May 1, 2013 at 10:30 AM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Sorry for the delays, here's the next part:
Chapter 1 Part 04
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Alright, everyone's gathered! Then, I think we should start this meeting immediately!!
Together, we will show the results of our investigations, and we should share that information!!
As soon as possible, so that we can get out of here!!
Enoshima Junko:
Ah, wait a second...!
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
What is it!?
Enoshima Junko:
Uhhh, well... what was it? That silver haired girl...
Ah, right right, Kirigiri Kyouko...?
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
...what about her?
Enoshima Junko:
She's not here...
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
What did you say!?
I looked around the cafeteria.
...surely enough Kirigiri wasn't there.
Asahina Aoi:
Kirigiri... where did you go off to. Didn't anyone see her?
But, everyone only shook their heads...
Fujisaki Chihiro:
Huh...? Nobody... has seen Kirigiri?
By any chance... she's...!
Striking, stabbing, beating, beheading, burning, crushing, strangling, slaughtering, cursing… I don’t care how it’s done.
"Only the student who kills someone else will be able to leave from here", that alone is the simple rule.
By the worst means you can be lead to the best results, so please give it your all.
No way... could it be that...
No, I'm worrying too much...
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Damn you, Kirigiri... late from the first day....
In spite of being late you didn't even tell us you were going to be late, you don't have the guts of a latecomer...
Enoshima Junko:
What you're saying is unreasonable, do you get that?
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
But, we have a schedule to keep. It can't be helped.
I declare the commencement of the first Hope Peak Academy information meeting!
Maizono Sayaka.
...Naegi. Well, first...
We should listen to the information from everyone who split up and investigated the school.
Naegi Makoto:
Yeah, we should.
Maizono Sayaka:
Ehehe, somehow...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, what?
Maizono Sayaka:
Right now, didn't I really seem like your assistant?
I'm not a reliable assistant but, I'll be giving it my all, so please treat me well.
No... even without doing more than this you're a reassuring assistant... Maizono...
Maizono Sayaka:
Well then, since you don't understand the situation, I'll explain things simply for you.
Everyone split up and investigated this building's interior...
Togami and Ishimaru went alone. After that, Kirigiri also did too...
Kuwata, Hagakure, Enoshima, and Fujisaki went together it seems.
After that Asahina, Oogami and Oowada went together, and the remaining Celes, Fukawa, and Yamada also went together.
Togami Byakuya:
What I investigated was clues about the criminal who has locked us up.
But, I didn't discover anything. That is all...
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Th, that's it?
Togami Byakuya:
If I had discovered anything I planned to share it but, since I didn't find anything there's no helping it?
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
R, right... understood...
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
I investigated the school dormitory area...
There I made the discovery of the century!! In the dormitory there exists private rooms for everyone!!
Asahina Aoi:
We knew that... it's the first thing we confirmed...
Enoshima Junko:
There are name plates put on the doors, so every room is assigned to someone.
Oogami Sakura:
They even politely provided keys with name tags.
...with that, the room I was in before was definitely my room.
Enoshima Junko:
And, those rooms seem to be completely soundproof. Fujisaki and I confirmed that...
Fujisaki Chihiro:
Even when shouting in the neighboring room, you couldn't hear anything...
However, there were also clean bathrooms. They even had locks.
Enoshima Junko:
The ones that lock appear to be only the ones in the girls' rooms though.
Huh...? When I investigated earlier, my room's bathroom appeared to be locked...
Weird... later I'll check it again.
Oowada Mondo:
Rather, willfully preparing something like these private rooms, what are they doing by making us stay here...!
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Isn't it better than nothing!? Thanks to it we don't have to worry about being forced to rough it.
Fukawa Touko:
S, so... that's all you have to report? I wasn't expecting that... from an honor's student...
Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
I'm done reporting! Let's move on to the next person!
Enoshima Junko:
As for us, we went around and investigated every single iron plate on the windows in the hallways and the classrooms.
Somewhere one of them might come off we thought...
And, the result was...
Kuwata Leon:
Failure, total failure... None of the iron plates would give an inch.
Fujisaki Chihiro:
There's no... way out of here anywhere...!
This school... we're really locked in here...!
Enoshima Junko:
Shitshitshitshitshit... this is really bad... what are we gonna do, everyone...!
Kuwata Leon:
Hey hey, calm down...! Even I'm gonna get freaked out...
Asahina Aoi:
We were investigating the school area. Somewhere, there might be a way to contact the outside world!
But, we didn't find anything... sorry...
Oowada Mondo:
We returned to the entrance hall, and we tried to see if we couldn't do anything about that hunk of iron on the entrance.
Even with Oogami and I working together we weren't able to put a dent in it. No matter how many desks or chairs we beat it with, it was useless.
It was as if it was as strong as iron...
Right, because it was iron.
Oowada Mondo:
...anyways, it doesn't look like we'll be able to break that hunk of iron by attacking it directly.
Asahina Aoi:
Somehow... I feel like crying... but if I don't endure it... I won't be preserving my water...
Oogami Sakura:
Next, I'll be talking...
This isn't related to finding a way to contact the outside world but, I found something a bit curious...
In the hallways of the dormitory and the school, there are stairs that continue to the second floor.
Asahina Aoi:
However, there are shutters blocking them so we can't go in. No matter where we searched, we couldn't find a switch or anything for them...
Oogami Sakura:
In other words, with the current state, we can only investigate the first floor of this building...
Be as it may, even though currently we can't go to the second floor, that still leaves a possibility.
The possibility that there's an exit...
Chapter 1 Part 04

