Aug 7, 2015 at 7:35 PM
Join Date: May 28, 2008
Location: PMMM MMO
Posts: 3713
Age: 32
Let’s start looking for clues! (finally)
Chapter 3 Part 16:
He isn't moving anymore... Ishimaru...
According to the Monobear File, Ishimaru's fatal wound was a blow to the head.
Where his corpse was first discovered, the physics prep room... maybe the Justice Hammer no. 4 that was in there is the fatal weapon...
Even so, a vinyl sheet is laid out underneath Ishimaru's corpse...
Perhaps, when it came time to move Ishimaru's corpse, that's what the culprit used...
So that when they moved it, they wouldn't leave any traces of blood...
You recorded the Vinyl Sheet in your ID card. You can check it from the Dispute Bullets menu.
Yamada's huge body, which has gone cold... is lying down on the floor...
Nevertheless... he really has a large build.
How in the world did the culprit move Yamada... with him being this big?
To move this huge body from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor... moreover, doing so without being noticed by us is...
How in the world did they...
Naegi Makoto:
............'s no good, I can't think of anything.
For now, I'll think about this matter later, and I'll go ahead and finish the examination of Yamada's corpse...
Certainly, Yamada's fatal wound was also a blow to the head.
And of course, he was done in with the Justice Hammer no. 3 that was dropped in the infirmary, right, but...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, wait...?
This corpse... something's strange about it...
What is it, this out of place feeling...?
Something's... different...
In comparison to the corpse I saw in the infirmary, something's different about Yamada's corpse here...
...right, it's the glasses!
The glasses on the corpse in the infirmary were surely dirtied with blood, and yet...
...the glasses have become clean.
Does that mean someone... wiped Yamada's glasses clean?
But, who... and why...?
You recorded "Yamada's Glasses" in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
On the wall hangs hammers of various sizes. But... a number of them are missing...
Perhaps, the Justice Hammers were made from these hammers...
Fragments of stone and powder are sticking to them here and there.
Naegi Makoto:
Somehow... only this hammer is wet, and it isn't dirty, but...
Does that mean someone washed this hammer with some water?
You recorded the Washed Hammer in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
It's the type of cart without a handle...
I've seen them in art rooms before. It was used to move sculptures or something...
It wasn't easy to use, but if you bent your hips and lowered your posture, the thing itself seemed to move without problem.
Huh...? But, this cart...
When we found Ishimaru's corpse in the physics prep room, isn't it that cart that was there?
Moreover, this cart's tires...
Blood is stuck to it.
A cart that was moved from the physics prep room to the art warehouse... and with bloodstains on its tires...
Does this have any meaning...?
You recorded the Cart in the Art Warehouse to your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Asahina Aoi:
Umm, Naegi. To be honest, there's something I'm a little curious about.
It's related to this art warehouse, but...
Naegi Makoto: something up with this art warehouse?
Asahina Aoi:
After Yamada and Ishimaru's corpses disappeared, everyone split up and searched for them, right?
I was scared, so I was together with Sakura, but...
At that time, right in the beginning we came to investigate this art room.
But, at that time the art warehouse was locked, and we couldn't get inside...
Naegi Makoto: was locked?
Asahina Aoi:
We came here right after the search had started so, no one else should've beaten us here, but...
If so, then who locked it, right? And furthermore, it's also unlocked right now...
Naegi Makoto:
That's certainly... curious...
The lock was locked right after the search for the corpses started, but it's unlocked right now...
It seems like there's some secret there, but...
To know that as well, it might be best if we tried leaving this room...
Oogami Sakura:
In this incident, many things happened. Or should I say... too many things happened.
...this means recalling it but, it might be good to try looking back on the incident.
Shall I help you out with that...?
Naegi Makoto:
...right, then let's try looking back on it together.
Oogami Sakura:
This morning, Kirigiri, Asahina, you, and myself, just us 4, were gathered in the cafeteria.
No matter how long we waited the others wouldn't come so, we decided to start a search for them.
The time that search started at was around 8 a.m...
Naegi Makoto:
There, from right after we split up, Kirigiri went missing...
Oogami Sakura:
After that, Asahina discovered Celes in the 3rd floor rec room, and gathered you and I in a panic.
Naegi Makoto:
According to Celes' story, she had been passed out for about 1 hour from when she was attacked by the questionable person.
In other words, she was attacked around 1 hour before she was discovered by us...
...which would be after 7 a.m.
Oogami Sakura:
Some time during that period, from the photo Celes took, we knew that that questionable person was cosplaying.
It was... the Justice Robo...
Furthermore, we even ascertained that Yamada was in fact taken away by this Justice Robo.
Oogami Sakura:
After joining with Fukawa and Togami after starting the search for the questionable person...
In the 2nd floor library room, we discovered the injured Yamada.
We took the wounded Yamada to the 1st floor infirmary, and then once again, we resumed the search for the questionable person.
And then, right after we left the infirmary...
Togami Byakuya:
