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CSTSF 2016 Modding Competition Showcase & Voting Thread

Jul 26, 2016 at 5:12 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
Bobomb says: "I need a hug!"
Join Date: Nov 12, 2014
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Age: 24
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I finally finished my reviews of all these mods.

I judged every mod by a set of categories in addition to my own personal feel for the mod. Each category is judged on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10/10 being the best possible score. The individual scores were then averaged for an overall score.

The criteria were:
  1. Level Design
  2. Art, Music, and Tiling
  3. Gameplay and Mechanics
  4. Plot and/or Creativity
  5. TSC*
  6. General Professionalism and Grammar
*Mods with no noticeable TSC errors are given an automatic 10/10 for this category unless they barely or do not alter the TSC at all, in which case they will get a 2/10 or less.

Note that I addressed ASM hacks under the Mechanics section for any mods that included them. Additionally, if the mod is a partial modification of the original Cave Story, it must incorporate significant changes to the original game or it will receive very low points in most of the categories.

  1. STARZZ - BLink
  2. The Final Level - TLincoln
  3. Critter Tower Defense - Thomas Xin
  4. Precious Thoughts - DoubleThink
  5. H4CK3R.STORY - Noxid
  6. Autopilot - SeasonsOfDestiny
  7. cat gay - Safusaka
  8. Metronari - Miccs
  9. Valastos
  10. Killjoy - CookedChef
  11. Lara - thomasco2013
  12. The Greek One
  13. Catfall - gamemanj
  14. Cave Story: Live and Uncut!
  15. Pierce Feverdream - Kenzo_ITN
  16. One Eye Story - APenDemon
  17. The Water Challenge! - Bionicobot
  18. RAVE BAR - Spirit
  19. What To Do When Modding - Pummelator

And here are each of my reviews, along with the overall rating I gave each mod. I reviewed the mods mostly in alphabetical order, so I'm posting the reviews in that arrangement as well. I did these reviews over the course of several days, so I apologize for any inconsistencies between them. My rankings are final and mostly based on my opinion more than anything else.

CONTEST OVERSEERS: Do not mistake the ratings set after this point for my rankings! The above list in the spoilers is my rankings for the mods in this contest. Below is just a set of reviews for the purposes of improving the mods made here, or for future tips for the authors of said mods.

Level Design - 10/10
It is clear that a large amount of effort was put into the level design. The amount of trial and error involved in this was probably very high and shows dedication to the project. The quality of a mod like this hinges on good level design that keeps the viewer engaged despite not controlling the character themselves. My favorite part was when the player was zig-zagging between the falling presses. The fact that the level ALSO had to be designed in such a way that it could be completed without the autopilot is also very impressive.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10

No original art or music, but the tiling was good and had no mistakes.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 5/10

Albeit I didn't have the patience to figure out how to get through most of the mod without the autopilot, a mod like this obviously lacks any sort of gameplay whatsoever. However, the usage of the default Cave Story mechanics to manipulate the player the way that the mod does means that the mod doesn't completely lose out in this category.

Creativity - 3/10

A mod very similar to this called "Don't Let Go" was submitted for another contest a while back. I don't remember if it was SeasonsOfDestiny who submitted the mod, but this sort of thing has admittedly been done before. The idea of creating an autopilot is not anywheres near as hard as actually making the autopilot work, which is why the mod scored so highly in the "Level Design" category but will not score very highly in this one.

TSC - 10/10

I did not detect any errors in the TSC, and the usage of TSC was shown to be sufficient.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10

There were no unnecessary files, and the .zip contained an individual folder for the mod instead of all the mods files being contained directly in the .zip (making it easier to unpack and start playing the mod). Grammar was good and there was no unwarranted or unprofessional dialogue.

Level Design - 6.5/10
The level design was challenging, when you followed its intended path. But there were a lot of areas that you could just skip and other areas where you weren't exactly sure if you were going the right way. Additionally, it was mostly flat and zigzagging, with no really complex patterns or design. There were also areas where the cat's energy orbs couldn't reach you, leaving you completely open and vulnerable (I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, but sometimes there's no way to avoid it with the way the cat's AI works, which is unfair).

Art, Music, and Tiling - 9/10
The art was genuinely some of the best I've ever seen. The trees look amazing detailed. The music is also very pleasant and enjoyable, and fits the mood of the mod perfectly. There were, however, some glitches where the birds would turn into Gaudi temporarily after firing, and other places where the tiling was just slightly off, which unfortunately prevented this mod from getting a perfect score in this category. The title screen was disappointing as well and did not prepare the user for any of the excellent art that came afterwards.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 8/10
Using the cat as a weapon with its energy orbs, and attempting to manipulate these orbs in the best way made the gameplay for this mod very fresh and engaging. However, I didn't realize until my second playthrough the cat's orbs would be drawn towards you if you held down the attack button. A little clarification on how the cat's weaponry worked (or even that it existed at all) would have eased entry into gameplay. Otherwise the gameplay was very good.

Creativity - 7/10
The idea behind making an NPC spawn bullets in order to "protect" you or act as your weapon is something I've never even heard of before and was extremely creative. However, the concept could have been portrayed in a more creative way. The NPC could have been a robot protector as you were guided through the map. Instead, it's just a cat that's there. Additionally, the ending was completely half-assed. You just fall out of the world and the credits roll. That's it. The ending definitely brought down the score for this CAT-egory a lot (#catmonth #puns).

TSC - 8/10
The save option seems a little buggy, and no text appears, which was a little awkward. The final death dialogue before the credits roll seems slightly bugged as well. Additionally, the credits are the same as vanilla Cave Story but with no ending events such as the Credits images.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 6/10
The mod was not given a serious title. Furthermore, the title of the entry is immature and unwarranted. There were no points deducted for grammar, since the cat's grammar was clearly intentionally poor (and the rest of the mod lacked any sort of grammar errors at all). However, there were certain parts of this mod that just felt half-assed or rushed. The titlescreen was hard to look at and lacked content. The ending lacked any sort of content, and rather than alter or bypass the Credits they were just needlessly tacked on to the end. I can appreciate a humorous mod, but none of the "funny" parts in this mod were all that funny and just seemed lazy.

Level Design - 2/10
There wasn't really any levels at all. The rooms where you access the music player and what not were just blank squares. Additionally, the minigame itself was rather bland.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 4/10
The art was pretty good, and the music was not half bad, but it was nothing stunning. The tiling was uninteresting and just pretty bland in general.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 6/10
This category got a high score not because of the gameplay (that was incredibly bland and boring). This category scored high for mechanics. The game was basically completely reworked and incorporated an entire new coding language. I don't have any experience with this sort of thing but to me that's rather impressive, and I've never seen a music player that you can so easily alter implemented into a Cave Story mod. Unfortunately, outside of the minigame the mod lagged HEAVILY, I mean like 1FPS or something, which detracted from my enjoyment of what content there was.

