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Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny

Dec 9, 2007 at 1:01 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Okay, error has been fixed. Turns out I shouldn't rename PrtMimi.pbm... >.<

Characters FAQ - Released 20th October 2007 said:
:: Contents
Section 0 - Introduction
Section 1 - Format
Section 2 - Main Characters
Section 3 - Side Characters
Section 4 - Version History
Section 5 - Disclaimer
Section 6 - Contact Me
:: Introduction
This character FAQ is for my mod, Essence of Chaos - Shattered Destiny. Written by me, jcys810.

When searching for a specific section, just search (Ctrl+F) for the section name, putting two colons and a space behind.
Eg. If I want to search for Section 1, Format. I'll search for :: Format
:: Format
Role - Character Name
- Alignment
- Gender
- Species
- Age
- Personality
- Occupation
- Family Status
:: Main Characters
Male Lead - Ren Tsubaki
- Good
- Male
- Mimiga
- 16
- Lonesome, quiet, calm, solemn, emotional
- Ex-Mercenary
- Orphan
Female Lead - Hina Kazuki
- Good
- Female
- Mimiga
- 15
- Rather annoying, curious, emotional
- Villager
- Broken Family
Assasin - Uso Uchitoru
- Good
- Male
- Human (Turned into Turtle by Hitan)
- 27
- Liar, Silent, Braggart
- Mercenary (Was partners with Ren once)
- Orphan
Ninja - Kai Kiryu
- Neutral
- Male
- Human
- 18
- Emotionless
- Mercenary
- Unknown
Evil Lead - Hitan Takeshi
- Bad
- Male
- Human
- 32
- Sadistic, Sorrowful
- Serial Killer, Genetic Engineer
- Killed his family
Minion 1 - Seiryu [0%]
- Bad
- Unknown
- Mutant (Dragon)
- Unknown
- Brave, naive
- Henchman, minion
- Unknown
- Unknown
Minion 2 - Baihu [0%]
- Bad
- Unknown
- Mutant (Tiger)
- Unknown
- Aggressive, gullible
- Henchman, minion
- Unknown
- Unknown
:: Side-Characters
Professor - Reishu Kazuki/Hina's brother
- Good
- Male
- Mimiga
- 23
- Joker, knows when to be serious
- Professor/Scientist, ex-villager of a destroyed village
- Broken Family
Helper - Project E: Codename Eternity/Reishu's experiment
- Good
- None
- Machine
- 3
- None
- Combat Robot, Assistant Robot
- None
Trainer - Lucid Obvious
- Good
- Male
- Cyborg
- 49
- Stern, strict, serious
- Combat trainer
- Orphan
Gardener - Warren
- Good
- Male
- Mimiga
- 32
- Lively
- Mimiga's village gardener
- Alive, captured by Hitan
:: Version History
-Version 1.0, released October 20, 2007
First release of FAQ, Contents, Introduction, Main Characters, Side Characters (Reishu Kazuki & Project E: Codename Eternity), Version History, Disclaimer and Links released.
-Version 1.1, released November 5, 2007
Added Contact Me section and removed the Links section, updated side-characters
-Version 1.2, releasedDecember 9, 2007
Added some new characters
:: Disclaimer
You may not host this on your site without permission. There is no reason I will not let you. I just want to be informed. When hosting, this disclaimer MUST NOT be removed. The main character could not have been completed if it were not for S.P. Gardebiter from the Cave Story Tribute Forums, and I have to say, ShInInG PhAnToM Gardebiter really DID help me out a whole lot.

Cave Story is © Pixel
Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny is © jcys810/me
:: Contact Me
Electronic Mail - jcys810@hotmail.com
MSN Messenger - jcys810@hotmail.com
MiraiGamer Forums - jcys810

Organisations - Released 9th December 2007 said:
:: Contents
Section 0 - Introduction
Section 1 - Format
Section 2 - Major Organisations
Section 3 - Minor Organisations
Section 4 - Version History
Section 5 - Disclaimer
Section 6 - Contact Me
:: Introduction
This organisation FAQ is for my mod, Essence of Chaos - Shattered Destiny. Written by me, jcys810.

