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Community Minecraft Server!

Jan 28, 2011 at 7:30 PM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Okay, now that Notch's servers are fully moved (and he's on vacation, so he can't fuck anything up), I can run the server more reliably.
Everyone who joined has ben very helpful, and has not screwed everything up even once. Congraturation, a winRAR is you. However, since this is a group project, we need rules anyway.
1. Type !rules when you join.
Not that hard. The message of the day tells you to.
2. No griefing.
I don't care if you want to harvest someone's stupid wooden shack for materials, you should ask them first.
3. Your efforts should go towards the group project.
Don't set up your own base of operations, do your own thing, and offer to trade materials with us. I'll just use the "give" command to spite you, then kick you out.
4. There is no such thing as useless blocks.
Noxid set up a trashcan of lava, but I haven't taken it out because of rule #2. Even dirt is useful.

The server's up now, and craftmining is underway.

EDIT: I may have said some things about Notch that were less than complimentary. In response, Notch made a generous donation of "fuck you":

The server is now Sparta, I guess.
Jan 29, 2011 at 12:57 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Yakkers said:
I hope you know we're making this.
I'll do it myself if I have to.

This is a nice idea, but it would be more practical if it used storage carts, rather than a system of canals. A lot of the stuff will just go to waste otherwise.

Also, I've taught myself how to make redstone combination locks in the time that the servers have been down and I would love to put this skill to good use in this server for some kind of community project, if there is such a project where this would be useful.
Jan 29, 2011 at 1:08 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Uncy Dave said:
This is a nice idea, but it would be more practical if it used storage carts, rather than a system of canals. A lot of the stuff will just go to waste otherwise.
Then you would need a minecart and track for each garbage can, and that would make the whole thing a massive resource drain, not to mention the space it would take up. And then you'd have to move the minecarts back every time they're moved... I think the sewers will work, as long as someone checks them often enough.
Uncy Dave said:
Also, I've taught myself how to make redstone combination locks in the time that the servers have been down and I would love to put this skill to good use in this server for some kind of community project, if there is such a project where this would be useful.
I can think of a few applications for this, depending on the size. How big would a combination lock be?
Jan 29, 2011 at 2:41 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

You are right that you'll need a lot of iron if storage carts were to be used...
I guess I'm being too ambitious.

And in regards to combination locks, any somewhat complicated redstone operation requires quite a bit of space. The best place to hide circuits in generally in underground spaces. It's probably easier to make them above ground, given that there isn't any need to clear space for the wiring, although hiding the wiring in an aesthetically pleasing way is a little bit of a challenge.

The exact size of the wiring depends on the complexity of the lock, for example a lock with three switches does not take a huge amount of space [In my functional test of this I needed about 7x17 blocks of space (The switches were spread quite far apart in this test s I'm sure I could easily make it a bit shorter)]. If the lock had three switches however, the combination would be fairly easy to guess. I've made a five switch lock which required about 12x14 blocks. Part of the size also depends on the correct combination itself.

In the five switch lock the correct combination was:
(T=True/Powered F=False/Unpowered)


The most space consuming aspect of these locks is having to make the False switches shut off the door's power when touched. If the combination was something like this:


I imagine the wire space would have been larger.

I haven't made any bigger locks, simply because it starts to get ridiculously huge, and difficult to put together in general. I'm willing to give it a go, if you have the space to spare.
Jan 29, 2011 at 2:50 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Once we have something worth locking we'll give it a go. I'm thinking an obsidian vault where we can keep rare stuff.
Jan 29, 2011 at 3:24 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

So someone tell me how this whole minecraft business works.
Indeed, I have already registered. Lace was taken for some inexplicable reason, so my nom de nom is the obvious second choice of AccordionMaster. Dost I need to buy in order to do multiplayer?
Jan 29, 2011 at 4:14 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Lace said:
So someone tell me how this whole minecraft business works.
Indeed, I have already registered. Lace was taken for some inexplicable reason, so my nom de nom is the obvious second choice of AccordionMaster. Dost I need to buy in order to do multiplayer?

Yeah, you need to pay 15 euros in order to play survival mode. You can play creative mode for free, but it's just a very basic and limited version of the game.

