I took some time to muse over this before deciding to say anything in formal writing.
I first must strongly disagree with this contest, Because it's a "no ASM" contest.
It's no secret that I along with most other modders use at least some amount of ASM in out mods; but to completely throw it out basically is asking all the veteran modders to sit this contest out; we've been around so long that using these ASM hacks are second nature to us and are a part of the engine itself and we cannot use it without these enhancements.
It's how we build the mods and you greatly hinder our ability to perform without them. Why should be be punished for putting all our skills into one of the hardest aspects of modding? You want a "equal" playing field but by doing this you're creating just the opposite. I wouldn't mind this idea nearly as much if you presented this as a side contest and our community was at least 5 times as large as it currently is. It would justify having a "kiddie pool" contest to encourage new modders to compete against each other because they are actually likely to get 3rd second or even first place. But this is only a pipe dream because nobody doesn't know ASM anymore that still mods It's not in the current meta anymore, After Carrotlord, my own and Thomas Xin's Guides; CS ASM is easier to get into than ever; and if you want to complain that you're at a disadvantage it's your own fault.
Doors, Dunc, Nox, Thomas Xin, TPcool, TLink, Myself, Kenni, GiR, Yinga, and others all use ASM because we've been around long enough and cared enough to get this shit down so that the engine is more manipulable and we have a more open canvas.
You want people to use existing NPC's; but I as well as others (I'd assume anyway) don't even KNOW what the vanilla enemies are anymore let alone how to use them in creative ways anymore. (Such as EO's gif of the curtains pulling back)
What were the <ANP's to the Curly NPC again? I forgot because I only use my better coded more flexible one now that's a lot easier to customize for each mod's needs...
TL;DR Nice try kid, but you gotta get up to our level if you wanna play with the big boys, not change the rules to drag us down. It sucks that "so you came" didn't score well because of a few small but important mistakes were made, even though the playtime was more than double of most entries, and had new art and decent scripting/concepts. But you've gotta realize your faults and stop pointing fingers at others claiming that ASM is broken and unfair to others that are too lazy to learn it. This isn't 2009; the meta has evolved.