that.

You too... even if someone comes, you must not open the door.


Maizono Sayaka:

Even if I know it's you, I won't open the door. If I did, then there would be no point in exchanging rooms.

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, right! I'm telling you this in case of emergency, but my room's washroom is defective.

So, if you're going to open the washroom door...

While turning the doorknob, lift it up and push the door open.

If you do that, it will open easily.


Maizono Sayaka:

But, during night time, water won't come from the shower, right?

Naegi Makoto:

Ah, right... I forgot.


Maizono Sayaka:

But, after I wake up I might use it. ...so, thank you.

Naegi Makoto:

...then, I'll be going now.

Maizono... see you tomorrow...


Maizono Sayaka:

Ah, about what we were talking about earlier...

Naegi Makoto



Maizono Sayaka:

I was kidding about being an esper. Really, it's just my intuition.

Naegi Makoto:

Yeah, I got that...


Maizono Sayaka:


See you tomorrow...

As I said farewell to Maizono's smiling face, I left my room behind.


Right after I went out into the hallway, I looked around.

Each of the private room's doors were firmly shut, and there was no signs of anyone being here at all...

Naegi Makoto:

Alright. No one is here...

After checking that no one was around, I went into Maizono's room.


This is... Maizono's room... it doesn't look all that different, but...

Naegi Makoto:

Somehow... it has a nice smell...

So now we're in Maizono's room, much to Naegi's delight. Guess it's time to snoop and raid her room for anything useful (so much for trusting Naegi...).

The bed itself is, not all that different from the one in the boys' rooms, but...

When I think about how Maizono was sleeping here, somehow, it seems like it'd be very comfortable.

Monobear Medal get!


Certainly, the girls' rooms' washrooms have locks...

But to go into it... I'm a bit hesitant...


As one would expect, peeking in someone else's garbage can is a bit questionable, but despite that, I take a quick peek inside and...


This is...!?

No doubt about it... this is one of the DVDs that was distributed at the Audio Visual room.

Naegi Makoto:

Speaking of that... I still haven't heard from Maizono about what kind of images she was shown...

But... talking to her about it will have to wait...


In my room there was a tool set, so... of course, in Maizono's room there's a sewing set.

And next to it... this is a map of the human body's vitals...


Naegi Makoto:

Looking around her room, it's not very good for Maizono...

...I should also try going to sleep soon.

I slowly laid myself into bed, and... I was softly wrapped up in a nice scent.

Maizono's... scent...

Somehow... I think I'll... have good dreams...


With just this small feeling of happiness... I fell asleep...




Here, we are inside a space ship. Everyone is in the midst of traveling through space.

Do you know of Noah's Ark? That's right, we are casting aside and fleeing the earth.

Here, the dangers of neighbors who are strange in the head, police violence, drunk driving and pyromaniacs don't exist.

We no longer need to worry about exhaust gas or causing air pollution at full speed.

Of course, you also won't be troubled by exams or competitions.

But, even in a wonderful world where you are free, there are rules.

As for freedom, it's an experience above being bound by the rules.

If, you really want to return to that shitty, trivial earth, if you were to speak of that...

...then please obey the rules. You understand the meaning of what I'm saying, right?

Well then... let's work together to protect the order...





You guys, good morning! It's morning, 7am! Time to get up~!

Well, let's go forward with high spirits again today!
This seems like a good place to end this part. Next time, we'll see if Maizono had a peaceful sleep.
Aug 22, 2013 at 8:07 PM
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"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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Let's see if Maizono had a peaceful sleep!

Chapter 1 Part 17:

As I rubbed my eyes that were still half asleep, I slowly got my body out of bed.

...in Maizono's room.

Naegi Makoto:

Speaking of that... I promised that I would have breakfast with everyone...

I have to go...


I left Maizono's room, and went towards the cafeteria.


Coming into the cafeteria, there was already a number of people gathered.


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Hey, good morning Naegi! Hear this, this morning I was the first one here!


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Teeheehee... good morning...


Asahina Aoi:

Mornin' !!


Oogami Sakura:

You're early...


The ones who were here from the start, they're all classified as "rule abiding high school students".

And, the ones who were a little late were...


Oowada Mondo:



Enoshima Junko:

Sorry, my makeup took time so I ended up being late~!


Yamada Hifumi:

Oh dear I'm terribly sorry for being late. I'm good at everything but thinking about my morning's duties...


They were all the ones with a somewhat loose sense of time. The majority of the students had all come in here.

...then, the people we were waiting for in the end who finally came were...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...I'm late.



Good morning, everyone.


Kuwata Leon:

Sorry, sorry... I slept in!!


Fukawa Touko:

...wh, what... is it bad that I'm late?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

I didn't sleep in. I just lost my way, yeah. In fact, it was the work of the Bermuda triangle, yeah.

