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Jul 29, 2011 at 12:20 AM
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I'd say use the other <CAT. It's just a matter of pasting the code at a different offset. I don't have the particular hex that would work at any other location, so it's just as much work for me to manually put it in as it is for you.

That help?

PS Sorry if this is a slightly belated response - I've been away.
Jul 29, 2011 at 10:14 PM
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Kay, thanks.
Sorry as well for being belated.
Nov 12, 2014 at 6:29 AM
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So I made this hack a while ago, and it seems it has garnered enough interest that multiple people have asked how to do it. As I am fairly lazy (don't want to respond to everyone individually), and not everybody even knows that I did this, I feel like a thread will get it out to more people and thus help the hacking community.

  mov eax,[49e184]
  shl eax,5
  add [ebp-0C],eax
  add [ebp-4],eax
  jmp short 0x4154d4

A1 84 E1 49 00 C1 E0 05 01 45 F4 01 45 FC EB 0C
  mov ecx,[4a5ad8]
  add ecx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte edx,[ecx+1]
  cmp edx,4d
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov eax,[4a5ad8]
  add eax,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte ecx,[eax+2]
  cmp ecx,49
  jne 0x4251fc
  mov edx,[4a5ad8]
  add edx,[4a5ae0]
  movsx byte eax,[edx+3]
  cmp eax,4d
  jne short 0x4251fc
  mov ecx,[4a5ae0]
  add ecx,4
  push ecx
  call 421900
  add esp,4
  mov [49e184],eax
  add dword [4a5ae0],8
  jmp 0x4252a7

A1 D8 5A 4A 00 03 05 E0 5A 4A 00 0F BE 48 01 83
F9 4D 75 70 8B 15 D8 5A 4A 00 03 15 E0 5A 4A 00
0F BE 42 02 83 F8 49 75 5B 8B 0D D8 5A 4A 00 03
0D E0 5A 4A 00 0F BE 51 03 83 FA 4D 75 46 A1 E0
5A 4A 00 83 C0 04 50 E8 05 CA FF FF 83 C4 04 A3
84 E1 49 00 83 05 E0 5A 4A 00 08 E9 98 03 00 00
To make this hack work, you need to do three things:
1) Apply the hack to the exe (or download the patched version).
2) Modify MyChar.pbm to hold however many characters you want. New characters are simply appended to the bottom of the image.
3) Use the new TSC command <MIMXXXX to modify the character index. If XXXX is zero, then the first character will be shown, if XXXX is one, the the second character will be shown, etcetera.

Note that this uses a small bit of flag data in order to save what character you are currently using. High enough flags may screw shit up.
Here's a patched copy of the virgin exe that contains this hack.

13/5/11 - Released to public
14/5/11 - Fixed a few miscopied operand sizes
12/6/11 - Patched copy released, tsc portion changed from 0x425149 to 0x424eaf

Sorry I haven't given much explanation to how this works. If you feel like you need/want clarification on something just point it out.

I apologize for the inconvienence, and i know, im a newbie to the website.

But let me point out, i know what im doing, sorta. Im an idiot at this stuff, but ive torn cave story apart and put it back togther several times. Even Tripling the face boxes to where quote and even the final core have their own dialog boxes. But im not here to brag, im here to ask a question, or rather point something out.

Your Link Is Broken.

And for an idiot like i, who doesnt know half a scrap about applying these ASM's whatevers, i feel lost. If you could fix the link, put up a patch, or....if possible, a video of how to do this, cause youtube is barren. I am kinda lost, and i tried for 3 hours fucking playing around to figure out this script and kept failing. Im not asking you cause im a lazy noob who wants demands met, i'm legitimately lost, and i need help.

A response would be appreciated.

Nov 12, 2014 at 9:52 AM
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mikeax24 said:
A response would be appreciated.
You do realize that you're replying to a post that's over 3 years old, right? You'll be lucky to get a response at all, let alone a new link.

Maybe one of the other forum members will be nice enough to apply the hack to a fresh copy of doukutsu.exe for you though.
Nov 12, 2014 at 2:34 PM
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Here you go.