…what’s wrong?
A shadow… a shadow moved up on that staircase!
Naegi Makoto:
Based on what Celes witnessed, we went to the 2nd floor, and from there we split up and searched.
And then, right after that...
Oogami Sakura:
Celes let out a yell. This time she found the questionable person on the 3rd floor.
Hearing her yell, we also immediately went towards the 3rd floor.
Asahina Aoi:
Celes, what happened!?
Togami Byakuya:
For you, that was an awfully exaggerated yell…
I found him… that cosplaying questionable person…
Once I yelled out, he ran away.
Facing me with my back turned to the stairwell, he turned down the hallway on the left.
Oogami Sakura:
And then, right after that... next was...
Naegi Makoto:
Asahina Aoi:
I heard it coming from the floor below. Which means, that scream right now was…!
Naegi Makoto:
Yamada’s… from the infirmary…?
This is bad! Let’s hurry and go back!!
Naegi Makoto:
There, we split up into 2 groups.
Celes, Asahina, and myself returned to the first floor infirmary...
And you, Togami, and Fukawa pursued the questionable person on the 3rd floor, right.
And then, when I returned to the infirmary...
Naegi Makoto:
I discovered Yamada's corpse.
There I heard... the corpse discovery announcement being broadcast.
Naegi Makoto:
To report that, leaving Celes and Asahina behind, I once again returned to the 3rd floor.
Oogami Sakura:
But, at the time... at the 3rd floor's physics prep room, we had just discovered Ishimaru's corpse.
The discovery of Yamada's and Ishimaru's corpses were almost at the same time...
Because for me as well, right after we discovered Ishimaru's corpse, I heard the broadcast of that announcement.
Naegi Makoto:
There, I told you and Togami that Yamada was killed, right?
With that, Togami, you, and myself went to head back to the infirmary together.
Leaving Fukawa behind, who had fainted...
But, right after we got out of the physics room...
From Celes, who came late, we heard a surprising story.
Yamada's corpse has disappeared!
Naegi Makoto:
After returning to the infirmary in a hurry, Yamada's corpse was no longer there...
Oogami Sakura:
Right after that, we remembered that we left Fukawa, who had fainted, behind, so we once again returned to the physics prep room, but...
Togami Byakuya:
By no means... is this...?
Oogami Sakura:
Did we... see a dream or something?
Naegi Makoto:
This time, Ishimaru's corpse had also disappeared...
Panicked, we set about searching for those 2's corpses that had disappeared.
And then, a short time later...
Oogami Sakura:
We heard that Celes discovered the corpses, so we headed towards the art warehouse...
Naegi Makoto:
There, we "rediscovered" the 2 corpses that had disappeared... was a flow of events like that.
Oogami Sakura:
After trying to look back on it like this, really, too many things happened...
If you want to look back on the incident again then tell me. I'll help you out always...
Naegi Makoto:
...Togami. As I thought, I wonder if the culprit is Hagakure?
Togami Byakuya:'s probably unthinkable that it's anyone else.
For when the series of events of the murders and the vanishing of the corpses occurred, all of us here have an alibi.
And then, we even have the words Yamada left us in his death...
Naegi Makoto:
It was... Ya-su-hi-ro, right?
Togami Byakuya: when it comes to it, it's unthinkable that the culprit would be anyone other than Hagakure.
Naegi Makoto:
But, even if we take Hagakure to be the culprit...
Why would he hide his face with that strange costume, I wonder?
Togami Byakuya:
Whichever costume is was, wasn't it that he thought if he hid his form he wouldn't be exposed?
...because he's a decadent idiot.
He’s certainly an idiot, but...
I feel like... there's probably a big clue there, though...
Togami Byakuya:
Is that is? Is that the only thing you're curious about?
Naegi Makoto:
No, there's also other things... I'm curious about... why the culprit hid the corpses.
Togami Byakuya:
If the corpses weren't discovered then we wouldn't even be able to investigate... thinking that, he hid them.
Naegi Makoto:
But, they were unexpectedly easy to find, right?
Togami Byakuya:
For that too... there's no other justification than the culprit's stupidity, right...
Naegi Makoto:
Are you really... okay with that, I wonder...?
Togami Byakuya:
Naegi Makoto:
And, the one other thing I'm curious about is...
Why did the culprit kill as many as 2 people.
Togami Byakuya:
Naegi Makoto:
Because, with these campus lifestyle rules, if you commit a murder and get away with it, then you can graduate, right?
If that's so, then I think that for the culprit, having others not perceive your crime would be the number one thing you're thinking about.
And to commit 2 murders is... with just that the number of clues would increase, and yet...
Togami Byakuya:
Wait. Then perhaps...
Is that so... it's like that...
Naegi Makoto:
W-what's the matter...?
Togami Byakuya:
Don't speak to me so familiarly...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, what's this all of the sudden?
Togami Byakuya:
But, I'll say thanks.
Thanks to you, this seems like it will be fun.
Leaving me with just that, Togami left the art warehouse...
Naegi Makoto:
He was talking like... he knew something, but...
If that's so then it would have been nice if he told me, yet...
There's 1 exit in this room...
Asahina was saying that the door was locked...
Certainly it looks like this door locks but, it looks like only the warehouse's side of it is lockable.
No matter how you look at it, it seems it can't be locked from the art room's side...
Naegi Makoto:
A lock that can only be opened from the art warehouse's side... it's a bit on my mind...
