• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

Hidden Messages in Cave Story

Jan 20, 2006 at 12:17 AM
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A lot of people think that the Beast Fang is one of the only things hidden in Cave Story, because it's the most obvious. In reality, there is a lot of unused script that was only intended for those testing the game before its release, as well as other text in the game unused for who knows why. After looking at the decoded TSC scripts for a long time, I have noticed interesting things here and there that I hope to share in this post. Warning: This page does contain some spoilers.

- First of all, let's look at some script in the Egg Corridor:
Defeated Igor!<WAI0140<NOD


<PRI<MSG<FAC0013What...?<NOD<CLRWhere am I...?<NOD
What did I...?<NOD<CLRWho are you?<NOD<END

See those questions at the end of this section of script? "Where am I", "What did I", etc? They are apparently supposed to connect to an NPC with a TSC code of #0505, but there has been some typing error and they reference -0505 and thus don't appear in gameplay. In any case, the person who speaks these words, as you might expect, is supposed to be the defeated Igor in the Egg Corridor. I don't know why they were excluded from the game, maybe plot, maybe accidentally, but it's still left in the script. Interesting to note that Igor still talks (supposedly) after he's dosed with red flowers and is defeated.

- Next, Labyrinth I. The first section of the Labyrinth you land in, where you climb to the top and open the door.
<PRI<MSGThe switch that opens this
door is supposed to be up top
But the footing's tricky up
I fell over and over again
until I broke my legs.<NOD<END

<PRI<MSGThere is no reply.<NOD<END

37: MazeI 0640 - 0659

Everything's normal except at the end. There's some Japanese that my computer won't even display because I don't have Japanese font installed. :) Who knows what it means? Not particularly interesting, I admit.

- Let's go to the Camp in the Labyrinth.
<KEY<MSGThe mysterious robot,
Monster X...<NOD
Your chance to attack
is when its hatch opens.<NOD<END

Remember all those questions about how to beat Monster X that people have asked? I had no idea how to beat the darn thing when I first played the game, since it wasn't damaged by my weapons. Apparently included in this script was a tip on how to beat Monster X, but unfortunately no character in the Camp says it during gameplay. It's not even referenced by anything in the same script. An oversight or not, I don't know.

- This piece of script IS used, unlike the rest of these, but it's rarely ever witnessed so I put it in here anyway. It's in the Labyrinth Shop.
<PRI<FLJ1020:0221<MSGAah... I'm SO hungry for
Mimiga flesh...<NOD<CLR*sniff sniff*<NOD<CLR
YOU smell a bit like Mimiga.<NOD<END
<PRI<MSGHa-ha-hah...<NOD<CLRYou're funny.<NOD<END

Alright, you know that there's a Gaudi in the Labyrinth Shop who is hungry for Mimiga Flesh? And you know that you can get and wear a Mimiga Mask thanks to Mrs. Sakamoto? Pixel saw this possibility and put in the script the fact that when you're wearing the Mimiga Mask, that same Gaudi will know it's you and just tell you "You're funny." Amusing, no? :p

- This is, in fact, one of the most interesting hidden pieces of text discovered yet, so if you're skimming through and you read this, I recommend you actually look at this part. It happens in Labyrinth B, where Booster falls from the sky.

<KEY<MSGThank you. This is as far as it
goes for now.
2003/09/27 Studio Pixel<NOD<END

This actually gives us a timeline on when it was when Pixel completed this part of the game! He completed most of the Labyrinth by late September 2003 (2003/09/27), and had people game-testing already, as you can tell by the script. AGTP, I guess, decided to translate this part anyway, even though it never appears in gameplay. The message that's there _would_ appear when you go through the door to get to the next part of the Labyrinth, but it doesn't appear because before it can be displayed, you are transported to the next part of the Labyrinth. In other words, because the door didn't lead to anywhere when Pixel made the level / wrote that message, people saw the message and knew, "Oh, okay. I've game-tested everything so far."

- The Outer Wall. There are a few things here.
<MSGThat's all...<NOD<END

This indicates that the Outer Wall is as far as Pixel has made levels so far at this point in time (whenever it was). There's more, though, and this is very interesting.
<KEY<MSGThanks for helping with the
This is as far as the game goes
for now.<NOD
I'm thinking I'll make this next
stage the last one.<NOD
Wonder how far I can get in
just two months...<NOD<END

Now this is pretty awesome, I think. There's a hidden character in the Outer Wall, two blocks down and two blocks to the left of the top door. His name is Pixel the Cat, and he's one of the supposedly "unused" character sprites. You can move him using Miza or Sue's Workshop if you want to actually see him and talk to him. Anyway, he says the text above, indicating that Pixel wanted to make the Plantation the last stage. Obviously, he decided to expand a great deal. Not only is the Plantation the largest section of Cave Story, it has numerous doors that connect to other places, and it was not the last stage, as you know. I wonder why Pixel wanted to know how far he could get in two months. Was it a deadline of sorts? Who knows.

