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Image Edition: (C)Pixel doesn't work!

Jun 14, 2006 at 11:41 PM
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You CANNOT add the "(c) Pixel" with wordpad. There are two reasons. Number 1 is the fact that you are not then adding hex code to the file, which is what you should be doing. Number two is the fact that wordpad adds a header to text, which will further confuse the game when it tries to load the picture. You MUST use a hex editor. I recommend XVI32. Do a Google search for "XVI32" and you should find a place to download it. Oh, and don't try using Notepad. While it doesn't have a header (to my knowledge), this only solves the second problem, which is secondary (no pun intended) anyways.
Jun 19, 2006 at 6:53 AM
The Bartender
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Daka no Oni said:
You CANNOT add the "(c) Pixel" with wordpad. There are two reasons. Number 1 is the fact that you are not then adding hex code to the file, which is what you should be doing. Number two is the fact that wordpad adds a header to text, which will further confuse the game when it tries to load the picture.
Actually, notepad doesn't load up certain characters (such as nulls) As a result your file will end up being altered. Also depending on under which encoding you save it as, it might convert each character into two bytes.

Hex is just the internal representation. Try opening a plain ANSI text file in a hex editor and see for yourself just what's in there. ;)

(C)Pixel in notepad is the exact same thing as in a hex editor. Other factors can cause problems, however, and unless every byte in the file happens to map to a displayable character code, some data will be lost and the file will be rendered useless when you save.
Jun 19, 2006 at 11:38 PM
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Oh. I didn't know that.
So what you're saying is that my advice was correct, just that my reasons weren't?
Well, in any case, you shouldn't add the (c) Pixel with notepad. There are plenty of free hex editors out there, so it's not like you're wasting any money (well, maybe the internet bill, but you do that by being on the forums anyway).
Jun 20, 2006 at 12:58 AM
The Bartender
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Daka no Oni said:
So what you're saying is that my advice was correct, just that my reasons weren't?
Yep, entirely. Sorry about that, I'm a bit anal sometimes. ;)
Jun 28, 2006 at 8:17 AM
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Runelancer, Have you found that underwater counter in the game that turns on the underwater flag after falling over 330 rows down in a large map ? Also, the sprite sets corruption that seems to get gradually worse the more you make saves to the custom map in Sue's Workshop until the whole sprite set becomes corrupt and useable and is a hall of mirrors... I still found no solutions to that problem either. I still don't know what is causing this corruption.

Neither do I know why the bosses in the game cease to activate when adding custom maps, someone must have answers
Jun 28, 2006 at 5:55 PM
The Bartender
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I never encountered spriteset corruption so far, so I dunno what that's about.

The water thing occures when you fall too far off of a map. There are no bounds checking on the map and you eventually end up in blank space (which the game maps to water.) There's no reason to attempt to fix this because a map should never behave this way.

As for the bosses, this has been solved in another thread already. :)
Jun 29, 2006 at 9:34 AM
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As for the bosses, yes I read about the solution, but I don't know how to set up those boss fights in my scripts or to get the boss fight bar to show up. So I'm in the dark in that area... I understand parts of the script, but not when it comes to flags....
Jun 29, 2006 at 9:16 PM
The Bartender
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Look at the command file - there's a list of commands you can use in there. One of them starts a boss battle with an entity and puts up the energy bar. A boss battle with entity 0000 will stop the battle.

In my hack, there's an optional boss battle with two bosses. I switch between them on the fly using the command (sbc I think? Really, I dunno, I'm sure it starts by 's') and turn off the boss battle when leaving the map. Works fine. :)
Jun 30, 2006 at 3:31 AM
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If <BSL0000 ends a bossfight, and we now have the values for all the bosses....
If I do a CUSTOM map and I want a boss fight with the core..
And in the part of my script for the boss fight I just put down:


Then that command should call up the core boss should just show up.
If it don't show up, then something's
else is wrong, maybe I need to do more to get it to show up
if so, can someone explain how? ....and I know something's
wrong already because I can't get the frog
boss or the other bosses to show up....
they have become 'broken' no longer

But I know about the boss hack in the main exe of the game, to beable to now swap
the bosses around. BUT what about a fix for custom maps so the bosses can be used in custom levels ?
Jun 30, 2006 at 4:39 AM
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<BOA0200(<CMU0022 this is only for classic core fight music)<BSL0000 (tested by me in crowned witch!)

The Core end script to play is: #1000 Here u can use <BOA0500 to make the Core show damaged (not tested)

I think, he will use a special enity (enity 0), i don't know why, maybe the major boss were just too big for a normal enity...
Jun 30, 2006 at 7:55 AM
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The bosses of The Frog, Heavy Press, Sisters, Misery, Ballos, will not show up in any custom-made scripts. So anything I add onto the game, stops these bosses from showing up in their boss fights in the game, and all you get is a big empty screen with boss music playing but no boss actually appearing so something is wrong,and the only bosses that work now are Balrog, Giant Rabbit and Pooh Bah.

For I have copied Core, and other bosses from parts of the game into my custom levels, and it's the same thing, no core showing up, no boss fights, just music playing...

I first noticed something was wrong when the giant frog no longer shows
up to fight after getting the gum base from the chest in Grasstown.
is there a script that actually makes these bosses WORK in the custom levels and fixes this problem , maybe this is why the <BSL <BOA commands no longer work or call up the boss when it's supposed to....

