Well, iam actually working on the Egg Corridor, wrote you a mail, sure u can make that!
So Dangerous route use Egg corridor tileset, and use that: If u make holes at the celing use the Special transparent Solid block i made (u musn't do that, i can do it too, if u finish the level...)
Central Control
Dangerous Route:
Design: i think it must be Long, it must be look a bit like my Level 1 Brigde (Air Fortress)
Traps: Lots of spikes, yeah, and make something that i can add Falling spikes as sprites (or you can do that).
How Long: High: MINIMUM (16) How long: when the game cause no bug, make it LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG (at least 300 blocks)
Enemies: i use the Ravil and Red NPC Set! So i make Revils and red Hopper, Bats other thinks
Sprites: you must'nt do that, i make that, but u can add the Spike Sprites (Use SOME Deathtraps too! but only some)
Script: Lol thats my job!
Holes: Yeah at the celing, and RARE holes at the floor... You got the Booster Ver.0.8 here so you can make some bigger holes too...