Okay IdioticBaka, think about what you're saying. You're saying that a creation of man is perfect.
The creator is always greater than its creation.
Every single man on this earth is imperfect.
Therefore, any creation of man is imperfect.
Cave Story is a creation of man.
Therefore, Cave Story is imperfect.
You know, when I got introduced to Cave Story, it was by a blog post by my brother.
To be honest, I agreed with him for a little while. But after my third playthrough when I experienced the disappointing and anti-climactic third ending and all playthroughs onward, I was able to nit-pick things here and there, and even exploit a few bugs and oversights. There are some things, like Cave Story, that are very polished, and from a humanly perspective, close to perfect, but no human can reach
true perfection. Some call me a perfectionist. Perfectionism runs in my family. But technically, that term isn't completely accurate for me, nor for anyone in the world for that matter, because even after I've "perfected" my work, it still has its flaws. It's just that you might have to be a bit more critical to find them.
Last summer I saw The Dark Knight Rises in the movie theater. Loved it. It's not my favorite, but it knocked it out of the park in delivering a few subjective qualities I had hoped to see in some other movies that slightly let me down prior due to not fully delivering. Just because of this, I had a bit of a bias for that movie and how awesome it was for a little while. I was even bold enough to describe it in my mind as
perfect. But upon further review and seeing things through not such a biased lens, I saw that it had some serious plotholes that I wasn't paying attention to. I even grew open-minded to those who regard it as the weakest link in the trilogy, and some even bold enough to give it the shameful mark of "that sequel never happened".
Those two experiences together taught me that you should never, ever, EVER, call any creation of man perfect. Now, it is valid to say that after X number of times of playing it, you are still devoid of being able to offer it any legitimate criticism, but outright calling anything in this world perfect is a very bold and dangerous thing to do.
No, Cave Story is not perfect.
P.S. Also, just so you know, I didn't link to that thread so you could bump it like you have been other threads including but not limited to this one, so don't do it.