Creativity - 2/10
There was little to no creativity present within the mod at all. The idea of a music player has been done before, although it was taken a step above and beyond what is normally done.

TSC - 8/10
No scripting errors as far as I can tell. I have a feeling that very little TSC was actually used, however. I was disappointed that the minigame completely lacked sound effects however, which is why this category scored a little lower.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 6/10
The mod the didn't contain serious grammatical errors and took on a generally professional atmosphere. So professional, in fact, that it felt more like a Proof of Concept than a mod. As a result, I am going to remove some points here for lack of content.

Level Design - 1/10
The levels are just vanilla Cave Story.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 1/10
The art, music, and tiling is still just vanilla Cave Story.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 1/10
The gameplay is basically vanilla Cave Story.

Plot and Creativity - 5/10
Admittedly, nobody has ever thought to do a voiceover of Cave Story as far as I know, so it was pretty creative. The audio was very amusing for about five minutes, and then I got bored. I played through to the end of the demo but the humor lost its touch after a while. Serious voice acting might have improved the score for this category. I wouldn't play a full version of this.

TSC - 5/10
It's basically vanilla Cave Story. However, there was likely some editing done to include all of the audio, and the text was changed occasionally, and there were no errors there.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 6/10
The grammar was good where it wasn't intentionally bad, so there were no points deducted there. A lot of the humor in the mod was well done, suprising, and amusing (for a short time at least). I especially liked the audio that played when you refilled your health at a health station ("That's the healing sound!"). However, the intro with Kazuma is a little needlessly inappropriate and does not further the amusement that the mod brings at all. I have nothing against inappropriate jokes, in fact, I think they're hilarious, but only when they're done well and not just thrown in there. In retrospect I might've been a little hard on this mod, but at this point there should be more original content in a mod and less vanilla stuff.

Level Design - 7/10
The level design in this game varies greatly. I especially enjoyed the Outer Wall and the first stage, but some of the other stages (like Egg Corridor) just didn't feel right to me. Additionally, there were a lot of tower locations that when combined were extremely overpowered. On the Outer Wall, putting Super Missiles on each of the first three tower locations makes it basically impossible for anything but the Rainbow Critter to get past.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10
There is a rather small amount of new tiles, but what is new looks good. Additionally, despite using the original tilesets for the most part, there were no copy-and-pasted locations or anything like that. The music gets extremely repetitive after a while on each stage, however, and there's not a lot of new music either. The character sprite is incredibly simple, and TBH even just the original Quote sprite would have been better.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 8/10
I really, really enjoyed playing this. I only like very particular Tower Defense games, and this one managed to match the style I prefer (this felt a lot like Bloons Tower Defense). There were not too many glitches involved, although sometimes the camera would continue panning even after all the critters were dead. Luckily there were failsafes implemented to fix that when it happened. Overall the gameplay was refreshing and the mechanics ingenutive and interesting.

Creativity - 10/10
I was actually really amazed to find how well done this mod was. I didn't think it would work very well but you managed to pull it off. Also, I enjoyed getting to play as a Critter in the Bonus Stage. I feel like the weapons should have been firing to make it more challenging than just platforming though. All in all, however, job well done with this mod.

TSC - 10/10
There were no errors with the TSC that I detected.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
The mod was clean and professional-looking, and there were no grammar errors.

Level Design - 5/10
It's not that there was anything particularly wrong with the level design, but there was just nothing remarkable about it. Every area was mostly straightforward. Note that I didn't get much farther than the "Never shred edible wheat" room because I got extremely tired of getting nothing but that god-awful fan random encounter. That was just the worst.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10
As usual, Noxid didn't disappoint when it comes to art and music. However, the design of the areas in the top left corner was rather bland, and I paid a lot more attention to the map and much less attention the screen.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 9/10
This mod was probably the most ingenutive I've seen gameplay-wise. Turning Cave Story, a platformer into... well I'm not sure what the genre is called, but to turn that into a game like this is extremely impressive. However, some of the random encounters were just really annoying to have to do, and personally I stopped playing early on because I kept getting the fan minigame where you had to jump from platform to platform with the red-screen terminals. That one was the worst and I got it quite frequently.

Creativity - 10/10
A mod like this has never been done before and took a great deal of creativity to pull off. I won't mention anything about the plot, however, since I didn't play the mod long enough to find out how it goes. I've never really liked games of this style so I lost interest rather quickly, but nevertheless this mod deserves a good score here.

TSC - 10/10
I'm not sure how much TSC was involved here and how much was ASM but either way, there were no bugs or errors that I encountered.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 9/10
There were no grammar errors as far as I can tell, but certain things that appeared in the mod needlessly detracted from the otherwise serious atmosphere of the mod. I appreciated the "dat boi" reference but in reality it wasn't necessary at all.

Level Design - 6/10
There wasn't really anything fun or interesting about any of the levels, and they were relatively small (usually only the side of one screen). There just wasn't anything remarkable about them.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 6/10
The art is... all the same color. There's no contrast between anything. I won't deny that it's good, but it's bland. Additionally, there are only two music tracks, the level theme and the title theme. Like with the rest of the mod, there's a general lack of tiling.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 2/10
The gameplay wasn't new or interesting. You just ran around shooting things and collecting HP until the end of the mod. There's little to no engagement involved whatsoever. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the mod a little, but I could have just as easily just ran around the Sand Zone or Grasstown and gotten the same amount of satisfaction.

Creativity - 2/10
There's very little creativity to be had in this mod. Nothing exciting or interesting happens, you just run around collecting XP and shooting things until eventually you come across the start room again and the mod ends.

TSC - 7/10
There were a few errors in TSC, like the opened chests still being interactable but not having any set script, and with some chests not having any scripts associated with them anyway. I also heard the text error sounds a few times.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 7/10
There were no grammatical errors that I detected, but the change in mood between the titlescreen and the mod itself is a little disconcerting and kept me on edge through the mod. I kept expecting something else to happen but nothing did. As a result I deducted points for lack of content.

Level Design - 5/10
The levels are kind of flat, and everything is hard to see so you're constantly falling into pits and dying. There needs to be more than just the color green in the mod.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 2/10
The art looks terrible. I'm sure it would be fine if it were colored correctly, but it's not. It's incredibly difficult to see anything in the mess that is this mod's art and tile styling. Additionally, some of the music (in fact, most of it) is a little grating to the ear.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 2/10
It's extremely difficult to play, because of the way the art makes everything look the same color. It's hard to tell the difference between solid tiles and non-solid tiles. I get that you were trying to be artsy with the lack of color, but there needs to be more contrast.

Plot and Creativity - 5/10
I did not even really get farther than the middle of the first cave, because of the bad contrast and painful colors, but from what I saw of the plot it looks like it has a lot of potential. Unfortunately, I was unable to experience it or enjoy it due to how hard it was to see everything, including the text in some cases.

