Super glad that this has received such a positive response so far. I truly look forward to playing all the entries. Even if you're not a veteran like Noxid or Safusaka, I believe any of you can make something just as great if you put your heart into it

Also, as a side note,
@DoubleThink and I have went through careful deliberations regarding contest details. Even though this won't be relevant until the contest closes, the judging details have been updated. Check the original post if you want to know more.
I was working on a mod for a previous contest, but lost all of the work due to a hard drive failure. Would I be allowed to remake what I had worked on and use my previous idea for my submission?
Yep. Assuming that means you're starting the mod from scratch, you can re-use any old ideas or whatever else you may have leftover from your work.
P.S. Why no 3rd place reward??
You know, if there are a reasonable amount of entries (which there should be, going by the reception so far), I could totally throw together a third place prize too. I'll make an announcement when the time comes.
tbh though end of june is pretty close up. I wouldn't be opposed to a date extension of some sort, since we don't even really get the full month here.
This was among the various topics I was discussing with your fellow staff member. When conceptualizing the contest, I realized I didn't want it to go on for too long. There are a lot of tiny reasons for this, and overall I think it's possible to create a perfectly good mini-mod in 20+ days. However, your point is noted. I will say that, under the right conditions nearing the end of the submission period, an extension would be considered. I do NOT, however, want to give people the false impression that they're getting an extra week already. The deadline is still the end of June.