May 7, 2019 at 3:53 PM
Junior Member

"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
Join Date: Jan 11, 2019
Location: In lower norfair fighting ridley
Posts: 28
Honestly I'd prefer for it to be more akin to streets of rage, especially the second gameHow about a Cave Story beat-em-up like Final Fight or Streets of Rage? The weapons could be picked up and used strategically, and it'd be neat to showcase bosses in a new way.
I'd also like some variety in the stages like battletoads did with it's racing and rope stage (despite being horrible)
But what enemies would we add to make it more like a beatemup? Critters are too small and weak to even be considered an enemy, and it'd be hard to hit them with their size, besides power critters which are bigger than quote
I also think that unless the Beat-em-up follows the original CS story, Quote and Curly shouldn't be the only playable characters.
Throw Balrog and possibly Sue in there too! Maybe Misery, she would be op
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