TSC - 5/10
I somehow managed to drown after the first set of dialogue and had to restart the mod. Additionally, the "Hand Gun" and the "Knife" still have their vanilla CS descriptions.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
The atmosphere was at least stable and professional, and there were no grammatical errors. But this is the only decent aspect of the mod as it stands. Lara has a lot of potential, but first you need to fix that art.

Level Design - 5/10
The level design varied widely from simplistic, straight hallways to complex rooms full of paths. This was very good. What frequently annoyed me was enemy placement. Often there would be enemies right beneath where a player dropped into a room, or right in front of (if not on top of) the player's spawn point in the next room. Sometimes enemies would be hidden under blocks that you wouldn't otherwise realize were not completely solid. Additionally, with the way the art style worked, you couldn't tell what type of critter each one was. As you got further on into the levels you were often surprised to find higher health or differently powered critters that looked identical to all the other ones.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10
I enjoyed the simplistic stylization of the mod. However, the fact that the ENTIRE mod, INCLUDING the boss fight, use the same repetitive track over and over is not only a bad choice stylistically but it gets annoying. I understand that the mod was probably inspired by the Labyrinth in the old Zelda games (yes, I recognized the music), but the music was repetitive BACK THEN, nevermind now.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 6/10
The Polar Star's damage was nerfed so much that you basically could not afford to lose any level or you would have a hard time going back. I found myself resetting my save just to farm XP frequently, which is not something one should feel like they have to do. The Critters should all have their health nerfed so that the max level Polar Star can at least two shot them. When you get towards a later point in the mod you find yourself having to hit Critters three or four times with the max level Polar Star, and if you drop to Level 2 then you're really fucked over.

Creativity - 6/10
The gameplay format is generally uncreative. It's clear that the mod is heavily inspired by the Zelda Labyrinth (as stated before). The guns were rather simplistic, and although I did admire the "long range switch hitter", it could only be used in one instance and therefore made it more of a nuisance to cycle through than anything else. The art is purposely simplistic, and still rather good (more appeasing to look at than Lara's green nightmare). Like the other mods, the ending is extremely anticlimactic as well. I did not figure out what was up with the "Spirograph" pedestal (whatever a "Spirograph" is). I can only assume there were two possible endings.

TSC - 9/10
I didn't encounter any TSC errors, but I feel like the switches should have had a more satisfying "click" sound instead of silence when they're activated. The mod generally lacked sound effects, which was disappointing.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 9/10
The mod maintained a generally professional atmosphere with little text to be grammatically incorrect in the first place. However, the little "easter egg" with the cat in the box was kind of dumb and unnecessary and was sort of just pandering to the Cat Month aficionados.

Level Design - 2/10
The levels are mostly flat, and short. There are problems with the way the enemies move about which I'll address momentarily.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 2/10
The art is very good, but the tiling is really bad. Aesthetically it looks fine, but when you try to walk on it there's a lot of problems with what's solid space and what isn't. The cat post in the far right room makes you teleport. The stairs in-between the floors also cause you to teleport or sometimes block your movement. The enemies often get caught in these areas making it impossible for them to move around.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 2/10
There isn't anything interesting about the gameplay in this mod at all. It was short, boring, and at times completely flawed.

Creativity - 4/10
The idea of making a mod about the world from the perspective of a cat is cute, but you really didn't do anything with it. You made life seem as boring for a cat as it appears to be for humans.

TSC - 2/10
There were a lot of errors in TSC. If you try to go see "big brother" before you go see "little brother", his dialogue freezes and you have to reset the game. Even if you see him when you're supposed to, his dialogue drops off (there's no <NOD command at the end). The boss fight with the "Floater" has some of the text error sounds at the end. Finally, if you try to continue the text after "THE END" appears, the game crashes.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 5/10
Although the mod was generally professional there were a few grammatical errors, such as the frequent misuse of commas and a few missing words in the dialogue for the washing machine.

Level Design - 1/10
The levels are mostly flat, or have an awkward feel to them. The abnormal house shapes also tend to give the mod and amateurish feel.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 2/10
The two original music tracks that play are used rather well, and sound good. However, the original Cave Story music that is present in the mod seems a little out of place at times. Additionally, the art for the face pics is just bad. Everything else looks rather nice, however.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 1/10
There's very little in the way of actual gameplay. It's just walking from place to place.

Plot and Creativity - 2/10
The plot is very creepy and sort of forced, with no exposition as to why the Mimigas and Humans both think the other is going to kill them. And by creepy, I don't mean the good kind of "spoopy house" creepy, I mean the "ew what the fuck get away from me" kind of creepy, especially with the whole "nuzzling" thing. Not EVERYONE on the forums is a furry.

TSC - 10/10
There are no TSC errors that I encountered.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 2/10
There are frequent grammar mistakes (such as incorrect capitalization). The mod as a whole seems sort of amateurish. I'm not sure how to exactly describe it, but I'd equate this mod with a bad beginners mod if it weren't for the good TSC work.

Level Design - 8.5/10
Dude, seriously. FUCK the part with the sideways presses. That was completely not okay. And fuck the part with the crystal on the instant death spikes. Those were just not fun. A lot of the places required perfect timing with the short-range booster. Seriously, fuck this level design. It was tough and challenging but also frustrating. You could've extended the jump ability just a tiny bit. And that final boss fight, being unable to even attack the main entity most of the time, with blocks for -10 being randomly dropped on you... ugh. Nevertheless, it was frustratingly challenging.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 9/10
The art was fantastic, the tiling was fantastic, but disappointingly there was a lack of original music. There was no reason not to have original music, especially considering the quality of the rest of the mod. Additionally, I felt like the central area (where you get all the crystals) could be a little more... beefy. There should be more tiling towards the top of the map there. Otherwise, very good.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 5/10
This mod was extremely frustrating at times. I actually used Booster's Lab to skip the part with the sideways presses. Fuck that shit. But that brings up another point...

Plot and Creativity - 8/10
The plot was interesting and engaging enough that I actually put in the effort to get to more of it. This is the only mod that I actually took the time to edit in Booster's Lab to skip the boring/frustrating/broken parts just so I could see the rest of it. I was disappointed at the end of the demo when there was no clarification as to what Lori was doing there. There is a complete lack of exposition, and it was disappointing.

TSC - 10/10
There were no TSC errors.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
There were no grammatical errors and the mod kept its intended tone and remained professional.

Level Design - 1/10
The first map is just a closed off and slightly edited Yamashita Farm (I can tell). The second area is from Rave Story. Those are the only two maps, which means that only 50% of the mod was made after the start of the contest, which is TECHNICALLY against the rules for entry.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 5/10
As with the other Rave Story titles, the music is pretty good. The art design on some of the characters is good as well. Other than that it's either vanilla CS or from Rave Story.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 0/10
There's no gameplay. And murd made it into the mod, but I didn't. *cries silently* Additionally, the mod consists mostly of inside jokes I don't get or wasn't personally a part of.

