Creativity, efficiency, and dedication are all skills that must be tempered in the fires to achieve victory.
Nobody starts out as an amazing artist, story writer, coder, ect ect ect. Everyone starts out pretty terrible, but only through time and dedication do we get anywhere in life.
Take a look at my old mods, behavior, and coding. it was all pretty
badlanguage removed 
for the most part! But over the course of the last 5 years I've learned how to become more efficient at all of these and you are more than capable of doing the same if you apply yourself. Keep modding, drawing, or whatever kind of creative content you want to, stick with it for a while and you're realize that hey, I'm not terrible at this anymore!
It honestly blows my mind to think back to that I could from the ground up remake sue's story inside of 6 months while still working a full time job. When it took me a year when I was just a freeloader with my parents spending all my time modding. Also totally blows my mind that I've done half the assembly hacks that I've done.
My point is keep on keeping on even when it's tough and you'll have something to look back on, even if it's not the greatest it's what you've accomplished and the journey itself is more important than the destination.
Also this is the best thread title of 2017, just gonna' point that out.