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Alright, everyone's gathered! Then, I think we should start this meeting immediately!!
Together, we will show the results of our investigations, and we should share that information!!
As soon as possible, so that we can get out of here!!

Enoshima Junko:
Ah, wait a second...!

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
What is it!?

Enoshima Junko:
Uhhh, well... what was it? That silver haired girl...

Ah, right right, Kirigiri Kyouko...?

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
...what about her?

Enoshima Junko:
She's not here...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
What did you say!?
I looked around the cafeteria.
...surely enough Kirigiri wasn't there.

Asahina Aoi:
Kirigiri... where did you go off to. Didn't anyone see her?
But, everyone only shook their heads...

Fujisaki Chihiro:
Huh...? Nobody... has seen Kirigiri?
By any chance... she's...!
Note: This next scene is a flashback.

Striking, stabbing, beating, beheading, burning, crushing, strangling, slaughtering, cursing… I don’t care how it’s done.
"Only the student who kills someone else will be able to leave from here", that alone is the simple rule.

By the worst means you can be lead to the best results, so please give it your all.
No way... could it be that...
No, I'm worrying too much...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Damn you, Kirigiri... late from the first day....
In spite of being late you didn't even tell us you were going to be late, you don't have the guts of a latecomer...

Enoshima Junko:
What you're saying is unreasonable, do you get that?

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
But, we have a schedule to keep. It can't be helped.

I declare the commencement of the first Hope Peak Academy information meeting!

Maizono Sayaka.
...Naegi. Well, first...
We should listen to the information from everyone who split up and investigated the school.
Naegi Makoto:
Yeah, we should.

Maizono Sayaka:
Ehehe, somehow...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, what?

Maizono Sayaka:
Right now, didn't I really seem like your assistant?

I'm not a reliable assistant but, I'll be giving it my all, so please treat me well.
No... even without doing more than this you're a reassuring assistant... Maizono...

At this point we can either talk to everyone in the room, or we can talk to Maizono to make our lives easier. How she does that will be apparent in a moment.

Maizono Sayaka:
Well then, since you don't understand the situation, I'll explain things simply for you.
Everyone split up and investigated this building's interior...

