I'm actually pro on emulators, especially when it comes to fan translations. I mean, that's the only way we can play certain games that Japan kept hogging all to themselves. >:I Just look at them sites like Aeon Genesis, Romhacking Aerie, or Kajitani-Eizan and the such to see what'cha missing.
And well, there's also the economics part, how cheap it is to just emulate something. But that'll trigger a huge derail here so I'll save it for another time. TL;DR, I'll stop emulating when the price available for it is 50~70-ish bucks, not 150~190 ¬.¬;
Alongide ZSNES and VisualBoy Advance, I also use Kega Fusion for all the Sega consoles, and PCSX2 for PS2