Just as an FYI Kero Blaster was released on the Japanese iOS App Store less than an hour ago
IIRC from Azarachi iOS it should come out in places like North America later, not exactly sure when.
As for the PC version I have no clue but there's been a lot of traffic hitting the Playism site :3
e: ok here's what's happening:
Playism was down because there was a lot of traffic, but now it's back up.
You can now download the
Japanese version from
If you do not want this, then you should wait until later NOW when the English version is released. http://playism-games.com/games/keroblaster/
Also GIR says that he had problems buying the game + ost (the items would not show up in his cart) so there's that as well.
what i think is going to happen (dumb speculation bullshit that's likely to be wrong):
Kero Blaster on iOS will probably release at 11:00 PM EST
The PC version is likely to release at Midnight in some time zone
But no seriously I have no idea when exactly it will release in areas that are not Japan