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Favorite Weapon

What is your favorite gun/weapon in Cave Story?

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Sep 25, 2012 at 7:29 PM
Tommy Thunder
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Even Though I Choose The Spur On About 100% Of My Normal Runs, I Would Actually Agree That The Snake Is The Best Weapon In The Game. Spur Is Easily Much More Fun To Use.
Nov 21, 2012 at 3:43 AM
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Is there any definitive choice when choosing what primary weapon to keep through the game? Personally, I've always used the Machine Gun; the Snake is nice, but overall it just seems like a novelty weapon. I've never actually used the Spur before; I just can't get that far without switching for Curly's delicious full-auto weapon.

So, what weapon do you use, and why?
Nov 21, 2012 at 3:51 AM
Tommy Thunder
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Usually Spur. Not loosing your level due to enemies is real nice, and also powerful lasers.
Snake I take on occasion, the shooting through walls ability is effective, and it has great damage.
Machine Gun is bleh. The only advantage is early on, where having it in the Sand Zone makes it much easier. As you progress in the game though, it gets much harder to cope with the MG than with the Spur or Snake, since they are the more effective of the three.
Nov 21, 2012 at 4:32 AM
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I always take the snake. It's the most useful of the 3, I find. But really they're all outclassed by the nemesis or the blade, and by the super missiles, so it doesn't matter too much which one you pick. Spur takes too long to charge for it's damage to be all that useful, and Machine gun isn't as powerful as the snake and doesn't go through walls, and it's levitation ability is only useful in so many parts of the game.
Nov 21, 2012 at 4:57 AM
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I stay with the polar star because it is the easiest to understand.

For an end game weapon, I always rely on the Nemesis or Blade.
Nov 21, 2012 at 5:07 PM
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If I'm playing the original CS and going for the best ending (hence getting the Booster 2.0) then I'll take the Spur.

If I'm playing a mod however, I'll get the Machinegun first chance I'm given since they tend to require a lot of airborne manouvering.
Nov 21, 2012 at 6:26 PM
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You'd be lucky if you can find the Machinegun in most mods.

When you do find it, they might be called "Fists" or something like "Plasma Knife".
Nov 21, 2012 at 11:56 PM
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So long as it keeps me in the air, it can be called spittle rapsberry.
Dec 20, 2012 at 7:43 PM
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Machine gun takes forever to level up and is too much to take care of for me to care. Snake is really cool but it takes 2 of my guns and deals not the biggest amount of damage (which is why you would use blade or nemesis but still...), and the spur takes forever to charge to be too effective. Even when I first played cave story as soon as I started using the machine gun I wanted to trade back for my polar star, and that was before I knew there were more guns, so I went back to my last save which was very far back. When I got the snake all he says is "let me look at those guns" so I wasn't expecting him to take and combine my polar star and fireball. Which again at the time polar star was my favorite weapon, but I still found the snake fun and interesting it just...didnt have much use to me. The spur was an unexpected treat because I hadn't used a guide to get it, it dealt massive damage if you had good timing, but was still of little use... until I got to hell that is, for going through hell and especially Ballos, form 1 use nemesis, form 2 spur hit both eyes with a massive beam that deals massive damage, same with form 3, and use all my super rockets on Ballos form 4.
Dec 20, 2012 at 8:38 PM
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Spur - reason - it doesn't need energy crystals so it remains strong no matter what. It'd be harder to fight a stronger boss with a leveled down weapon.
Dec 20, 2012 at 8:42 PM
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Nemesis - reason - it doesn't need energy so it remains strong unless you screw up. It'd be harder to fight a strong boss with a fully leveled up weapon.
Dec 20, 2012 at 9:28 PM
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Let's joke mathematically by eliminating what is same on both sides of this "mathematical inequality":

Spur - rea/son - i/t doe/sn't ne/ed en/ergy cryst/als s/o i/t rema/ins strong no matter what.> Nemesis - rea/son - i/t does/n't ne/ed ene/rgy s/o i/t remains strong unless you screw up.

Spur remains strong no matter what>Nemesis remains strong unless you screw up

Jokes aside I know weapons are personal preference. I know from competitive FPS that a skilled player with the weakest gun can overcome the new player who has the strongest. Some people have their favorites. Just joking a bit :)
Dec 21, 2012 at 3:38 AM
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The fireball is actually quite useful after the Sand Zone.

I mean, you can use it to get the Snake. That's why it's useful!
Dec 21, 2012 at 7:17 AM
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Carrotlord, nemesis is not part of this discussion, especially since its for advanced players.

Edit: Dunc2403 I dont think I can ever convince you otherwise, so I think I wont try.
I just... enjoy the fireball, actually I enjoy the polar star more but... meh.
Dec 22, 2012 at 12:02 AM
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minerguy667 said:
Its pretty useful on Ironhead because you can't shoot down, but the fireball is still affected by gravity.
Ultrasyther said:
Its also pretty nice to have during the monster X fight ( well at least for me) the reason:Well, in case I get really low on health, I can farm by using the fireball upward. Effectively It creates a protective barrier around me, although bubbler can do the same thing, it takes time to start up (on level 3). Even though I don't need to farm very much anymore it's still nice
Red devil is rather easy with the fireball and small upward or downward corridors with enemies are easy.

It's also just fun.
Dec 23, 2012 at 1:54 PM
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Its been a while since i played this game, altough back when i was still playing the snake was my favorite.
Mar 13, 2013 at 12:11 AM
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Spur. Reason? No energy crystals. Great weapon yadayada.