• Hey everyone happy Christmas Eve we're aware of what's happened with the source code so to keep this simple absolutely don't post it on the site or use it to make mods with (it's not particularly preferable toward this end anyway) and tread lightly in general until we see how this settles, thanks to all and have a great holiday season -DT

(Completed) Fan Fiction: The New Demon

Jan 22, 2012 at 11:16 PM
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When your finished,i sugest you copy paste it to a notepad page, upload it to fanfic.net and psot a link. i want the full story,this is AWESOME! V--(@-@)--V
Jan 22, 2012 at 11:47 PM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 20, 2012
Location: Chaos Castle
Posts: 93
When your finished,i sugest you copy paste it to a notepad page, upload it to fanfic.net and psot a link. i want the full story,this is AWESOME! V--(@-@)--V

Thank you, and I will.
Jan 22, 2012 at 11:51 PM
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When your finished,i sugest you copy paste it to a notepad page, upload it to fanfic.net and psot a link. i want the full story,this is AWESOME! V--(@-@)--V

I too await the rest of this story, until now it has been a tense story with a wild and interesting story-line. I very much like the way you changed an enemy as unconsidered as Puu Black and changed him into a major threat and I loved the way you explained the black crystal, brief, but well done.
Jan 23, 2012 at 12:12 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 20, 2012
Location: Chaos Castle
Posts: 93
<p><p><p><p><p>(The New Demon continues.) Thanks to Quote freeing the mimiga at the plantation, Mimiga Village was fuller then ever! Yet it also meant many more mouths to feed. "Coming right out!" replied Kanpachi, bearing a plate of fish. Suddenly, the ground quaked. It only happened for a second, but it was ominous. A piece of ceiling fell down. "What was that?" asked Jack. "I bet it was those time bombs in Egg Corridor." said Kanpachi.



"Itoh! What are you doing with Puu Black?" asked Curly. Itoh chuckled in response. "Everyone though I was a coward," he said, "but the Demon Crown will show them better. Puu Black shall wield the ultimate weapon! Ballos is here to see you two, by the way." From behind Puu Black emerged Ballos, as alive as if Quote never fought him. In Ballos's hand was the Demon Crown, which he gave to Puu Black. Putting it on his head, Puu Black said, "Too late, soldiers. Now I'll show you what real power is!" Puu Black raised his hand, and Balrog burst through the ceiling. "You are my new slave, Balrog. You kept these two alive." said Puu Black. "I see you and I look alike, but we are nit truly alike." With that, Puu changed into mist, and covered Balrog. He suddenly became black, like everything that Puu Black takes over. Itoh went to a teleporter behind him and went away. Balrog raised his arm, and the floor started to break underneath Quote and Curly. They fell through the ground, Black Balrog laughing from above./////Mimiga Village..."I'm worried about what  is taking Quote so long," Kanpachi said. Jack replied, "Should we go check on them?"/////Egg Corridor...Since last time they had been here, Egg Corridor looked mostly fixed up, minus the eggs. "Quote, do you know where we're going?" asked Curly as they walked. Quote simply nodded, so the only thing to do was move forward. Nothing eventful happened, and they got to outer wall safely. "Quote, what do we do about this..." Before she could finish, a dragon flew down the wall, and roared at them. Snatching at Curly, she jumped back. Behind the first dragon came another. It was the dragon sisters. Curly's nemesis didn't make a dent in the sisters' scales.  Quote considered using his missle launcher, then remembered something. Motioning for Curly to step back, he started charging the Spur. It finished just as a sister roared at him. Quote unleashed the full lazer right between her teeth, and she fell over, down and out. The other sister roared and charged Quote before he got the Spur charged. Just before she ate him, a rocked hurled over Quote's shoulder and landed right in her throat. She fell down, choking on this missle. She was out quickly. "Quote!" Jack said from behind, running over to him, Kanpachi following along at a fast pace. "We thought the Time Bombs were back from the explosions we heard!" Curly said "Is that what you're doing here? Anyway, thank you for saving us, but we have to keep going." "Where are you going?" asked Kanpachi. Curly answered, "To find Ballos and Puu Black and destroy the Demon Crown." /////Plantation..."Itoh, you're service is no longer needed. Your dragons fell to a rock and a gun. Is that what you call unstoppable?" demanded Black Balrog. "Sir..." Itoh stammered, but Black would hear nothing of it. Using his magic, he threw Itoh out the door to Outer Wall. Ballos asked, "Why do you enslave me as such? A normal person would have chains, but I am enchained to you by my own magic!" "Enough out of you," Black responded. "I think you will do well as a use for the Red Crystal."/////Middle of Outer Wall..."What are you saying?" Curly asked Itoh, after having caught her. He answered, "Puu Black is more powerful than I thought. He has Ballos, the Red Crystal and the Demon Crown at his side. He has captured the strongest on the island under Ballos's and his power. He can tell that Ballos is hiding information, however. Puu Black won't stop until he finds out who Ballos is hiding, so he can complete his army." "Who does Puu Black have so far? " asked Curly. "Besides Monster X and the Sisters, who you both defeated?" Itoh said. "Omega, Ballos, Balrog, Misery, the Red Ogre, Igor..." "Wait, isn't Igor supposed to be gone?" asked Curly. "Not anymore. He was revived by Ballos and made rabid by the Red Crystal. He is the leader of the Gaudi army." Itoh said. Curly said, "No more talking! We have to go fight Puu Black and rescue the last fighter!" With that, Curly and Quote continued climbing. /////Plantation...(continued later this page)
Jan 23, 2012 at 5:11 AM
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I would like to say something. This guys preety boss. he's doing this,and when he started he only had like 16 posts. This man is ether a crazed madman,or a the worlds greatest storywriter.
Jan 23, 2012 at 11:09 PM
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If you two just want to whisper sweet nothings we have profile messages and PMs, but nobody needs to see page after page of you two slathering one another in hot, sticky gratitude
Jan 23, 2012 at 11:14 PM
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Shut up. Realy,just shut up.
and atlest i dont fap to pokemon.
Jan 24, 2012 at 2:48 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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Noxid said:
If you two just want to whisper sweet nothings we have profile messages and PMs, but nobody needs to see page after page of you two slathering one another in hot, sticky gratitude

