Jun 9, 2011 at 3:25 AM
Join Date: Apr 9, 2011
Posts: 376
Age: 32
Who all is working on what right now? I'm not really sure what I should be doing.
Cripplechair said:Who all is working on what right now? I'm not really sure what I should be doing.
HyMyNameIsMatt said:I'm doing text box stuff at the moment. Um... how bout stuff in the Carret sheet?
Cripplechair said:Weapon particles? Humm, sure.
Also, we'll either have to not put water in any of the maps, or change it so the player sprite swaps to they 'laying down' sprite on the mychar sheet, because there's only one 'drowned' sprite and a handful of different mychars to choose from.
HyMyNameIsMatt said:I think we need to make a standard character sheet. A soldier mimiga perhaps. Why don't we both make one and see what the people decide.
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,20
mov dword ptr [local.4],0C8
mov dword ptr [local.3],0
mov dword ptr [local.2],0D8
mov dword ptr [local.1],10
mov eax,[arg.1]
mov ecx,[eax+8]
shl ecx,4
add [local.3],ecx
add [local.1],ecx
mov eax,[49E184]
shl eax,5
add [local.3],eax
add [local.1],eax
mov ecx,[arg.1]
add ecx,34
mov edx,[local.4]
mov [ecx],edx
mov eax,[local.3]
mov [ecx+4],eax
mov edx,[local.2]
mov [ecx+8],edx
mov eax,[local.1]
mov [ecx+0C],eax
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
LunarSoul said:Hail to you, sir! I'll plug that in later, but soon. (I have the school too.)
Now I gotta make a drowned sprite too.
Ollie said:Wait, were we supposed to do something?