Is it worth buying Cave Story+ Switch Edition?

Dec 29, 2019 at 5:57 AM
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Straight to the point, I liked complaining about my favorite game, so why not do it again!
Unlike Steam Edition, there are a few tweaks
1. Sandzone, remember this tedious zone? Well, it's improved, all the dogs are in a smaller area, and you can carry them all at once, aside from being cute, it makes sand zone easier to do without wanting to take a break
2. You can't bind controls...why? Controls aren't really a big problem in the first place, its just the shoot and jump switched or not are very awkward for my hands
3. Multiplayer, is, great. I'm glad they made it so P1 controls the camera and P2 can teleport, cause they know more often than not, P2 is kinda dumb.
They added lighting and water that moves, it looks good too, I have no complaints, mainly because they haven't changed except for the 2 things I mentioned, still lets us go classic, thanks NICALiS, thats very cool. Also ANIMATED FACES, I have nothing to say about it, its...good...I guess.
CS+ - I'm so, so glad they turned it over to Wii music, it's much better than remastered in my opinion, it I think it fits the smooth graphics and the water
Remastered - no
Famitrack - Definitely my favorite, it sounds great, and, it just, is, my favorite (so, I just like it, and I don't know why,)
Ridiculation - my second favorite, mainly because I find it funny every time I talk to somebody it's just intense, also because it was my first impression of music like this and I thought i was great
Org - its music I like indeed
exactly the same, this pisses my off, since somebody had to realize hard mode wasn't fun
they added this, and I love it, no longer do you need to go to you have to go to youtube, or whatever you do, you go to the jukebox with your music type selected, and listen, its great, that's about it. (Note: this was on the DSI port I believe.)

To sum up my currently lazy opinion, yeah, its more worth it, but it still has many of the problems CS+ had, such as Challenges, which, Sand Pit its pretty good I will admit, but still, why not make more original ones, not complaining, I think they're fine. They did the job, and live up to their names. They prove what I think a Challenge is, and improve it, because I need to seriously step up my game.
In summary, Price is still kinda dumb, but more worth it in my opinion.
So what I'm saying with this is
please fix the damn Steam port!
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Dec 29, 2019 at 8:58 AM
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I don't think that the tweaks were really needed because the original experience was just fine. :) Hard difficulty isn't very hard once you're used to it!
Dec 29, 2019 at 12:12 PM
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Yeah, I think that spending 20 bucks(don't know the exact price) on a game that you can get for free is kinda silly. Also I'm a sucker for free games.
Dec 29, 2019 at 7:41 PM
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I don't think that the tweaks were really needed because the original experience was just fine
it (Sandzone) was just kind of tedious if you ask me
Hard difficulty isn't very hard once you're used to it!
its just the monster x boss fight
Yeah, I think that spending 20 bucks(don't know the exact price)
its $30 on eShop if I remember correctly...
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Dec 30, 2019 at 3:18 AM
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Dec 31, 2019 at 5:16 AM
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I don't think that the tweaks were really needed because the original experience was just fine. :)
The sand zone fetch quest is fine on your first playthough, but becomes tedious during repeated playthoughs. This tweak has been long desired by many people here.

The jelly stacking does the same thing to a lesser degree.

Being able to reattempt the Booster jump saves you having to reset over and over when getting the best ending.

That block that stops you from overshooting the waterway cabin means that you don't need to reset and do that section again if you don't kill your momentum in time.

CS is better for having these changes.
Dec 31, 2019 at 11:27 PM
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i bought it a couple days ago and i've been playing through, it's pretty good. lighting stuff is nice, could've been a bit more gradient in lighter areas like mimiga village. controls are... alright? wish i could rebind them, i had the same problem with eshop.

puppy/jellyfish juice stacking is a godsend, as is the cutscene skipping - i've been playing with a friend and being able to skip the longer cutscenes was awesome. some of the animated portraits are uh... kinda janky, imo. not awful, but not great, it kinda varies from character to character. the other changes - booster giving you a choice and the jump in waterway being easier is also extremely good, those jumps (especially waterway fuckin hell) are both super easy to mess up and resetting is a pain, so i'm real glad they added those in.

co-op is pretty neat! the easy drop in/out, plus P2 teleports if P1 goes too far away which is useful if you're playing with a less skilled person.
my only complaint is the camera - we had a lot of trouble in waterway specifically, where one person would get swept ahead, and because it takes a while for P2 to teleport, i kept taking damage from spikes because i couldn't see them. also wish P1 could change their skin, but that's more a minor gripe.

also i noticed in last cave that they didn't set the shaded tiles to foreground, you could see the bats spawn in, vanish as they hit the solid tiles, and then reappear, but i don't know if that's true for the regular graphics or they just forgot to check the festive ones.

haven't really listened to the two new soundtracks, and i'm yet to check out the new challenge, so no comment on those.

overall pretty solid, i guess, not amazing but good for a nicalis port.

now fix the steam version please
Jan 7, 2020 at 11:18 AM
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I mean, this is why I was making the MegaFix patch.
I could keep going with it, I'd just need some kind of donation campaign to support it...

I don't imagine there's a pxa override file for it, so it's probably just using the attributes of the base tileset.

i forgot to mention here, but going back and checking last cave without seasonal graphics, the shaded tiles were set to foreground and i couldn't see the bats spawn in, so there's that.