I would love to know how to get the bosses to work with my own stuff, but I just don't know HOW to..
Jun 30, 2006 at 8:49 AM
The Bartender
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This isn't a script-related issue. It's been covered already: it's a byte in the header from the map itself that gets crushed by Sue's Workshop. You'll need a hex editor and more than just point-and-click hacking skills to get this to work. Sue's Workshop is of no use here.
Jun 30, 2006 at 9:19 AM
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When are these "leaks" in the code of this editor
going to be fixed up ?

I can forget about the bosses now, it won't work with this editor.... !!

Now it all begins to make sense as to why the sprites are slowly going into a melt-down, why after so many saves that NPC's collison detection starts going missing and can't detect weaponfire no more and walk straight through it and become invincible, and why the editor finally decides to bombs out with hex memory errors after having destroying most of the map's header during all the saving...

When is this editor going to have it's LEAKS fixed so it stops corrupting the files? it better not be corrupting the main exe as well...
Jul 1, 2006 at 2:38 AM
The Bartender
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These aren't leaks. A leak would cause a map to get corrupted (or the application's used memory to swell to the point where it runs out of memory and terminates after a while.) It's merely an oversight on the author's part.

You can just grab a hex editor and fix up the lone missing byte yourself. It works just fine. :eek:
Jul 1, 2006 at 12:13 PM
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Some quesetions Runelancer

WHat file is this missing byte in ?

Does this byte get overwritten with every save that Sue makes?
What is the address location for this missing byte that we need to fix and
What is the byte's missing value that needs to be entered in to fix the boses if
this is a fix for making the bosses work in custom maps?
Jul 1, 2006 at 4:17 PM
The Bartender
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The discovery isn't mine, so here's due credit.


Here's a summary of Wistil's findings. Sue's Workshop overwrites the byte with a 0 (possibly due to a misunderstanding of the map format on the author's part.) It really should be the ID of the boss, if any, on the map (meaning you can't have multiple bosses on the same map - Ballos and the Core all at once WITH Sue/Misery would've been insane :eek:)

"Wistil" said:
the hex offset is 0x093854 + (0xC8 * map number)
Jul 1, 2006 at 5:49 PM
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Is this in the main exe or just in a custom map file that Sue creates?
So if I have a custom map 95, then I have to replace 00 with 95 at address $093854 to fix it?

Does this have to be done to one map, or must this be done with all the maps.

How do we fix the sprite corruption? (STOP the sprites from messing up) ?

Last question. How do we stop Sue from losing the Sprite collisions off some of the enemies when creating a custom map? For sometimes (and I don't know HOW to fix this), but enemies are walking through the weaponfire without being harmed.
Jul 1, 2006 at 9:51 PM
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RuneLancer said:
I never encountered spriteset corruption so far, so I dunno what that's about.

The water thing occures when you fall too far off of a map. There are no bounds checking on the map and you eventually end up in blank space (which the game maps to water.) There's no reason to attempt to fix this because a map should never behave this way.

As for the bosses, this has been solved in another thread already. :eek:

in a map 330 or more tiles high the bottom tiles of the map become water

at a certain length down the game screen on a map or not becomes water usually maps arn't high enough to reach this depth but If you make a really high map it will
Jul 1, 2006 at 10:36 PM
The Bartender
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technika said:
How do we fix the sprite corruption? (STOP the sprites from messing up) ?

Last question. How do we stop Sue from losing the Sprite collisions off some of the enemies when creating a custom map? For sometimes (and I don't know HOW to fix this), but enemies are walking through the weaponfire without being harmed.

The first one, I've never experienced. Got an example I could check out? My hack's been fine so far, in fact just about all of the sprites are custom-made so I've rather exposed myself quite a bit to potential problems, yet never ran into any...

The second one, I've never actually noticed how it happens but I had a few unusual issues here and there. Ravil, for instance. You can alter the npc.tbl file with the flags Phantom found and it should be fine.
Jul 1, 2006 at 11:05 PM
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I need to know which file to load in the hex editor to alter this missing byte in so I can get the boss scripts to work in my custom levels I've made with Sue's Workshop and fix the game up. I think the missing byte is the number of the custom map as I have custom maps 95-110.

"The first one, I've never experienced. Got an example I could check out?
My hack's been fine so far, in fact just about all of the sprites are custom-made so I've rather exposed myself quite a bit to potential problems, yet never ran into any..."

I'll see if I can upload you one of the maps. if you encounter the same issues of unshootable enemies and messed up sprites in the map, then I know the map files themselves are corrupt.

If the map works on your end with no issues, then something else has become corrupted in the other files of the game but at least be able to pinpoint where the problem is and what may be causing it..

"The second one, I've never actually noticed how it happens but I had a few unusual issues here and there. Ravil, for instance. You can alter the npc.tbl file with the flags Phantom found and it should be fine."

I'll have a look at the npc thread to see if I can find a clue as to what is causing enemies to become unshootable after a while of using Sue's workshop....

Where about's are these flags list that Phantom found?

As for sprites getting messed up and not always able to fix it by swapping spritesets around.....I suspect that certain spritesets are prob not very compatiable with certain tilesets and causing problems with the sprites but it shouldn't..

Because I did a high map called Misty heights. It used the Cent tileset for the graphics, and the "0" and "Weed" spritesets with Grasstown NPC enemies. And no matter what way I swapped the weed spriteset around, the Grasstown enemies wouldn't comply with the spriteset and stayed a garbled mess ....Now that's definitely not right. The spriteset should work, but probably not with this tiletset, so only way to find out is to create a map with that same tileset and see if the weed sprites show up a mess when playing the map.