Apr 8, 2016 at 11:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2, 2015
Posts: 211
Age: 26
Pronouns: he/him
Fourth wall breaking aside, I do have this question: is this mod supposed to be some sort of modding tutorial mod for beginners? Because I kinda see that as what you're going for, whether you are or not.
The only problem I really have with the mod is this:
The battle kinda needs to be nerfed down a bit. I really have no idea how many bullets are needed to defeat the jellyfish, because I lost all my ammo in the middle of the battle and the Jellyfish is still alive, so a decrease in the Jellyfish's health or an increase in ammo would probably suffice. Also, 5 damage is a bit too excessive for a boss at the beginning of a game, and with the forcefields also giving me damage, there would be times where I got hit by the Jellyfish once, and a few moments later, I jump over the Jellyfish only to die from the forcefields.
Really, it's from reading all this mod talk spoken by the characters, and...I'd like to know why you think that this mod is some sort of tutorial.
No, really, i'm actually curious.
Quote's beard and those couple stray pixels bug me for some reason
silly quote that's not your bed
and who are you again
another? but wait who are you
oh it's gonna be just one of those days isn't it
you missed
based on the level design alone, this is already a 10
well celeste is a piece of shit for making me have to conserve ammo (having to conserve ammo
on the only weapon you have =/= fun)
wait that was curly? then who the fuck is celeste?
then could you put the ammo thing in this room thanks
fool me once, i'm mad.
i have a feeling whatever's in that chest isn't worth the trouble anyway fug dis
no turning back
fool me twice, how could you.
fool me three times, you're officially that guy, ok? You know-you know the one. y'go to the bar and he's like "this suit is ah-officially is a giorgio armani act'ly my dad know'm" n'FUCK YOU. I AAAAAAAmmm not participating in such nonsense.
i didn't get past that part because i really didn't want to do the fans thing again sorry
in short, your mod sucks balls lol
just kidding, you should focus on:
1. not throwing around new characters all the time
2. making the worlds seem less empty and fun to explore
3. chill with the meta humor broseph. it was cool when undertale did it because every sentence wasn't meta humor.
4. maybe some other stuff idk ok BYE
well, this is probably the best mod that was someone's first mod, I've ever played. That being said its not exactly the best mod in the world. It is pretty funny as a parody mod about many things that make a lot of mods suck, though strangely enough with it adhering to Aar's general guidelines for mods (being windowed and not having any unnecessary files). some bits in the level design can be really cheap at times, the part in the waterway section with the vertical press can only be done if you're super careful which wouldn't be a huge problem if it wasn't for the fact that a huge puzzle requiring some damn good platforming skills comes right after it. the platforming puzzle may be optional, but its still a real pain to have to survive both tasks to get a lousy half container.
also in quote's sprite, the 4 black pixels under his cap should be blonde to go with his new hair.
this is a bit difficult to answer. its good in the fact that it feels that effort was put into this. a lot more effort than what usually goes into one's "first mod". I don't think its bad. its certainly worth playing IMO.So wait, are you saying that my mod is good... Or bad?
this is what many of us go through when modding, our own level design will not seem anywhere as hard to us than it will to others. thats the main reason people release demos before the final releaseI'm real sorry guys, I think that I made this mod a little too hard, it felt easy to me but maybe I'm just that good at Cave Story?
I did. wasn't the waterway after that or could I have gone there before as well?Ok, has nobody actually gotten to Sarah's house yet?
He's just a blonde boy doing what blonde boys do.Sarah is at the end of the grasstown area.... I think...?
Also yeah quote is an asshole to everyone. Must be the hair.
Must be the hair.
He's just a blonde boy doing what blonde boys do.
*sniff*... *runs away crying*Well said, blonde boy.
it still makes no sense seeing that his avatar is soppose to be a girl, I think?(If TDrinkin' changes his avatar this will make no sense)
it still makes no sense seeing that his avatar is soppose to be a girl, I think?
it still makes no sense seeing that his avatar is soppose to be a girl, I think?
It is indeed a girl.I am %50 sure that might be a boy