- Now to the Plantation.
<PRI<CMU0000<MSGYou're one of those killer robots!<NOD<FAO0004<MYD0002<CLR
Oh, you got me...<NOD<TRA0057:0094:0011:0014

Who knows what that block of text means? It's not said by any character or anything in the Plantation, as far as I know. What's interesting is, after it's said, it transports you (<TRA) to map 57, namely, Jail No. 1 where Sue and Jack and the gang are hanging out after being captured by the Doctor. It actually transports you to _inside_ the jail, the same place you get transported after trying to teleport to Arthur's House from the Plantation Teleport Room and then get stomped on by the orange dude. Remember that? "Do you want to teleport to Arthur's House?" "Yes" "KILLER ROBOT!" "*smash*" My guess is that this script was supposed to be used IN the Plantation, not one of the side rooms, but Pixel found it easier to have it happen in the side room when you try to teleport and instead get sent to the jail.

- Momorin's Hideout has one piece of script that should never be used, unless you've been hacking your save files or the game. :p
<MSG<FAC0022What I need right now
is a Booster.<NOD
Now, who would have one
of those...<NOD<END

Pretty self-explanatory. She won't take your Booster unless you actually have it (and you should have either 0.8 or 2.0 by now). Interesting how she knows that it's called a Booster; I guess she knew about the Professor's project.

- The Balcony actually has two different TSC/Map files: Blcny1 and Blcny2. Blcny1 is the file that has the rabid Mimigas attacking you when you get to the Balcony and has the power-up supply at the top. Blcny2 is different: it has no attacking Mimigas and no power-up supply. It also is the Balcony that you run across when you go to jump off the island or when you go through the door to the Prefab House to Hell. Anyway, from Blcny1:

There's a Cthulhu (the native guys in green robes) stuck in the rock near the door of Blcny1 who says this. From Blcny2:
<PRI<CMU0033<MSGThank you for testing!
The next part is still
under construction...<NOD<RMU<END

Again, the same Cthulhu. Pixel put him there to let the game-testers know what was going on, as before. "The next part is still under construction" ... That part, would of course, be Hell.

As far as I know, there's no other great unused and interesting parts of Cave Story. There are a lot of little snippets of text that most people don't ever know are there. For example, examining a dead Sky Dragon, talking to the Mimigas right during the Doctor Boss Fight, or talking to the hungry Gaudi in the Labyrinth while wearing a Mimiga Mask are just a few ways you can see unusual responses. These responses I have shown you you will never see, except in the case where you decide to pull Pixel the Cat out of his hole in the Outer Wall, or one of the Cthulhus out of the Balcony using a map-editing program. :p
Jan 21, 2006 at 8:06 AM
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That's awesome. XD Yeah, I noticed how the Gaudi in the shop makes that snarky comment if you talk to him wearing the Mimiga mask... I made it a point at one time to go through as much of the game as possible wearing the Mimiga Mask to see if anyone changes their commentary towards you... but all I found was the fight with Misery (well-documented), talking to Booster (who needs better glasses), and that Gaudi. Oh, and Curly if you talk to her with the mask on before recovering her memory...but I never saw that personally, I just read about it.

Some of those are great. I wish he'd left that Igor quote in, though.
Jan 22, 2006 at 4:46 PM
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Yeah, SeriousFace is right, it sounds very interresting.
I saw some of those with Sue's Workshop!!
Jan 22, 2006 at 6:58 PM
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wppwah said:
Everything's normal except at the end. There's some Japanese that my computer won't even display because I don't have Japanese font installed. :) Who knows what it means? Not particularly interesting, I admit.

It says "0640:First Arrival
0641:Open Door
0642:Life Capsule"

Flags of some sort, I figure.

<PRI<CMU0000<MSGYou're one of those killer robots!<NOD<FAO0004<MYD0002<CLR
Oh, you got me...<NOD<TRA0057:0094:0011:0014

Looking at this one again, I think I translated it wrong. The second line should be "You were caught..." I thought it was the continuation of the previous dialogue line, but it makes more sense for it to be a narration. In the Japanese there wasn't a subject given to indicate who got caught/captured.