Creativity - 0/10
The mod is the third installment (or fourth?) of the Rave Story series, so the idea has already been used before. And there's no plot or gameplay whatsoever. Just character dialogue. There's no content in this thing whatsoever.

TSC - 5/10
There's no real content in the mod. There are admittedly no TSC errors but I can't in good faith give any part of this mod a 10/10.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 1/10
I think Spirit made this piece of shit either last minute or in order to purposely throw his entry into the contest into the gutter so other people had a chance to win prizes. If so, good for him. If not, shame on him.

Level Design - 8/10
There wasn't a whole lot of level to begin with, but what was there was fun. The sloping made it easier to destroy tons of critters with the Invincibility Star. That was immensely fun. Just two problems. The Rainbow Critter's transformation takes place behind a foreground tile, which looks pretty crappy. Secondly, the void where you fight the Rainbow Critter's second form could use with some border tiles and some reference points (special sections of background tile, some sort of decorative NPC, something). Other than that, very nice.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 10/10
The art and music is enjoyable and pleasant to both look at and listen to. The titlescreen was especially interesting.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 10/10
Gameplay was dynamic and challenging. I only barely defeated each form with barely any HP left to spare. There was the right amount of fun and challenge. I enjoyed playing this a lot.

Creativity - 10/10
Adding Mario references into Cave Story is nothing new, but this mod took it to a whole other level than just "Mario stuff in Cave Story". It not only physically created the effects of the Invincibility Star, it also included a unique set of bosses that made this mod incredibly enjoyable.

TSC - 9/10
I didn't encounter any TSC errors, except for upon requesting that the game window be closed. The <ESC command should've been used, but instead the mod forces and error, which is in poor taste. However, since it was mostly intentional (I think), I didn't take a lot of points off.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 9/10
The mod maintained a professional atmosphere and there were few grammar errors. There were maybe one or two in the post-game dialogue with the computerized BLink, but other than that there were none.

Level Design - 7/10
The level design is fairly interesting but mostly involves trial and error. There's nothing intuitive or reflexive about any of the rooms in each area.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 10/10
The art, music, and tiling is all fantastic. The art is tasteful, colorful, and pleasant to look at. The music both sounds good and is used exceedingly well. Even the vanilla Cave Story music does the mod justice. I especially liked the new added bass to "Pulse". It sounded really, really fucking awesome. Well done.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 8/10
Although the mod adds little to the original CS style of "fight enemies until the end of the stage", this mod definitely felt like it was the "final level" of a much larger game. Despite not developing any of the characters at all, the mod still had a climactic feel to it. The intro cutscenes were especially well done. I also appreciated the Ikachan reference in the intro scene. I also enjoyed not having to worry about enemy drops. However ,there were some... odd issues I encountered with the final boss fight against Mecha Mitch (geat villain name by the way, lol). Sometimes the invincibility would not work properly and you could take 20-30 damage from attack that normally did 5 or 10 damage. Additionally, shots would occasionally go right through the fish missiles without destroying them. This could be a graphical error or a trick of the mind - i.e. the enemies just barely avoided hitting the hitboxes of the bullet.

Creativity - 9/10
The mod was definitely intruiging and interesting. Admittedly the "breaking the fourth wall" thing has been overdone severely lately, but this mod had an interesting take on it. And the Fourth Wall nonsense wasn't expected at all.

TSC - 10/10
There were no TSC errors that I encountered.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
Although there were moments of humor in this otherwise serious mod, they were done tastefully and contributed to the general enjoyment of playing the mod. I especially enjoyed the name of the villain (the great and terrible MITCH), as well as his weaknesses. To be perfectly honest I expected the main villain to be Aar, which would have been hilarious, but you opted to take a more serious tone with the mod, which I appreciate nonetheless. In general I consider this one of the best mods in the contest. Well done.

Level Design - 1/10
I couldn't for the life of me get past the first room.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 1/10
The only music I heard was from vanilla Cave Story. Everything remained plain and virtually the same as vanilla Cave Story. Additionally, just because you make a challenge mod involving tiling doesn't mean you can't make it look nice, and the tiling didn't look any good from what I saw of it.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 1/10
I couldn't get past the first room. I tried for 30mins.

Creativity - 1/10
Challenges of this type have been done way too many times before.

TSC - 5/10
Occasionally when I landed on the rocks, I'd be able to walk around underneath them for some reason. Other than that, no TSC errors.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 5/10
IDK if you tested this mod for difficulty or had someone playtest it, but it requires way too much precision right from the start. I gave up on trying this one.

Level Design - 5/10
There's no clear direction that you're supposed to go in. A level should naturally guide you in one direction toward a given goal. Additionally, there were times when what you were supposed to next was unclear. I gave up on trying to figure out what to do after I got to the blood-stained altar. Additionally, enemy placement was often very unfortunate for the player, due to the nonexistent range on the Level 3 shuriken.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10
The art and music was pretty good, but some of the tiling was misleading and got me killed. I thought you could land on the mushrooms at first and died accordingly.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 5/10
To be honest, I had to try and keep myself de-leveled to the Level 2 shuriken because having no range on the Level 3 shuriken is extremely frustrating. The point of having a weapon like that is to stop enemies from hitting you by hitting them first, but most of the time the enemy would hit you and then die from the shuriken. This was especially problematic over crevices where you could fall, because enemies (especially those damn tracking flames, which there were way too many of to combat effectively, making it pretty much impossible to balance or jump onto platforms sometimes) would often be placed perfectly so that they'd jump and hit you before being hit by the shuriken just as you needed to be jumping across a chasm.

Creativity - 2/10
This mod was mostly just running around attacking things. I could detect a plot of any sort, I really don't understand what it was about. Additionally, for some reason this knight is using a ninja's weapon? I'm not sure what this mod was going for.

TSC - 5/10
There were a few notable errors. I'm pretty sure the lack of any boss appearing near the bloodstained altar is a glitch, and there was some text error sounds before entering the temple. Additionally, it was very hard to read text because the text background was, while pretty, not dark enough.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 7/10
The mod generally lacked grammar mistakes but had too many issues to earn a perfect mark here.

Level Design - 1/10
It's vanilla Cave Story, basically, but uglier. I get that this is purely for the purpose of showing new modders what not to do, but if that's the case, you should show them how to properly set tiles so they're not square and ugly.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 1/10
What original tiling is present is unappealing. Otherwise it's basically vanilla Cave Story.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 1/10
There's nothing different about the gameplay at all, for the most part.

Creativity - 1/10
I myself have recommended and even attempted to make an interactive intro session for beginner modders. It was never finished, but nevertheless, this has definitely been thought of before.

TSC - 1/10
It's basically vanilla Cave Story. Additionally, text tends to keep scrolling beyond three lines, which causes the player to frequently miss dialogue.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 1/10
There are a good number of grammar mistakes. Also this mod sets a bad example for new players. And there's even less content than any of the other mods here.