Asahina and Oogami confirmed that the door was locked in the search after the corpses had disappeared.
And furthermore, the construction of this door's lock being that you can only lock it from the art warehouse's side...
In other words... it's like this...
When Asahina came here to investigate, someone was in the warehouse here and had locked the door, but...
After that, that person unlocked the door, making it so that you could enter here.
Moreover, according to what Asahina was saying, it's likely impossible that anyone else beat her to here, so...
If we assume that, then that someone is...
You recorded the Art Room Warehouse's Door in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Naegi Makoto:
Umm... so the clues of this crime scene are like this...
Then, I need to also investigate the other areas...
The other places I should investigate... from what I can think of, they're...
First, the infirmary where Yamada's corpse was found, and then the physics prep room where Ishimaru was found... right.
Wheel-like tracks stretch out from the pool of blood in the center of the room...
Speaking of that, the tires of that dolly that was in the art warehouse...
Right... those tires had blood stains stuck to them.
Perhaps, the bloodstains on those tires are...
From this bloodstain...?
Naegi Makoto:
Assuming that's the case, then using that dolly, Ishimaru's corpse might have been moved from this physics prep room to the art warehouse...
Both of them are rooms on the 3rd floor, so it would have been possible to have used the dolly for the transport.
You recorded the Blood Stain in the Physics Prep Room in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
But, even if Ishimaru's corpse was moved with the dolly...
Then, for the transport of Yamada's corpse, how did they do it?
Yamada's corpse was in the 1st floor's infirmary.
Even using the dolly, it would be impossible to move him from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor...
Naegi Makoto:
It's a mystery...
Huh, this kind of vinyl sheet...
I've seen it somewhere. Moreover, quite recently...
Monobear Medal Get!
Genocider Syo:
Even while the culprit was diligently moving the corpse, I was having a sleepy-sleep here!
It's too bad, for me to miss such an "ultimate rare scene"!
It's a refrigerator... are there any drinks inside, I wonder?
Thanks to being under pressure I also feel thirsty, so why don't I try taking a little look inside...
Naegi Makoto:
Only a large amount of blood for blood transfusions is stored here.
I'm not a vampire so, this won't heal my thirst...
Monobear Medal Get!
Naegi Makoto:
Celes, what kind of investigating are you doing?
I wouldn't go as far as to call it "investigating".
"Isn't Hagakure hiding somewhere?" I thought, so I'm just searching high and low for him.
But with you saying that, what manner of investigation are you doing?
Naegi Makoto:
Hmm, I'm searching various places, but...
What's got my curiosity in particular is the method by which Yamada's corpse was moved...
The method by which Yamada's corpse was moved... huh...
Naegi Makoto:
When Yamada's corpse disappeared, you were staying put here in the infirmary, right?
Asahina seemed like she was feeling unwell, so I chaperoned her and waited here.
But, she seemed to be feeling too unwell, so I took her to the toilet.
And there... when you came back, the corpse was gone...?
But, we took our eyes off of it for just 1 minute, approximately.
Certainly, that's also the same as what Asahina was saying. Which means...
Naegi Makoto:
During that 1 minute, the culprit carried out Yamada's corpse...?
That's how it would be, yes.
To carry out Yamada's huge body in only a minute is...
More and more, I can only think it'd be impossible.
You recorded Celes' testimony in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
It looks like a normal garbage can, but...
Huh...? Something's dropped inside of it.
For a handkerchief it's small, so this is a glasses cloth...
It looks like it has some character on it, though...
That aside, this is...! It's thick with blood...!
...did you find something?
Naegi Makoto:
Yeah, in the garbage can there was a glasses cloth, but...
A glasses cloth...?
Naegi Makoto:
And moreover, it was even stained with blood.
Certainly, with this glasses wipe, someone wiped up some blood, but...
Who would have wiped up blood with a glasses cloth, and why?
I really don't have the slightest idea...
I certainly don't have the slightest idea either... but... I'm curious about something...
You record the Character goods Glasses Cloth in your ID Card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Togami Byakuya:
Naegi, so you were here. I've been looking for you...
Naegi Makoto:
You've been looking for me...?
Togami Byakuya:
Thinking that I'd give you thanks for before...
I'm reluctant to say it, but thanks to you this game has become interesting.
Togami Byakuya:
Try going to Hagakure's room.
And, I'll also give this to you.
"Meet in the cafeteria!"
Naegi Makoto:
This is the memo Hagakure wrote and used to gather all of us, right...?
Togami Byakuya:
You have a good memory...
Naegi Makoto:
It was considerably well written, so... it left an impression on me.
Togami Byakuya:
But, with this it's clear.
...this is a ruse.
Naegi Makoto:
Which is...?
Togami Byakuya:
Hehe... it's gotten more and more interesting...
Naegi Makoto:
Um... what do you mean...?
Togami Byakuya:
I've already repaid you. I don't have any obligation to tell you more than this.
See you around...
You recorded the Message Written by Hagakure Himself in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Umm... he was saying to try going to Hagakure's room, but...
Is something... there...?
Chapter 3 Part 16:

