Jun 13, 2009 at 3:50 AM
Join Date: May 25, 2009
Location: Sweden
Posts: 273
Age: 34
Gun Princess v0.7.4
"Search for clues about your past in a hostile country with a bat as your sole ally. A platformer with weapon-based gameplay and a boss in every room!"
Gun Princess is a platform game with gameplay based on shooting things, and my goal with it is to have at least one boss in every single room of the game. Right now, it has ~100 areas, some of which has sereval rooms - and the rooms are sereval screens wide and high, packed of enemies, items, hidden paths etcetera.
Gameplay time: 9~16 hours, depending on skill.
Ghosts 'n cannons
Boss group battle
One-eyed enemies
The gameplay is made out of exploration and shooting. A lot of both, especially the latter.
There's a vast amount of areas to explore; some you reach due to a plot branch, some you reach when travelling somewhere else (many tunnels and fields come into this category), and finally there's extra dungeons that you have no real reason to explore, unless to get some upgrade items or such from inside it. There'll also be areas with no reward hidden inside them, made to explore just for fun, or perhaps just see if you can navigate to their core. Most areas area four screens big or above; so there's a lot of hidden platforms, doorways and indents to find...
Currently 33 weapons are working, some available to buy, some hidden deep into a dungeon. Some of these are upgrades to old weapons, some are mostly used to break some kinds of destructible block. The weapons also vary in use, from creating a damaging shield to sniping or placing timed bombs, so you can select the weapons matching your playing style.
Upgrades can be used to select the stat of your choice, instead of what they would improve; at the expense of some of their power. Would you sacrifize precious stat points to play your style, or are you aiming to get the most out of them? That's up to you.
Also there's sereval plot branches; the game will have 12 endings, most of them will also be on the end of completely different plot branches. Will you go great lenghts to help a new friend with his mission, or will you listen to the advice of an old inhabitant of the area? Will you finish off what you where supposed to do, or will you find out what your past contained?
Playing it and leaving feedback would be, and is much appreciated.
The game is available from:
Host-A.Net mirror
64Digits mirror
Zshare mirror
Mirrors are WIP right now. But there's one, and I hope that'll suffice for now.
Game has been converted with official converter and should run properly on Vista and beyond.
File size: ~5 Megabyte zip file
Game Maker Version: 6.1
Game version: 0.7.4
Game resolution: 320x240 (Windowed)
Customizable resolutions.
Music composed with headphones, so using these when playing is reccomended.
Current progress:
Cooking system is now added! There's now also over 40 types of food, and some shops will now have more of a selection.
Fixed tons of small glitches. This version is more of a bump since nobody ever replied to the previous update. I've begun to work with the next plot point (post-Deep Cave) but some dialogue needs to be improved to increase the sense it makes.
Currently, exams and comp06 entry steals a lot of my time so progress is slowed down, but I'll do my best to update around every 14 to 21 days.
Read this GMC topic for details: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=428558&hl=
"Search for clues about your past in a hostile country with a bat as your sole ally. A platformer with weapon-based gameplay and a boss in every room!"
Gun Princess is a platform game with gameplay based on shooting things, and my goal with it is to have at least one boss in every single room of the game. Right now, it has ~100 areas, some of which has sereval rooms - and the rooms are sereval screens wide and high, packed of enemies, items, hidden paths etcetera.
Gameplay time: 9~16 hours, depending on skill.

Ghosts 'n cannons
Boss group battle
One-eyed enemies
The gameplay is made out of exploration and shooting. A lot of both, especially the latter.
There's a vast amount of areas to explore; some you reach due to a plot branch, some you reach when travelling somewhere else (many tunnels and fields come into this category), and finally there's extra dungeons that you have no real reason to explore, unless to get some upgrade items or such from inside it. There'll also be areas with no reward hidden inside them, made to explore just for fun, or perhaps just see if you can navigate to their core. Most areas area four screens big or above; so there's a lot of hidden platforms, doorways and indents to find...
Currently 33 weapons are working, some available to buy, some hidden deep into a dungeon. Some of these are upgrades to old weapons, some are mostly used to break some kinds of destructible block. The weapons also vary in use, from creating a damaging shield to sniping or placing timed bombs, so you can select the weapons matching your playing style.
Upgrades can be used to select the stat of your choice, instead of what they would improve; at the expense of some of their power. Would you sacrifize precious stat points to play your style, or are you aiming to get the most out of them? That's up to you.
Also there's sereval plot branches; the game will have 12 endings, most of them will also be on the end of completely different plot branches. Will you go great lenghts to help a new friend with his mission, or will you listen to the advice of an old inhabitant of the area? Will you finish off what you where supposed to do, or will you find out what your past contained?
Playing it and leaving feedback would be, and is much appreciated.
The game is available from:
Host-A.Net mirror
64Digits mirror
Zshare mirror
Mirrors are WIP right now. But there's one, and I hope that'll suffice for now.
Game has been converted with official converter and should run properly on Vista and beyond.
File size: ~5 Megabyte zip file
Game Maker Version: 6.1
Game version: 0.7.4
Game resolution: 320x240 (Windowed)
Customizable resolutions.
Music composed with headphones, so using these when playing is reccomended.
Current progress:
Cooking system is now added! There's now also over 40 types of food, and some shops will now have more of a selection.
Fixed tons of small glitches. This version is more of a bump since nobody ever replied to the previous update. I've begun to work with the next plot point (post-Deep Cave) but some dialogue needs to be improved to increase the sense it makes.
Currently, exams and comp06 entry steals a lot of my time so progress is slowed down, but I'll do my best to update around every 14 to 21 days.
Read this GMC topic for details: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=428558&hl=