One explanation I thought is perhaps it is implied that Quote gets to the core SOONER if he doesn't check on the professor. Logistically speaking this probably isn't true since it can take a lot of repeats to get the jump successfully and the 0.8 makes the rest of the levels a lot easier, but in theory with perfect tactics, perhaps Quote gets to the core before the tow rope disappears.
Why did it disappear? I'm not sure, maybe the core ate it, or Misery took it, something like that.
NimoStar said:
Maybe some misterios creature -perhaps a Cthulhu- was looking (lurking) for a way to climb/go down a cliff.
So, if you don't take the rocket 0.8 he finds that first and the rope is still on its place. But if you don't take it, that creature will look elsewhere and find and take the rope. Which is the reason you don't find it later.
The main problem I see with this is that 0.8 is the prototype for 2.0. I believe it is strongly implied (like with the book shelf in last rest) that the professor needs this to upgrade to 2.0.
I don't think this would be possible if a monster stole it from him.
In fact, think of this: the 0.8 is what allows Booster to survive that fall in the first place. Odds are, your not taking it from him is actually what allows him to continue surviving.
When he crashes, he is depressed and gives it to you, but in a way, he is giving up on himself and his dream of perfecting the 2.0. But if you don't check on him, he has a revelation on near-death and manages to perfect it and uses it to escape and get back to his house.
carrotlord said:
I'm not sure your theory of the Cthulu/creature finding the v0.8 (if you don't take it) makes sense. Booster would have kept the v0.8 and fixed it up to create v2.0. Unless he somehow ditched the v0.8 and created v2.0 entirely from scratch.
Blah, I should read whole thread before writing theories others already came up with =( One thing
carrotlord said:
Clearly, your actions in-game affect the carelessness of Quote. If you don't make the jump correctly, you have bestowed unto Quote a degree of carelessness. He will not notice the rope and disregard it as junk. Otherwise, if you can make the precise jump, Quote's thinking will be more exact, and he will notice the small yet sometimes important details such as the rope.
The only contradiction I see here is that to me, ignoring Booster falling to his apparent demise and just continuing on your way seems somewhat more careless... I guess it could mean Q's more focused on terrain specifics (an asset in finding the tow) as opposed to living beings' specifics.
if you make the jump, Quote has OCD. It takes some patience and a certain degree of more-than-normal attentiveness to your surroundings to make the jump (to see the red mark on the block). Obviously if he makes/notices the jump, he has OCD, thus granting him the power to find the rope. It's a lot like that theory, but instead of not being careless, it means Quote has OCD (which is almost what would be required to figure out the good ending on your own).
I like this, but much like the play-speed idea, this is something that is variable upon gameplay. The problem is that this approach is based upon making the jump: if you get the booster 0.8 you are not required to equip it. This means that you can choose not to equip it and still make the jump unassisted and still get OCD.
Mike73 said:
The reason I thought Booster fixed the Teleporter was because he thought there was no one there who could go in his place to save Sue. So, he kept his will to live and fixed up the teleporter, seeing as it was his only chance to escape and save Sue.
Otherwise, if Quote checks on him, he leaves it all up to Quote, thinking that it's over for him and that Quote can take over and save Sue instead. If Quote ahdn't arrived, he would have thought there was no one to take over for him.
Yeah, basically this =)
No, you've never able to collect it after the fight (like if you skip the booster but don't pick it up before, you can examine it but not pick it up). But if you get the booster, it's just gone, for no real reason.
Maybe Curly picks it up, since she sees that you have a lot with you, what with you already having a booster.
If that were the case, then rather than giving up her air tank, why wouldn't she use it to tow your unconscious corpse to safety? Or, even if she didn't, why wouldn't you be able to loot her corpse for it? Don't tell me Quote wouldn't do it, he took her panties, he has no scruples.
darkcrusader said:
I think that the reason you can't get the tow rope when you have the booster is that the Booster v 0.8's design was somewhat bulkier than the v 2.0, so you wouldn't be able to carry Curly on your back and use the booster at the same time.
This shouldn't prevent you from finding or picking up the tow rope, it should simply prevent you from carrying Curly while having the booster equipped or in your inventory.
If this were the case, you would be able to pick it up and it would say "she's too heavy" or "I can't get a grip on her" and probably give you the option of dropping the Booster in favour of saving her.
Marirowwaffleninja9000 said:
? said:
I think it might be that if you take the time to go help Booster, you take just enough time for the rope to be gone by the time you get there. The cause: the rising water washed it away while Booster died and you took the time to climb back up.
Who wrote this? I didn't see this post until you quoted it, was it one of those ones removed later? It's similar to the idea I got later about time except the idea of erosion vs. theft is interesting and equally plausible.
thecrown said:
The door is blocked because it would be messed up to force Quote to leave Curly again, so fate, Pixel, makes it impossible.
It does always come down to fate, but we should try to interpret it within the game logistics. The way I reason it is: having the 2.0 vs. the 0.8 allows you to, in general, progress through the game and boss battles faster. Since everything starts falling apart after the final battle, it is assumed that you escape faster based on the 2.0 (even though it is not time-based and you can lag around with the 2.0 vs. doing your best with the 0.8) and so, less debris has fallen and the door hasn't been blocked.
Alternative theory though: perhaps someone came and reinforced the cabin. I would guess either Booster or Jenka. If Booster lives, perhaps he stops by the cabin to check on his old books, and he installs some kind of shelter device that keeps debris from destroying the door.
Alternatively, perhaps Jenka did it since the portal to where her brother is kept is in that place (for some inexplicable reason).
Alternatively, perhaps Curly did it on her way in? Perhaps she was on her way to help you but by then, the final battle was over, and debris covered the entrance, and she heard a voice calling to her and busted open the entrance and went in to see what it was, and then you catch up with her.
darkcrusader said:
If one was in a three dimensional plane, he would not need to jump over the chasms which lead to death after passing through Chaco's firplace. One could simply rock-climb across. Quote also can't dodge enemies, which he could do if he was traveling on a larger three-dimensional plane. There are also bridges that some people can walk on that are space you have to jump over, indicating another area on the z plane you can't travel on (most notably the bridge Santa walks over after you give him his key).
Let's try to come up with weird explanations for this:
1. While initially Q is unequipped, from the moment he gets the polar star he will always have a weapon in his hands, as it is impossible to switch to being weaponless. Therefore, Q's hands are not free for rock-climbing.
2. Q's locomotion systems are not designed for lateral travel, they are built around ideal forward/back and up/down movement. What we would say is, he is capable of flexion/extension but a meagerly limited amount of abduction/adduction or lateral flexion.
3. Q instinctively avoids flimsy bridges as he is a heavy metal robot who would break them and ruin the Mimiga's best fishing spot.