So we're finally at the point where the game will let us look for evidence that we can use in the trial. First things first, we'll take a look at the corpses themself.

He isn't moving anymore... Ishimaru...
According to the Monobear File, Ishimaru's fatal wound was a blow to the head.
Where his corpse was first discovered, the physics prep room... maybe the Justice Hammer no. 4 that was in there is the fatal weapon...
Even so, a vinyl sheet is laid out underneath Ishimaru's corpse...
Perhaps, when it came time to move Ishimaru's corpse, that's what the culprit used...
So that when they moved it, they wouldn't leave any traces of blood...

You recorded the Vinyl Sheet in your ID card. You can check it from the Dispute Bullets menu.

Yamada's huge body, which has gone cold... is lying down on the floor...
Nevertheless... he really has a large build.
How in the world did the culprit move Yamada... with him being this big?
I mean, from the 1st floor infirmary where we first discovered his corpse, all the way to this art warehouse on the 3rd floor is...Naegi is really just extremely jealous of how massive Yamada is here. All those gains.
To move this huge body from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor... moreover, doing so without being noticed by us is...
How in the world did they...
Naegi Makoto:
............'s no good, I can't think of anything.
For now, I'll think about this matter later, and I'll go ahead and finish the examination of Yamada's corpse...

Certainly, Yamada's fatal wound was also a blow to the head.
And of course, he was done in with the Justice Hammer no. 3 that was dropped in the infirmary, right, but...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, wait...?
This corpse... something's strange about it...
What is it, this out of place feeling...?
Something's... different...
In comparison to the corpse I saw in the infirmary, something's different about Yamada's corpse here...