Level Design - 5/10
The levels are rather flat and not very interesting. It's also awkward to navigate through some areas, like the pure green areas.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 3/10

Some of the tiling looks bad, like the "exit area" at the top of the area where the horizontal blocks are. The music is REALLY bad and difficult to listen to. The area with the green tiles has needs more contrasting colors. I don't know what it is with some of these mods but making an area entirely in one color isn't pretty. The UI, text , and weapons looks pretty good though.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 2/10
The "Save Anywhere" feature is interesting but incredibly glitchy, as you can save over an enemy's spawn point and have no idea you're doing it. Additionally, music will not restart in a room where the save feature is used. After getting the reverse-gravity Fireball, there's this little green thing that "attacks" you. I don't understand how you're supposed to beat it, and it kind of just glitches its way into attacking you. I gave up there. The lack of needing to use the down arrow to interact with things is interesting but unnecessary.

Creativity - 2/10
I didn't get very far into the mod, but from what I saw there was generally nothing interesting. The thing that was the most creative might have been that glitchy green attack thing, but I don't understand how you're supposed to get around it.

TSC - 7/10
There was that bug with the "Save Anywhere" feature that I mentioned. The <MS3 command would've been better for textboxes, as it's harder to read the <MS2 command in lighter areas. Other than that the TSC was fine.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
The mod does at least retain a professional demeanor and maintains good grammar throughout.
Jul 26, 2016 at 5:36 AM
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Level Design - 1/10
The first map is just a closed off and slightly edited Yamashita Farm (I can tell). The second area is from Rave Story. Those are the only two maps, which means that only 50% of the mod was made after the start of the contest, which is TECHNICALLY against the rules for entry.
actually that's incorrect, you're allowed to incorporate resources from past mods into your modcon mod. if we all followed this then most of the mods in our modcon would be disqualified :P

And murd made it into the mod, but I didn't. *cries silently*
try being a meme for a while and maybe you'll get to be in a mod someday

General Professionalism/Grammar - 1/10
I think Spirit made this piece of shit either last minute or in order to purposely throw his entry into the contest into the gutter so other people had a chance to win prizes. If so, good for him. If not, shame on him.
i understand not liking rave bar because of the injokes, lack of gameplay, and "it's just talking to people",
but calling it a piece of shit is just super mean :((((((((((
if you havent read my dev notes on why i made rave bar, then i suggest you go do it. it might give you insight on why it's such a "shitty mod"
if you have already then ???

obviously i just want DT to get the rave 2 cameo, LOL!!!

also for fuck's sake man the incorrect grammar was INTENTIONAL
try reading homestuck or ANYTHING SIMILAR :V

tl;dr: little spirit is big upset
Last edited:
Jul 26, 2016 at 5:50 AM
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Actually, it might be the Greek letters; renaming the folder so that it doesn't have Greek letters would probably work. (I renamed a folder of a mod to something in Greek and that made the mod unplayable…)
CS hates special characters in folder names. Stick to ASCII characters and you can never go wrong.

Because, if you're an english speaking canadian that attended public schooling the puzzle is probably immediately obvious - we're taught the mnemonic "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" as a way to remember the orientation of North, East, South and West on a compass.
But the mnemonic doesn't seem to specify clockwise vs counter-clockwise, so it really doesn't tell you anything except "south is opposite to north".

I never had a mnemonic for compass orientation in school, it was something that you were expected to remember on your own. However we did have one for the planets in the solar system, which was "my very eager mother just served us nine pizzas" (Pluto was classified as a planet back then).
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Jul 26, 2016 at 6:13 AM
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@SuperJaws100 How about we have a little heart to heart, shall we?

Level Design - 7/10
The level design is fairly interesting but mostly involves trial and error. There's nothing intuitive or reflexive about any of the rooms in each area.
Thank you, I play many Mega Man-esque gamesm and I'm sure that trial and error's not for everybody.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 10/10
The art, music, and tiling is all fantastic. The art is tasteful, colorful, and pleasant to look at. The music both sounds good and is used exceedingly well. Even the vanilla Cave Story music does the mod justice. I especially liked the new added bass to "Pulse". It sounded really, really fucking awesome. Well done.
I'm just too used to hearing the CS3D/+ version of Pulse. The vanilla version just sounds too empty without it.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 8/10
Although the mod adds little to the original CS style of "fight enemies until the end of the stage", this mod definitely felt like it was the "final level" of a much larger game. Despite not developing any of the characters at all, the mod still had a climactic feel to it. The intro cutscenes were especially well done. I also appreciated the Ikachan reference in the intro scene. I also enjoyed not having to worry about enemy drops. However ,there were some... odd issues I encountered with the final boss fight against Mecha Mitch (geat villain name by the way, lol). Sometimes the invincibility would not work properly and you could take 20-30 damage from attack that normally did 5 or 10 damage. Additionally, shots would occasionally go right through the fish missiles without destroying them. This could be a graphical error or a trick of the mind - i.e. the enemies just barely avoided hitting the hitboxes of the bullet.
But I never called it Mecha Mitch. :V Also, I didn't realize that TSC bosses can take away your invincibility when I made this mod, I just took the idea straight from Japanese Cave Story 2.

Creativity - 9/10
The mod was definitely intruiging and interesting. Admittedly the "breaking the fourth wall" thing has been overdone severely lately, but this mod had an interesting take on it. And the Fourth Wall nonsense wasn't expected at all.
Weren't you the one who killed the whole fourth wall breaking thing the entirety of last year? I'm just saying, I understand it coming from everyone else who has rated my mod, but it sure doesn't sound like that should've come from you, of all people.

TSC - 10/10
There were no TSC errors that I encountered.
Yeah, there probably aren't any TSC errors.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10
Although there were moments of humor in this otherwise serious mod, they were done tastefully and contributed to the general enjoyment of playing the mod. I especially enjoyed the name of the villain (the great and terrible MITCH), as well as his weaknesses. To be perfectly honest I expected the main villain to be Aar, which would have been hilarious, but you opted to take a more serious tone with the mod, which I appreciate nonetheless. In general I consider this one of the best mods in the contest. Well done.
Yeah, I see a couple things wrong with your comments here. I'm pretty sure you're saying you liked Mitch's name very sarcastically. So pretty much, you didn't like his name at all. Also, given that you have mentioned that Aar should've become the villain twice now, something tells me that you have something against him. That is very uncool. and by the way,,,,,,,,, grammer isn'''t being judged at all??????????
Jul 26, 2016 at 6:21 AM
Eevee Enthusiast
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Level Design - 10/10
It is clear that a large amount of effort was put into the level design. The amount of trial and error involved in this was probably very high and shows dedication to the project. The quality of a mod like this hinges on good level design that keeps the viewer engaged despite not controlling the character themselves. My favorite part was when the player was zig-zagging between the falling presses. The fact that the level ALSO had to be designed in such a way that it could be completed without the autopilot is also very impressive.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 7/10

No original art or music, but the tiling was good and had no mistakes.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 5/10

Albeit I didn't have the patience to figure out how to get through most of the mod without the autopilot, a mod like this obviously lacks any sort of gameplay whatsoever. However, the usage of the default Cave Story mechanics to manipulate the player the way that the mod does means that the mod doesn't completely lose out in this category.

