Festive Quest

Dec 3, 2020 at 9:01 PM
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I tried to get Curly's panties but


I hope there will be a scene where Quote and Curly kiss under the mistletoe.
no, i (personally) see them as siblings, there will be no smooching in this good christian mod

re. the lvl 3 machine gun, though, did you pick up the arms barrier/turbocharge from the graves in the tower base map or did i forget to fix it?

also why do you keep insisting misery is a robot
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Dec 4, 2020 at 3:15 AM
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Heeeeeyy here's a thing
been seeing this and took a bit to play it
this isnt really a critique or anything
itll prob be skipping around a lot n stuff, cuz this mod is long
really nice title screen art! Not an actual problem, but I'd personally prefer another song for it though. The Plantation theme (to me) gives the image of greenery and jungle, which feels kinda weird (plus, it's my least favorite song in the game...). But whatever, that's so subjective.

GAME THEORY: Misery's dog is the ghost dog in Hell
Also, great bad ending there.

Misery's Booster seems a little too... Booster-y. She's using magic, not a jetpack.


You're a mean one, Ms. Sery
I love how low-stakes this plot is. And how much of a grump Misery is. And how everyone's scared of her.

When Misery looks up, her gun-holding hand isn't holding the gun. It's at her side like when she's looking forward.

I like the level design in Labyrinth P. It's like Megaman. And huh, Curly teleports to you when you get far away. That's cool, how'd you do that?


aww, Misery's gettin in the Christmas spirit!
though Curly still follows you even if you go back, so it's not really a race...

GAME THEORY: Misery is a robot because she can collect Life Capsules. But then again she can't use refill stations so...
that theory has to be correct because you can't disprove it




This looks kinda weird. Like, the room is so dark you can't see the walls, but you can see the floor and parts of the ceiling at 100% brightness.

"You're Quote's, like, sister, right?"
"Yeah, close enough."
Hayden, I have some bad news for you...

I like this dialogue a lot. Conversations flow naturally, NPCs are varied, and it's funny/charming without needing to meme everything up.




This one was pretty miserable. It's such a tight jump I had to willingly get hit by spikes for the damage boost, and even then it took like 6 attempts. That isn't bad in itself, but the blandly-tiled, challengeless corridoor is what sucks about it. It takes like 30 seconds to get through and there's nothing there. I walked through it at Curly, then back when nothing was there. Then I lost most of my health health and ended up walking through it to save, then walked back through it again. Then died and had to walk through it again. Then finally got the present and had to walk through it again. That's like 5 minutes of walking in a straight line.
In general, there are a lot of moments where you're just walking in a straight line for a bit, not doing much. It's usually not too bad, just kinda boring.

I just noticed the luscious jiggle physics on Misery's hat, and now cannot stop staring.


uh ok emo robodude in a completely different art style that's supposed to be quote
why are you referring to yourself in the third person and why are you pointing at my weiner?

Quote looks ok tho
clashes with the other characters, but it's hard to copy the original game's style anyways


Absolutely disgusting.
I love you.

Hey wait no! I don't wanna go to Grasstown! I didn't explore all of Sand Zone yet, there's probably presents there!!
Come on, at least lemme have a YES/NO option.

Jeez why is Quote so emo?

In Grasstown, the crack in the wall turns into an actual doorway...?
Wait, this second room looks like...

oh noooooooooooooo

Huh, this is a nice turn of events. Misery's past is coming back to haunt her, eh? Hopefully it's not about the Doctor coming back or something lame like that...

Going from the Balcony to the Tower Base makes it immediately night...?

King's and Toroko's graves are a nice, sad touch.


Aww... come on. Sorry if it sounds harsh, but the Doctor getting revenge or whatever is kinda disappointing to me. It's just, for lack of a better word, lame. The Doctor is already a pretty generic bad guy, so having him just be there with like, no explanation... there's just so much more you could do with a sequel story. Heck, Ballos coming back would've been better.
Well, it's not too bad. It's kinda well-integrated into the story. Kinda. At least it doesn't give you a much more interesting storyline and then in the last 10% say "hey all that stuff was pointless because the Doctor was pulling all the strings so go shoot him now", like a certain other mod...


That's a weird response to finding *your own* underwear. Like, why not?


Okay THAT'S bad. You don't spawn the player right over lava like that.

Maybe I'm just tired, but this seems too hard, as least compared to stuff before it. In general, this mod has a weird difficulty curve. Most of it is really easy, but then you get these really tight Booster v0.8 jumps that are WAY harder than the rest. The Underside and Last Cave especially. I didn't have too much trouble in either of these, but the Underside especially is pretty unforgiving with its 1-tile-wide openings.
Or maybe I just suck with the v0.8.