...right, it's the glasses!
The glasses on the corpse in the infirmary were surely dirtied with blood, and yet...

...the glasses have become clean.
Does that mean someone... wiped Yamada's glasses clean?
But, who... and why...?

You recorded "Yamada's Glasses" in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
There's a few other things we can check in this room as well, such as...

On the wall hangs hammers of various sizes. But... a number of them are missing...
Perhaps, the Justice Hammers were made from these hammers...
At any rate, all of the hammers here look like they're quite used...It's really no mystery where those hammers came from.
Fragments of stone and powder are sticking to them here and there.
Naegi Makoto:

Somehow... only this hammer is wet, and it isn't dirty, but...
Does that mean someone washed this hammer with some water?

You recorded the Washed Hammer in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.

It's the type of cart without a handle...
I've seen them in art rooms before. It was used to move sculptures or something...
It wasn't easy to use, but if you bent your hips and lowered your posture, the thing itself seemed to move without problem.
Huh...? But, this cart...

When we found Ishimaru's corpse in the physics prep room, isn't it that cart that was there?
It's really really tiny in this picture due to the bad angle, but that small flat blue-ish thing on the right is supposed to be the cart. One of the consequences of the game using flat images for most of the objects, I guess.

Moreover, this cart's tires...

Blood is stuck to it.
A cart that was moved from the physics prep room to the art warehouse... and with bloodstains on its tires...
Does this have any meaning...?

You recorded the Cart in the Art Warehouse to your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Those are all the objects of interest in this room. But we still have people to talk to here, maybe we'll even get some testimonies!

Asahina Aoi:
Umm, Naegi. To be honest, there's something I'm a little curious about.
It's related to this art warehouse, but...
Naegi Makoto: something up with this art warehouse?

Asahina Aoi:
After Yamada and Ishimaru's corpses disappeared, everyone split up and searched for them, right?
I was scared, so I was together with Sakura, but...

At that time, right in the beginning we came to investigate this art room.
But, at that time the art warehouse was locked, and we couldn't get inside...
Naegi Makoto: was locked?
Naegi must have trouble remembering that we also saw that the door was locked then.

Asahina Aoi:
We came here right after the search had started so, no one else should've beaten us here, but...
If so, then who locked it, right? And furthermore, it's also unlocked right now...
Naegi Makoto:
That's certainly... curious...
The lock was locked right after the search for the corpses started, but it's unlocked right now...
It seems like there's some secret there, but...
To know that as well, it might be best if we tried leaving this room...
We'll be looking at that door a little later. But for now, let's talk to Oogami.

Oogami Sakura:
In this incident, many things happened. Or should I say... too many things happened.
...this means recalling it but, it might be good to try looking back on the incident.

Shall I help you out with that...?
>YesSure, why not. I could use a refresher.
Naegi Makoto:
...right, then let's try looking back on it together.

Oogami Sakura:
This morning, Kirigiri, Asahina, you, and myself, just us 4, were gathered in the cafeteria.
No matter how long we waited the others wouldn't come so, we decided to start a search for them.

The time that search started at was around 8 a.m...
Naegi Makoto:
There, from right after we split up, Kirigiri went missing...

Oogami Sakura:
After that, Asahina discovered Celes in the 3rd floor rec room, and gathered you and I in a panic.
Naegi Makoto:
According to Celes' story, she had been passed out for about 1 hour from when she was attacked by the questionable person.
In other words, she was attacked around 1 hour before she was discovered by us...
...which would be after 7 a.m.

Oogami Sakura:
Some time during that period, from the photo Celes took, we knew that that questionable person was cosplaying.
It was... the Justice Robo...
Furthermore, we even ascertained that Yamada was in fact taken away by this Justice Robo.

Oogami Sakura:
After joining with Fukawa and Togami after starting the search for the questionable person...
In the 2nd floor library room, we discovered the injured Yamada.
We took the wounded Yamada to the 1st floor infirmary, and then once again, we resumed the search for the questionable person.
And then, right after we left the infirmary...


Togami Byakuya:
…what’s wrong?

A shadow… a shadow moved up on that staircase!