E: Somebody could put it in the OP if needed, I don't mind.
Nov 12, 2014 at 9:29 PM
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I know that this is still considered a bump, but does it copy the <FAC command? I would like to use it in my mod, but am worried about how this would affect it, because I use the faces a lot. Sorry, but if anyone knows the answer, send it to me via personal message so this topic doesn't get bumped anymore.
Nov 12, 2014 at 11:29 PM
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There's two <FAC commands in the parser. The parser works by checking what characters are used in the command. If they all match the command being checked in the parser, it's (the specified command's) code is run, and everything for the other commands is skipped. If the characters don't match the command, it tries the next command in the parser.
The two <FAC commands in the parser both check for the characters F, A and C. This means that if this check is correct, the first <FAC command is activated and the other is ignored (because the first one is before the second, and everything else is skipped). And if the check is incorrect, it skips the first and goes to the second, which is also skipped for obvious reasons.

In short, it will not affect your ability to use <FAC. It's basically a freebie.

Also, it's okay to bump threads, as long as you have something to contribute or important to say. I'd say this is a valid enough question. (it may have been better in quick modding though)
Nov 14, 2014 at 5:40 AM
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I have Awoken the dorment beast that is the I.M.M. Forum.....Yay?

But seirously, Thanks alot! I was stressing out like crazy, and i get a good link...you guys are the bomb..i had no idea that a question would even be AWNSERED..i assumed a month from now, id be bored, check to see, and get a "No. Phoque off, we dont want to do that" response...Aparently cave story forums are nicer than roblox :3? Then again, everyone there is crazy.
Thanks GIR, for the slap in the face i expected and thanks everyone else for ACTUALY doing what i needed, you guys rock! Hopefully soon ill be able to upload my cave story mod "Infinite Emotion"
Nov 18, 2014 at 9:18 PM
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Another question, by the way. Which flags does it use? I have been using flags from 9999, counting down. I don't want to break the game, so may I know which flags seem to be used?
Nov 18, 2014 at 9:26 PM
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Bionicobot said:
Another question, by the way. Which flags does it use? I have been using flags from 9999, counting down. I don't want to break the game, so may I know which flags seem to be used?
Ask in the proper thread (and don't replay to this just to say "ok")
Nov 19, 2014 at 2:19 AM
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You were using flags from 9999 when there is only 8000?
Nov 19, 2014 at 2:43 AM
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<MIM data is 7968-7993
Using either of those or anything in between will either change your selected mychar or make the pc disappear completely

That being said it's a valid way to switch mychar sprites; set 7968 for the first one, 7969 for the second et cetera
Setting more than one will make the pc disappear as well so don't do that
Nov 20, 2014 at 10:31 PM
beep boop
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Thanks! Will be very useful for switching perspectives!
You can use the unused 1999 slots for flags. They are free to use!
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:26 AM
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I can't get this to work. The pre-patched exe crashes, and doukutsu assember 1.31 says there's an error. And if I try to apply that hex edit from girakacheezer HXD gives me an error. :muscledoc:
Dec 19, 2014 at 4:12 AM
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the prepatched version SHOULD work
also are you sure you're applying the hack right
Dec 19, 2014 at 7:42 AM
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Randolf said:
Here you go.

E: Somebody could put it in the OP if needed, I don't mind.
Read the thread properly

EDIT: Can any mod update the link in the OP to prevent further confusion?
Dec 19, 2014 at 9:17 AM
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Randolf said:
Read the thread properly

EDIT: Can any mod update the link in the OP to prevent further confusion?
I tried that but maybe there's something wrong with my folder setup... :/ I'll mess around with it more.
Dec 19, 2014 at 12:46 PM
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Do you use .pbm or .bmp? That exe uses .pbm, AFAIK.
Dec 19, 2014 at 2:04 PM
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Randolf said:
Read the thread properly

EDIT: Can any mod update the link in the OP to prevent further confusion?
Dec 19, 2014 at 3:59 PM
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You probably fucked your map data