Apr 25, 2007 at 5:00 PM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
http://www.dropfiles.net/filez/3941/CaveStorySpeedrun.zip <--- Wehee Speedrun!
Chaddykins said:What is that SP?
Chaddykins said:Maybe you could also do what SeriousFace does in his Boss Rush mod, like make a message appear at the end of the game(After Ballos) that shows that you didn't somehow cheat or something.
Chaddykins said:Well it's not that big of a deal I guess, as the only way I could think of someone cheating on it would be just going to Hell and sitting around till the timer got really high and calling it their time for the whole game hahah.
Chaddykins said:Does the time save if the game saves? I'm guessing it doesn't but I thought I'd ask anyway.
ShInInG PhAnToM said:http://www.dropfiles.net/filez/3941/CaveStorySpeedrun.zip <--- Wehee Speedrun!
Nator said:too bad the clock stops at 50 minutes
ZTaimat said:Best thing I can think of for a full cavestory time attack is...
-Setting the timer to start upon beginning the game
ZTaimat said:-Removing all the save points from the game
ZTaimat said:-Hoping cutscenes won't absorb the time
ZTaimat said:-Maybe hacking the timer so it's hours'minutes"seconds, rather than minutes'seconds"Milsecs
I'll slap together a quick mod of this after school today.
xristosx said:ummm would pause stop the timer?