Naegi Makoto:
Based on what Celes witnessed, we went to the 2nd floor, and from there we split up and searched.
And then, right after that...

Oogami Sakura:
Celes let out a yell. This time she found the questionable person on the 3rd floor.
Hearing her yell, we also immediately went towards the 3rd floor.

Asahina Aoi:
Celes, what happened!?

Togami Byakuya:
For you, that was an awfully exaggerated yell…

I found him… that cosplaying questionable person…
Once I yelled out, he ran away.
Facing me with my back turned to the stairwell, he turned down the hallway on the left.

Oogami Sakura:
And then, right after that... next was...

Naegi Makoto:

Asahina Aoi:

I heard it coming from the floor below. Which means, that scream right now was…!
Naegi Makoto:
Yamada’s… from the infirmary…?
This is bad! Let’s hurry and go back!!

Naegi Makoto:
There, we split up into 2 groups.
Celes, Asahina, and myself returned to the first floor infirmary...
And you, Togami, and Fukawa pursued the questionable person on the 3rd floor, right.
And then, when I returned to the infirmary...

Naegi Makoto:
I discovered Yamada's corpse.
There I heard... the corpse discovery announcement being broadcast.

Naegi Makoto:
To report that, leaving Celes and Asahina behind, I once again returned to the 3rd floor.

Oogami Sakura:
But, at the time... at the 3rd floor's physics prep room, we had just discovered Ishimaru's corpse.
The discovery of Yamada's and Ishimaru's corpses were almost at the same time...
Because for me as well, right after we discovered Ishimaru's corpse, I heard the broadcast of that announcement.
This here is new information. But I guess you could've figured that out on your own, since we had seen that Togami and Oogami and Fukawa had just discovered Ishimaru.

Naegi Makoto:
There, I told you and Togami that Yamada was killed, right?
With that, Togami, you, and myself went to head back to the infirmary together.
Leaving Fukawa behind, who had fainted...
But, right after we got out of the physics room...
From Celes, who came late, we heard a surprising story.

Yamada's corpse has disappeared!

Naegi Makoto:
After returning to the infirmary in a hurry, Yamada's corpse was no longer there...

Oogami Sakura:
Right after that, we remembered that we left Fukawa, who had fainted, behind, so we once again returned to the physics prep room, but...

Togami Byakuya:
By no means... is this...?

Oogami Sakura:
Did we... see a dream or something?

Naegi Makoto:
This time, Ishimaru's corpse had also disappeared...
Panicked, we set about searching for those 2's corpses that had disappeared.
And then, a short time later...
Oogami Sakura:
We heard that Celes discovered the corpses, so we headed towards the art warehouse...
Naegi Makoto:
There, we "rediscovered" the 2 corpses that had disappeared... was a flow of events like that.

Oogami Sakura:
After trying to look back on it like this, really, too many things happened...
If you want to look back on the incident again then tell me. I'll help you out always...
Oh god she isn't kidding. I tried talking to her again, and she'll go over the ENTIRE thing if you ask her to. It was bad enough once, I think I'm just going to move on now.

Naegi Makoto:
...Togami. As I thought, I wonder if the culprit is Hagakure?
Togami Byakuya:'s probably unthinkable that it's anyone else.
For when the series of events of the murders and the vanishing of the corpses occurred, all of us here have an alibi.
And then, we even have the words Yamada left us in his death...
Naegi Makoto:
It was... Ya-su-hi-ro, right?
Togami Byakuya: when it comes to it, it's unthinkable that the culprit would be anyone other than Hagakure.
Naegi Makoto:
But, even if we take Hagakure to be the culprit...
Why would he hide his face with that strange costume, I wonder?

Togami Byakuya:
Whichever costume is was, wasn't it that he thought if he hid his form he wouldn't be exposed?
...because he's a decadent idiot.
He’s certainly an idiot, but... it alright to settle it with that kind of reason?Naegi literally just calls Hagakure an idiot here. That's not very nice.
I feel like... there's probably a big clue there, though...

Togami Byakuya:
Is that is? Is that the only thing you're curious about?
Naegi Makoto:
No, there's also other things... I'm curious about... why the culprit hid the corpses.

