May 2, 2009 at 2:56 AM
Join Date: Jun 19, 2008
Location: Arcane Sanctuary
Posts: 1472
Age: 35
*sigh* First of all, since when does anything to do with the Comic font need to have starred in an actual comic? It's just a font, and the "Sans MS" part even only describes it's properties. Okay, actually "Comic Sans" is it's name, and "MS" stands for Microsoft, as in "the Microsoft's version of the font", but after first seeing the name, I figured that it lacked some MS, whatever that is. Again, have you seen Microsoft star in a comic? No? That's what I thought. And last, I thought it was a funny coincidecne. Geez, get a life...andwhyisit said:Have you seen MetaSeraphim star in a comic? No? That's what I thought.