Sorry about that, Noxid. I just wanted to say I am grateful that I know how well my story is going. I don't want a verbal fight.Anyway, now for what I think is the next part of the New Demon."You two are persistant, aren't you?" said Black Balrog. Curly replied, "We won't let you take the last fighting member of this island!" "So you know of my plan," said Black. "That won't stop me from finding them!" Out of nowhere, Quote realized something, and said "It." Curly looked at him in surprise That was the third word out of his mouth since his amnesia, and evac and yrots didn't seem like true words. Curly understood what Quote was saying. The final fighter was an It, not a he or a she. Black, however, realized even more what this meant. "You lead me to this 'it', boy, or you won't be recognizable as a thing!" Black said. Quote replied by shooting him with the missle launcher. Caught by surprise, Black was pushed back to the wall. "You need to learn a lesson in respect, boy!" shouted Black. Leaving Balrog, who fell over unconsious, Puu Black turned into a mist. The crystal came down from the ceiling, and Black enveloped it. Quote and Curly dodged the black crystal's first flying charge at them. Then the black crystal shot off lightning at them, despite being in a closed cavern. They countered by launching some missles and nemesis shots. All of it just phazed through the crystal. They would never defeat it this way. Quote had other plans, however. He grabbed Curly's hand and ran her down to the Passage. Puu Black tried one more time reasoning with Quote to give up and show him the last fighter. Quote, surprisingly said "Yes." Shooting his last missles into the ceiling above the crystal, he said "There." Looking up, Puu Black saw nothing for a second. Then, the Heavy Press, guardian of the seal chamber, came down. Quote looked on as the black crystal cracked underneath the weight. When Heavy Press landed, Puu Black was no more. They saw Ballos on the other side of the room, however, and got their weapons ready. Ballos merely said, "There is no need for that, you two. I do not intend to let my magics stay." With that said, Ballos went outside to perform magic. Puu Black's magic had outused his magical power over his eye on the Crown. Ballos was free to live out life the way he had wanted it. Going down to Egg Corridor, he took the teleporter to Sand Zone and lived with Jenka. Quote and Curly rode Balrog over to the Sakamoto's house. Itoh dissapeared, along with Igor and the Red Ogre. Monster X was fixed by Omega, who returned to life at Sand Zone with his new-found friend. Jack and Kanpachi went back to normal life. The sisters now live in Plantation. Leyon continued to live in the city, but he knew what needed to be done next. /////Sakamoto House..."Balrog!" shouted Sue. "You got some mail from some guy down in the eastern part of the town!" Looking in, Balrog found a pack of Ultra Missles, upgraded from his old Super Missles. Leyon had seen how it was to give his weapons, and how well they were taken care of, no matter the version. Puu Black had found, no matter the strength of the weapon you have, you have to use it right.
Jan 24, 2012 at 3:50 AM
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Wow. That was a great fanfic. I wish i had this as a book. i realy do. This could make for a great mod. Lord shad is a amazing writer.
Jan 25, 2012 at 4:49 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
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I haven't had time to add this to the fan fic site yet. Besides saying that, I am also here to say I am considering making a sequel. I have a couple ideas so far, but if any of you wants to add one, that would help me.
Jan 25, 2012 at 4:54 AM
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I read it. Pacing is a bit rushy, but the writing isn't bad, per se.
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:00 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 20, 2012
Location: Chaos Castle
Posts: 93
I read it. Pacing is a bit rushy, but the writing isn't bad, per se.

What you mean by the pacing is to rushy? If you mean the no-paragraph format, it won't let me do it all the time on 3DS, apparently. I'm gonna fix that up when I use my actual computer to transfer the story to the fanfic site.
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:09 AM
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Oh, no I meant that events seem to come along too quickly. It's not a serious criciticism, and is something common to short stories. It's nice to see someone writing CS fiction.
Jan 25, 2012 at 5:22 AM
"This is the greatest handgun ever made! You have to ask yourself, do I feel lucky?"
Join Date: Jan 20, 2012
Location: Chaos Castle
Posts: 93
Oh, no I meant that events seem to come along too quickly. It's not a serious criciticism, and is something common to short stories. It's nice to see someone writing CS fiction.

Thanks. I got the idea to make this from theory threads, like The Doctor Lives?!, and other fanfics like the sequel to Sue: Which is the World for Me?, which used Puu Black as a main enemy and Itoh as the true evil guy (flipped it here)