Togami Byakuya:
If the corpses weren't discovered then we wouldn't even be able to investigate... thinking that, he hid them.
Naegi Makoto:
But, they were unexpectedly easy to find, right?

Togami Byakuya:
For that too... there's no other justification than the culprit's stupidity, right...
Naegi Makoto:
Are you really... okay with that, I wonder...?
Togami Byakuya:
Naegi Makoto:
And, the one other thing I'm curious about is...
Why did the culprit kill as many as 2 people.

Togami Byakuya:
Naegi Makoto:
Because, with these campus lifestyle rules, if you commit a murder and get away with it, then you can graduate, right?
If that's so, then I think that for the culprit, having others not perceive your crime would be the number one thing you're thinking about.
And to commit 2 murders is... with just that the number of clues would increase, and yet...
I think Togami was just not really thinking about the case up to this point, given his reaction.

Togami Byakuya:
Wait. Then perhaps...
Is that so... it's like that...
Naegi Makoto:
W-what's the matter...?

Togami Byakuya:

Don't speak to me so familiarly...
Naegi Makoto:
Huh, what's this all of the sudden?

Togami Byakuya:
But, I'll say thanks.

Thanks to you, this seems like it will be fun.
Leaving me with just that, Togami left the art warehouse...
Naegi Makoto:
He was talking like... he knew something, but...
If that's so then it would have been nice if he told me, yet...
But Togami just isn't a very nice guy. At least he's having fun with this, though.
We're done with (almost) everything in this room, so we'll get out of here and explore some other places. But when we go to leave, this happens:

There's 1 exit in this room...
Asahina was saying that the door was locked...

Certainly it looks like this door locks but, it looks like only the warehouse's side of it is lockable.

No matter how you look at it, it seems it can't be locked from the art room's side...
Naegi Makoto:
A lock that can only be opened from the art warehouse's side... it's a bit on my mind...
Asahina and Oogami confirmed that the door was locked in the search after the corpses had disappeared.
And Naegi did too, despite his refusal to acknowledge it.

And furthermore, the construction of this door's lock being that you can only lock it from the art warehouse's side...
In other words... it's like this...
When Asahina came here to investigate, someone was in the warehouse here and had locked the door, but...
After that, that person unlocked the door, making it so that you could enter here.
Moreover, according to what Asahina was saying, it's likely impossible that anyone else beat her to here, so...
If we assume that, then that someone is...

You recorded the Art Room Warehouse's Door in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Naegi Makoto:
Umm... so the clues of this crime scene are like this...
Then, I need to also investigate the other areas...
The other places I should investigate... from what I can think of, they're...
First, the infirmary where Yamada's corpse was found, and then the physics prep room where Ishimaru was found... right.
So now we get to go to the other areas. First, we'll visit the physics prep room, since we're already on the 3rd floor.

There's not actually all that much to look at here. Also, I would be checking the hammers, but Naegi seems rather uninterested in them, and they aren't used as Dispute Bullets for some reason.

Wheel-like tracks stretch out from the pool of blood in the center of the room...
Speaking of that, the tires of that dolly that was in the art warehouse...

Right... those tires had blood stains stuck to them.
Perhaps, the bloodstains on those tires are...
From this bloodstain...?

Naegi Makoto:
Assuming that's the case, then using that dolly, Ishimaru's corpse might have been moved from this physics prep room to the art warehouse...
Both of them are rooms on the 3rd floor, so it would have been possible to have used the dolly for the transport.

You recorded the Blood Stain in the Physics Prep Room in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
But, even if Ishimaru's corpse was moved with the dolly...
Then, for the transport of Yamada's corpse, how did they do it?
Yamada's corpse was in the 1st floor's infirmary.
Even using the dolly, it would be impossible to move him from the 1st floor to the 3rd floor...
Naegi Makoto:
It's a mystery...
Maybe whoever moved him was just really strong. Or a robot.

Huh, this kind of vinyl sheet...
I've seen it somewhere. Moreover, quite recently...
Monobear Medal Get!
So yeah that's probably the vinyl sheet that Ishimaru was on, but we don't get to use it as a Dispute Bullet. Anyways Genocider is hanging out in here, so let's see what she's up to.

Genocider Syo:
Even while the culprit was diligently moving the corpse, I was having a sleepy-sleep here!