The weird Balcony is cool. But that present on the lower area... jeez. I'm not getting that. It'd be easier if I could ask Curly for her machine gun or something.


uh okay, weird place to put a debug room

final boss is okayish i guess
Firts part is just the Doctor again
It's not exactly too easy... it's that there's not much going on. Most of the danger is on the top part and edges of the screen, and they don't do much damage. The main challenge is hitting the damn crystal in the first place.

uh alright, fun little 35 presents ending yay!
Misery finally got the Christmas spirit!
also, seriously awesome credits images. It's a rarity to see those, and they're pretty cute!
(tho why did the one with malco have way more colors than the rest)


Thanks for making it!
Good mod.

sorry if the commentary got boringer as it went
maybe i'll say more later but im really tired for some reason

byebye merry hallowanksgivsmastpatricksmothersvalenhanukkwanzeasterfathersaintsnewyearseve
Dec 4, 2020 at 3:27 AM
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When Misery looks up, her gun-holding hand isn't holding the gun. It's at her side like when she's looking forward.
gaaah, how did i never notice that...

- the mod's got a couple in-jokes - the bucket, specifically, and the 'robot points at your we(apon)'
- quote's facepic is... yeah, at the time i was making the mod, that was all i had lying around, it was one i made in my own style ages ago, maybe i'll update it with a more recent attempt that tries to emulate the original artstyle - and since you talk to him most (all?) of the time as misery, i wanted to write him as kinda grumpy/barely tolerating, he doesn't like her :[
- (maybe it would've been funnier/better if i'd left him as a silent protag, but oh well...)
- some of the level design/present locations are kinda crappy, especially the last cave section, and i do apologise for that - i feel at this point i don't reaaally want to update them significantly (i want to move onto other projects), but maybe one day i'll revisit it and do a total fix-up
- tbh i could've come up with a better 'antagonist', i know the doctor is overused and kinda lame, but the thought of misery getting to beat up the doctor was too satisfying for me to want to spend time coming up with something else
- there's two(?) credits images in full colour, they're like that because they looked bad with a palette and i was running out of time to fix them - again, maybe that's something i'd revisit in the future

...also how did you get to the debug room??? that's... not supposed to be reachable, i swear i hid/disabled all the access points...
Dec 4, 2020 at 6:03 AM
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i feel at this point i don't reaaally want to update them significantly (i want to move onto other projects), but maybe one day i'll revisit it and do a total fix-up
Makes sense. Moving on to other stuff is good. Minor fixes are one thing, but big things like the difficulty curve would need a lot of effort for a finished mod.
i know the doctor is overused and kinda lame, but the thought of misery getting to beat up the doctor was too satisfying for me to want to spend time coming up with something else
Ok yeah that's 100% understandable. Again, it's not that bad that the Doctor is the villain, since him getting beat up gives closure for the characters. He's almost like a placeholder, and a super complex original villain might distract from more important stuff.
but wow what a missed opportunity to turn Ballos into Jack Skellington 0/10

I found the debug room at the Doctor's first phase. It looked like a save point to the left of the fake one that starts the fight, right in the open.
Dec 4, 2020 at 6:21 AM
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WHOOPS that's a leftover from testing the most recent update, i can't believe i missed it...

should be patched out now, i plan to remove most of the bugfix update versions at some point but hey, maybe i'll leave the version with access to the debug room in, in case anyone wants to mess around with it.
festive quest 2: eli learns to bugtest their mods properly
Jan 6, 2021 at 7:31 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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So I played a short portion of this mod in this month, so I guess I will be doing a part 4 of my review:
This time, I used my old PC and had to play through the parts I already did, and I noticed a Undertale refrence
Now after I have gone through all the parts I did, I thought Id end up in 1st cave:
This looks familiar!.PNG
And then I ended up at the surface.
So Curly now has to heal Misery in a puzzle,
Times like this when the bucket is actually usefull.
Now that Misery is almost healed, Curly needs the medicine and I think there will be a choice in whether we are going to use it on Misery or on that Mimiga.
Good mod as always.
Jan 19, 2021 at 4:19 AM
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i know im super late but i jsut want you to know that i love this mod and its awesome
Jan 19, 2021 at 11:34 PM
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Oh, I was just thinking about this mod the other day, and a thought occurred to me.
That little fetch-quest Jenka sends Curly on to get the flower just to keep her busy. Was that inspired by Shrek?
Jan 19, 2021 at 11:59 PM
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That little fetch-quest Jenka sends Curly on to get the flower just to keep her busy. Was that inspired by Shrek?

it wasn't, no, i just thought it would be funny (which is actually the explanation behind a lot of things in FQ, now that i think about it)
...i've never actually seen shrek :V

i know im super late but i jsut want you to know that i love this mod and its awesome

ty :]
Feb 3, 2021 at 5:48 PM
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"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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This is the final part of my review
Ok I chose to heal Misery, but
Nohelp.PNGGuess I have no choice, So Jenka already healed Asuna and Curly and Misery must fight the doctor.
Overall Review:
1. There is a dedicated Bark Button
2. Good chunks of funny jokes.
3. The ending is really decent.
4. The last cave is a bit difficult.
5. The colons return.