Gun Princess - my game project.

Jun 13, 2009 at 3:50 AM
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Gun Princess v0.7.4

"Search for clues about your past in a hostile country with a bat as your sole ally. A platformer with weapon-based gameplay and a boss in every room!"

Gun Princess is a platform game with gameplay based on shooting things, and my goal with it is to have at least one boss in every single room of the game. Right now, it has ~100 areas, some of which has sereval rooms - and the rooms are sereval screens wide and high, packed of enemies, items, hidden paths etcetera.

Gameplay time: 9~16 hours, depending on skill.




Ghosts 'n cannons
Boss group battle
One-eyed enemies

The gameplay is made out of exploration and shooting. A lot of both, especially the latter.
There's a vast amount of areas to explore; some you reach due to a plot branch, some you reach when travelling somewhere else (many tunnels and fields come into this category), and finally there's extra dungeons that you have no real reason to explore, unless to get some upgrade items or such from inside it. There'll also be areas with no reward hidden inside them, made to explore just for fun, or perhaps just see if you can navigate to their core. Most areas area four screens big or above; so there's a lot of hidden platforms, doorways and indents to find...
Currently 33 weapons are working, some available to buy, some hidden deep into a dungeon. Some of these are upgrades to old weapons, some are mostly used to break some kinds of destructible block. The weapons also vary in use, from creating a damaging shield to sniping or placing timed bombs, so you can select the weapons matching your playing style.
Upgrades can be used to select the stat of your choice, instead of what they would improve; at the expense of some of their power. Would you sacrifize precious stat points to play your style, or are you aiming to get the most out of them? That's up to you.

Also there's sereval plot branches; the game will have 12 endings, most of them will also be on the end of completely different plot branches. Will you go great lenghts to help a new friend with his mission, or will you listen to the advice of an old inhabitant of the area? Will you finish off what you where supposed to do, or will you find out what your past contained?

Playing it and leaving feedback would be, and is much appreciated.

The game is available from:
Host-A.Net mirror
64Digits mirror
Zshare mirror

Mirrors are WIP right now. But there's one, and I hope that'll suffice for now.

Game has been converted with official converter and should run properly on Vista and beyond.

File size: ~5 Megabyte zip file
Game Maker Version: 6.1
Game version: 0.7.4
Game resolution: 320x240 (Windowed)
Customizable resolutions.
Music composed with headphones, so using these when playing is reccomended.
Current progress:
Cooking system is now added! There's now also over 40 types of food, and some shops will now have more of a selection.

Fixed tons of small glitches. This version is more of a bump since nobody ever replied to the previous update. I've begun to work with the next plot point (post-Deep Cave) but some dialogue needs to be improved to increase the sense it makes.

Currently, exams and comp06 entry steals a lot of my time so progress is slowed down, but I'll do my best to update around every 14 to 21 days.
Read this GMC topic for details:
Jun 14, 2009 at 2:49 PM
graters gonna grate
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I really like the concept of this and the gameplay is nice. Only problem is it starts to rape my computer after a few minutes. Granted this is probably due more to my computer's shittiness than to your game, but you could stand to make it a bit more efficient.

Also, out of curiosity, what programming language are you using for this?
Jun 14, 2009 at 2:55 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Bah, I can't get it working. I'll just wait until I decided to do something about it.
Jun 14, 2009 at 5:21 PM
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Fire1052 said:
Bah, I can't get it working.
it's probably not worth the effort though. there are various assorted graphical bugs, whenever the extra HUD(air, etc.) pops up it takes up almost the entire screen, the main character walks by shifting themselves left and right, you have to reload your weapons(bad for a platformer), and the collision detection is off. well i'm glad if i could help you
Jun 15, 2009 at 6:07 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
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I couldnt even get into it, all it did was rape my memory and not open, freeze up my computer. damn vista, sometimes has problems with game maker games >_<
Jun 15, 2009 at 7:27 AM
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xristosx said:
I couldnt even get into it, all it did was rape my memory and not open, freeze up my computer. damn vista, sometimes has problems with game maker games >_<
GMMaker Converter from 6.0 or 6.1 to 7.0 (Vista version)
Basically, it will hack the executable file of Gun Princess Story in order to make it compatible to Vista.
Jun 15, 2009 at 1:44 PM
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I have that... Somewhere...

I know because I had to use it for Sexy Hiking.
Jun 15, 2009 at 3:49 PM
graters gonna grate
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Glitch: when you get a bottled club, it doesn't register until you leave the room.

Hehe, I think I see a pattern with the bottles. Is there going to be a bottled spade later in the game?
Apr 23, 2010 at 8:55 AM
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Having forgotten this thread forever (and I see it was indeed moved to a different forum board, no wonder I didn't refind it...), I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long.

I've updated the game a few times, and from now on I always convert it with the official converter to work on Vista/7.

Hehe, I think I see a pattern with the bottles. Is there going to be a bottled spade later in the game?
Correct assumption.

Game is UPDATED, now version 0.7.2



Ghosts 'n cannons
Boss group battle
One-eyed enemies
Apr 23, 2010 at 10:42 AM
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For some bizarre reason, whenever I download your game now and unzip it, Norton comes up and tells me that "Adware.Lop." has been blocked. When I look at what it tells me, it says that its the EXE of all things. Also, the only contents of the folder are "bass.dll" and "bgm.dll".