When searching for a specific section, just search (Ctrl+F) for the section name, putting two colons and a space behind.
Eg. If I want to search for Section 1, Format. I'll search for :: Format
:: Format
Organisation Name - Leader's Name
- Alignment
- Description
- Notable Members
- Translated Organisation Name
:: Major Organisations
Musei Bikou - Muko Ketsueki
- Neutral
- Hired mercenaries who helps whoever who pays them most. Are extremely loyal to their clients and will not kill any of their major clients even when hired to do so.
- Ren Tsubaki, Uso Uchitoru, Kai Kiryu
- Silent Shadow
Kokoro Gokai - Jest Laughierre
- Bad
- A group of American Japanese-wannabe delinquents that love to fool around and commit crimes, making sure to leave as little evidence as possible. Their crimes range as low as rape to as high as murder.
- Will Forcechain
- Heart Lust
:: Minor Organisations
Honoo no Enkou - Bakuha Kouen
- Good
- A group of good guys that seek to help people and bring peace but are often mistaken as delinquents who commit arson because of their gang name.
- None as of yet.
- Blazing Flame
:: Version History
-Version 1.0, released December 09, 2007.
Three major organisations and one minor organisation added together with Contents, Introduction, Format, Version History, Disclaimer and Contact Me sections.
:: Disclaimer
You may not host this on your site without permission. There is no reason I will not let you. I just want to be informed. When hosting, this disclaimer MUST NOT be removed. The main character could not have been completed if it were not for S.P. Gardebiter from the Cave Story Tribute Forums, and I have to say, ShInInG PhAnToM Gardebiter really DID help me out a whole lot.

Cave Story is © Pixel
Essence of Chaos 1 - Shattered Destiny is © jcys810/me
:: Contact Me
Electronic Mail - jcys810@hotmail.com
MSN Messenger - jcys810@hotmail.com
MiraiGamer Forums - jcys810
Dec 12, 2007 at 9:00 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
Join Date: Oct 15, 2007
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wat. its on the first post. I didn't need to update it. I think, I'll check.
Feb 1, 2008 at 2:49 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Age: 31
Demo 0.1
There is a bug I can't solve... Warning, spoiler, advised to see only after playing past the Mimiga Tunnel map.
Vampire doesn't appear when I <CNP him in, only appears after the <BSL is done
Feb 2, 2008 at 12:26 PM
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Cripes, there are mod downloads popping up right and left at the moment :D And many of them seem to contain the word 'chaos' >.> Surely I smell a non-existant conspiracy. Anyway, I'll keep my comments (relatively) spoiler-free for now, so no need to wait, I guess...

Art is generally very good, as is the amount and detail of animation; I particularly liked the updated text graphics, although the 'human' characters look a little odd, possibly owing to their apparent demi-human nature. The area designs were good too, especially the door maze. The story however seems kind of vauge... what happens at the start isn't really explained, and then there are suddenly bad guys popping up everywhere trying to kill you. When you get to the boulder, the main charcter is all "damnit, I failed", even though the game says the path ahead is blocked, and the area looks nothing like the one shown in the opening scene. And what are those guys digging for, if they don't move when the passage opens up? Maybe I missed something but I can't make any much sense out of it x.x (And yes, I did read the 'documents' folder.)

Bug/Glitch wise: When you get your first weapon, the critter/rock will continue to jump at you while the text is displayed, moving you around even, then it disappears, and other one appears in its place. Needs a <PRI in there, perhaps. The eye door will take damage but won't die. When you beat Corrupt, he will continue walking endlessly, and some text will pop up prohibiting you from following him until you leave the save and come back, and when you beat Rain, the boss script will continue running until you move the text. If you go back to the start of the ruins, the wall that closed will be open again, and you'll 'fall' if you try to go through it. Also, there are a few parts where the text goes outside the textbox and some odd map-loading bugs.