Neglecting time, not even thinking about others, the ones who went at their own pace.

...and thus, we were all gathered.

Normally, I'd expect that, but...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Oh? We're not all gathered yet...?


Asahina Aoi:

Maizono and Togami haven't arrived yet...

Togami aside...

Originally I'd think that Maizono would be in the "Rule abiding high school students" group, and yet...

That girl hasn't... arrived yet...


Togami Byakuya:

...what's wrong? Has something happened?


Oowada Mondo:

...hey, Togami! You, have you not seen Maizono?


Togami Byakuya:

...as if I'd know. Right now, I just came here from my room.


Yamada Hifumi:

Has she forgotten about... our promise to eat breakfast together?


Kirigiri Kyouko:

That reliable... girl?

As I listened to everyone talking, a small sense of unease began to sprout inside me...

...and gradually grew larger.

Naegi Makoto:

I... I'm just...

Going to go check on her...!

As soon as I finished saying that, I dashed out into the hallway.


What I turned towards was...

That which I had exchanged with Maizono for the night, my room...

My room, where I thought she stayed the night...

But, that room had...


In one night... it had completely changed...

Naegi Makoto:

What is this...!?

Looks like someone trashed this room. There's a lot of interesting stuff to look at in here, so let's take a look around.

On the walls and floor were... marks that looked like they were made by a knife!?

...but more importantly, where is Maizono!?


This adhesive tape cleaner... before long, the remaining amount of tape has considerably decreased.

...but more importantly, where is Maizono!?

I guess Naegi doesn't feel like looking around the room at the moment. So let's see if we can find Maizono.

I peeked into the shower room.



peeked... into... the...

...s...h...o...w...e...r... r...o...o...m...


A short clip plays here, but there are also some screenshots of it below. Video: link





It took me a little bit of time to realize that I was screaming.

The scene that was before my eyes, it continued to burn into my eyelids...

And then...

And then.........



...I blacked out.

And thus ends the first part of chapter 1! I don't know if any of you saw this coming, but I was sort of growing attached to Maizono the first time I read up to this part. Too good to last, I guess.

Next time we'll wake up after passing out, again.
Sep 8, 2013 at 10:51 AM
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Let's regain consciousness after passing out yet again!

Chapter 1 Part 18:

Chapter 1

Surviving to the End

Abnormal Days Section
So now we begin the "abnormal" part of this chapter. This part occurs after someone has been killed. I'm not sure why it's called "abnormal", since murder is a fairly common occurrence in this game.

When I opened my eyes, there was a vast ceiling above me.

For some reason, it was a vast ceiling that I remembered.

When I raised my body, this time I saw faces.

Faces that, for some reason, I remembered...


Naegi Makoto:



Asahina Aoi:

Ah, you've finally opened your eyes! Are you alright?


Oowada Mondo:

You don't have time to be half awake... so wake up fast.

Naegi Makoto:

H... uh... ?


Hagakure Yasuhiro:

...Naegi, you fainted, yeah. You, we carried you here.


Oogami Sakura:

...that thing happened. So it's only natural.

Naegi Makoto:

That... thing...?



Naegi Makoto:

Ugh... uurrggghhhh... !!


Asahina Aoi:

Naegi... are you ok...?

Naegi Makoto:

...wasn't that a dream?

W, was that...

Not a... dream... ?


Togami Byakuya:

It's reality.

...Maizono Sayaka has... died.

Naegi Makoto


A syrupy, thick sense of despair swelled up inside my body, and exploded at once.

I jumped to my feet, and began to run.


Togami Byakuya:

Where do you think you're going...

Naegi Makoto:

It's obvious! To Maizono! To Maizono! To Maizono!!


Togami Byakuya:

...we've checked. Without a doubt, Maizono Sayaka is dead.

Naegi Makoto:

No! I'm going!!


Oowada Mondo:

We said wait!! If you go, what will that do!

Naegi Makoto:

Then, is there a point to staying here!? Or rather...

Right now, why are you all gathered in a place like the gymnasium!

Our friend... Maizono, has...


Died... right when I let out that word, it finally hit home...


Maizono... was dead...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

...as for us, it's not our real intent to be in this place.

Naegi Makoto:

Then... why...


Fukawa Touko:

Is, isn't it obvious... Monobear... he gathered us here...


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

...but, of course we objected to it.

Even though this... terrible thing had happened to Maizono... "what are you saying" we said...!


B, but...


Kirigiri Kyouko:

I proposed it to everyone. That right now, we should obey him...

Are we not captives? To recklessly rebel would not be a good plan...


And more than that... we also did it so that the number of victims would not increase...

Naegi Makoto:


Why... do we have to listen... to what that asshole's saying...