Now I'm really confused as to why Norton is doing this. It calls it adware for whatever reason. Its kinda pissing me off... Any help?
Apr 23, 2010 at 11:21 AM
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The folder is supposed to have an EXE called "Gun_10_apr2.exe", the two DLLs you mentioned, a file called gunupdate.txt (hope I didn't forget to add it...) and two sub-folders; Marble and Soundtrack.

Anyway, I say as Schokobecher: at least turn Norton off or something as you open the folder, if there's no method of telling it "Shut up, damn program, I trust this folder and everything inside it!". There should be some way of telling it to ignore the folder and its containments, shouldn't it?


Anyway, just place the EXE, the DLLs and Marble and Soundtrack folders in the same directory somehow, and the game should run properly. Perhaps Norton can feel that the EXE has been hacked (with an official converter...) and thinks you've got a trojan here?

I really like the concept of this and the gameplay is nice. Only problem is it starts to rape my computer after a few minutes. Granted this is probably due more to my computer's shittiness than to your game, but you could stand to make it a bit more efficient.

Also, out of curiosity, what programming language are you using for this?
Game Maker, and thus the language would be GML, which is powered by Delphi.

I think I've managed to make the game more CPU effective since one year ago (for instance, now only stuff shown on/near screen are "active" and needs processing time), but it still runs kinda slow on old computers. On my computer, it can run near intended 50 frames when windowed, but fullscreen mode cuts the framerate to between 15 and 35.

By the way, most previously mentioned glitches are fixed. Like bottle registration. The game has 33 unique weapons instead of like 10, which was the case when I created this topic...
Apr 23, 2010 at 12:37 PM
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Eh, told it to ignore the adware crap and it worked fine. I will be getting rid of Norton, though, damned thing annoys the crap outta me, slows EVERYTHING down.

I will say this, Easy Rush has a glitch where if you go to the weapon select screen and click like you would normally would, your weapons would disappear. I do wish I had more weapons in that mode, though, be a nice chance to test everything least for the "Easy" version. Plus those spawners are annoying as crap. Too much too fast.
Apr 23, 2010 at 12:41 PM
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Good Luck removing Norton.
It's more resistent then any Malware know to man.
Apr 23, 2010 at 2:04 PM
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Blame my selective memory

I will say this, Easy Rush has a glitch where if you go to the weapon select screen and click like you would normally would, your weapons would disappear. I do wish I had more weapons in that mode, though, be a nice chance to test everything least for the "Easy" version. Plus those spawners are annoying as crap. Too much too fast.

Damn, I just erased everything I wrote. To summarize:

I know about this. Just didn't care/remember. Weapons should show up, but doesn't. Gotta look this up. Nice idea to add more weapons, easy rush isn't that easy right now.

Right, perhaps I should add some section before the cannon room (as warmup). But I guess something like a Machine Gun / Foam Shell would be helpful against the Yuu and Myphers.
Apr 24, 2010 at 3:39 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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guess ill try the game then D=

Haithm said:
GMMaker Converter from 6.0 or 6.1 to 7.0 (Vista version)
Basically, it will hack the executable file of Gun Princess Story in order to make it compatible to Vista.

oh i only noticed this now haha ^^;

Schokobecher said:
Good Luck removing Norton.
It's more resistent then any Malware know to man.

IT MADE MY COMPUTER RUN WORSE when the subscription ran out, like it was trying to make the computer crap itself.
Apr 27, 2010 at 2:54 PM
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Norton people wants revenge when you go over to their rival companies?

Hey, wasn't there a scandale some time ago when Norton's latest update placed one of Windows' system files in quarantine (making the computer impossible to boot normally)?

Back on topic: got some GMC feedback. Once I've removed the latest errata, I'll upload a new version. Maybe before friday. Right now, I more or less only remove bugs and glitches, and once free of them, I'll continue to add more gameplay sections.
Apr 27, 2010 at 11:25 PM
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Uh...... You have to wait for like a minute after you die though.... That's the only problem.

Keep up the good work!
Apr 28, 2010 at 1:54 AM
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Yal said:
Norton people wants revenge when you go over to their rival companies?

Hey, wasn't there a scandale some time ago when Norton's latest update placed one of Windows' system files in quarantine (making the computer impossible to boot normally)?

Back on topic: got some GMC feedback. Once I've removed the latest errata, I'll upload a new version. Maybe before friday. Right now, I more or less only remove bugs and glitches, and once free of them, I'll continue to add more gameplay sections.

All right cool. I definitely want to see more of this (as soon as I finish the current areas, that is).

Oh yeah, and Norton is really moronic. This is getting a little off-topic, but such antivirus programs have had scandals in the past (i.e. flagging important files as viruses, flagging harmless games as viruses). I prefer AVG or Avast. There is simply no danger that comes from GameMaker.
Apr 28, 2010 at 11:03 AM
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There is simply no danger that comes from GameMaker.
How about something like this?:


But yeah, nobody would be studpid enough to write that.
Glad you like the game BTW. ^_^


Uh...... You have to wait for like a minute after you die though.... That's the only problem.

Keep up the good work!
Really? I've cut that time in more than half compared to what it originally was, and the file even loads automatically instead of having you going to the title screen again. No one else has complained about that in sereval months...
Ok, I've obtained that feedback. If I get more on that subject I might do something.