It's too bad, for me to miss such an "ultimate rare scene"!
If she hadn't missed it, this case would be even easier to solve.
Looks like we're done in the physics prep room, so next we'll go to where Yamada's corpse was discovered: the 1st floor's infirmary.

Not too many things in here either, but we'll take what we can get for now.

It's a refrigerator... are there any drinks inside, I wonder?
Thanks to being under pressure I also feel thirsty, so why don't I try taking a little look inside...
Naegi Makoto:
Only a large amount of blood for blood transfusions is stored here.
I'm not a vampire so, this won't heal my thirst...
Monobear Medal Get!
I guess Naegi's thirsty, but not THAT thirsty.

Naegi Makoto:
Celes, what kind of investigating are you doing?
I wouldn't go as far as to call it "investigating".
"Isn't Hagakure hiding somewhere?" I thought, so I'm just searching high and low for him.
The ultimate game of hide and seek. So far, Hagakure's winning, it seems.

But with you saying that, what manner of investigation are you doing?
Naegi Makoto:
Hmm, I'm searching various places, but...
What's got my curiosity in particular is the method by which Yamada's corpse was moved...

The method by which Yamada's corpse was moved... huh...
Naegi Makoto:
When Yamada's corpse disappeared, you were staying put here in the infirmary, right?

Asahina seemed like she was feeling unwell, so I chaperoned her and waited here.
But, she seemed to be feeling too unwell, so I took her to the toilet.
Naegi Makoto:Was she going to toss her donuts or something? Did she throw up??
And there... when you came back, the corpse was gone...?

But, we took our eyes off of it for just 1 minute, approximately.
Certainly, that's also the same as what Asahina was saying. Which means...
Naegi Makoto:
During that 1 minute, the culprit carried out Yamada's corpse...?

That's how it would be, yes.
To carry out Yamada's huge body in only a minute is...
More and more, I can only think it'd be impossible.
I'm not sure how much Yamada weighs, but I'm sure if you were determined enough, you could get him out of there pretty quickly.

You recorded Celes' testimony in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Only one more thing to check in this room, and that's...

It looks like a normal garbage can, but...
Huh...? Something's dropped inside of it.
Naegi's just rooting through the garbage, like he normally does.

For a handkerchief it's small, so this is a glasses cloth...
It looks like it has some character on it, though...
That aside, this is...! It's thick with blood...!

...did you find something?
Naegi Makoto:
Yeah, in the garbage can there was a glasses cloth, but...

A glasses cloth...?
Naegi Makoto:
And moreover, it was even stained with blood.
Certainly, with this glasses wipe, someone wiped up some blood, but...
Who would have wiped up blood with a glasses cloth, and why?

I really don't have the slightest idea...
I certainly don't have the slightest idea either... but... I'm curious about something...

You record the Character goods Glasses Cloth in your ID Card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
We're done in here now, and I'm not really sure where we're supposed to go next, but I know it's not here. Knowing that, Naegi goes to leave, but someone's waiting outside for him...

Togami Byakuya:
Naegi, so you were here. I've been looking for you...
Naegi Makoto:
You've been looking for me...?

Togami Byakuya:
Thinking that I'd give you thanks for before...
I'm reluctant to say it, but thanks to you this game has become interesting.
Naegi Makoto:Togami's not very good at this whole saying "thank you" thing.

Togami Byakuya:
Try going to Hagakure's room.
And, I'll also give this to you.

"Meet in the cafeteria!"
Naegi Makoto:
This is the memo Hagakure wrote and used to gather all of us, right...?

Togami Byakuya:
You have a good memory...
Naegi Makoto:
It was considerably well written, so... it left an impression on me.
It touched his soul.

Togami Byakuya:
But, with this it's clear.
...this is a ruse.
Naegi Makoto:
Which is...?

Togami Byakuya:
Hehe... it's gotten more and more interesting...
Naegi Makoto:
Um... what do you mean...?
Togami Byakuya:
I've already repaid you. I don't have any obligation to tell you more than this.

See you around...

You recorded the Message Written by Hagakure Himself in your ID card. You can check it from the dispute bullets menu.
Umm... he was saying to try going to Hagakure's room, but...
Is something... there...?
I guess we'll find out next time, since we've hit the image limit for this part. Next time, we'll see what's in that room.