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Jenka's Nightmare - Done. *mic drop* []

Mar 8, 2015 at 1:08 PM
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WOoW i Cant Belive that .. Its Really EpIc Mod i have seen ever ! Thanks ZarroTsu .. btw i found all secret rooms and done the game with the best way ^_^
Mar 9, 2015 at 1:29 PM
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Welp, I beat the Jenka's Nightmare boss. Guess this run is done, wink wink.

Either way, no problems to report so far.


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Crescent Medal was gone when I got my items back as Curly. That's weird. Happened last time too. Also, I now have 37 Super Missiles for some reason instead of the 40 I had before.

EDIT: Well, my computer stopped working in normal mode yesterday so I had to safe mode and copy all my stuff on an EHD. With some exceptions with regard to some corrupt system files (the problem, I believe), everything transferred safely and when I get it to Best Buy they're factory resetting my computer and reinstalling Windows 7 and all that crap. Point is, my run is on hold for at least today, likely longer. I have to go over with the Geek what I can and can't transfer back from the Windows (system) folder, but I think everything else will be retransferable. I'm not sure exactly how this works because getting it on the EHD was a copy paste job, not an image or anything, so I don't know what I have to install or whatever. I mean, all the files for my programs transferred so will they count as installed when I put them back?... Sure hope so. But yeah, I'm out of commission for a bit on all fronts.

Up to the boss rush, the game is fine except for my max Super Missiles going down by 3 as I noted above... At least 37 is a possible number to have, but this would imply that I skipped an expansion, which I didn't.

EDIT: My laptop has returned! I had to redownload the game because some files were weird but my profile survived so I will continue working on the game when I get to it.
Mar 16, 2015 at 1:02 AM
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- Game now saves automatically after the intro if you are running NG+.
- Suto #2 now triggers the flag for Suto #1 in case of sequence breaking.
- Suto #2 has slightly different dialog if you sequence break past #1.
- Moved the Save Disk at the bottom of Conduit to the other side. Added more wind.
- A few enemies in Sand Zone, Labyrinth, Aqueducts, Abandoned Facility, and Void are removed if you miss the Blade.
- Chaba will now open the Snake Capsule as soon as you get the Critter Juice.
- Fixed a bug where Dr. Gero would ignore the very first Missile Chest when giving Super Missiles.
- Fixed a bug where a certain event, when checking what items you have, would use an old item number for the Crescent Medal by accident.

Placing all bets how much I broke by accident. And let me know if non-Blade runs are now 'too easy' or 'just right' (or still 'too hard')
Mar 16, 2015 at 11:44 AM
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ZarroTsu said:

- Game now saves automatically after the intro if you are running NG+.
- Suto #2 now triggers the flag for Suto #1 in case of sequence breaking.
- Suto #2 has slightly different dialog if you sequence break past #1.
- Moved the Save Disk at the bottom of Conduit to the other side. Added more wind.
- A few enemies in Sand Zone, Labyrinth, Aqueducts, Abandoned Facility, and Void are removed if you miss the Blade.
- Chaba will now open the Snake Capsule as soon as you get the Critter Juice.
- Fixed a bug where Dr. Gero would ignore the very first Missile Chest when giving Super Missiles.
- Fixed a bug where a certain event, when checking what items you have, would use an old item number for the Crescent Medal by accident.

Placing all bets how much I broke by accident. And let me know if non-Blade runs are now 'too easy' or 'just right' (or still 'too hard')
It would appear that my run was helpful in this update since the last two points are the bugs I mentioned, so I'm happy to help. I finished my run yesterday. I'm not gonna do another run but I appreciate the whole thing, so thanks for the update! I can't help you on the non-Blade run thing because I always get the blade, lol.
Mar 17, 2015 at 11:40 PM
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You've done a lot of good with this mod Zarro. I've seen this mod through from the very beginning, back when Doors version was all the rave. I still have some nostalgia for it, but your mod is clearly a vast improvement over the original(No offence). Level Design is original, The metriodvania aspect in in full gear, and theirs oddles of things to do before the very end. The mod itself has gone through tons of work to get to the point where it is now, and while some changes I find wanting, I think that the product is very good overall. Keep up the good work, Zarro. Its very much appreciated.
Mar 29, 2015 at 9:18 PM
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2 tests finished.