Even though one who killed Maizono... it was obviously him...!



I wouldn't do that! At least believe that!!


Kuwata Leon:

He, he came out...



Unless you violate the rules, I won't do anything by myself.

I'd never do anything to violate the point of this Campus life.


I was famous at the safari park for being twice as particular as a normal bear about the rules, you see!!
Note: A Safari Park is like a wildlife park, and is different from a Zoo in that it's a lot more spacious/park like. Here's a wikipedia article on them: link

Fujisaki Chihiro:

If so... then who killed Maizono...



You should know!

The one who killed Maizono is someone among you guys!

Those words... they completely silenced us.

The one who killed Maizono... was one of us...?

That so... absurd...



Huh? What's wrong...? You're making a face like a pigeon who's been blown away by a gatling gun?


Oh no, didn't I say this from the beginning!?


One of you guys, in order to "Graduate" from here, has killed Maizono, that's all!

Those are the rules! It's not a bad thing!


Yamada Hifumi:

You're lying... right?

Naegi Makoto:

Of course he's lying!! Obviously he killed her!!



No... the one who killed her is someone among you guys.

The person themself would know that well, right?

Naegi Makoto:


I... instinctively look around at everyone's faces.

That is, everyone is the same...

Fear and confusion and doubt are mixed in their eyes, as they cross over this place again and again.


Fujisaki Chihiro:

Is it... true...?


Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

Someone has... someone has killed Maizono...!



Really now... someone here has done something unbelievable...


Oowada Mondo:

Wait! Don't go swallowing what that guy's said!


Togami Byakuya:

...be quiet.

Before that, I have to check something with that stuffed animal.


If there's a murderer among us, that person, they can graduate from here...?





Togami Byakuya:

Don't play dumb, you said it before, right? The person who commits a murder can graduate and...



U, upupu...

Upupu... upopopopo...


Man, Monobear sure has some silly laughs here. (yes, those were all laughs)

Kuwata Leon:

...why are you roaring with laughter?



Upupu... because...


Naive... you're too naive!

Just by killing someone, you thought it'd be that simple to leave?


That's overoptimistic! Devilishly optimistic! Hellishly optimistic!!

Rather... the actual performance begins from here!!

Naegi Makoto:

The actual performance...?



Well then, here...!! I'll begin the explanation of the supplemental rules regarding "Graduation"!!

The point "Only the person who kills someone will be able to graduate", it's just as I explained previously, but...

In case of that, there's one more promise that must be upheld, right?



Item number 6 of the school rules...



If you're the culprit who commited a murder, you must make sure the other students do not know it was you...

That's the point you're talking about, right?



Right, just killing someone is no good. You must kill someone without letting the other students find out!

So, the system to assess whether you are able to clear those conditions is...


After a fixed period of time after the murder has occurred, a "School Trial" will be opened!

A school... trial...?



A school trial will be held after a few hours have passed since the murder has occurred!

In the location of the school trial, the "culprit" who has committed the murder...

Will have a confrontation with the other students that are "innocents"!!



At the school trial, you guys will argue about "Who is the culprit lurking among us?".

The result of that will be determined by a vote held at the end of the school trial.

There, if the answer you guys have derived is correct...

Then only the culprit who has disturbed the order will receive a "punishment", and I ask that the other remaining members continue their communal lifestyle.

But... if you pick the wrong person as the "culprit"...

The culprit who has escaped the blame will survive, and all of the remaining innocents will receive the "punishment".

In that case, the communal lifestyle will be forcibly terminated, of course!

That's all for the rules of the School Trials!!


Yamada Hifumi:

Um... by the way... what's the "punishment" you repeatedly mentioned earlier...?



Aah... to put it simply...


It's like an execution!


Yamada Hifumi:

An... an execution!?


Fujisaki Chihiro:

What's an... execution...?

This is where we'll end it for now. Next time, let's find out what an execution is! (because we don't already know, or at least Chihiro doesn't)
Sep 9, 2013 at 10:20 PM
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Anyone else (read:Gir) feel like the odd pink blood Maizono was covered in is relevant somehow? Maybe it's hinting at something. It could just be art styles or strange lighting, but that jumped out at me for some reason...
Sep 10, 2013 at 1:22 AM
daughter of chivalry
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Polaris said:
Anyone else (read:Gir) feel like the odd pink blood Maizono was covered in is relevant somehow? Maybe it's hinting at something. It could just be art styles or strange lighting, but that jumped out at me for some reason...

The reason why the blood is pink is because censorship laws in Japan. If they were to have real red blood, the game's rating would have to be rated Mature, which apparently they didn't want. So to prevent that they made the blood pink. It has no relevance whatsoever.
(Strange that it isn't M anyway because some of the executions are pretty brutal.)