Aug 24, 2012 at 2:22 AM
Join Date: Aug 24, 2012
Location: Stuck inside a warehouse with nothing but a mac an
Posts: 46
Age: 27
Pronouns: he/him
Here is the idea I have. It's fairly well developed, and if someone would humbly help a noob get Cave Editor work on a public library's Vista, that would help. So far, I've only dinked around in it. I can't get it to take the files from Cave Story (maps, ect.) but I can get the bmp.'s which is one of the things this mod doesn't edit.
Well, here's my walkthrough (And sorry in advance for my immature, off-topic humor. I was tired when I wrote this...)
Hell Freezes Over (mod) 6, possibly 8 endings! (If I use CS with the fourth ending)
➢ Game runs as normal, a.k.a. whatever ending you’ve picked
➢ Before the Misery, Doctor, Augmented Core boss fight, you can go down to the pipe below the stepping stones in the plantation. Float above the right pipe exit, and shoot down. You should hear a “Pft” as the block in your way breaks. Go up for air, and then back down through the pipe. There’s one square of still water where the block was.
➢ Go right, and down off screen. You should be on a little island surrounded by water. (Hopefully I can replace the save spot graphic here with the shell one seen in Ikichan.) You’ll see a save point to your left in the water, and a health refill to your right. You’ll read, “There’s a fish shaped keyhole in the door. Open it with the silver locket?” The door will open and you’ll be on a yet smaller island with a chest below. Open it, and it will say, “You got the capacitor! It seems out of place in this game. You got it from an underwater chest. It allows you to dash at certain times. Equip it? Y/N”
➢ You’re probably wondering, how will this help me get the aforementioned endings? I CAN’T EVEN USE IT WHEN I WANNA!!!
➢ Basically play the game through. Fight misery and head to the right wall. It will ask you if you want to dash. Yes will cause you to lightning bolt out the wall (It malfunctions, seeing it was underwater for a while), and fall down to where Kazuma is with his dragon. A bit of dialogue happens, Go save in the side room, you’ll need it. Now, go through Egg Corridor? backwards to the teleporter.
➢ Get to Arthur’s house, and then re-teleport to Grasstown.
➢ Remember that the Malco says “Come back for tea sometime?” We’re doing just that. He will say something like “ANOTHER BOMB? WHY? OH, NEVER MIND.” Then he will say, like previous, “I’LL NEED CHARCOAL, JELLYFISH JUICE, AND GUM BASE.” Go kill the Jiant Jelly to get the J.J. Then head to Santa’s house.➢ Now get this.
You’re going to use the booster to go down Santa’s chimney because he’s locked himself in his house in fear. Use the J.J. when prompted, else you’ll die. You’ll inevitably get the coal from his fireplace a second time. He’ll let you out, and then promptly lock his door again. Head out, get the J.J from the J.J. and come back to the telleporter.
➢ Now, instead of the Chomping Mimaga saying “What am I doing here? Why, I wanted to chew on something” he’ll say” gum? You need this? And you’ll get the Gum Base. Then he will start chewing on something else and will default back to his previous dialogue.
➢ Save, then head back to Grasstown get the second explosive made. Malco will say “I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU NEED THIS, BUT USE IT WISELY” and he will give you the bomb. Save, and head to teleport back to Arthur’s.
➢ Go through Egg Coridor? up all the way and back through the hole you made.
➢ Go to the Prefab House. That one plank that falls though (in the original best ending) will squeak when examined. You’ll be asked if you want to place the explosive. Yes will make you walk outside. >BOOM!< and the inside will look like it does when the core is gone. But the core isn’t! Save. You’ll need to go through Hell and back. Literally. Drop down, you’ll notice you can fly back up into the prefab building (unlike in the original) and the counter will stop, and will start with the time you spent down there still tacked on to your run when you go back down.
➢ Along the way, you’ll find some differences. Screen doesn’t shake, blocks don’t fall, ect.
➢ Kill Ballos. All of the “Normal” things will happen. Except Curly will say, if you got the best ending, “The island’s rising” instead of “The island’s falling”
➢ Ballrog will come, and you’ll have the option to go with them or not.
➢ /Y will trigger Ballrog saying Huzzah!” and taking off with you. Ending rolls.
➢ /N will trigger “It’s your funeral, I’m out of here” and flying off without you.
➢ At the point where you have one square left between the closing walls, you’ll be asked, “Do you want to dash? Y/N” Yes will cause the capacitor to burn out and destroy all the blocks around you. Jump up on the one block bellow the door. Go out. Careful the spikes or you’ll Take 5tm.
➢ NOW this place is a mess. Blocks falling, screen shaking. And you have to do it Backwards. Good luck. Hell is now themed in Blue and
➢ Hopefully, using the Air100 system, I could create a Freeze 100 that starts when you stop moving, and stops when you start moving. It will be this way from now on.
➢ Falling blocks will be blue. Oh, and for the people who don’t want this to be “I Wanna Be The Guy-Impossible mode-, there’s a save point in the statue chamber. And (Hopefully) it’s blue! Hop on the fallen blocks back up into Hell.
➢ Play through Hell backwards. Blocks will be exactly where you can boost to with Vers. 0.8. no more, no less. On the final stretch up, the energy crystal blocks are frozen solid and make the “tink” sound when you shoot them. Go up, right up, left, up, right, up. Back into the
➢ Prefab building. The door has, like you saw before, been blasted off its hinges, so you can get out. Blue blocks fall from the sky.