ZarroTsu, pay attention to this diagnostic video here. Pause it when you see "Analysis."

Suto's speed-text dialog for players who are sequence-breaking has a number 0 in front of "Well".
#0203<FLJ0045:0201<SAT<MSG<FAC00300Well, what do we have
here? Khss khss khss...<NOD<CLRI see a thief has his
hands full with my chest?

To fix: "<FAC00300Well," please remove the extra 0.

Another Suto dialog in Labyrinth now has an inconsistency for those who sequence-broke the first Suto fight in Grasstown:
We've fought twice already,
on both ends of Grasstown!

Number 1 in my checklist below is partially fixed. Tetsouzou no longer tells you to get out after acquiring Munitions Clip, but this picture explains it. Do not initiate a <CMP on that tile. PLEASE NOTE: I will not verify this fix until I play another NG+ with no spur.

3/30/2015 - Another inconsistency to report. See spoiler:
I think "Given to you by Booster." should be removed all game.

Found another one regarding the secret item in Event #0301 in JN095:
Curly's facepic will show the Pointed Glasses on it even while unequipped. To fix: Change <FLJ0710:0302 to <FLJ7969:0302 in event #0301.

Please review this post and what I have added on to my later post.

Here is my bug checklist:


☐ 1. NG+ Related-Spur Capsule: Tetsouzou tells you to get out after getting Munitions Clip, also grate opens up. This has been corrected. (must be experienced in-game) - ALMOST FIXED
☑ 2. Flag 163 issue in Hermit Gunsmith (JN062). This has been corrected. (must be experienced in-game) - FIXED!
☐ 3. Does not retain "Save Once" flag after starting NG+ and fall down the hole. - PARTIALLY FIXED

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Apr 1, 2015 at 5:08 PM
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Some more "advanced gameplay" stories. Better spoiler it all.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukR34xYyRCs& I beat the boss rush under 8 minutes!

I tried 1 HP minimal items. You know where I'm stuck now. Things were a breeze until the Sand Zone, where the enemies started posing a healthy level of challenge. I died a lot at Misery's area, and various Gaudi-filled areas of the Labyrinth. All bosses posed some trouble, and the Deconstructor was especially tough. Monster X was easy. The 'teers are a nightmare. It's possible to beat them, but it would/will take so many attempts.

I was thinking of starting a "3HP traditional minimal items" playthrough - that is Polar Star, Fireball, Blade - to make it a little less ridiculous. But in any case, how should the Machine Gun be handled? I'm thinking of giving Balrog the Fireball and never trading back, so that the endgame is as hard as possible.
Apr 1, 2015 at 8:00 PM
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Honestly 'Sand Zone?' isn't that bad with Fireball only. The bottom half actually benefits from it, a bit. Plus you get Machine Gun back regardless, once you reach Jenka's House.

Hardest boss with fireball only would probably be Deconstructor Mk.2.
Apr 6, 2015 at 6:16 AM
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Test finished.

I am currently doing another NG+ play-through with no spur now and found a new issue for the Magic Journal:

I found an issue with flags 0097 and 0098 for the Magic Journal, this happens when you do not meet up with Monster X first and instead going further to see Chaba. After beating the Great White Critter, the Magic Journal item is stuck at ArmsItem event #6132 OR at #6134 or #6135 via flagjumps 0095 or 0112. To fix: Copy <FLJ0098:6137<FLJ0097:6136 from #6133 to the beginning of #6132 (and change <FLJ0098:6137 to <FLJ0098:6136 on the one you copied to due to the Critter Juice not being relevant since you have not met Monster X yet.)

Added something to it, please review again.
4/7/2015: NG+ related:
Machine Gun Capsule issue, see spoiler:
No CLR.png
To fix: For ArmsItem events #6046 and #6066, place a <CLR before <FAC0000 (Clearing Curly's facepic) to clear the text. Also, place <GIT0000 and an <RMU after <NOD that goes after "Got the ●Turbocharge●!".

This bug reporting post is for the recent one I am doing. More testing info based on my previous one is found in an earlier post for review.