Creativity - 3/10

A mod very similar to this called "Don't Let Go" was submitted for another contest a while back. I don't remember if it was SeasonsOfDestiny who submitted the mod, but this sort of thing has admittedly been done before. The idea of creating an autopilot is not anywheres near as hard as actually making the autopilot work, which is why the mod scored so highly in the "Level Design" category but will not score very highly in this one.

TSC - 10/10

I did not detect any errors in the TSC, and the usage of TSC was shown to be sufficient.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 10/10

There were no unnecessary files, and the .zip contained an individual folder for the mod instead of all the mods files being contained directly in the .zip (making it easier to unpack and start playing the mod). Grammar was good and there was no unwarranted or unprofessional dialogue.
I think you are having the same issue zxin had when he played through Autopilot. When the mod implies that you need to press a few buttons to access a hidden easter egg, it doesn't mean that you need to beat the entire mod manually. Rather, you pay attention to your surroundings and look for the right time to move.

I'll even give you a little hint:
Try looking around at the end of the map. Don't forget that the mod has multiple maps.

It would have been nice if you looked at the included Credits.txt at the very least before saying I didn't include any custom assets.
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Jul 26, 2016 at 6:52 AM
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SuperJaws called Spirit's mod a "piece of shit," which is technically hate, thus leading me to believe that he didn't actually play/test my mod because the second to last sign of my mod was a speech against giving hate on the forums. That, combined with the fact that the review was unhelpful (in that it offered no advice for how to improve, and it struck me as being a little too picky and too negative) leads me to take his review with a grain of salt. Where 'a grain' is an entire Imperial ton.

Okay, I know my mod was rushed and needs serious work, but a one out of ten in every category? Come on, man, that's just harsh. I'm not going to give hate back though because I don't want to start more drama on the forums and it is clearly the more professional option for something like this (<SARand you gave me a one out of ten for "General Professionalism/Grammar"<END.)

Don't start drama over something relatively insignificant kids. It doesn't do anything good for anybody and it's not worth it in the end.
Jul 26, 2016 at 6:53 AM
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Also, I enjoyed getting to play as a Critter in the Bonus Stage. I feel like the weapons should have been firing to make it more challenging than just platforming though. All in all, however, job well done with this mod.
Well, if you've downloaded the latest version, IDK when, that fixed the towers. It also makes it a lot harder...
Jul 26, 2016 at 7:04 AM
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none of these feel like the lack technically as bad as they are made out to be? Maybe not Lara and a stretch OES, but So you Have shouldn't be so low because of the spiky hell It's a bad hit but not enough to put it in bottom tier imo.
None of these are particularly poor or anything, they just don't really fit in anywhere higher up.

Reworked rankings, now with points and notes:
Preface: Like I said I'm taking this gently. I'm not sure what something would have to do to get a 'perfect' score, I'd have to see it to know it. The point gaps are mainly what matters anyway.

Seasons Tier
Autopilot - 38 - There's some complex enemy manipulation + everything seems to work?
STARZZ - 37 - Some slightly janky enemy/player movement in parts of the fights but that's all.

Upper Tier
Critter TD - 36
H4CK3R.STORY - 35 - Both these mods feature deep hacking and scripting, with some minor errors here and there. TD ahead because it's more complete and its errors aren't as potentially gamebreaking (anymore (afaik)).
The Final Level - 35 - Minor entity awkwardness in parts.
Metronari - 34 - Also minor awkwardness ('walking' transition animation, Switch Remote can be picked up multiple times after resetting, the final area on the right can be completely skipped in a way that doesn't appear to be intentional)

Mid Tier
Precious THotS - 32 - Good scripting effects and polish in places marred by lack of time to test in others and and entire cutscene map being skipped :sue:
KILLJOY - 32 - Functional but very short/unfinished.
cat gay - 31 - The level and weapon design are effective but very unfinished and also some screen glitching.
Cave Story - Live and Uncut! - 31 - Voice clip timing can get messed up in places. Making this sort of content isn't that easy though and what there is has been rather well-produced.
Valastos - 30 - Text visibility issues, needs mode changed to be 'playable', incomplete. Otherwise the levels themselves function properly.
catfall - 29 - Gets credit for some fancy implementation of a selfmade system but the game itself is spammy and undertested. There was plenty of time to update it as well.

Vanilla Tier
Pierce Feverdream - 29 - One ending option doesn't work. Very simple overall.
RAVE BAR - 28 - TSC is mostly good, however the bar scene is reset upon reloading the game.
The Water Challenge! - 28 - It's a room! It's a pain to get past the first part but it works! Hooray!

Not-Mid Tier
Σο ψου Χαμε - 28 - Lots of awkward pausing for text. Weapon and level balance issues.
One Eye Story - 26 - Somewhat unnatural use of map elements to achieve desired effects. Can be confusing about where it expects you to go.
Lara - 26 - Overall visibility somewhat hampered. Often scripting niggles during text and scenes. Heading back into the caves sends the player to the wrong end. Unfinished.
WTDWM - 26 - Not much useful modding advice or quality TSC work.
This will probably still need some work so keep up with the feedback. I thought I was going to be able to do this before voting started so now I'm hesitant to shake too hard by making the gaps much larger :hoppy:

Yeah, I mean there isn't really any good reason for me wanting to extend it, other than to make it end on the last day of the month and because there are a lot of mods to play. It would only add 3 extra days to the voting period, but it sounds like you all don't think it's necessary. Can more people voice their opinions so I can get an idea of if I should extend it?
It would be nice if there were a little more than only three days left I think
Jul 26, 2016 at 4:18 PM
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It would be nice if there were a little more than only three days left I think

But everyone's voted already? I'm pretty sure that nobody is going to change their vote at this point.

If anyone would like an extension surely they would speak up sometime very soon.
Jul 26, 2016 at 4:25 PM
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But everyone's voted already? I'm pretty sure that nobody is going to change their vote at this point.

