Apr 18, 2007 at 11:00 PM
Join Date: Dec 30, 2005
Location: Germany
Posts: 3218
Age: 33
Pronouns: No homie
Chaddykins said:Yay. Another thread that has changed to "dont steel mah mod stuf"
It seems sharing is bad, so I'll stop sharing.
Chaddykins said:Yay. Another thread that has changed to "dont steel mah mod stuf"
ShInInG PhAnToM said:It seems sharing is bad, so I'll stop sharing.
Chaddykins said:That's your opinion. Bringing your opinion into every thread without provocation is bad. Acting like everyone should agree to your opinion is bad.
RuneLancer said:I know you were glad to see me start posting some FAQs but it seems sharing information is a bad thing. >"<
Chaddykins said:Enjoy your attention thread.
taifunbrowser said:if I were a mod I'd lock this thread
xristosx said:the link doesnt work :S?
SeriousFace said:that would make me an ass, but now I wish i did save them.
SeriousFace said:Alot of people here probably have been thinking it, but from talking to you for so long I don't just think this, im sure of it. Shining phantom cares more about his reputation then he cares about the cave story community.
SeriousFace said:Its so important to you that you cant even leave. Thanks for all your work in the past, but seriously stop posting and making arguments.
SeriousFace said:Btw, everyone else, who used to come here http://www.filespace.org/ShInInG_PhAnToM/FAQ.htm I have these all saved aim me if you want them. SeriousFaceFace