Jul 27, 2024 at 6:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 20, 2015
Location: Under sea level or something
Posts: 809
Age: 26
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It fills a small niche for people that are either really lazy or in the dark when it comes to messing with files or filesystems.Honestly, reading through these last few posts, I still don't see the point of creating a whole-ass launcher for Cave Story mods. I thought one of the main appeals of CS mods is that, being based off of a freeware game, you could just distribute the executable and everything and it would be ready right out of the box. You can't really get much more easy to understand than downloading a zip file and clicking on the program to run.
Moreso if I actually bother improving the UX and add useful things like profile.dat management.
That aside it could also be argued that if enough people show interest in the concept there's more purpose to building an archival system that could be more easily integrated.
And otherwise the whole reason I made it back in '18 was "because I felt like it and it was kinda fun to make it".
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