If anyone would like an extension surely they would speak up sometime very soon.
There are still people who can vote who haven't yet. I don't have a complete list, but I haven't seen a vote from Safu.
Jul 26, 2016 at 4:58 PM
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Alright, so after some discussion in the modding Discord I've decided to go ahead with the extension for voting. This means that the voting period/contest will officially end at the close of the month, or Sunday, July 31st 11:59PM EDT. This isn't much of an extension, only three days, but hopefully it should give those who haven't voted extra time to play the large amount of mods we have. If it's any consolation to those who may have preferred no extension, I'm hoping DT and I can calculate everything and have the scores ready by the end of the voting period so the results can be posted right away.
Jul 26, 2016 at 9:51 PM
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Yeah, I see a couple things wrong with your comments here. I'm pretty sure you're saying you liked Mitch's name very sarcastically. So pretty much, you didn't like his name at all. Also, given that you have mentioned that Aar should've become the villain twice now, something tells me that you have something against him. That is very uncool. and by the way,,,,,,,,, grammer isn'''t being judged at all??????????

LOL no I genuinely liked Mitch's name, because it reminded me of Phineas and Ferb when I used to watch that as a kid, and was nostalgic, and I thought Aar was the villain because he has that little cat-person profile that he uses in his modding videos, and what not, and I thought it was all going to turn out to be one big CS meme. I have nothing at all against Aar.

Geez, so eager to see hatred in my comments.

SuperJaws called Spirit's mod a "piece of shit," which is technically hate, thus leading me to believe that he didn't actually play/test my mod because the second to last sign of my mod was a speech against giving hate on the forums. That, combined with the fact that the review was unhelpful (in that it offered no advice for how to improve, and it struck me as being a little too picky and too negative) leads me to take his review with a grain of salt. Where 'a grain' is an entire Imperial ton.

Okay, I know my mod was rushed and needs serious work, but a one out of ten in every category? Come on, man, that's just harsh. I'm not going to give hate back though because I don't want to start more drama on the forums and it is clearly the more professional option for something like this (<SARand you gave me a one out of ten for "General Professionalism/Grammar"<END.)

Don't start drama over something relatively insignificant kids. It doesn't do anything good for anybody and it's not worth it in the end.

Your mod generally lacked content. I said at the beginning of my post that if you barely changed the physical gameplay, that I'd basically give the mod minimal scores.

Additionally, I did playtest your mod. But then I discovered it was pretty much vanilla Cave Story all the way through and stopped.

actually that's incorrect, you're allowed to incorporate resources from past mods into your modcon mod. if we all followed this then most of the mods in our modcon would be disqualified :p

Thanks for clarifying this. Still, pretty much everyone else who didn't do a partial edit of Cave Story didn't recycle 50% of their mod OR only have two tiny original maps as far as I can tell.

try being a meme for a while and maybe you'll get to be in a mod someday


i understand not liking rave bar because of the injokes, lack of gameplay, and "it's just talking to people",
but calling it a piece of shit is just super mean :((((((((((
if you havent read my dev notes on why i made rave bar, then i suggest you go do it. it might give you insight on why it's such a "shitty mod"
if you have already then ???

obviously i just want DT to get the rave 2 cameo, LOL!!!

I thought you did this because I believe you were one of the people everyone was saying would win. I guess you didn't make this bad mod just to let other people win, which I would've respected. Instead you're throwing a tantrum because you want people to treat you kindly when you produced a completely substandard product when you're an experienced modder. If you were a major gaming company like Bethesda, and you released a game that is completely amateurish and looks like it was done by SEGA, you would get tons of anger and hate there too. If you genuinely thought this entry was legitimate at all you were wrong. I apologize for hurting your feelings, but I stand by what I said. Your mod was just really, really bad.

After reading your dev notes, it seems apparent that you were pressed for time. You could've just released a demo for A.5 instead. And there's NO WAY that Rave Bar took you a week to make.

also for fuck's sake man the incorrect grammar was INTENTIONAL
try reading homestuck or ANYTHING SIMILAR :V

If I said anything about grammar it was an accident... I did most of these reviews like five or six at a time and yours was one of the last ones I looked at on that given day, I might've been misguided in the grammar. Either way I didn't take off points in that final category for grammar. The last category was where I deducted points to balance how I generally felt a mod performed. Yours was completely unappealing to me, due to the injokes and lack of gameplay.

tl;dr: little spirit is big upset

Answered in bold text.
Jul 26, 2016 at 10:13 PM
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I thought you did this because I believe you were one of the people everyone was saying would win. I guess you didn't make this bad mod just to let other people win, which I would've respected. Instead you're throwing a tantrum because you want people to treat you kindly when you produced a completely substandard product when you're an experienced modder. If you were a major gaming company like Bethesda, and you released a game that is completely amateurish and looks like it was done by SEGA, you would get tons of anger and hate there too. If you genuinely thought this entry was legitimate at all you were wrong. I apologize for hurting your feelings, but I stand by what I said. Your mod was just really, really bad.

After reading your dev notes, it seems apparent that you were pressed for time. You could've just released a demo for A.5 instead. And there's NO WAY that Rave Bar took you a week to make.
okay so let me take this one step at a time

Superjaws said:
I thought you did this because I believe you were one of the people everyone was saying would win.
if anyone said this ever it was either as a joke or because they didn't know any better
honestly idk why anyone ever thought my mod for modcon would be good, considering i lead everyone on for a month before showing any actual work
wherever you got this info is probably outdated

Superjaws said:
I guess you didn't make this bad mod just to let other people win, which I would've respected.
yeah thanks
because my mod didn't live up to whatever superficial standards you have means that it's shit i guess (re: this is SARCASM. i am making a cynical joke. if you don't understand this then i don't understand you)

Superjaws said:
Instead you're throwing a tantrum because you want people to treat you kindly when you produced a completely substandard product when you're an experienced modder.
did you see that as a tantrum? i saw it as a sardonic rant about how upset i was that someone was calling my mod shit
all the stuff about wanting people to place my mod first is just a JOKE. it's a huge joke that i personally campaign because i, with a couple others, think it's funny.
i want realistic reviews of my mod, not "this is shit and i expected so much better".
that doesn't help me at all, and in fact makes me both want to make more mods similar to it just to spite you and completely stop modding.

Superjaws said:
If you were a major gaming company like Bethesda, and you released a game that is completely amateurish and looks like it was done by SEGA, you would get tons of anger and hate there too.
well im not sure how exactly this is relevant, seeing as a company isn't a singular person and also i'm just a young, independent modder with no real skills in anything

Superjaws said:
If you genuinely thought this entry was legitimate at all you were wrong.
this puts a ton of salt in a wound that was already gaping open.
honestly, have you seen some of the less developed mods? i don't want to diss anyone because i'm not a total dick and i know that most either had time constraints or couldn't do better due to some manner of thing happening in their life, but come on.
any entry, as long as it doesn't invalidate any rules and/or isn't disqualified due to some reason, is legitimate. don't come at me with that weak ass shit

Superjaws said:
I apologize for hurting your feelings, but I stand by what I said. Your mod was just really, really bad.
see: points 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5

Superjaws said:
After reading your dev notes, it seems apparent that you were pressed for time. You could've just released a demo for A.5 instead. And there's NO WAY that Rave Bar took you a week to make.
the demo for a.5 was LITERALLY 5 lines of dialogue and a broken choice box
there was no way in hell i was gonna be able to release it in time
also i'm sorry that i constantly deal with motivational issues? and i'm also sorry that drawing somehow takes up most of my time? ?? honestly

so that's that
personally i agree with the injokes not being funny outside the targeted audience and how the no gameplay turned some people off
otherwise ?
Jul 26, 2016 at 10:21 PM
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Jul 26, 2016 at 10:26 PM
beep boop
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I finally finished my reviews of all these mods.