➢ Now, the additional four endings possible-
➢ Run left with sue if you didn’t rescue Curly(if not, she won’t be there in the previous area- Hell.)<spoiler section 1>
➢ If you saved everyone (Curly’s extra damage, Toroko, King, ect.) and did fly off with Ballrog there is a modified ending. <spoiler section 2>
➢ You can take the dragon. This is arguably the worst ending ever (:<
<spoiler section 3>
➢ Going. All. The. Way. <spoiler section 4> You need Curly to do this ending. Good Luck. This ending is officially called “The point of no return”
I promise to post the spoilers when someone actually reads this through.
Comments? Concerns? Opinions? Help with production?
All are welcome.
Well, here's my walkthrough (And sorry in advance for my immature, off-topic humor. I was tired when I wrote this...)
Hell Freezes Over (mod) 6, possibly 8 endings! (If I use CS with the fourth ending)
➢ Game runs as normal, a.k.a. whatever ending you’ve picked
➢ Before the Misery, Doctor, Augmented Core boss fight, you can go down to the pipe below the stepping stones in the plantation. Float above the right pipe exit, and shoot down. You should hear a “Pft” as the block in your way breaks. Go up for air, and then back down through the pipe. There’s one square of still water where the block was.
➢ Go right, and down off screen. You should be on a little island surrounded by water. (Hopefully I can replace the save spot graphic here with the shell one seen in Ikichan.) You’ll see a save point to your left in the water, and a health refill to your right. You’ll read, “There’s a fish shaped keyhole in the door. Open it with the silver locket?” The door will open and you’ll be on a yet smaller island with a chest below. Open it, and it will say, “You got the capacitor! It seems out of place in this game. You got it from an underwater chest. It allows you to dash at certain times. Equip it? Y/N”
➢ You’re probably wondering, how will this help me get the aforementioned endings? I CAN’T EVEN USE IT WHEN I WANNA!!!
➢ Basically play the game through. Fight misery and head to the right wall. It will ask you if you want to dash. Yes will cause you to lightning bolt out the wall (It malfunctions, seeing it was underwater for a while), and fall down to where Kazuma is with his dragon. A bit of dialogue happens, Go save in the side room, you’ll need it. Now, go through Egg Corridor? backwards to the teleporter.
➢ Get to Arthur’s house, and then re-teleport to Grasstown.
➢ Remember that the Malco says “Come back for tea sometime?” We’re doing just that. He will say something like “ANOTHER BOMB? WHY? OH, NEVER MIND.” Then he will say, like previous, “I’LL NEED CHARCOAL, JELLYFISH JUICE, AND GUM BASE.” Go kill the Jiant Jelly to get the J.J. Then head to Santa’s house.➢ Now get this.

➢ Now, instead of the Chomping Mimaga saying “What am I doing here? Why, I wanted to chew on something” he’ll say” gum? You need this? And you’ll get the Gum Base. Then he will start chewing on something else and will default back to his previous dialogue.
➢ Save, then head back to Grasstown get the second explosive made. Malco will say “I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHY YOU NEED THIS, BUT USE IT WISELY” and he will give you the bomb. Save, and head to teleport back to Arthur’s.
➢ Go through Egg Coridor? up all the way and back through the hole you made.
➢ Go to the Prefab House. That one plank that falls though (in the original best ending) will squeak when examined. You’ll be asked if you want to place the explosive. Yes will make you walk outside. >BOOM!< and the inside will look like it does when the core is gone. But the core isn’t! Save. You’ll need to go through Hell and back. Literally. Drop down, you’ll notice you can fly back up into the prefab building (unlike in the original) and the counter will stop, and will start with the time you spent down there still tacked on to your run when you go back down.
➢ Along the way, you’ll find some differences. Screen doesn’t shake, blocks don’t fall, ect.
➢ Kill Ballos. All of the “Normal” things will happen. Except Curly will say, if you got the best ending, “The island’s rising” instead of “The island’s falling”
➢ Ballrog will come, and you’ll have the option to go with them or not.
➢ /Y will trigger Ballrog saying Huzzah!” and taking off with you. Ending rolls.
➢ /N will trigger “It’s your funeral, I’m out of here” and flying off without you.
➢ At the point where you have one square left between the closing walls, you’ll be asked, “Do you want to dash? Y/N” Yes will cause the capacitor to burn out and destroy all the blocks around you. Jump up on the one block bellow the door. Go out. Careful the spikes or you’ll Take 5tm.
➢ NOW this place is a mess. Blocks falling, screen shaking. And you have to do it Backwards. Good luck. Hell is now themed in Blue and
➢ Hopefully, using the Air100 system, I could create a Freeze 100 that starts when you stop moving, and stops when you start moving. It will be this way from now on.
➢ Falling blocks will be blue. Oh, and for the people who don’t want this to be “I Wanna Be The Guy-Impossible mode-, there’s a save point in the statue chamber. And (Hopefully) it’s blue! Hop on the fallen blocks back up into Hell.
➢ Play through Hell backwards. Blocks will be exactly where you can boost to with Vers. 0.8. no more, no less. On the final stretch up, the energy crystal blocks are frozen solid and make the “tink” sound when you shoot them. Go up, right up, left, up, right, up. Back into the
➢ Prefab building. The door has, like you saw before, been blasted off its hinges, so you can get out. Blue blocks fall from the sky.
➢ Now, the additional four endings possible-
➢ Run left with sue if you didn’t rescue Curly(if not, she won’t be there in the previous area- Hell.)<spoiler section 1>
➢ If you saved everyone (Curly’s extra damage, Toroko, King, ect.) and did fly off with Ballrog there is a modified ending. <spoiler section 2>
➢ You can take the dragon. This is arguably the worst ending ever (:<
<spoiler section 3>
➢ Going. All. The. Way. <spoiler section 4> You need Curly to do this ending. Good Luck. This ending is officially called “The point of no return”
I promise to post the spoilers when someone actually reads this through.
Comments? Concerns? Opinions? Help with production?
All are welcome.