Sorry if this seems a bit harsh, I know it's only a first release and all, I just tend to mention the things that need fixing as opposed to those that don't. I'm sure you've seen my massive de-bugging posts elsewhere, in fact I think my first post was one >.> Really though, the mod so far feels very original, and the story looks to be an interesting concept. Not sure where it'll head, but I'll wait and see, eh? :D
Feb 2, 2008 at 2:01 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Heh, I don't mind, all criticism and comments are really appreciated.

Art is generally very good, as is the amount and detail of animation; I particularly liked the updated text graphics, although the 'human' characters look a little odd, possibly owing to their apparent demi-human nature.
The human characters were custom, and apparently, my skeelz in custom characters are made of epic failure. Oh, and boobies are hard to sprite for me. D:
The story however seems kind of vauge... what happens at the start isn't really explained, and then there are suddenly bad guys popping up everywhere trying to kill you. When you get to the boulder, the main charcter is all "damnit, I failed", even though the game says the path ahead is blocked, and the area looks nothing like the one shown in the opening scene.
Its all in the plot mainly, it will be explained in the next release. =D If there even is one...
Maybe I missed something but I can't make any much sense out of it x.x (And yes, I did read the 'documents' folder.)
No you didn't, my plot is pretty detailed, but my execution is fail, therefore, you won't get much of it.
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
Bug/Glitch wise
When you get your first weapon, the critter/rock will continue to jump at you while the text is displayed, moving you around even, then it disappears, and other one appears in its place. Needs a <PRI in there, perhaps.
Actually intended. But I realise I should make it <PRI to make it more realistic, I'll consider it.
The eye door will take damage but won't die.
wtf, I was pretty sure it could be destroyed. o.o Then again... I tested it loooooooooooooong ago.
When you beat Corrupt, he will continue walking endlessly, and some text will pop up prohibiting you from following him until you leave the save and come back
Hm? I never really tested that, my bitchbeta tester, Metalogz, didn't tell me that. o.o
when you beat Rain, the boss script will continue running until you move the text
Which puzzles me, I'm sure I put at the start of the script the CNP to make her into the dead animation. D:
If you go back to the start of the ruins, the wall that closed will be open again, and you'll 'fall' if you try to go through it.
I can't believe I forgotten to fix this! Thanks!
are a few parts where the text goes outside the textbox
Right. Gotta fix that.
some odd map-loading bugs.
Mind elaborating?
Sorry if this seems a bit harsh, I know it's only a first release and all, I just tend to mention the things that need fixing as opposed to those that don't. I'm sure you've seen my massive de-bugging posts elsewhere, in fact I think my first post was one >.> Really though, the mod so far feels very original, and the story looks to be an interesting concept. Not sure where it'll head, but I'll wait and see, eh?
Hell no, of course you don't seem harsh. I really appreciate criticism, glad you even beta tested! =D
Feb 2, 2008 at 3:02 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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jcys810 said:
Heh, I don't mind, all criticism and comments are really appreciated.
my bitchbeta tester, Metalogz, didn't tell me that. o.o

Wtfux? >:

I wanted to tell you that just when you logged off =.=
Feb 3, 2008 at 9:19 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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That would have been a problem that is old if its Corrupt, and out of the many times I came online and talked to you nearly thrice every week, you never told me?
Feb 4, 2008 at 1:15 AM
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jcys810 said:
Mind elaborating?

Oh, right. A couple of maps load 'twice' when you enter them. I'll play through it again later today and point them out in this post.

EDIT: It only happens when going from the ruins to the Mimiga Cave (once you get the Booster), I must have remembered more than I thought I did.

Also I figured out why the human characters look so odd- they're very thin. Pixel's sprites are about twice as wide as they are, and since you're using his as a base for the mimigas, it's very clash-y looking.

That's it for now, I guess...
Feb 4, 2008 at 9:51 AM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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jcys810 said:
That would have been a problem that is old if its Corrupt, and out of the many times I came online and talked to you nearly thrice every week, you never told me?
I just remembered that time dammit.