Level Design - 1/10
I couldn't for the life of me get past the first room.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 1/10
The only music I heard was from vanilla Cave Story. Everything remained plain and virtually the same as vanilla Cave Story. Additionally, just because you make a challenge mod involving tiling doesn't mean you can't make it look nice, and the tiling didn't look any good from what I saw of it.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 1/10
I couldn't get past the first room. I tried for 30mins.

Creativity - 1/10
Challenges of this type have been done way too many times before.

TSC - 5/10
Occasionally when I landed on the rocks, I'd be able to walk around underneath them for some reason. Other than that, no TSC errors.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 5/10
IDK if you tested this mod for difficulty or had someone playtest it, but it requires way too much precision right from the start. I gave up on trying this one.

Yeah my mod is pretty much all of that. I wanted to put something in, and I kinda just took one of Stove's challenges and made it harder and larger. If only I made more backups...

I played it a lot, but I guess I didn't realize it was so hard due to me playing Stove's easier version a whole punch. I made the null npc into the rocks, but didn't realize that they didn't take up the whole tile. I planned to actually do some new tiles, but kinda gave up. I was practically yelling at the ashes of a horse to materialize back into a horse and drink boiling water.
Last edited:
Jul 27, 2016 at 12:15 AM
The "C" in "college" is for "crippling debt".
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so that's that
personally i agree with the injokes not being funny outside the targeted audience and how the no gameplay turned some people off
otherwise ?

If you read the rest of my review and looked past the curse word, you'd realize that literally all your mod consisted of was in-jokes and material that already existed in Rave Story. I understand that recycling content wasn't specifically against the rules, but the point of this contest was uniqueness. Since 50% of this mod was recycled, it's not very unique.

I can't have accounted for all that other stuff you were talking about (not having A.5 ready, motivational issues, etc) when I was reviewing this mod. I reviewed this mod purely for what it was: a bunch of recycled content and in-jokes with no gameplay. I apologize if your feelings are hurt. I too suffer from motivational issues, and it always hurts when someone talks negatively about something you worked hard on, but I'd rather have people tell me what I've done wrong so I can strive to do better. Is it nice to have people do so as gently and considerately as possible? Yes. But that's not how life works.
Jul 27, 2016 at 12:22 AM
"Life begins and ends with Nu."
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literally all your mod consisted of was in-jokes and material that already existed in Rave Story. I understand that recycling content wasn't specifically against the rules, but the point of this contest was uniqueness. Since 50% of this mod was recycled, it's not very unique.
Jul 27, 2016 at 12:26 AM
Professional Whatever
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I apologize if your feelings are hurt. I too suffer from motivational issues, and it always hurts when someone talks negatively about something you worked hard on, but I'd rather have people tell me what I've done wrong so I can strive to do better. Is it nice to have people do so as gently and considerately as possible? Yes. But that's not how life works.

Constructive criticism is good and no you don't have to be super gentle when giving feedback. However, your opening statement about the mod was literally "this is a piece of shit and was obviously made as a joke." There was no way you could have been less constructive or more of a dick in that post.

Edit: Okay I looked at your actual post (I was looking at spirit's quote of your post originally) and it looks like you did actually give feedback on the mod which is good. Still though dude don't fucking call people's mods pieces of shit or jokes
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Jul 27, 2016 at 12:34 AM
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Constructive criticism is good and no you don't have to be super gentle when giving feedback. However, your opening statement about the mod was literally "this is a piece of shit and was obviously made as a joke." There was no way you could have been less constructive or more of a dick in that post.

See, this is why I have regrets about putting out content of any sort. SOMEBODY always has shit to say about it. I spent literally hours of my time making these reviews, but I would've been better off just throwing in my ratings and not giving any feedback whatsoever.

My opening statement about the mod WAS NOT "this is a piece of shit and was obviously made as a joke". That was my closing statement, which leads me to believe you didn't even bother to read the review.

Level Design - 1/10
The first map is just a closed off and slightly edited Yamashita Farm (I can tell). The second area is from Rave Story. Those are the only two maps, which means that only 50% of the mod was made after the start of the contest, which is TECHNICALLY against the rules for entry.

Art, Music, and Tiling - 5/10
As with the other Rave Story titles, the music is pretty good. The art design on some of the characters is good as well. Other than that it's either vanilla CS or from Rave Story.

Gameplay and Mechanics - 0/10
There's no gameplay. And murd made it into the mod, but I didn't. *cries silently* Additionally, the mod consists mostly of inside jokes I don't get or wasn't personally a part of.

Creativity - 0/10
The mod is the third installment (or fourth?) of the Rave Story series, so the idea has already been used before. And there's no plot or gameplay whatsoever. Just character dialogue. There's no content in this thing whatsoever.

TSC - 5/10
There's no real content in the mod. There are admittedly no TSC errors but I can't in good faith give any part of this mod a 10/10.

General Professionalism/Grammar - 1/10
I think Spirit made this piece of shit either last minute or in order to purposely throw his entry into the contest into the gutter so other people had a chance to win prizes. If so, good for him. If not, shame on him.

I don't use profanity at all until the last part. And I told this to Spirit, but I throw profanity around all the time. I don't use it in a vehemently negative connotation, and I don't consider the related meanings of the word (like the fact that "shit" is equivalent to feces) when I use profanity. Perhaps that's something I should change. But I could have easily replaced "piece of shit" with "bad mod" and they'd have had the same connotation when I was reading them.

Also, I'd like to point out the tone of the rest of the review. It's not angry or ranting or anything. You people just saw that last section and assumed I was being cruel and mean. Well, I wasn't angry before, but now I am.

(Also, sorry for calling you a "he" Spirit, I didn't know you were female).


1. Do you know how much a person can change in two years? Do not dig up shit from two years ago and use it in an argument about the here and now.
2. What's the point that you're even trying to make?


Hold the fucking phone, I just remembered. There's a part of the mod where a Rainbow Critter meant to represent Thomas Xin within the mod is portrayed as being "unnatural" or something like that... it was a clear insult directed at Thomas Xin, and I'm looking up the exact text now...

...I don't know how or why I was born but I regret it. I'm so goddamn unnatural. I mean I'm good at ASM I guess but otherwise...

If you want to talk to me about being mean after that little addition to the mod, then you're a hypocrite.
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Jul 27, 2016 at 1:16 AM
Professional Whatever
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I see you didn't notice my edit.