Deaths in games that make you feel stupid.

Sep 14, 2009 at 9:28 PM
"Keep on rollin'!"
Join Date: May 19, 2009
Location: On Earth
Posts: 441
Age: 33
Well, it's not quite dead, cuase I have a few.

1. Disturbed the Witch (Left 4 Dead)

2. Santa's House

3. After having destroyed the controller (launches the nuclear missile), accidently flew into a wall and blew up (Ace of Combat 5-27th mission, the ridicously narrow flight underground.)

4. Death by Mothership (fucking HUGE ship that kills you in seconds) (Gunmetal)

5. 500 deaths dealt by General Corrosive (his foot is three times your size!)

6. accidently fell off ledge in Super Mario 64 (castle glitch that kills you, but leaves you able to act normally.)