I'm a forgetful person >:
Feb 4, 2008 at 10:16 PM
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"Wow! The more I drink of this magical beverage, the more games I can play! Wheee!"
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Good demo dude. Omg i spent like all my ammo at lvl 3 trying to kill that door -_-

Few problems though(constructive criticism :D ) -
In Mimiga Cave, after the people dig the tunnel, the digger at the right edge, below the door, is floating because the block below him is one of those blocks you can walk through.

If you kill that robot/dragon in mid-air, he walks off the screen in mid-air and the foot step sound never stops.

After you get the booster and you go back to Ruins - Beginning, the left wall is not there and you get kicked out of the screen if you try to get through.
Loved the maze puzzle but the bosses were kinda easy dont ya think? O ya one more thing, I think you put a lil' too much red, my eyes hurted. Hey where did you get that song in the ruins, "white" or something? I might use it.
Feb 5, 2008 at 12:47 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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It only happens when going from the ruins to the Mimiga Cave (once you get the Booster), I must have remembered more than I thought I did.
Also I figured out why the human characters look so odd- they're very thin. Pixel's sprites are about twice as wide as they are, and since you're using his as a base for the mimigas, it's very clash-y looking.
I'm a forgetful person >:
I realised this long ago.
Omg i spent like all my ammo at lvl 3 trying to kill that door -_-
Haha, sorry. Well, fixed.
In Mimiga Cave, after the people dig the tunnel, the digger at the right edge, below the door, is floating because the block below him is one of those blocks you can walk through.
Right, I'm lazy to fix that, lmfao. I'll work on it. When I'm not lazy. Or not spriting stuff for 3 mods, mine, Metalogz and Xaser's. D:
If you kill that robot/dragon in mid-air, he walks off the screen in mid-air and the foot step sound never stops
After you get the booster and you go back to Ruins - Beginning, the left wall is not there and you get kicked out of the screen if you try to get through.
Intended. Just forgot to create an event for that area.
Loved the maze puzzle but the bosses were kinda easy dont ya think?
Thanks, and no, I didn't find them that easy. Mainly cuz I use a level one Solar Peak. :/
I think you put a lil' too much red, my eyes hurted.
Where did I use alot of red? State plz lolk
Hey where did you get that song in the ruins, "white" or something? I might use it.
Right you are.
Feb 5, 2008 at 1:32 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Dude I really think you should include some of your pro spriting skill into the Ruins map. PLEASE IT LOOKS ... HORRIBLE IN WHITE >:

Btw you used alot of red in the text box... not very nice too... ><
I can help you design lol :eek:
Feb 11, 2008 at 12:18 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Oops, late reply.

-My spriting skills isn't pro
-OH SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT THAT. I keep telling you on MSN, I like the god damned white. Oh, and changed, because the ruins was supposed to be dark, unless its near the exit. So I'm using the white for the exit instead.
-No I don't want your help with the textbox, I wub it the way it is. D:
And I like red. No I don't find red and white clashing. If you find it clashing, tell that to our President and get him to change the Singapore flag. lol.
Mar 21, 2008 at 11:00 AM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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Anyone knows how do I make Curly work as a Boss? She doesn't move. :/
Mar 21, 2008 at 11:56 AM
Starbound sucked sadly
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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jcys810 said:
Anyone knows how do I make Curly work as a Boss? She doesn't move. :/

give her the ma pignon then she might remember how to walk ;)
Mar 21, 2008 at 3:14 PM
"Heavy swords for sale. Suitable for most RPG Protagonists. Apply now!"
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No u.

Nah, I gave her Quote's "Ma Pignon", didn't work. There isn't a second Ma Pignon. :/
Mar 21, 2008 at 5:34 PM
"Bleep, Bloop, Bleep, Bloop"
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Location: I dunnos
Posts: 1584
jcys810 said:
No u.

Nah, I gave her Quote's "Ma Pignon", didn't work. There isn't a second Ma Pignon. :/


ITS.... ITS.... AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhh........

*runs away and disappears into the distance*