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Is it possible to do stuff

Dec 3, 2017 at 10:03 PM
ZYZZ Spur is the best gun because its super cool
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is it possible to make a game as good as cave story (thats like a cavestory like game)

every time i try to make a game or think of something i realize it doesn't make that much sense

also i changed my profile picture!
Dec 3, 2017 at 10:19 PM
Soup Man
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It is entirely possible as long as you put in the time and effort. Making things takes time; It took Pixel 5 years to make Cave Story. As long as you do your best and have fun, it should be no problem.

Good luck probably, and nice walrus picture.
Dec 3, 2017 at 10:31 PM
The TideWalker
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Creativity, efficiency, and dedication are all skills that must be tempered in the fires to achieve victory.
Nobody starts out as an amazing artist, story writer, coder, ect ect ect. Everyone starts out pretty terrible, but only through time and dedication do we get anywhere in life.

Take a look at my old mods, behavior, and coding. it was all pretty shitty for the most part! But over the course of the last 5 years I've learned how to become more efficient at all of these and you are more than capable of doing the same if you apply yourself. Keep modding, drawing, or whatever kind of creative content you want to, stick with it for a while and you're realize that hey, I'm not terrible at this anymore!

It honestly blows my mind to think back to that I could from the ground up remake sue's story inside of 6 months while still working a full time job. When it took me a year when I was just a freeloader with my parents spending all my time modding. Also totally blows my mind that I've done half the assembly hacks that I've done.

My point is keep on keeping on even when it's tough and you'll have something to look back on, even if it's not the greatest it's what you've accomplished and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

Also this is the best thread title of 2017, just gonna' point that out.
Dec 4, 2017 at 12:10 AM
Pirate Member
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It's hard as hell as a one man team. Back in the 00s I meddled with everything - tried coding, wasn't too keen on it, composing music, wasn't good at that either, drawing/designing - pretty decent. That's what you need to make a game - coding, graphic art, music. Story comes into play as well but it really isn't as important as far as gameplay goes. Sorry.

So you gotta be really good at ONE of these three things, and then work the other things around it. Because creating a game has many things involved, like mixed martial arts fighting. But every succesful mixed martial artist was effective at ONE martial art and then worked how he could combine others.

I wonder what Pixel was like? He couldn't have been equally good at EVERYTHING. He was AMAZING at one or two things, and had to work the others around it. I wonder how we could define him, originally.
Dec 4, 2017 at 12:41 AM
ZYZZ Spur is the best gun because its super cool
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Creativity, efficiency, and dedication are all skills that must be tempered in the fires to achieve victory.
Nobody starts out as an amazing artist, story writer, coder, ect ect ect. Everyone starts out pretty terrible, but only through time and dedication do we get anywhere in life.

Take a look at my old mods, behavior, and coding. it was all pretty badlanguage removed :o for the most part! But over the course of the last 5 years I've learned how to become more efficient at all of these and you are more than capable of doing the same if you apply yourself. Keep modding, drawing, or whatever kind of creative content you want to, stick with it for a while and you're realize that hey, I'm not terrible at this anymore!

It honestly blows my mind to think back to that I could from the ground up remake sue's story inside of 6 months while still working a full time job. When it took me a year when I was just a freeloader with my parents spending all my time modding. Also totally blows my mind that I've done half the assembly hacks that I've done.

My point is keep on keeping on even when it's tough and you'll have something to look back on, even if it's not the greatest it's what you've accomplished and the journey itself is more important than the destination.

Also this is the best thread title of 2017, just gonna' point that out.
thank you if i could give those like things i would but i think they are removed
and i'm not captain fabulous

woah i just discovered cave story emotes
Dec 4, 2017 at 12:43 AM
ZYZZ Spur is the best gun because its super cool
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Pointless double post
It's hard as hell as a one man team. Back in the 00s I meddled with everything - tried coding, wasn't too keen on it, composing music, wasn't good at that either, drawing/designing - pretty decent. That's what you need to make a game - coding, graphic art, music. Story comes into play as well but it really isn't as important as far as gameplay goes. Sorry.

So you gotta be really good at ONE of these three things, and then work the other things around it. Because creating a game has many things involved, like mixed martial arts fighting. But every succesful mixed martial artist was effective at ONE martial art and then worked how he could combine others.

I wonder what Pixel was like? He couldn't have been equally good at EVERYTHING. He was AMAZING at one or two things, and had to work the others around it. I wonder how we could define him, originally.
he had a pretty good story now that i think about it in my opinion
he was probably really good at programming and stuff though to make everything
does anyone know what kind of editor he used to make it

also i bet he was decent at music and somewhat decent at art even though it was all pixelated but thats just the way it is for the thing
i like the music its neat
Dec 4, 2017 at 3:38 AM
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I think BLink summarized it pretty well. If you really have the drive to do something, you can absolutely accomplish it over time. It just takes a lot of time, dedication, and patience. As long as you have that drive, you will get far.
Dec 4, 2017 at 4:20 AM
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Modding takes time, I remember thinking Lost Land was the community's best mod. It wasn't until I got around to Jenka's Nightmare recently did I realize how vastly superior it was compared to Lost Land with it's more complex story and use of concepts like the Sand Zone's dog-teleportation system and the end game being insanely long but fun to the end. While I would critically speaking see Jenka's Nightmare as the better game, I enjoy Lost Land more for the fact that it's simplistic and really got me into modding. If you're start anywhere though, look into Jenka's Nightmare though, it has interesting concepts which can help inspire new ideas. In WTF story, the first segment of the game involved the player going around a bunch of spike challenges and using these little wires to teleport the player to the next part of the segment. I loved this idea and used it in my mod, ACSS, I wanted to expand upon the idea of it by having this be the game's main form of teleportation because I loved the idea of taking a little wire and jumping around via electricity. In ACSS, I have an area that is used for a boss fight (Called Outer "Catacombs"):

You'll end up eventually below that room (In an area called the "Bottom of The Island") so I put a wire and have the player "teleport" over under the pit, so if the player falls in the Outer Catacombs they simply die:

If I put platforms instead a wire, players might argue: "Why is it if they fall in the Outer Catacombs they die? Aren't there platforms in the BoTI? Should they just hit the platforms?" This wire not only continues the idea all kinds of transportation methods via electricity, but also lets me go under a map while leaving it empty so logically speaking; if the player falls from the Outer Catacombs, they simply die and I don't have to add platforms below for the second map which would screw up the continuity. Making a mod takes time and definitely lots of practice, you won't get it right on your first try. No one does. But if you take the time to learn, get advice and criticisms regarding what you made, it only then takes heart to make your mod great, just like Pixel when making Cave Story.
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Dec 4, 2017 at 4:42 AM
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also i bet he was decent at music
Nope. He started out just experimenting with combining sounds until something sounded right, then he just kept tinkering in that fashion until he had a complete song he was satisfied with. Early Cave Story used midis before Pixel got good enough to make PiyoPiyo and then later Organya.