I have just retested Hermit Gunsmith after Labyrinth. I now judge "Almost Fixed" in the checklist. You just need to fix the bars issue for the NG+ with Spur part of the game.

The test is finished. I now expect be made to fix these bugs.
The reason I am calling this version (build 2) is because for the sake of Japanese translation in the future. After checking all the English text and making necessary changes, and the translation done, would be made for both the English and Japanese and possibly other language localizations (if a translator could come by for other languages, that is).

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Apr 10, 2015 at 6:42 PM
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I found something.
In Sand Zone i can go to "Booster" and "Misery", but it's no working in the third place when i have to activate GAUDI and FLOWER and then take MIMIGA.
Apr 10, 2015 at 9:47 PM
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crasharthur said:
I found something.
In Sand Zone i can go to "Booster" and "Misery", but it's no working in the third place when i have to activate GAUDI and FLOWER and then take MIMIGA.
This is an error I've tried to fix over and over and just can't figure out why it happens. If you think the Teleporter puzzle is complicated on the front end, the back-end is a collection of unlabeled loose-wires and code strings. I've tried, but I still don't know why the teleporter lights fail to show up under certain circumstances. This can occur for any of them. It dropped off my list of things to fix after I concluded I have no idea what the problem is.
Apr 11, 2015 at 3:02 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
This is an error I've tried to fix over and over and just can't figure out why it happens. If you think the Teleporter puzzle is complicated on the front end, the back-end is a collection of unlabeled loose-wires and code strings. I've tried, but I still don't know why the teleporter lights fail to show up under certain circumstances. This can occur for any of them. It dropped off my list of things to fix after I concluded I have no idea what the problem is.
I think i discover.
After i used the whistle, i activated only FLOWER and then take MIMIGA.
Apr 14, 2015 at 5:47 PM
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ZarroTsu said:
This is an error I've tried to fix over and over and just can't figure out why it happens. If you think the Teleporter puzzle is complicated on the front end, the back-end is a collection of unlabeled loose-wires and code strings. I've tried, but I still don't know why the teleporter lights fail to show up under certain circumstances. This can occur for any of them. It dropped off my list of things to fix after I concluded I have no idea what the problem is.
It's not a big deal given how the dog whistle resets the teleporters to a predetermined state. It's annoying, but there's technically an in-game fix.

If you want, I would suggest having someone say "By the way, the local teleport network may still have some issues. Resetting the teleporters and rerouting them to where you want to go should fix them if necessary."
Apr 18, 2015 at 12:17 AM
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No recording, since OBS was causing slowdown (like in the White fight), and since the fight is mostly reflexes it would have felt like cheating. The strategy is, simply put, to first boost to the left edge of the screen while firing fireballs forward. Then immediately boost back over all the Gaudskateers to the right side while firing fireballs upwards. Repeat boosting over the 'teers while firing fireballs forward, or upwards only if there's any blades above you. As the 'teers are defeated, the Rollings have to be taken into account. It of course takes tons of attempts, finely honed skills and plain luck.

I'll continue onwards, planning to never trade for the Machine gun.

May 18, 2015 at 6:19 PM
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Who did you put the backgrounds in the added maps?
My backgrounds are all blanks.
May 30, 2015 at 2:41 PM
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Ugh. The puppy teleporter maze is one of the hardest things I've ever tried to complete. It's absolutely terrible.
May 30, 2015 at 8:53 PM
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no that's you
(seriously though i think zt explained it pretty well in his version, or at least that's what i remember)
May 31, 2015 at 9:21 PM
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If you have the Magic Journal and talk a lot it should pretty much spell out the solution for you the first time. Then Booster's chalk board straight up tells you how it works.
Jun 28, 2015 at 3:20 PM
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well, yeah, it's obvious that curly and quote are lovers because the world-renowned fanfiction written by buttdigger6969 said so. it really was romantic when they proposed to one another, because it was really like they actually loved eachother. I give it a 9/10, minus one point because the author didn't seem to know what to do with the kazuma x misery subplot. again, really good stuff.

(I made them bro/sis because I'm eternally baffled by people who take them being 'lovers' seriously. They're robots. Fucks sake.)

Fixer90 said:
Pixel kept it hard to confirm
Can be applied to literally every loose-end in the game.