Togami and Ishimaru went alone. After that, Kirigiri also did too...
Kuwata, Hagakure, Enoshima, and Fujisaki went together it seems.
After that Asahina, Oogami and Oowada went together, and the remaining Celes, Fukawa, and Yamada also went together.
>TogamiSo this is another reaction talk event. Via reaction talk, we can talk to the groups that went together as a whole, instead of having to guess who went with who and possibly hearing the same stories over and over again. Maizono is being a pretty good assistant here. So first let's see about...

Togami Byakuya:
What I investigated was clues about the criminal who has locked us up.
But, I didn't discover anything. That is all...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Th, that's it?

Togami Byakuya:
If I had discovered anything I planned to share it but, since I didn't find anything there's no helping it?

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
R, right... understood...
>IshimaruAlright, so once you've talked to Togami, you can talk to Maizono again and she'll give you the same conversation, allowing you to pick the other choices. So next is...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
I investigated the school dormitory area...

There I made the discovery of the century!! In the dormitory there exists private rooms for everyone!!

Asahina Aoi:
We knew that... it's the first thing we confirmed...

Enoshima Junko:
There are name plates put on the doors, so every room is assigned to someone.

Oogami Sakura:
They even politely provided keys with name tags.
...with that, the room I was in before was definitely my room.

Enoshima Junko:
And, those rooms seem to be completely soundproof. Fujisaki and I confirmed that...

Fujisaki Chihiro:
Even when shouting in the neighboring room, you couldn't hear anything...

However, there were also clean bathrooms. They even had locks.

Enoshima Junko:
The ones that lock appear to be only the ones in the girls' rooms though.
Huh...? When I investigated earlier, my room's bathroom appeared to be locked...
Weird... later I'll check it again.

Oowada Mondo:
Rather, willfully preparing something like these private rooms, what are they doing by making us stay here...!

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:
Isn't it better than nothing!? Thanks to it we don't have to worry about being forced to rough it.

Fukawa Touko:
S, so... that's all you have to report? I wasn't expecting that... from an honor's student...

Ishimaru Kiyotaka:

I'm done reporting! Let's move on to the next person!
>Kuwata, Hagakure, Enoshima and FujisakiYes, Ishimaru, let's. We didn't learn much new from him, but we have other people to talk to.

Enoshima Junko:
As for us, we went around and investigated every single iron plate on the windows in the hallways and the classrooms.
Somewhere one of them might come off we thought...
And, the result was...

Kuwata Leon:
Failure, total failure... None of the iron plates would give an inch.

Fujisaki Chihiro:
There's no... way out of here anywhere...!
This school... we're really locked in here...!

Enoshima Junko:

Shitshitshitshitshit... this is really bad... what are we gonna do, everyone...!

Kuwata Leon:
Hey hey, calm down...! Even I'm gonna get freaked out...
>Asahina, Oogami and OowadaSo while they're freaking out we can talk to Maizono again to speak to the next group.

Asahina Aoi:
We were investigating the school area. Somewhere, there might be a way to contact the outside world!

But, we didn't find anything... sorry...

Oowada Mondo:
We returned to the entrance hall, and we tried to see if we couldn't do anything about that hunk of iron on the entrance.

Even with Oogami and I working together we weren't able to put a dent in it. No matter how many desks or chairs we beat it with, it was useless.

It was as if it was as strong as iron...

Right, because it was iron.

Oowada Mondo:
...anyways, it doesn't look like we'll be able to break that hunk of iron by attacking it directly.

Asahina Aoi:
Somehow... I feel like crying... but if I don't endure it... I won't be preserving my water...

Oogami Sakura:
Next, I'll be talking...
This isn't related to finding a way to contact the outside world but, I found something a bit curious...
In the hallways of the dormitory and the school, there are stairs that continue to the second floor.

Asahina Aoi:
However, there are shutters blocking them so we can't go in. No matter where we searched, we couldn't find a switch or anything for them...

Oogami Sakura:
In other words, with the current state, we can only investigate the first floor of this building...

Be as it may, even though currently we can't go to the second floor, that still leaves a possibility.
The possibility that there's an exit...
This part is getting long, so we'll have to talk to the other students next time.