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How does a mod with choices and 50+ outcomes sound?

Do you think this is a good idea?

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Aug 20, 2022 at 3:53 AM
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Currently I've been making a mod about different choices you can make about cave story to befriend different characters and villains (excluding the doctor.)
Each time you do something to help a character it boosts their trust stats with you. When their trust is high enough they'll become a playable character, however curly will be playable as soon as you meet her.
Each character has different abilities stats and themes I was wondering if anyone wanted to help with orgs.
Cave story didn't have that many outcomes so I'm going to add some endings to this game.
For example one of the endings is if you befriend misery and curly but not balrog you can fight the doctor and kill ballos but you cannot revisit the post game.
That's all for now to avoid spoilers in someone copying my idea. So I'd love to hear some feedback. Bye 4 now.
Aug 21, 2022 at 1:45 AM
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finally... cave story has a fiftieth ending

so is this a sorta sprawling csbd?
Aug 21, 2022 at 2:35 AM
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This sounds like a concept that could be cool, but it also sounds kind of ambitious. Whether or not it's actually good will depend heavily on the execution and how well it's done.
Aug 21, 2022 at 3:05 AM
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TrashboxBobylev has made a mod that has 101 endings (except they're all really quick messages or gameovers achieved by doing a single thing in a single spot) so not the freshest idea based on the title of this thread alone.

With having that supported with building "trust" with characters to make them playable, and just imagining all the quests and everything involved to fully realize that, you're looking at 1.5 to 2 years minimum of work, but likely more; work that will fall apart very quickly without mapping everything out first in a document or something as opposed to winging it and writing the t-scripts and building the maps without said outline/ending tree laid out.

If you're cut out for doing at least 90% of the work, eager to dedicate years of your life to this idea, know enough about what you're doing modding-wise and have an idea of how exactly you will program those speculative trust meters, the idea by itself sounds like it could be cool and I genuinely wish you good luck and that it turns out great.
Aug 22, 2022 at 5:35 AM
Serri Online
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Not that many people would even go for two endings, lol. Also it's gonna be even harder when you have 7998 flags that you can use. It could be easier with an assembly hack like <VAR, but that does come at a cost so you can't be using 2000 flags. Maybe a new check system like <TRJ (TRust Jump) would be more sufficient, tbh.
Aug 22, 2022 at 6:13 AM
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Not that many people would even go for two endings, lol. Also it's gonna be even harder when you have 7998 flags that you can use. It could be easier with an assembly hack like <VAR, but that does come at a cost so you can't be using 2000 flags. Maybe a new check system like <TRJ (TRust Jump) would be more sufficient, tbh.
So I know flag 0 can't be used, since killing nearly any enemy sets it, but what other flag's unusable?
Aug 22, 2022 at 6:42 AM
Serri Online
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So I know flag 0 can't be used, since killing nearly any enemy sets it, but what other flag's unusable?
There's a few hardcoded flags.

Flags you can touch, but are generally stated to not be messed with unless you know what you're doing.
Flag 0201 - Technically it is writeable, but you'd have to manually change the flag in the events used for the missile launcher and ammo refills).
Flag 0431 - Same as with Flag 0201, but for the save events. Note that even if you exclusively use Flag 0431 for saves, you'll still need to plug in a <FL+0431 in a custom save event in or outside of Head.tsc.

Flags you must never touch:
Flag 0000 - While it is theoretically writeable, you do not want to set that flag to anything, otherwise every new entity you make, you will have to assign all to one different (shared) flag entirely, and even if you like making your life a living hell, just don't touch this flag.
Flag 4000 - The drowned flag that's used after you fight the Core. Can be modified through ASM, but nobody uses ASM these days, so it's a definite no.
Aug 22, 2022 at 9:21 AM
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Speculative trust meters aside I can see the branching required for 50+ endings as being downright insane to keep track of.
Aug 22, 2022 at 5:08 PM
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I'll make myself more clear, there's only 6 main endings, and the others are minor.
Also the meters won't be showing up anywhere, you'll just have to remember via text.
It's more of a Flag based game, but yes, with only 7998 I can use, I gotta be careful.
Besides, it has like two months of dev already so.
Aug 22, 2022 at 5:42 PM
Serri Online
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Here's hoping the strategy for the other 44 endings is clear, then.
Aug 23, 2022 at 9:45 PM
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Just gonna be slight endings, like an extra line of dialogue or something
Aug 24, 2022 at 1:31 PM
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So like, a CS david kayge game? I think that could be interesting.