Perhaps Pixel at one point was planning a sequence where you have to sneak across the plantation without attracting notice, or maybe this was just going to happen if you talked to Mimigas as a robot. Anyway, it was never used, so I never figured out it needed correcting.

Interesting finds, especially the rare text like for the Mimiga mask and so on. I didn't even know about some of those (I mean, I didn't know who was saying them or if they were ever used), and I'm glad to see the translation held up there.
Mar 11, 2009 at 11:15 AM
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Daimera said:
That's awesome. XD Yeah, I noticed how the Gaudi in the shop makes that snarky comment if you talk to him wearing the Mimiga mask... I made it a point at one time to go through as much of the game as possible wearing the Mimiga Mask to see if anyone changes their commentary towards you... but all I found was the fight with Misery (well-documented), talking to Booster (who needs better glasses), and that Gaudi. Oh, and Curly if you talk to her with the mask on before recovering her memory...but I never saw that personally, I just read about it.

Some of those are great. I wish he'd left that Igor quote in, though.

This is slightly meaningless but this is the only place to say how annoyed i am about this. I had a little look around the scripts for changed mimiga mask scripts. One of my favourite minor characters, after malco (malco's great), would have to be numahachi, the statue carver. On the tribute site it says he hasn't got much to say to humans (note the word humans) so i thought he'd be a bit like the shovel brigade and is not allowed to talk to humans. I was really annoyed that he didn't say anything new when i checked the scripts because i thought he might have something interesting to say. Oh well
Mar 11, 2009 at 11:45 AM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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<PRI<MSGThe switch that opens this
door is supposed to be up top
But the footing's tricky up
I fell over and over again
until I broke my legs.<NOD<END

<PRI<MSGThere is no reply.<NOD<END

37: MazeI 0640 - 0659

I have translated This script with google.
37: MazeI 0640 - 0659
0640: first arrival
0641: Open door
0642: Life Capsule
What does that imply?
Mar 11, 2009 at 12:25 PM
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Shih Tzu beat you to translating that like 2 years ago, bub.
Mar 11, 2009 at 2:34 PM
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jcys810 said:
Shih Tzu beat you to translating that like 2 years ago, bub.
Yeah, sorry to say, but you just bumped a thread that was three years old just so you could say something that has already been said.
Mar 11, 2009 at 6:10 PM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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jcys810 said:
Shih Tzu beat you to translating that like 2 years ago, bub.
I didn't know that plus it is not mentioned on this thread.

Off-topic: What does "bub" mean?
Mar 11, 2009 at 6:22 PM
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Haithm said:
I didn't know that plus it is not mentioned on this thread.

Off-topic: What does "bub" mean?

who knows
Mar 11, 2009 at 11:17 PM
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The Joker said:
Yeah, sorry to say, but you just bumped a thread that was three years old just so you could say something that has already been said.
Watch where you push blame. The thread was bumped by Uncy Dave, not by Jcys.
Mar 11, 2009 at 11:37 PM
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I was agreeing with Jcys.
Mar 12, 2009 at 10:14 AM
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I didn't know that plus it is not mentioned on this thread.
my bad it isn't mentioned sorry ok Not.

As for the word bub... Pretty much what The Joker linked. My neighbour started calling my brother a bub for the lulz and it just rubbed off on me and my bro.

Then we came up with more slang hat has no meaning like bubbed.
Mar 12, 2009 at 1:24 PM
"The Ultimate Sword of Extraordinary Magnitude"
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jcys810 said:
That is so weird. I have read the whole thread and save it as a document file yet never noticed it was already mentioned. Maybe I was tired that time. I love this thread.
As for the word bub... Pretty much what The Joker linked. My neighbour started calling my brother a bub for the lulz and it just rubbed off on me and my bro.
My dictionary tries to correct it to boob which does mean idiot (The other meaning is from a slang so watch out). But as what does the free dictionary says, it does mean so close to "mate" for me. Thank you two The Joker and jcys810.
Mar 12, 2009 at 1:46 PM
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Mar 14, 2009 at 9:04 AM
"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Pixel is a masterful troll.
Mar 17, 2009 at 8:19 AM
Agent of the System
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Yep, and you were a troll.
Mar 17, 2009 at 2:04 PM
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...WHY!? He's gone! Don't talk to him evereverever!!!
Mar 17, 2009 at 4:26 PM
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Oh, leave him be. Let him have his fun?