If you enjoy the creative version, you will love survival. I suggest you play that one first, and base your decision on whether to buy it or not.

Also, once the buildings for the forums are complete, this server needs some big-arse Cavestory sprite art.
Jan 29, 2011 at 4:56 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Uncy Dave said:
Also, once the buildings for the forums are complete, this server needs some big-arse Cavestory sprite art.
It's going on the cliff that overlooks the town.

And Lace, Minecraft Classic doesn't even compare to Beta. There is the creative aspect, which is similar, but there are switches and torches and water physics (oh my!) in Beta. Not to mention the monsters.
Dear lord the monsters.
Jan 30, 2011 at 9:10 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

I'm sorry to ask this, but has the server just been offline for a while, or is it my problem for being Australian?

I would quite like to have your time-zone to compare with mine, so I can get an idea of what sort of hours I'll be able to play on, now that the Notch has moved the servers.

Jan 31, 2011 at 5:58 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Uncy Dave said:
I'm sorry to ask this, but has the server just been offline for a while, or is it my problem for being Australian?

I would quite like to have your time-zone to compare with mine, so I can get an idea of what sort of hours I'll be able to play on, now that the Notch has moved the servers.

I haven't put the server up in a long time. Interest in it was minimal last week, and it takes up my time to run it. Any time I'm not using the computer, my dad will probably take it, so I have to be on it while the server is up.

I plan to get a dedicated server, but I don't have computers lying around (not ones that could run a server, anyway).

Any schedule I can set up at the moment probably wouldn't work for you, since I'm living in GMT -8. Even running it overnight probably wouldn't work. But I will set a schedule, and I'll try to accommodate Australians and Europeans when possible.
Feb 3, 2011 at 7:26 PM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Server schedule is 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM GMT -8 (Pacific Standard Time) erry weekday. Weekends are crazy business when I'll put it up whever someone asks. Sadly, this schedule means no Australians escept on weekends.
Feb 4, 2011 at 12:42 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

so what you're saying is...
I'll never be able to log on.
Feb 4, 2011 at 6:50 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Perfect schedule to make it impossible for a good portion of people in education or people who have an occupation.
Feb 4, 2011 at 7:03 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Take it up with my dad who refuses to set a time that he can't be on the computer. So I have to leave it running when he's at work. I guess I have no choice but to get a decent computer (I need one anyway).
It's not my fault I can't move out.
Feb 4, 2011 at 11:42 AM
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Amazing, a schedule where it actually is beneficial to be on the east coast.
Feb 4, 2011 at 7:55 PM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!


Residential IP addresses are dynamic. You have to pay money and stuff to make them static. So the IP is now
Feb 5, 2011 at 12:58 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!


I'm still having problems, I'm afraid to say.
Last night I tried to log on, but it wouldn't let me connect, even though the front page is saying its online. I've tried again today with the new IP adress, but it's still coming up with the "Failed to connect to the server. Connection refused: connect" message.

I think this is a problem at my end, so I wouldn't expect you to know what the problem is. I guess I'm just quite frustrated since I've been unable to play on this server for so long. When I first played on it, I loved it utterly.

I hope it doesn't sound like I'm nagging you or anything. Despite all these problems with timezones and whatnot, this is probably my favourite server I've ever played on.
Feb 5, 2011 at 1:44 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Sounds like I forgot to change the "online" to "offline."
Sometimes I wonder how I ever learned to breathe.
Feb 5, 2011 at 2:29 AM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Oh that's okay.

If my hasty calculations are anything to go by, I'll be unable to play on weekdays, unless I get up really early before school.

I think I'll be content If I can play on weekends. It's a shame that you can't cater for everyone, but it can't really be helped if your dad needs the computer at inconsistent periods.

By the way, is there any chance of opening the server at the moment?
Then again, I'm not sure if it's really worth opening it right now, given that not many people are online at this moment.
Feb 5, 2011 at 8:37 PM
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Re: Community Minecraft Server!

Uncy Dave said:
It's a shame that you can't cater for everyone, but it can't really be helped if your dad needs the computer at inconsistent periods.
Wants. He plays Empire: Total War on it.